15 research outputs found

    Nucleon generalized polarizabilities within a relativistic Constituent Quark Model

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    Nucleon generalized polarizabilities are investigated within a relativistic framework, defining such quantities through a Lorentz covariant multipole expansion of the amplitude for virtual Compton scattering. The key physical ingredients in the calculation of the nucleon polarizabilities are the Lorentz invariant reduced matrix elements of the electromagnetic transition current, which can be evaluated from off-energy-shell helicity amplitudes. The evolution of the proton paramagnetic polarizability, βpara(q)\beta_{para}(q), as a function of the virtual-photon three-momentum transfer q, q, is explicitly evaluated within a relativistic constituent quark model by adopting transition form factors obtained in the light-front formalism. The discussion is focussed on the role played by the effects due to the relativistic approach and to the transition form factors, derived within different models.Comment: 14 pages and three figures (included), to appear in Phys. Rev. C (May 1998

    Relativistic Structure of the Deuteron: 1.Electro-disintegration and y-scaling

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    Realistic solutions of the spinor-spinor Bethe-Salpeter equation for the deuteron with realistic interaction kernel including the exchange of pi, sigma, omega, rho, eta and delta mesons, are used to systematically investigate relativistic effects in inclusive quasi-elastic electron-deuteron scattering within the relativistic impulse approximation. Relativistic y-scaling is considered by generalising the non relativistic scaling function to the relativistic case, and it is shown that y-scaling does occur in the usual relativistic scaling variable resulting from the energy conservation in the instant form of dynamics. The present approach of y-scaling is fully covariant, with the deuteron being described by eight components, viz. the 3S_1^{++}, 3S_1^{--}, 3D_1^{++}, 3D_1^{--}, 3P_1^{+-}, 3P_1^{-+}, 1P_1^{+-}, 1P_1^{-+} waves. It is demonstrated that if the negative relative energy states 1P_1, 3P_1 are disregarded, the concept of covariant momentum distributions N(p_0,p), with p_0=M_D/2-\sqrt{p^2+m^2}, can be introduced, and that calculations of lectro-disintegration cross section in terms of these distributions agree within few percents with the exact calculations which include the 1P_1, 3P_1 states, provided the nucleon three momentum |p|\<= 1 GeV/c; in this momentum range, the asymptotic relativistic scaling function is shown to coincide with the longitudinal covariant momentum distribution.Comment: 32 LaTeX pages, 18 eps-figures. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Neutron charge form factor at large q2q^2

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    The neutron charge form factor GEn(q)G_{En}(q) is determined from an analysis of the deuteron quadrupole form factor FC2F_{C2} data. Recent calculations, based on a variety of different model interactions and currents, indicate that the contributions associated with the uncertain two-body operators of shorter range are relatively small for FC2F_{C2}, even at large momentum transfer qq. Hence, GEn(q)G_{En}(q) can be extracted from FC2F_{C2} at large q2q^2 without undue systematic uncertainties from theory.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Δ(1232)\Delta(1232) Isobar Excitations and the Ground State of Nuclei

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    The influence of Δ\Delta isobar components on the ground state properties of nuclear systems is investigated for nuclear matter as well as finite nuclei. Many-body wave functions, including isobar configurations, and binding energies are evaluated employing the framework of the coupled-cluster theory. It is demonstrated that the effect of isobar configurations depends in a rather sensitive way on the model used for the baryon-baryon interaction. As examples for realistic baryon-baryon interactions with explicit inclusion of isobar channels we use the local (V28V28) and non-local meson exchange potentials (Bonn2000_{2000}) but also a model recently developed by the Salamanca group, which is based on a quark picture. The differences obtained for the nuclear observables are related to the treatment of the interaction, the π\pi-exchange contributions in particular, at high momentum transfers.Comment: 12 pages, including 5 figure