453 research outputs found

    Izvori sodobne moralne vzgoje in politične ideologije v konfucijansko-marksističnem Hošiminhovem Vietnamu

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    As an emerging East-Asian country, Vietnam has been influenced by the forces of communism, colonialism and predominantly Confucianism. Though Confucianism has an enduring operational history in Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan, after the nineteenth century it takes a different turn and plays an effective role in contemporary social, political and cultural milieus in this emerging part of the world. In the context of the genealogical ups and downs of Confucianism in East Asian countries like Vietnam, this critical analytical essay discusses Confucianism as trans-national phenomena and a certain way of thinking which has been transformed historically across generations and influenced moral educational and political ideologies of the peoples of Asia. Confucian values have strong practical implications with regard to Asian societies, politics, cultures, religions and education systems. In particular, this article attempts to demonstrate how Confucianism continues to function despite the influences of Marxism and European colonialism in Vietnam, and how it contributed to shaping the present-day country.Na Vietnam kot nastajajočo vzhodnoazijsko državo sta vplivala komunizem in kolonializem, v največji meri pa konfucianizem. Čeprav ima konfucianizem v Vietnamu, Singapurju, Koreji, na Japonskem, v Hong Kongu in Tajvanu dolgo zgodovino, je po devetnajstem stoletju prišlo do obrata, ki je odločilno vplival na sodobno družbo, politiko in kulturo v tem delu sveta. V okviru genealoških vzponov in padcev konfucianizma v vzhodnoazijskih državah, vključno z Vietnamom, članek obravnava konfucianizem kot transnacionalni pojav in specifičen način razmišljanja, ki se je skozi generacije zgodovinsko spreminjal ter vplival na moralno vzgojo in politične ideologije azijskih narodov. Konfucijanske vrednote močno vplivajo na azijske družbe, njihove politike, kulture, religije in izobraževalne sisteme. Članek poskuša pokazati, kako konfucianizem kljub vplivom marksizma in evropskega kolonializma v Vietnamu še naprej bistveno vpliva na oblikovanje današnje države

    Povezovanje Vzhoda in Zahoda skozi moderno konfucijansko misel: Ponovno branje tajvanske filozofije 20. stoletja

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    This study is an attempt to establish that 20th century’s canonized Taiwanese philosopher Mou Zongsan (1909–1995) has contributed significantly to the innovative burgeoning of modern Confucianism (or New Confucianism) with the revision of Western philosophy. This is based on the hypothesis that if ideas travel through the past to the present, and vice versa, and if intellectual thinking never knows any national, cultural and social boundaries, then there is an obvious intersection and communication of philosophical thoughts of East and West. This article also contemplates the fact that Western philosophies are widely known as they are widely published, read and circulated. Conversely, due to the language barriers philosophy and philosophers from the East are less widely known. Therefore, this research critically introduces and connects the early 20th century Confucian philosopher Shili Xiong (1885–1968), his disciple the contemporary Taiwanese Confucian intellectual Mou Zongsan, along with the Western philosophers Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), and Herman Bavinck (1854–1921), through ideas like moral autonomy, ethics, ontology, and imago Dei. In so doing, the article delineates the path to study 20th century Taiwanese philosophy, or broadly Chinese Confucian philosophy which makes a bridge between the East and the West through Modern Confucianism prevalently called New Confucianism.Študija poskuša pokazati, da je kanonizirani tajvanski filozof 20. stoletja Mou Zongsan (1909–1995) z revizijo zahodne filozofske tradicije pomembno prispeval k inovativnemu razcvetu modernega konfucijanstva (ali novega konfucijanstva). Izhajamo iz hipoteze, da če ideje potujejo skozi preteklost do sedanjosti in vice versa in če intelektualno mišljenje ne pozna nacionalnih, kulturnih in družbenih meja, obstajata jasno stičišče in povezava med filozofsko mislijo Vzhoda in Zahoda. V članku razmišljamo tudi o dejstvu, da so zahodne filozofske smeri splošno poznane, saj so močno razširjene in brane. Po drugi strani pa zaradi jezikovnih pregrad filozofija in filozofi Vzhoda niso enako vsesplošno prepoznavni. Ta raziskava zato na kritičen način predstavi konfucijanskega filozofa zgodnjega 20. stoletja Shili Xionga (1885–1968) in njegovega učenca, sodobnega tajvanskega konfucijanskega intelektualca Mou Zongsana, ter ju poveže z zahodnimi filozofi, kot so Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) in Herman Bavinck (1854–1921), in sicer skozi ideje, kot so moralna avtonomija, etika, ontologija in imago Dei. Članek tako začrta pot k proučevanju tajvanske filozofije 20. stoletja oziroma, širše, kitajske konfucijanske filozofije, ki skozi moderno konfucijanstvo, v splošnem poznano kot novo konfucijanstvo, pomeni most med Vzhodom in Zahodom


