903 research outputs found

    Les élites culturelles et la diffusion du cinéma italien en France, 1945-1970

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    From 1945 to the seventies, the main contributors of the Italian cinema reached a very high level of creativity. Succeeding to the 1940-1950 neorealist movie renewal period, the two decades 1950-1970 were also dominated by major movie directors and some distinct artistic trends.Being introduced and analyzed in France by the intellectuals – these ones acting as cultural mediators – the Italian movie production aroused the enthusiasm of the cultural elite. While the neorealist trend was promoted by some exegetes identifying themselves to the political engaged Italian elite, the years from 1960 to 1970 let merge and grow the involvement of professional cultural mediators actually working for the broadcasting of the Italian movies in France. Using the mass media, these last ones allow the Italian movies to meet a larger in France during this period.De 1945 aux années 1970, toute une partie du cinéma italien atteint des sommets créatifs : au renouveau néo-réaliste des années 1940-1950 succèdent deux décennies dominées par des metteurs en scène majeurs et quelques courants aux contours bien définis. Introduite en France et analysée par des médiateurs culturels, cette production cinématographique suscite l’engouement des élites culturelles. Si les exégètes du néo-réalisme s’identifient à une élite marquée par l’engagement politique, les années 1960 et 1970 voient intervenir de manière croissante, pour diffuser le cinéma transalpin en France, des médiateurs culturels désormais professionnels. Utilisant le relais de médias de masse, ceux-ci permettent aux films italiens d’atteindre un public plus vaste qu’au cours de la précédente période

    La réintroduction de l'Italie dans l'univers politico-culturel français après la Seconde Guerre mondiale : réseaux intellectuels et médiateurs culturels

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    International audienceBeing attracted by the neo-realism culture and also by the Italian political and ideological debates, some Intellectuals, acting as cultural mediators and using many intellectual networks, have reintroduced Italy in France after the second world war.Three factors can explain means and actors of this process. The first historical and political factor reflects the closed relationship between politic Italian emigrants and some French intellectuals before 1945, which allow them to assume a mediator function after the war. The two other factors are cultural, one corresponding to the editorial sphere, the second to the Esprit periodical intellectual network.Ignored by the public opinion, which preference is given into more stereotyped works and images, the notoriety of this Italy is then confined within the limits of a small cultural elite.Séduits par sa culture néo-réaliste et ses débats politico-idéologiques, des intellectuels, faisant œuvre de médiateurs culturels et utilisant divers réseaux, réintroduisent l’Italie en France au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Trois facteurs sont susceptibles de mettre en lumière modalités et acteurs de ces processus. L’un, historico-politique, renvoie aux liens tissés avant 1945 entre émigrés politiques italiens et des intellectuels français, contacts conduisant ceux-ci à exercer une fonction médiatrice après 1945. Les deux autres sont d’ordre culturel et concernent, l’un la sphère éditoriale, l’autre les réseaux intellectuels liés à la revue Esprit.Ignorée de l’opinion publique qui lui préfère des œuvres et des images plus stéréotypées, la notoriété de cette Italie-là ne franchit guère les limites d’une mince élite culturelle

    Action, objective, intersubjectivity: towards a theory of social action

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    The reflection on intersubjectivity is a central question in the contemporary philosophical debate. In this field, current practical philosophy faces one of the most difficult challenges. Apparently, the research for a foundation of the intersubjective level seems to lead inevitably towards the abandonment of the logical-foundation theory on which the philosophy had been based up until Hegel. In this report, however, I would like to attempt something different. That is, I would like to explore the possibility of inserting the subject of intersubjectivity right into the heart of Hegelian thinking, with an aim to outline the foundation of a social action theory capable of exhibiting reasons stronger than those deriving from simple dialogic validation. It is possible, as Ho sle believed, that Hegel himself did not take this aspect of the profound dynamics of his thought too seriously, and that he had not prepared the notional categories to be able to think about it in depth. Nevertheless, the theoretical foundations of intersubjectivity, brought back to its Hegelian roots, is the fundamental cornerstone upon which to build the logical-rational foundations of social actio

