350 research outputs found

    Le sort de la culture dans la francophonie canadienne : le discours du milieu associatif en contexte

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    Le sort de la culture dans la francophonie minoritaire est examiné ici au sein de quatre événements phares des dernières années. Nous constatons une polysémie de la notion de culture, et une préférence pour des vocables mettant en scène l’individu et la pluralité. Au total, ces constats montrent une difficulté grandissante à exprimer, imaginer et vivre l’unité du groupe, difficultés qui toutefois se parent de couleurs particulières d’un contexte à l’autre. Intégrant un regard sociétal plus large, nous explorons ainsi les limites et possibles entourant cette ferme volonté de se ré-imaginer.French culture in minority settings in Canada is becoming increasingly diverse. In this article, we discuss francophone and Acadian communities living in minority settings in Canada. Francophones in Quebec, who constitute the majority in their province, are thus not directly addressed in this study. For some thirty years already, the changes that distinguish French minority culture have been undermining the conviction that this cultural group is homogenous and stable. The growth of the immigrant population within the francophone community – now representing nearly 8 % of the Canadian francophone population – is one such trigger for this change of perspective. Encounters between francophones from different regions of Canada are becoming increasingly common thanks to a dynamic labour market and increased mobility, and it is frequently these encounters between cultural universes that give rise to a questioning of the traditional identity markers in schools and community centres as well as in associations and government offices. Lastly, the increasingly closer cohabitation of francophones with the anglophone population in residential neighbourhoods, at work, and in recreational spaces also influences practices and representations of self. These « good » neighbourly relations are accompanied with new identity positionings, for example those associated with bilingualism

    Applying Semi-Automated Hyperparameter Tuning for Clustering Algorithms

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    When approaching a clustering problem, choosing the right clustering algorithm and parameters is essential, as each clustering algorithm is proficient at finding clusters of a particular nature. Due to the unsupervised nature of clustering algorithms, there are no ground truth values available for empirical evaluation, which makes automation of the parameter selection process through hyperparameter tuning difficult. Previous approaches to hyperparameter tuning for clustering algorithms have relied on internal metrics, which are often biased towards certain algorithms, or having some ground truth labels available, moving the problem into the semi-supervised space. This preliminary study proposes a framework for semi-automated hyperparameter tuning of clustering problems, using a grid search to develop a series of graphs and easy to interpret metrics that can then be used for more efficient domain-specific evaluation. Preliminary results show that internal metrics are unable to capture the semantic quality of the clusters developed and approaches driven by internal metrics would come to different conclusions than those driven by manual evaluation

    Utilisation de la thrombine et de la fibrine pour l'amélioration du succès de greffe de myoblastes chez le patient atteint de dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne

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    La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est une maladie génétique héréditaire récessive atteignant un garçon sur 3500. Cette maladie est caractérisée par une dégénérescence musculaire progressive causée par l'absence d' expression de la protéine dystrophine. Afin de restaurer l'expression de la dystrophine dans le muscle, il est possible d'implanter des myoblastes sains, précurseurs myogéniques, dans les muscles du patient atteint de DMD. Cependant, cette forme de thérapie se heurte encore à d' importants problèmes, notamment la mort précoce de 75 % à 80 % des cellules implantées dans les 5 premiers jours suivant la greffe. Afin de pallier à cela, nous avons tenté d'une part d' exploiter le potentiel mitogénique de la thrombine pour augmente~ la prolifération de cellules saines in vivo et d' autre part d' utiliser le potentiel de la fibrine comme biomatrice à laquelle les myoblastes implantés peuvent s' attacher afin de contourner le phénomène de mort par anoïkis. Bien qu'on ait pu démontrer que la thrombine ait bien un effet sur la prolifération des myoblastes in vitro, on a pas réussi à obtenir une amélioration du succès de greffe après 21 jours. L'implantation des myoblastes en gel de fibrine, quant à elle, a permis d'améliorer significativement la survie cellulaire à 5 jours suite à la greffe ainsi que le succès de la greffe de myoblastes après 21 jours chez la souris. Ces résultats sont encourageants et démontrent qu' il y a bon espoir de rendre la thérapie cellulaire plus efficace. L' utilisation de produits non-immunogènes comme la thrombine et la fibrine pour favoriser la greffe myoblastes constitue donc une alternative intéressante pour le traitement des patients atteints de DMD

