36 research outputs found

    The speciation of inorganic carbon in estuarine and interstitial waters

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    A calculation procedure to obtain pH, total alkalinity and concentration of inorganic carbon, based on the application of Gran functions, is described. An iterative program was used to optimise the electrode standard potential (E₀) and inorganic carbon concentration. Alkalinities higher than 15 mM were detected in interstitial waters from sediments collected in Cadiz Bay. A contribution of 20 % was associated with those acid-based species other than inorganic carbon. Speciation of inorganic carbon in estuarine waters was characterised using laboratory simulation techniques. Total carbonate and alkalinity, as well as inorganic carbon concentration, present conservative behaviour in the mixing process of waters having different salinities.En este trabajo se presenta un procedimiento de cálculo para la obtención del pH, alcalinidad total y concentración de carbono inorgánico, basado en la aplicación de funciones de Gran. Para ello, se ha utilizado un programa iterativo que optimiza el potencial estándar del electrodo y la concentración de carbono inorgánico. Mediante la aplicación de este método se muestran algunas características del sistema del carbónico en el agua intersticial y en sistemas estuáricos. En el agua intersticial de los sedimentos de la bahía de Cádiz se han detectado alcalinidades superiores a 15 mM a profundidades mayores de 10 cm, existiendo una contribución de hasta un 20 % de especies con carácter ácido-base diferentes al carbono inorgánico. La especiación del carbono inorgánico en aguas estuáricas se ha caracterizado utilizando técnicas de simulación en el laboratorio. Se ha observado que tanto la alcalinidad total, como la alcalinidad de carbonato y la concentración de carbono inorgánico presentan un comportamiento conservativo en procesos de mezcla de aguas de diferentes salinidades.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Tidal nitrogen and phosphorus exchange in the Palmones River estuary (Algeciras Bay, Cadiz)

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    The estuary of the Palmones River is a shallow fluvial catchment area, which had suffered major hydrodynamic changes over the last decade related to the construction of a dam. The estuary acts as a nutrient sink, and its catchment area shows high eutrophication (Pérez-Lloréns, Fernández and Niell, 1989; Clavero, Niell and Fernández, 1997). Nutrient concentration, salinity and evolution of current speed were monitored at the mouth of the estuary during a complete tidal cycle in the spring of 1997. The authors found strong water- column stratification, which enabled them to determine the input and output estuarine fluxes, using a two-box model. The deepest water mass, with a relatively constant composition, is responsible for the nutrient input into the estuary. Surface waters export nutrients to adjacent coastal zones, although this phenomenon has an obvious seasonal component. Net balance reveals a silicate, phosphate and ammonia output and frequent nitrogen forms (nitrite and nitrate) inputs.El estuario del río Palmones es una cuenca fluvial de escasa profundidad que, en la última década, ha sufrido un represamiento, originando importantes cambios en su hidrodinámica. El estuario se comporta como un sumidero de nutrientes y su cuenca experimenta una alta eutrofización (Pérez Lloréns, Fernández y Niell, 1989; Clavero, Niell and Fernández, 1997). Se ha seguido la evolución de la concentración de nutrientes, salinidad y velocidades de corriente en la desembocadura del estuario durante ciclos de marea completos en la primavera de 1997. Debido a la intensa estratificación encontrada en la columna de agua, los flujos de entrada y salida del estuario se han cuantificado mediante un modelo de dos cajas. La masa de agua más profunda, con una composición relativamente constante, es responsable de una entrada de nutrientes en el estuario. Por el contrario, las aguas más superficiales exportan nutrientes a otras zonas adyacentes, aunque este fenómeno tiene una clara componente estacional. El balance neto pone de manifiesto una salida de silicato, fosfato y amonio y una entrada en el sistema de formas asiduas de nitrógeno (nitrito y nitrato).Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Hydrochemistry characterisation of protected marine ecosystems in Cadiz

