478 research outputs found

    Edward Rochester: A New Byronic Hero

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    In her novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë established several elements that are still components of many modern novels, including a working, plain female hero, a depiction of the hero’s childhood, and a new awareness of sexuality. Alongside these new elements, Brontë also engineered a new type of male hero in Edward Rochester. As Jane is written as a plain female hero with average looks, Rochester is her plain male hero counterpart. Although Brontë depicts Rochester as a severe, yet appealing hero, embodying the characteristics associated with Byron’s heroes, she nevertheless slightly alters those characteristics. Brontë characterizes Rochester as a Byronic hero, but alters his characterization through repentance to create a new type of character: the repentant Byronic hero

    Assessing the Nutritional Health of College Students: An Ethnographic Approach

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    The culture of college students does not appear to give adequate attention to nutritional health. The purpose of this study seeks to explore whether college students are at risk for imbalanced nutrition. Among the studies reviewed, samples suggest that college students are at risk for imbalanced nutrition due to their financial instability, lack of nutritional knowledge, and inability to obtain healthy foods. The results of this systematic review of the literature suggest that implementations of nutritional education may reduce those risks

    Pengembangan Kelembagaan dan Pembiayaan Geopark di Indonesia: Tantangan dan Strategi: Geopark Institutional Development and Financing in Indonesia: Challenges and Strategies

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    Geopark development is one of the national priority programs currently being intensified by the government at both the central and regional levels. There are three pillars of geopark development, namely conservation, economy (tourism), and education, that form the basis for sustainable regional development. This research focuses on institutional development and financing with case studies in Indonesia. Methods used in this research include literature study, online surveys to the Geopark Management Agency in Indonesia, and focus group discussions with experts and the central and regional governments. A content analysis was carried out with a descriptive approach to formulate alternative strategies for institutional development and financing in Indonesia. Results of this research show that institutions are the key to achieving independent, professional, and sustainable governance. In terms of financing, the Geopark management agency needs to be proactive in increasing alternative sources of financing such as innovation in geoproducts and geoservices, opportunities for collaboration with the private sector and the community, grant and loan, geo-sites assets management and others

    De la crisis de los refugiados, a la crisis de Europa: análisis, enfoques y propuestas

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    Depto. de Antropología Social y Psicología SocialFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaFALSEpu

    La informació física no específica: el best-seller de la quimiometria

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    En aquesta conferència, homenatge al Prof. Enric Casassas, el Prof. Forina exposa de manera molt didàctica, tres idees importants a tenir presents per tots els que treballen en Quimiometria o utilitzen tècniques quimiomètriques. L'objectiu sempre ha de ser resoldre una situació química real, procurant emprar eines de qualitat coneguda i no cal tenir recança en aplicar-les a situacions com ara la informació física no específica.This lecture, a tribute to Prof. Enric Casassas, Prof. Forina presents in a very didactic way, three important ideas to take into account for all those who are working in chemometrics or use chemometric techniques. The main goal should always be to resolve a real chemistry situation, trying to use tools of known quality and we should not afraid to apply Chemometrics to situations such as non-specific physical information

    Identifikasi Karakteristik Lahan Pemakaman TPBU di Kota Tangerang Selatan

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    Cemetery is one of the space requirements that also needs to be considered in urban management. Because apart from burial activities, burial grounds can also function as urban green open spaces. Private Cemetery Parks (TPBU) currently have not received the attention of stakeholders, especially in urban areas. As a result, many TPBUs are not well organized in terms of management, location, and access to available facilities. South Tangerang City has approximately 150 TPBU whose ownership and management are carried out by social/community institutions. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of private cemetery (TPBU) including management, location, land use, road network, funeral service coverage, funeral facilities, and infrastructure. The research method used is data collection through observation and interviews with grave managers. After that, descriptive analysis was carried out on several criteria, namely location and accessibility, status, and management of the cemetry, and available facilities. The results of this study also explore strategies for TPBU funeral management including the management system, as well as infrastructure that needs to be considered in the management of TPBU funerals in South Tangerang City

    Antropología europea, refugio y género. Una aproximación al reglamento de Dublín

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    The present work is situated in the field of European anthropology analyzing refuge from a gender perspective. Starting from the historical relationship between anthropology and Refugee Studies, this article examines »refugee« and asylum policies in the European Union from a gender perspective. In this context, Refugee Studies have seen a significant increase and interest in gender and feminist analyzes of refuge configuration. However, studies focusing on European asylum policies from an anthropological gender perspective are scarce. In this sense, the main objective of this work is to ethnographically analyze these policies. As a result of an investigation whose methodology has followed an ethnographic approach in the citizen collective Red Solidaria de Acogida in Madrid, some results are presented in the field of European asylum policies, specifically in the analysis of the Dublin Regulation from a gender perspective.l presente trabajo se sitúa en el ámbito de la antropología europea analizando el refugio desde una perspectiva de género. Partiendo de la relación histórica entre la antropología y los Refugee Studies (Estudios de Refugiados), este artículo examina el «refugio» y las políticas de asilo de la Unión Europea desde una perspectiva de género. En este contexto, los Estudios de Refugiados han visto un importante aumento e interés en los análisis de género y feministas sobre la configuración del refugio. Sin embargo, los estudios centrados en las políticas de asilo europeas desde una perspectiva antropológica de género son escasos. En este sentido, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar etnográficamente desde una perspectiva de género estas políticas. Fruto de una investigación cuya metodología ha seguido una aproximación etnográfica en el colectivo ciudadano Red Solidaria de Acogida en Madrid, se presentan algunos resultados en el ámbito de las políticas de asilo europeas, en concreto en el análisis del Reglamento de Dublín desde una perspectiva de género

    Branding the Capital City through Multi-Perspective Approach: The Case of ‘Enjoy Jakarta’ Campaign

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    Place branding has become a powerful tool for promoting cities and regions. Unfortunately, many urban managers have been preoccupied with creating slogans and logos in implementing place branding. This has eventually limited the contribution of place branding towards tourism development, for which most place branding is targeted. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the successfulness of city branding programs in promoting tourism. This study applies qualitative methods by employing a series of in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders comprising the government, private sector, destination management staff, tourism associations, academics, and the public. Using Enjoy Jakarta's branding campaign, this study found seven contributing factors that may impact the implementation of the campaign. Leadership, stakeholder collaboration, public management and departmental coordination are classified as tourism governance. On the other hand, attraction, accessibility and promotion are classified as tourism components. The study found that the governance factor is the most influential in the success of city branding programs. Tourism governance determines how tourism components may be implemented to achieve the goal of city branding