    Une preuve est une histoire

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    International audienceLa narration computationnelle est un sous-domaine de l'Intelligence Artificielle, lié notamment aux problèmes de représentation des connaissances et en particulier à la représentation des actions et du changement. On s'y intéresse aux objets narratifs (littéraires, interactifs, cinématographiques) pour les comprendre, les analyser, ou les construire, en proposant des techniques qui peuvent être mises en oeuvre par des programmes et systèmes informatiques. C'est un domaine qui a des applications dans le domaine des jeux vidéos ou jeux utiles par exemple. Nous proposons de revenir dans cet exposé sur la motivation et les fondements d'un travail en cours, qui repose sur une connivence entre la structure des preuves en logique linéaire et la structure d'histoires interactives. Bien qu'ayant déjà donné lieu à une interprétation opérationnelle, cette approche a laissé des pistes inexplorées, surtout en ce qui concerne une normalisation et modularité de preuves/histoires dans un sous-ensemble ad hoc de la logique linéaire. Certaines idées ont été explorées en 2011 à l'aide de Coq et nous aimerions partager et échanger au sujet de nos projets actuels pour approfondir ce travail

    Ensemble averaging stress-strain fields in polycrystalline aggregates with a constrained surface microstructure-Part 1: Computational tools and application to anisotropic elastic behaviour

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    International audienceThe effect of three-dimensional grain morphology on the deformation at a free surface in polycrystalline aggregates is investigated by means of a large scale finite element and statistical approach. For a given 2D surface at z=0 containing 39 grains with given lattice orientations, 17 random 3D polycrystalline aggregates are constructed having different 3D grain shapes and orientations except at z=0, based on an original 3D image analysis procedure. They are subjected to overall tensile loading conditions. The resulting stress-strain fields at the free surface z=0 are analysed. Ensemble average and variance maps of the stress field at the observed surface are computed. In the case of an anisotropic elastic behaviour of the grains, fluctuations ranging between 5% and 60% are found in the equivalent stress level at a given material point of the observed surface from one realization of the microstructure to another. The obtained fields are compared to the prediction based on the associated columnar grain microstructure, often used in literature. These results have important implications in the way of comparing finite element simulations and surface strain field measurements in metal polycrystals

    What and How Do Students Learn in an Interprofessional Student-Run Clinic? An Educational Framework for Team-Based Care

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    Background: The student-run clinic (SRC) has the potential to address interprofessional learning among health professions students. Purpose: To derive a framework for understanding student learning during team-based care provided in an interprofessional SRC serving underserved patients. Methods: The authors recruited students for a focus group study by purposive sampling and snowballing. They constructed two sets of semi-structured questions for uniprofessional and multiprofessional groups. Sessions were audiotaped, and transcripts were independently coded and adjudicated. Major themes about learning content and processes were extracted. Grounded theory was followed after data synthesis and interpretation to establish a framework for interprofessional learning. Results: Thirty-six students from four professions (medicine, physician assistant, occupational therapy, and pharmacy) participated in eight uniprofessional groups; 14 students participated in three multiprofessional groups (N50). Theme saturation was achieved. Six common themes about learning content from uniprofessional groups were role recognition, team-based care appreciation, patient experience, advocacy-/systemsbased models, personal skills, and career choices. Occupational therapy students expressed self-advocacy, and medical students expressed humility and self-discovery. Synthesis of themes from all groups suggests a learning continuum that begins with the team huddle and continues with shared patient care and social interactions. Opportunity to observe and interact with other professions in action is key to the learning process. Discussion: Interprofessional SRC participation promotes learning ‘with, from, and about’ each other. Participation challenges misconceptions and sensitizes students to patient experiences, health systems, advocacy, and social responsibility. Learning involves interprofessional interactions in the patient encounter, reinforced by formal and informal communications. Participation is associated with interest in serving the underserved and in primary care careers. The authors proposed a framework for interprofessional learning with implications for optimal learning environments to promote team-based care. Future research is suggested to identify core faculty functions and best settings to advance and enhance student preparation for future collaborative team practice
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