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    Wetlands have a great natural wealth due to their borderline nature, representing the point where lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere converge. The wetlands of Cadiz, at the southern extreme of Europe, also play an important role as a stopover area for migratory birds. This paper presents the results of a sampling project conducted during the spring of 1997 in the Guadiaro and Palmones Rivers, the Barbate estuary, Sancti Petri sound, and the San Pedro River salt marsh. For each system, three sampling stations were established along a salinity gradient, and these variables were measured: salinity, pH and chloride, sulphate, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrite, nitrate, silicate ammonia, organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations. Several behaviours were found for the various systems: the Guadiaro and Palmones Rivers fit a fluvial estuary pattern, with low ionic concentrations and poor remineralisation. The San Pedro River and Sancti Petri sound are tidal systems with a typical seawater composition and high benthic regeneration. The Barbate estuary represents an intermediate scenario between the preceding ones, with a pronounced salinity gradient along its course.Los humedales tienen una gran riqueza natural debido a su carácter de franja donde convergen litosfera, hidrosfera y atmósfera. Los de la provincia de Cádiz, en el extremo meridional de Europa, tienen además una gran importancia como lugar de paso de las aves migratorias. En este trabajo se exponen los resultados obtenidos durante la primavera de 1997 en los estuarios de los ríos Guadiaro y Palmones, el estuario del Barbate, en las marismas del Caño de Sancti Petri y las del río San Pedro. Para cada uno de los sistemas se establecieron tres estaciones de muestreo a lo largo del gradiente de salinidad, y se determinó la salinidad, el pH y las concentraciones de cloruro, sulfato, sodio, potasio, calcio, magnesio, nitrito, nitrato, silicato, amonio, fosfato, carbono orgánico, oxígeno disuelto, clorofila a y feopigmentos. Se encontraron diferentes comportamientos para los distintos sistemas: el Guadiaro y el Palmones responden a un patrón de estuario de tipo fluvial, con concentraciones iónicas muy bajas y una escasa remineralización de la materia orgánica. El río San Pedro y el Caño de Sancti Petri son, por el contrario, sistemas mareales con aguas de comportamiento típicamente marino y una alta regeneración bentónica. El estuario del Barbate es una situación intermedia entre las anteriores y posee un marcado gradiente de salinidades a lo largo de su cauce.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    The influence of urban wastes on the interstitial water chemistry in coastal marine sediments of Cadiz Bay

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    The authors determined, with visual profiles, the concentration of nutrients (i.e. ammonia, nitrate, phosphate and silica), inorganic carbon and sulphate in the interstitial water of Cadiz Bay, as well as organic carbon in sediment, using samples from three stations on Sancti Petri sound. These three stations suffer from different contamination levels due to untreated urban wastewater. Our results show a degradation of the organic matter, principally in the first 30 cm of sediment. These concentration changes are important in the superficial water layer, indicating the efficiency of aerobic oxidation, the organic matter's principal mineralisation mechanism. Two stations, those nearest to the waste point, had the highest organic carbon concentrations in their sediment, as well as the highest vertical gradients of nutrient concentrations in their interstitial water. Sulphate reduction is the principal mechanism involved in the oxidation of organic matter. On the other hand, at the other station studied, with lower organic carbon levels, the gradients were smoother.Se han caracterizado los perfiles verticales en el agua intersticial de las concentraciones de nutrientes (amonio, nitrato, fosfato y silicato), carbono inorgánico y sulfato, así como de carbono orgánico en el sedimento en tres estaciones del caño de Sancti Petri, sujetas a distinto grado de contaminación por vertidos urbanos sin depurar. Analizando globalmente las variaciones con la profundidad de las concentraciones de las distintas especies estudiadas, se puede afirmar que existe una degradación continuada de la materia orgánica, al menos, en los primeros 30 cm del sedimento. Esta hipótesis se encuentra reforzada por la propia disminución de la concentración de carbono orgánico en el sedimento con la profundidad. Estos cambios de concentración son especialmente acusados en la lámina de agua más superficial, poniendo de manifiesto la eficiencia de la oxidación aeróbica como mecanismo de mineralización de la materia orgánica. Las dos estaciones más próximas al vertido, que poseen concentraciones de carbono orgánico más elevadas en el sedimento, presentan también mayores gradientes verticales de concentración de nutrientes en el agua intersticial, y la sulfatorreducción adquiere una mayor importancia relativa como vía de oxidación de la materia orgánica. Por el contrario, en la estación situada en el extremo sur del caño, menos afectada por los aportes de materia orgánica, se observan gradientes más suaves.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Factor analysis of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) vertical distribution in coastal sediments of Cadiz Bay (southwest Spain)

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    El comportamiento del alquilbenceno lineal sulfonato (LAS) en los sistemas costeros no se conoce con precisión, y este conocimiento es aun menor si nos restringimos al compartimento sedimentario. En este trabajo se aplica un análisis factorial a los resultados obtenidos para distintas variables determinadas en tres estaciones, tanto en sedimento como en agua intersticial, con el objetivo de evaluar sus interrelaciones con el LAS. Las variables analizadas presentan dos modos principales de distribución con la profundidad en el compartimento sedimentario: lineal y/o exponencial. En casi todos los casos, el LAS se asocia a ambos modos de distribución, lo que indica que su concentración sufre una disminución con la profundidad, pero se produce de forma especialmente acusada en la capa superficial.Very little is known concerning the behaviour of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) in coastal systems, and even less when we consider the sedimentary field only. In the present study, a factor analysis is applied to the results obtained for different variables at three stations, both in the sediment and in interstitial water, with the aim of evaluating their relationship with LAS. The variables analysed have two main types of distribution in the sedimentary area in relation to depth: linear and/or exponential. LAS is, in most cases, associated with both types of distribution, indicating that its concentration decreases with depth, especially in the surface layer.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    EpiGraph: an open-source platform to quantify epithelial organization