    G-PUF : asoftware-only PUF for GPUs

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are security primitives which allow the generation of unique IDs and security keys. Their security stems from the inherent process variations of silicon chips manufacturing, and the minute random effects introduced in integrated circuits. PUFs usually are manufactured speciffically for this purpose, but in the last few years several proposals have developed PUFs from off-the-shelf components. These Intrinsic PUFs avoid modifications in the hardware and explore the low cost of adapting existing technologies. Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) present themselves as promising candidates for an Intrinsic PUF. GPUs are massively multi-processed systems originally built for graphical computing and more recently re-designed for general computing. These devices are distributed across a variety of systems and application environments, from computer vision platforms, to server clusters and home computers. Building PUFs with software-only strategies is a challenging problem, since a PUF must evaluate process variations without rendering system performance, characteristics which are easily done in hardware. In this work we present G-PUF, an intrinsic PUF technology running entirely on CUDA. The proposed solution maps the distribution of soft-errors in matrix multiplications when the GPU is running on adversarial conditions of overclock and undervoltage. The resulting error map will be unique to each GPU, and using a novel Challenge-Response Pair extraction algorithm, G-PUF is able to retrieve secure-keys or an device ID without disclosing information about the PUF randomness. The system was tested in real setups and requires no modifications whatsoever to an already operational GPU. G-PUF was capable of achieving upwards of 94.73% of reliability without any error correction code and can provide up to 253 unique Challenge-Response Pairs.Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) são primitivas de segurança que permitem a criação de identidades únicas e de chaves seguras. Sua segurança deriva das variações de processo intrínsecas à fabricação de chips de silício, e os diminutos efeitos aleatórios introduzidos em circuitos integrados. PUFs normalmente são fabricados especificamente para esse propósito, mas nos últimos anos várias propostas desenvolveram PUFs com componentes comuns. Esses PUFs Intrínsecos evitam modificações de hardware e exploram o baixo custo de adaptar tecnologias já existentes. Unidades de Processamento Gráfico (GPUs) se apresentam como candidatos promissores para um PUF Intrínseco. GPUs são sistemas massivamente multi-processados, desenvolvidos originalmente para computação gráfica e mais recentemente reprojetadas para computação genérica. Esses dispositivos estão distribuidos através de uma variedade de sistemas e aplicações, desde plataformas de visão computacional até clusters de servidores e computadores pessoais. Construir PUFs com estratégias puramente em software é um processo desafiador, já que um PUF deve avaliar variações de processo sem afetar a performance do sistema, características que são mais facilmente alcançáceis em hardware. Nesse trabalho, apresentamos o G-PUF, uma tecnologia de PUF Intrínseco rodando puramente em CUDA. A solução proposta mapeia a distribuição de soft-errors em multiplicações de matrizes, enquanto a GPU opera em condições adversas como overclock e subalimentação. O mapa de erros resultante será único para cada GPU, e utilizando um novo algorítmo para a extração de pares de desafio-resposta, o G-PUF consegue extrair chaves seguras e a identidade do dispositivo sem revelar informações sobre a sua aleatoriedade. O sistema foi testado em condições reais e não requer nenhuma modificação para um sistema de GPU já em operação. G-PUF foi capaz de alcançar uma reliability de até 94.73% sem utilizar nenhum código de correção de erros e pode prover até 253 pares de desafio-resposta únicos

