79 research outputs found

    Technology and Strategic Management Decision-Making as a Constrained Shortest Path Problem

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    A constrained shortest path algorithm is developed and implemented in Matlab to optimize the management decision-making process, which is a potential tool for managers. An empirical analysis is performed using Statistics Canada’s Workplace and Employee Survey (WES), which consists of variables relating to employers and their employees, conducted from years 1999 through 2004, inclusively. Specifically, the research explores the relationships among variables such as innovation, technology use, training and human resource management and its effect on the success of the firm in terms of profit and labor productivity. The results are compared to the current literature in technology and organizational management. In general, it is discovered that optimal management strategies are highly dependent upon the performance in which the firm operates. Additionally, the constrained shortest path algorithm developed for the thesis is tested against other leading methods in the literature and is found to be quite competitive. The tests are run on randomly generated constrained shortest path problems of varying degrees of complexity with the algorithm performing well on all levels

    Induced fit, conformational selection and independent dynamic segments: an extended view of binding events

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    Single molecule and NMR measurements of protein dynamics increasingly uncover the complexity of binding scenarios. Here we describe an extended conformational selection model which embraces a repertoire of selection and adjustment processes. Induced fit can be viewed as a subset of this repertoire, whose contribution is affected by the bond-types stabilizing the interaction and the differences between the interacting partners. We argue that protein segments whose dynamics are distinct from the rest of the protein ('discrete breathers') can govern conformational transitions and allosteric propagation that accompany binding processes, and as such may be more sensitive to mutational events. Additionally, we highlight the dynamic complexity of binding scenarios as they relate to events such as aggregation and signalling, and the crowded cellular environment.Comment: 9 pages, 2 Figures, 1 Table, 2 boxes, Trends in Biochemical Sciences 2010 October issue cover stor

    Mechanochemical Coupling in the Myosin Motor Domain. II. Analysis of Critical Residues

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    An important challenge in the analysis of mechanochemical coupling in molecular motors is to identify residues that dictate the tight coupling between the chemical site and distant structural rearrangements. In this work, a systematic attempt is made to tackle this issue for the conventional myosin. By judiciously combining a range of computational techniques with different approximations and strength, which include targeted molecular dynamics, normal mode analysis, and statistical coupling analysis, we are able to identify a set of important residues and propose their relevant function during the recovery stroke of myosin. These analyses also allowed us to make connections with previous experimental and computational studies in a critical manner. The behavior of the widely used reporter residue, Trp501, in the simulations confirms the concern that its fluorescence does not simply reflect the relay loop conformation or active-site open/close but depends subtly on its microenvironment. The findings in the targeted molecular dynamics and a previous minimum energy path analysis of the recovery stroke have been compared and analyzed, which emphasized the difference and complementarity of the two approaches. In conjunction with our previous studies, the current set of investigations suggest that the modulation of structural flexibility at both the local (e.g., active-site) and domain scales with strategically placed “hotspot” residues and phosphate chemistry is likely the general feature for mechanochemical coupling in many molecular motors. The fundamental strategies of examining both collective and local changes and combining physically motivated methods and informatics-driven techniques are expected to be valuable to the study of other molecular motors and allosteric systems in general

    Molecular dynamics of ribosomal elongation factors G and Tu

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    Translation on the ribosome is controlled by external factors. During polypeptide lengthening, elongation factors EF-Tu and EF-G consecutively interact with the bacterial ribosome. EF-Tu binds and delivers an aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosomal A site and EF-G helps translocate the tRNAs between their binding sites after the peptide bond is formed. These processes occur at the expense of GTP. EF-Tu:tRNA and EF-G are of similar shape, share a common binding site, and undergo large conformational changes on interaction with the ribosome. To characterize the internal motion of these two elongation factors, we used 25 ns long all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. We observed enhanced mobility of EF-G domains III, IV, and V and of tRNA in the EF-Tu:tRNA complex. EF-Tu:GDP complex acquired a configuration different from that found in the crystal structure of EF-Tu with a GTP analogue, showing conformational changes in the switch I and II regions. The calculated electrostatic properties of elongation factors showed no global similarity even though matching electrostatic surface patches were found around the domain I that contacts the ribosome, and in the GDP/GTP binding region

    Computation of Conformational Coupling in Allosteric Proteins

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    In allosteric regulation, an effector molecule binding a protein at one site induces conformational changes, which alter structure and function at a distant active site. Two key challenges in the computational modeling of allostery are the prediction of the structure of one allosteric state starting from the structure of the other, and elucidating the mechanisms underlying the conformational coupling of the effector and active sites. Here we approach these two challenges using the Rosetta high-resolution structure prediction methodology. We find that the method can recapitulate the relaxation of effector-bound forms of single domain allosteric proteins into the corresponding ligand-free states, particularly when sampling is focused on regions known to change conformation most significantly. Analysis of the coupling between contacting pairs of residues in large ensembles of conformations spread throughout the landscape between and around the two allosteric states suggests that the transitions are built up from blocks of tightly coupled interacting sets of residues that are more loosely coupled to one another