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    Objective: Fitbits are popular devices used to track personal activity throughout the day. The potential usage of these devices in tracking sedentary activities in research studies rely on the validity and accuracy of the devices. The objectives of this study are to investigate if changes in daily activity is associated with changes in duration of standing time using a sit-to-stand workstation. Also to establish if an accelerometer may be used to detect differences between sitting and standing sedentary positions. Methods: Sixteen participants wore Fitbit accelerometers throughout the workday and were emailed surveys on a weekly basis to report their sitting and standing percentages. Spearman correlation was used to compare mean daily step counts and mean standing percentages. A subsample of seven participants wore Fitbit and completed log sheets detailing precise periods of sitting and standing while at work. The number of steps registered during sitting and standing periods was compared for each individual using a paired t-test. Results: No statistically significant correlation was found between a participant’s mean standing percentage and mean daily step count (p-value = 0.563). Paired t-test analysis of participants found no statistically significant difference between the total number of steps registered while sitting and the total number of steps registered while standing (p-value = 0.034). Conclusions: No observable association between daily activity and duration of standing time was found. The number of steps measured using a Fitbit accelerometer may not be a useful method to assess sit-to-stand workstation usage. Limitations with the study included possible selection bias, incomplete self-reporting surveys, low sample sizes and short study durations. Future studies accounting for these limitations may prove to yield more statistically significant results regarding the use of Fitbits in assessing sedentary activity

    Genotypic variability in callus induction and plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis of five deepwater rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars of Bangladesh

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    Experiments were carried out to induce embryogenic callus and plant regeneration from five different deepwater rice cultivars. Using mature embryos as explant, all the cultivars demonstrated high callusinduction and plant regeneration frequencies. When coleoptile and root segments used as explants, they had low frequencies of embryogenesis. Depending on different genotypes, the best plant regeneration was obtained on LS (Linsmaier and Skoog, 1965) based medium supplemented with 2 mgl-1 BAP + 1.5 mg l-1 2,4-D. Large variabilities in callus growth and plant regeneration potential were revealed among the cultivars tested. Cultivar HA-8 formed a high frequency (78%) of callus than that of other cultivars. In contrast cv. HA-1 produced the highest percentage (72%) of plant regeneration. The callus growth potential was not correlated with the plant regeneration potential. Coleoptiles and root segments produced calli, which did not develop any shoot bud in regeneration media. Moreover, thecalli turned blackish, watery and translucent after 25-28 days of culture. It is clear that mature seed scutellum (MSS) is the best explant for callus induction and plant regeneratio

    A New Algorithm for Optimizing Dubins Paths to Intercept a Moving Target

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    This paper is concerned with determining the shortest path for a pursuer aiming to intercept a moving target travelling at a constant speed. We introduce an intuitive and efficient mathematical model outlined as an optimal control problem to address this challenge. The proposed model is based on Dubins path where we concatenate two possible paths: a left-circular curve or a right-circular curve followed by a straight line. We develop and explore this model, providing a comprehensive geometric interpretation, and design an algorithm tailored to implement the proposed mathematical approach efficiently. Extensive numerical experiments involving diverse target positions highlight the strength of the model. The method exhibits a remarkably high convergence rate in finding solutions. For experiment purposes, we utilized the modelling software AMPL, employing a range of solvers to solve the problem. Subsequently, we simulated the obtained solutions using MATLAB, demonstrating the efficiency of the model in intercepting a moving target. The proposed model distinguishes itself by employing fewer parameters and making fewer assumptions, setting the model simplifies the complexities, and thus, makes it easier for experts to design optimal path plans

    Connecting East and West through Modern Confucian Thought

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    This study is an attempt to establish that 20th century’s canonized Taiwanese philosopher Mou Zongsan (1909–1995) has contributed significantly to the innovative burgeoning of modern Confucianism (or New Confucianism) with the revision of Western philosophy. This is based on the hypothesis that if ideas travel through the past to the present, and vice versa, and if intellectual thinking never knows any national, cultural and social boundaries, then there is an obvious intersection and communication of philosophical thoughts of East and West. This article also contemplates the fact that Western philosophies are widely known as they are widely published, read and circulated. Conversely, due to the language barriers philosophy and philosophers from the East are less widely known. Therefore, this research critically introduces and connects the early 20th century Confucian philosopher Shili Xiong (1885–1968), his disciple the contemporary Taiwanese Confucian intellectual Mou Zongsan, along with the Western philosophers Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), and Herman Bavinck (1854–1921), through ideas like moral autonomy, ethics, ontology, and imago Dei. In so doing, the article delineates the path to study 20th century Taiwanese philosophy, or broadly Chinese Confucian philosophy which makes a bridge between the East and the West through Modern Confucianism prevalently called New Confucianism

    Amphibian Biodiversity Survey - Wetland Area Southwest of Montana Tech

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    The primary goal of this project was to launch a pilot population study in the spring-fed wetland area southwest of Montana Tech to establish baseline data on density, distribution, abundance, and diversity of amphibians in the area. The current confirmed species at the select site is the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris). Based on preliminary habitat assessment and existing literature, other species possibilities included the long-toed salamander (Ambrystoma macrodactylum) boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata), the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus), and the leopard frog (Rana pipiens), (Werner et al. 2004) though the latter species is considered unlikely based on the specie’s declining status (Werner 2003; Werner et al. 2004). The project’s secondary goal was to collect basic habitat and environmental data: vegetation, precipitation, temperature. The third goal was to explore correlations between species prevalence and environmental data to expand the scientific understanding of population dynamics in the field of amphibian studies (see: Ferner, 2007; Dodd, 2010)