    Analysis of conference abstract-to-publication rate in UK orthopaedic research

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    Presentation of research at orthopaedic conferences is an important component for surgical evidence-based practice. However, there remains uncertainty as to how many conference abstracts proceed to achieve full-text publication for wider dissemination. This study aimed to determine the abstract-to-publication rate (APR) of research presented in the largest hip and knee orthopaedic meetings in the UK, and to identify predictive factors which influence the APR.All published abstracts (N=744) from the 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 British Hip Society (BHS) and the 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2011 British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK) annual conference meetings were examined by four researchers independently. To determine whether abstracts had been published in full-text form, Google Scholar, Medline and EMBASE evidence databases were used to verify full-text publication (FTP) status. Variables including: sample size, statistical significance, grade of the first author, research affiliated institution and research design were extracted and analysed to identify whether these were associated with FTP.176 out of 744 abstracts achieved FTP status (APR: 23.7%). Factors associated with FTP status included statistically significant results (p0.05).APR of the assessed BHS and BASK annual conference presentations are low in comparison to other scientific meetings. Encouragement should be provided to clinicians and academics to submit their work for publication to address this short-fall, thereby enhancing the potential for full-text research publications to inform evidence-based orthopaedics

    The archaeology of earthquakes: The application of adaptive cycles to seismically-affected communities in late medieval Europe

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    The study of archaeseismology (or ‘earthquake archaeology’) focuses mainly on the analysis of earthquakes at an archaeological scale, either in order to reconstruct the parameters of past seismic events (ie. their intensity, chronology, magnitude, epicentre, etc) or else to measure their impact on archaeological sites (Galadini et al., 2006; Ambraseys, 2006; Rodríguez-Pascua et al., 2011). This approach has its critics because archaeological methodologies such as excavation, field survey and remote sensing, or standard archaeological approaches to context recording, material culture and the integration of other sources of information such as history or ethnography are often laid aside (Jusseret, 2014). In short, archaeoseismology reflects far better the interests of palaeoseimologists than archaeologists (Caputo and Helly, 2008; Silva et al., 2011; Sintubin, 2011) and can be perceived as an ancillary discipline relegated to the gathering of historical seismic catalogues (Caputo and Helly, 2008; Guidoboni and Ebel, 2009). Among the topics less well studied are those tactics elaborated by past societies to cope with the damage caused by earthquakes and to increase their preparedness for future seismic events. In this paper we apply resilience theory (Holling and Gunderson, 2002; Redman and Kinzig, 2003; Redman, 2005) which emphasises the chaîne opératoire (‘chain of actions’) put in place by medieval communities and we use a modern risk assessment workflow to assess the range of the strategies adopted (Smith and Petley, 2009). In particular, the importance of a multi-disciplinary perspective is underlined, one which integrates diverse sources of information ranging from archaeological to geological, historical, architectural, iconographical and ethnographical data. A unifying approach which combines evidence from the humanities and natural sciences in a common framework is fundamental in order to evaluate fully the diversity of responses adopted. Illustrative case studies are drawn from well-documented events for which fresh evidence has been gathered for the Armedea project (Archaeology of medieval earthquakes in Europe, 1000–1550 AD; Forlin et al., 2015)

    An historical ethnography of the enactment of Rawl’s Theory of Justice as applied to the education of learners with disability in Western Australia

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    The education of students with disability has changed dramatically over the past 50 years. Universal declarations and conventions have underpinned many of these changes at both an international level and within Australia. In the early 1970s, the philosophy of John Rawls provided a theory of justice to preserve social justice and individual liberty within communities. This mirrored attempts to advance education to ensure social justice, rights and access to education for learners with disability. This micro-historical ethnography provides a review spanning the past half century in Australia of changes to the education of students with disability. Underpinned by an ethnographic epistemology through interviews with the presentism of eight educators involved in Western Australian education for learners with disability, and viewed through an interpretivist lens, major elements of change are identified. An analytical framework deduced from the work of Rawls is used to reflect upon the changes and discuss the degree that Rawls’ justice as fairness has been enacted in education for learners with disability from 1970 to 2021 in Australia. Key words: Australia, learners with disability, special education, inclusion, Rawls, equity, social justice
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