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    Here we present EpiGraph, an image analysis tool that quantifies epithelial organization. Our method combines computational geometry and graph theory to measure the degree of order of any packed tissue. EpiGraph goes beyond the traditional polygon distribution analysis, capturing other organizational traits that improve the characterization of epithelia. EpiGraph can objectively compare the rearrangements of epithelial cells during development and homeostasis to quantify how the global ensemble is affected. Importantly, it has been implemented in the open-access platform Fiji. This makes EpiGraph very user friendly, with no programming skills required.España Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad BFU2016-74975-PEspaña, Programa Ramón y Cajal (PI13/ 01347

    Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia

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    As animals develop, tissue bending contributes to shape the organs into complex three-dimensional structures. However, the architecture and packing of curved epithelia remains largely unknown. Here we show by means of mathematical modelling that cells in bent epithelia can undergo intercalations along the apico-basal axis. This phenomenon forces cells to have different neighbours in their basal and apical surfaces. As a consequence, epithelial cells adopt a novel shape that we term “scutoid”. The detailed analysis of diverse tissues confirms that generation of apico-basal intercalations between cells is a common feature during morphogenesis. Using biophysical arguments, we propose that scutoids make possible the minimization of the tissue energy and stabilize three-dimensional packing. Hence, we conclude that scutoids are one of nature's solutions to achieve epithelial bending. Our findings pave the way to understand the three-dimensional organization of epithelial organs

    Author Correction: Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia.

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    The original version of this Article contained an error in ref. 39, which incorrectly cited 'Fristrom, D. & Fristrom, J. W. in The Development of Drosophila melanogaster (eds. Bate, M. & Martinez-Arias, A.) II, (Cold spring harbor laboratory press, 1993)'. The correct reference is 'Condic, M.L, Fristrom, D. & Fristrom, J.W. Apical cell shape changes during Drosophila imaginal leg disc elongation: a novel morphogenetic mechanism. Development 111: 23-33 (1991)'. Furthermore, the last sentence of the fourth paragraph of the introduction incorrectly omitted citation of work by Rupprecht et al. The correct citation is given below. These errors have now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article. Rupprecht, J.F., Ong, K.H., Yin, J., Huang, A., Dinh, H.H., Singh, A.P., Zhang, S., Yu, W. & Saunders, T.E. Geometric constraints alter cell arrangements within curved epithelial tissues. Mol. Biol. Cell 28, 3582-3594 (2017)

    Hypoxia compromises the mitochondrial metabolism of Alzheimer’s disease microglia via HIF1

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    Genetic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk factors associate with reduced defensive amyloid β plaque-associated microglia (AβAM), but the contribution of modifiable AD risk factors to microglial dysfunction is unknown. In AD mouse models, we observe concomitant activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1) pathway and transcription of mitochondrial-related genes in AβAM, and elongation of mitochondria, a cellular response to maintain aerobic respiration under low nutrient and oxygen conditions. Overactivation of HIF1 induces microglial quiescence in cellulo, with lower mitochondrial respiration and proliferation. In vivo, overstabilization of HIF1, either genetically or by exposure to systemic hypoxia, reduces AβAM clustering and proliferation and increases Aβ neuropathology. In the human AD hippocampus, upregulation of HIF1α and HIF1 target genes correlates with reduced Aβ plaque microglial coverage and an increase of Aβ plaque-associated neuropathology. Thus, hypoxia (a modifiable AD risk factor) hijacks microglial mitochondrial metabolism and converges with genetic susceptibility to cause AD microglial dysfunction.R.M.-D. was the recipient of a Sara Borrell fellowship from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (CD09/0007). N.L.-U., C.O.-d.S.L., C.R.-M. and M.I.A.-V. were the recipients of FPU fellowships from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU14/02115, AP2010‐1598, FPU16/02050 and FPU15/02898, respectively). A.H.-G. was the recipient of an FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (BES-2010-033886). This work was supported by grants from the Spanish MINEICO, ISCIII and FEDER (European Union) (SAF2012‐33816, SAF2015‐64111‐R, SAF2017-90794-REDT and PIE13/0004 to A.P.); by the Regional Government of Andalusia co-funded by CEC and FEDER funds (European Union) (‘Proyectos de Excelencia’; P12‐CTS‐2138 and P12‐CTS‐2232 to A.P.); by the ‘Ayuda de Biomedicina 2018’, Fundación Domingo Martínez (to A.P.) ; by the ISCIII of Spain, co-financed by FEDER funds (European Union) through grants PI18/01556 (to J.V.) and PI18/01557 (to A. Gutierrez); by Junta de Andalucía, co-financed by FEDER funds (grants UMA18-FEDERJA-211 (to A. Gutierrez) and US‐1262734 (to J.V.)); and by Spanish MINEICO (BFU2016-76872-R and BES-2011-047721 to E.B.).Peer reviewe