    Interconversion of Functional Motions between Mesophilic and Thermophilic Adenylate Kinases

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    Dynamic properties are functionally important in many proteins, including the enzyme adenylate kinase (AK), for which the open/closed transition limits the rate of catalytic turnover. Here, we compare our previously published coarse-grained (double-well Gō) simulation of mesophilic AK from E. coli (AKmeso) to simulations of thermophilic AK from Aquifex aeolicus (AKthermo). In AKthermo, as with AKmeso, the LID domain prefers to close before the NMP domain in the presence of ligand, but LID rigid-body flexibility in the open (O) ensemble decreases significantly. Backbone foldedness in O and/or transition state (TS) ensembles increases significantly relative to AKmeso in some interdomain backbone hinges and within LID. In contact space, the TS of AKthermo has fewer contacts at the CORE-LID interface but a stronger contact network surrounding the CORE-NMP interface than the TS of AKmeso. A “heated” simulation of AKthermo at 375K slightly increases LID rigid-body flexibility in accordance with the “corresponding states” hypothesis. Furthermore, while computational mutation of 7 prolines in AKthermo to their AKmeso counterparts produces similar small perturbations, mutation of these sites, especially positions 8 and 155, to glycine is required to achieve LID rigid-body flexibility and hinge flexibilities comparable to AKmeso. Mutating the 7 sites to proline in AKmeso reduces some hinges' flexibilities, especially hinge 2, but does not reduce LID rigid-body flexibility, suggesting that these two types of motion are decoupled in AKmeso. In conclusion, our results suggest that hinge flexibility and global functional motions alike are correlated with but not exclusively determined by the hinge residues. This mutational framework can inform the rational design of functionally important flexibility and allostery in other proteins toward engineering novel biochemical pathways

    Novel Allosteric Sites on Ras for Lead Generation

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    Aberrant Ras activity is a hallmark of diverse cancers and developmental diseases. Unfortunately, conventional efforts to develop effective small molecule Ras inhibitors have met with limited success. We have developed a novel multi-level computational approach to discover potential inhibitors of previously uncharacterized allosteric sites. Our approach couples bioinformatics analysis, advanced molecular simulations, ensemble docking and initial experimental testing of potential inhibitors. Molecular dynamics simulation highlighted conserved allosteric coupling of the nucleotide-binding switch region with distal regions, including loop 7 and helix 5. Bioinformatics methods identified novel transient small molecule binding pockets close to these regions and in the vicinity of the conformationally responsive switch region. Candidate binders for these pockets were selected through ensemble docking of ZINC and NCI compound libraries. Finally, cell-based assays confirmed our hypothesis that the chosen binders can inhibit the downstream signaling activity of Ras. We thus propose that the predicted allosteric sites are viable targets for the development and optimization of new drugs

    The Energy Landscape Analysis of Cancer Mutations in Protein Kinases

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    The growing interest in quantifying the molecular basis of protein kinase activation and allosteric regulation by cancer mutations has fueled computational studies of allosteric signaling in protein kinases. In the present study, we combined computer simulations and the energy landscape analysis of protein kinases to characterize the interplay between oncogenic mutations and locally frustrated sites as important catalysts of allostetric kinase activation. While structurally rigid kinase core constitutes a minimally frustrated hub of the catalytic domain, locally frustrated residue clusters, whose interaction networks are not energetically optimized, are prone to dynamic modulation and could enable allosteric conformational transitions. The results of this study have shown that the energy landscape effect of oncogenic mutations may be allosteric eliciting global changes in the spatial distribution of highly frustrated residues. We have found that mutation-induced allosteric signaling may involve a dynamic coupling between structurally rigid (minimally frustrated) and plastic (locally frustrated) clusters of residues. The presented study has demonstrated that activation cancer mutations may affect the thermodynamic equilibrium between kinase states by allosterically altering the distribution of locally frustrated sites and increasing the local frustration in the inactive form, while eliminating locally frustrated sites and restoring structural rigidity of the active form. The energy landsape analysis of protein kinases and the proposed role of locally frustrated sites in activation mechanisms may have useful implications for bioinformatics-based screening and detection of functional sites critical for allosteric regulation in complex biomolecular systems

    Path to Success: Human Resource Management Decision-Making

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    A constrained shortest path algorithm is used toanalyze Human Resource Management (HRM) decisions within afirm. An empirical analysis is performed using StatisticsCanada’s Workplace and Employee Survey (WES), whichconsists of variables relating to employers and their employees,conducted from years 1999 through 2004, inclusively. Theresearch explores the relationships among these specificorganizational workplace practices and their effect on the successof the firm in terms of profit and labor productivity. The resultsare compared to the current literature. In general, it isdiscovered that optimal management strategies are highlydependent upon the performance measure in which the firmchooses to evaluate its success