215,215 research outputs found

    The New York Forest Owner - July August 1991

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    Participation of non-industrial private forest owners in National Forest Programmes: a discrete choice model for Northern Portugal

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    In countries where private forest ownership is very important, knowledge of the behaviour of private forest owners is useful for the design and implementation of successful forest policies. This applies to Portugal where 86 % of the forest lands are private property. This paper presents a study carried out in a region of the Northern part of the country covered by a local forest owners’ association. Based on individual data about the members of this association concerning some of their characteristics (implementation of publicly subsidised afforestation projects, size of the forest holdings, number of forest holdings belonging to the same owner and distance between the permanent residence of the owner and his forest holdings), a multinomial logit model is estimated for the probabilities of participation on public incentive schemes to finance individual and grouped afforestation projects.non industrial private forest owners, afforestation projects, public incentives

    Forest owners’ collective action against the risk of forest fire: a game theoretical approach

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    This paper is a follow up on a earlier one (Mendes, 1998) where I proposed a series of models for forest owners associations represented as organisation made up of two groups of strategically interacting players: the forest owners who are members of the association and the board of directors they have elected. The directors decide on the amount of services provided by the association which can be public goods (collective representation of the members, promotion of their common interests, diffusion of general information about forest programmes and best forest management practices, etc.) and private goods and services (silvicultural works preventive of forest fires, technical advice, etc.). The models were set up as games in strategic form with complete information and no payoff uncertainty. Here I pick up the second of, what is called in that previous paper, the 'Portuguese' models and extend it in the following directions: - there is payoff risk for the forest owners due to exogenous hazards (forest fires or others); - forest owners can buy private services from the owners which contribute to reduce the losses resulting from those hazards. The main focus in this paper is to derive the comparative static results about the demand of these private services by the forest owners.forest owners’ associations, public and private goods joint supply, game theory

    Forest owners’ collective action against the risk of forest fire: a game theoretical approach

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    This paper is a follow up on a earlier one (Mendes, 1998) where I proposed a series of models for forest owners associations represented as organisation made up of two groups of strategically interacting players: the forest owners who are members of the association and the board of directors they have elected. The directors decide on the amount of services provided by the association which can be public goods (collective representation of the members, promotion of their common interests, diffusion of general information about forest programmes and best forest management practices, etc.) and private goods and services (silvicultural works preventive of forest fires, technical advice, etc.). The models were set up as games in strategic form with complete information and no payoff uncertainty. Here I pick up the second of, what is called in that previous paper, the "Portuguese" models and extend it in the following directions: - there is payoff risk for the forest owners due to exogenous hazards (forest fires or others); - forest owners can buy private services from the owners which contribute to reduce the losses resulting from those hazards. The main focus in this paper is to derive the comparative static results about the demand of these private services by the forest owners.forest owners’ associations, public and private goods joint supply, game theory

    Metsänomistajien tietämyksen ja tyytyväisyyden selvitys Metsänhoitoyhdistys Pohjois-Karjalassa

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    Metsien merkitys on monipuolistunut ja metsänomistajien arvot metsää kohtaan muuttuneet. Enää metsää ei mielletä pelkäksi tulonlähteeksi, vaan sillä on myös muitakin arvoja. Metsänomistajakunnan ja metsäsektorin toimintakentän muuttuessa myös metsänhoitoyhdistykseen kohdistuu muutospaineita. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää metsänhoitoyhdistys Pohjois-Karjalaan kuuluvien metsänomistajien suhtautumista metsänhoitoyhdistykseen ja metsänhoitomaksuun sekä heidän tietämystään metsänhoitoyhdistyksestä ja sen toiminnasta yleisesti. Metsänomistajilta haluttiin myös selvittää heidän käsityksiään metsäisistä palveluista ja niiden onnistumisesta. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin kyselytutkimuksena. Kyselylomakkeet suunnattiin sekä metsänhoitoyhdistyksen palveluita käyttäville metsänomistajille että metsänhoitomaksua maksaville, mutta yhdistyksen palveluita käyttämättömille metsänomistajille. Tutkimukseen vastasi 305 metsänomistajaa. Tutkimustulokset olivat osittain ristiriitaisia. Metsänomistajat esimerkiksi tuntevat mielestään metsänhoitoyhdistyksen ja sen palvelutarjonnan pääosin hyvin, mutta puutteita tietämyksessä löytyy esimerkiksi metsänhoitomaksun ja metsäsertifioinnin osalta. Metsänomistajien mielikuva metsänhoitomaksusta on pääosin negatiivinen, koska maksun merkitystä ei ymmärretä.For forest owners, the importance of forests has become much more versatile, and the values towards forest have altered. Forest is no longer just a source of revenue, it also has other values. As the field of forest ownership and forest sector is changing, there is also a pressure for change towards the Forest Management Association. The purpose of this thesis was to clarify the attitudes of forest owners towards the North Karelia Forest Management Association and the forestry fee. The target group was members of the Forest Management. It was also meaningful to know about their knowledge about the Forest Management Association and its operations in general. Also forest owners’ opinions about forest related services and their success were asked. This thesis was made as a survey. Two questionnaires were directed to both the customers of the Forest Management Association and forest owners who pay forest fee but who do not use the services of the Forest Management Association. 305 forest owners replied to the survey. This survey showed partly inconsistent results. For example, forest owners think that they know the purpose of the Forest Management Association and its supply of services well, but for example, there is a lack of knowledge on the forestry fee and the forests’ certification system. The image of the forestry fee is mainly negative, because forest owners do not know its purpose

    Forest owners’ collective action against the risk of forest fire: a game theoretical approach

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    This paper is a follow up on a earlier one (Mendes, 1998) where I proposed a series of models for forest owners associations represented as organisation made up of two groups of strategically interacting players: the forest owners who are members of the association and the board of directors they have elected. The directors decide on the amount of services provided by the association which can be public goods (collective representation of the members, promotion of their common interests, diffusion of general information about forest programmes and best forest management practices, etc.) and private goods and services (silvicultural works preventive of forest fires, technical advice, etc.). The models were set up as games in strategic form with complete information and no payoff uncertainty. Here I pick up the second of, what is called in that previous paper, the "Portuguese" models and extend it in the following directions: - there is payoff risk for the forest owners due to exogenous hazards (forest fires or others); - forest owners can buy private services from the owners which contribute to reduce the losses resulting from those hazards. The main focus in this paper is to derive the comparative static results about the demand of these private services by the forest owners.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of personal values and personality traits in environmental concern of non-industrial private forest owners in Sweden

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    Environmental benefits have become priority objectives for the management of forests, including for private forest owners in many countries. Understanding and promoting environmental-friendly private forest management requires a measure of environmental concern of forest owners and knowledge of factors that influence it. Such a measure allows to explore underlying motivations of forest owners to include environmental aspects in their forest management. This in turn helps in developing and implementing effective pro-environmental forestry policies. In this paper, we assess environmental concern in forest management of 226 non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners in Sweden. In particular, we sought to achieve a two-fold objective: a) to quantitatively explore the content and dimensionality of the environmental concern construct of forestry owners and b) to identify the association between environmental concern of forest owners and their personal values and personality traits. A principal factor analysis resulted in a two-dimensional environmental concern construct encompassing: environmental strategy and environmental orientation. Hierarchical seemingly unrelated regressions (SUREG) showed that personal values and personality traits help to explain environmental concern in forest management of NIPF owners. A better understanding of environmental concern of forest owners and its relation with individuals' attributes will help in better designing, framing and targeting of tailor-made interventions to promote environmental considerations in forest management

    Participation of non-industrial private forest owners in National Forest Programmes: a discrete choice model for Northern Portugal

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    In countries where private forest ownership is very important, knowledge of the behaviour of private forest owners is useful for the design and implementation of successful forest policies. This applies to Portugal where 86 % of the forest lands are private property. This paper presents a study carried out in a region of the Northern part of the country covered by a local forest owners’ association. Based on individual data about the members of this association concerning some of their characteristics (implementation of publicly subsidised afforestation projects, size of the forest holdings, number of forest holdings belonging to the same owner and distance between the permanent residence of the owner and his forest holdings), a multinomial logit model is estimated for the probabilities of participation on public incentive schemes to finance individual and grouped afforestation projects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social capital in small-scale forestry: a local case study in Southern Sweden

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    Small-scale forestry builds upon interactions among local stakeholders. Forest management entails multiple social situations such as consultations or cooperative engagements between owners and forest professionals. Successful social endeavours rest on positive social capital as operationalised via trust. Based on qualitative in-depth interviews with forest owners, managers and other forestry stakeholders, this study explores how trust influences the social relationships in a local context of Southern Swedish forestry. Most strikingly, the analysis reveals large differences in owners' trust towards twomajor actors: the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA) and the forest owner association (FOA) Södra. Permanence of personnel, a client-based approach, and personal features of SFA's local forest officer lead to strong local anchoring and high trust towards SFA. Södra proved to be a trustful partner in the aftermath of calamities; however its industrial priorities seem to erode owners' trust. The empirical findings of this study demonstrate the importance of recognising personal relationships and the catalysing role of bonding social capital in order to understand the local forest management situations. Our results are useful for forestry organisations and policy-makers willing to comprehend the local context and implement best practices in small-scale forestr

    The relationship between management of forest owners' association and regional strusture of forestry : A case study on forest owners' association in Hyougo prefecture

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    本研究のねらいは, 森林組合をとりまく地域条件の差異が森林組合経営の展開にどのような変化をもたらすかを明らかにすることにあるが, そのなかでもとくに後発人工林地域における森林組合経営を対象とした。まず始めに, 兵庫県森林組合の全国的な位置づけを述べ, ついで兵庫県内で活動している北但西部および一宮町の2森林組合の経営展開を事例として検討した。北但西部森林組合の経営展開は, 大きくII期に分けられる。各期の事業の推移および作業班の組織化の過程を検討し両者が密接に対応していることを明かにした。その結果, 今後の課題として地域で求められてくる間伐事業の推進のために, それに対応できる林業労働力の組織化および組合員との関係強化と間伐材の需要開拓が必要であることを指摘した。一宮町森林組合の経営は, 森林造成事業を中心とした事業展開がみられるが, その内容は新植・下刈作業にかわって間伐・枝打作業に移行している。また, 林産事業では, 安定的に素材生産を実施するとともに, 国有林の請負事業に組り組むことによって, 事業を拡大している。 一方, 作業の担い手である林業労働力は, 現業職員制度を導入して確保につとめていることが明らかになった。ここでは今後とも作業班の事業化を強化することが必要であろう。In this paper, trhe relationship between management of forest owners' association (FOA) and regional structure of forestry is discussed through the case of Hokutan-seibu FOA and Ichinomiya-cho FOA in Hyogo prefecture. In the case of Hokutan-seibu FOA the structure of its activities related to organizing of worker's squad clearly. As a result, in accordance with the increasing of thinning activities in near future, to strengthen the relation of menbership in FOA and to find out the new market for thinning wood sill be needed. In the case of Ichinomiya-cho FOA, main its activities are afforestation but the contents of job in its activities changed from planting and weeding to thinning and prunning. Activities on logging are also increasing gradually by the contracting for logging of national forest. It is neccesarry to streugthen full-time employment on worker's squad to secure the labor force in this FOA