14 research outputs found

    Diagn贸stico y tratamiento de la Tuberculosis pulmonar infantil

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    Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease and the second cause of death from an infectious agent after the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome according to the World Health Organization. Incidence in Colombia for 2008 was 5.47 cases per 100,000 in children under 15 years. However, global statistics suggests that the TB affects 10% of the pediatric population worldwide; in 2010 Cauca鈥檚 government reported a total of 298 new cases. The prevention of TB in children has not been a priority talking about governmental policies and pediatric cases help to perpetuate the chain of transmission. Hence, is necessary to increase the research of active cases and latent TB infection by the identification of risky factors and high degree of suspicion of the disease in order to establish chemoprophylaxis or potential curable treatment, and thus, to achieve control and the reduction of morbidity, and mortality. Bearing in mind that the disease has a major negative impact on the population this review is conducted to gather updated information related to the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary TB in children.La Tuberculosis (TB) Pulmonar es una enfermedad grave, que representa la segunda causa de mortalidad por un agente infeccioso despu茅s del S铆ndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA), seg煤n la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS). La incidencia en Colombia en 2008 fue de 5.4 casos por 100.000 en menores de 15 a帽os; por otro lado en estad铆sticas mundiales la TB global afecta al 10% de la poblaci贸n pedi谩trica; en el 2010 el departamento del Cauca notific贸 un total de 298 casos nuevos. El control de la TB infantil no ha sido una prioridad para los programas nacionales de control de la enfermedad y los casos pedi谩tricos contribuyen a perpetuar la cadena de transmisi贸n. Es necesario incrementar la b煤squeda de casos de enfermedad activa y de infecci贸n latente TB, basada en los factores de riesgo y con un alto grado de sospecha de la enfermedad, para establecer quimioprofilaxis o tratamiento potencialmente curable y as铆 disminuir su morbimortalidad. Teniendo en cuenta que la enfermedad tiene un impacto negativo en la poblaci贸n infantil, se realiz贸 una actualizaci贸n en m茅todos de diagn贸stico y tratamiento de la TB pulmonar, para ayudar a los profesionales de la salud en la toma de decisiones eficientes y seguras en esta enfermedad

    Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in pediatric population

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    Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease and the second cause of death from an infectious agent after the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome according to the World Health Organization. Incidence in Colombia for 2008 was 5.47 cases per 100,000 in children under 15 years. However, global statistics suggests that the TB affects 10% of the pediatric population worldwide; in 2010 Cauca鈥檚 government reported a total of 298 new cases. The prevention of TB in children has not been a priority talking about governmental policies and pediatric cases help to perpetuate the chain of transmission. Hence, is necessary to increase the research of active cases and latent TB infection by the identification of risky factors and high degree of suspicion of the disease in order to establish chemoprophylaxis or potential curable treatment, and thus, to achieve control and the reduction of morbidity, and mortality. Bearing in mind that the disease has a major negative impact on the population this review is conducted to gather updated information related to the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary TB in children

    Diagn贸stico y tratamiento de la Tuberculosis pulmonar infantil

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    Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease and the second cause of death from an infectious agent after the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome according to the World Health Organization. Incidence in Colombia for 2008 was 5.47 cases per 100,000 in children under 15 years. However, global statistics suggests that the TB affects 10% of the pediatric population worldwide; in 2010 Cauca鈥檚 government reported a total of 298 new cases. The prevention of TB in children has not been a priority talking about governmental policies and pediatric cases help to perpetuate the chain of transmission. Hence, is necessary to increase the research of active cases and latent TB infection by the identification of risky factors and high degree of suspicion of the disease in order to establish chemoprophylaxis or potential curable treatment, and thus, to achieve control and the reduction of morbidity, and mortality. Bearing in mind that the disease has a major negative impact on the population this review is conducted to gather updated information related to the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary TB in children.La Tuberculosis (TB) Pulmonar es una enfermedad grave, que representa la segunda causa de mortalidad por un agente infeccioso despu茅s del S铆ndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA), seg煤n la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS). La incidencia en Colombia en 2008 fue de 5.4 casos por 100.000 en menores de 15 a帽os; por otro lado en estad铆sticas mundiales la TB global afecta al 10% de la poblaci贸n pedi谩trica; en el 2010 el departamento del Cauca notific贸 un total de 298 casos nuevos. El control de la TB infantil no ha sido una prioridad para los programas nacionales de control de la enfermedad y los casos pedi谩tricos contribuyen a perpetuar la cadena de transmisi贸n. Es necesario incrementar la b煤squeda de casos de enfermedad activa y de infecci贸n latente TB, basada en los factores de riesgo y con un alto grado de sospecha de la enfermedad, para establecer quimioprofilaxis o tratamiento potencialmente curable y as铆 disminuir su morbimortalidad. Teniendo en cuenta que la enfermedad tiene un impacto negativo en la poblaci贸n infantil, se realiz贸 una actualizaci贸n en m茅todos de diagn贸stico y tratamiento de la TB pulmonar, para ayudar a los profesionales de la salud en la toma de decisiones eficientes y seguras en esta enfermedad

    Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in pediatric population

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    Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease and the second cause of death from an infectious agent after the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome according to the World Health Organization. Incidence in Colombia for 2008 was 5.47 cases per 100,000 in children under 15 years. However, global statistics suggests that the TB affects 10% of the pediatric population worldwide; in 2010 Cauca鈥檚 government reported a total of 298 new cases. The prevention of TB in children has not been a priority talking about governmental policies and pediatric cases help to perpetuate the chain of transmission. Hence, is necessary to increase the research of active cases and latent TB infection by the identification of risky factors and high degree of suspicion of the disease in order to establish chemoprophylaxis or potential curable treatment, and thus, to achieve control and the reduction of morbidity, and mortality. Bearing in mind that the disease has a major negative impact on the population this review is conducted to gather updated information related to the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary TB in children

    Corticoesteroides en artritis s茅ptica en ni帽os

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    Septic arthritis is a serious disease with rapidly progressive clinical course; the most frequently isolated pathogen is Staphylococcus aureus by 56%. To reach the joint space evade the immune response using a variety of virulence factors, while large number of signals triggered exacerbating the humoral immune response that activates CD4 and increases expression of cytokines TNF and IL-6 involved in the destruction articular process that develops over a period of approximately seven days and extending gradually over time even with appropriate antibiotic treatment. Inflammatory response leading to joint destruction. Systemic corticosteroids have proven to be beneficial in murine models with Staphylococcus aureus septic arthritis, where the use of corticosteroid therapy reduces the severity of septic arthritis modifying the course of disease. To date there have been two controlled clinical trials aim to demonstrate the benefit of using corticosteroids; in 2003, states that the use of Dexamethasone reduces the duration of symptoms and residual joint dysfunction, later Harel in 2011, shows as the use of intravenous dexamethasone reduces hospital stay without the adverse effects attributed to this therapy. It is necessary to carry out further studies with greater evidence establishing the benefit of the use of corticosteroids in septic arthritis.La artritis s茅ptica es una enfermedad grave con curso cl铆nico r谩pido y progresivo; el pat贸geno aislado con mayor frecuencia es el Staphylococcus aureus en un 56%. Al llegar al espacio articular genera gran cantidad de se帽ales que exacerban la respuesta inmune humoral que activa linfocitos T CD4 y aumenta la expresi贸n de TNF e IL 6 citoquinas involucradas en la destrucci贸n articular, proceso que se desarrolla en un lapso aproximado de 7 d铆as y que se extiende de forma progresiva a trav茅s del tiempo aun con el tratamiento antibi贸tico adecuado. La respuesta inflamatoria es intensa llevando a la destrucci贸n articular similar a lo ocurrido en otros procesos no infecciosos como la artritis reumatoide, donde los corticoesteroides son el pilar de manejo. Los corticoesteroides sist茅micos han demostrado ser ben茅ficos en modelos murinos con artritis s茅ptica por Staphylococcus aureus, ya que el uso de dexametasona endovenosa disminuye la severidad de la artritis s茅ptica modificando el curso de la enfermedad. A la fecha se han encontrado dos ensayos cl铆nicos controlados que pretenden demostrar el beneficio del uso de Corticoesteroides; Odio en el 2003, estableci贸 que el uso de dexametasona disminu铆a la duraci贸n de la sintomatolog铆a y la disfunci贸n residual articular; y por su parte Harel en el 2011, demostr贸 como el uso de la dexametasona endovenosa reduc铆a la estancia hospitalaria sin los efectos adversos atribuidos a esta terapia. Ante los pocos estudios publicados es necesario la realizaci贸n de otros, ya que a mayor evidencia se puede establecer los beneficios del uso de corticoesteroides en la artritis s茅ptica y pueden ser recomendados

    Proteinuria in childhood: A case report of Dent disease

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    Introducci贸n: la proteinuria en la edad pedi谩trica es una entidad relativamente frecuente, la cual puede ser fisiol贸gica o patol贸gica. La segunda, por una alteraci贸n a nivel glomerular con p茅rdida de prote铆nas de gran tama帽o o a nivel tubular, caracterizada por p茅rdida de prote铆nas de bajo peso molecular y alteraciones en la excreci贸n de iones. Entre las enfermedades hereditarias que cursan con proteinuria tubular, se ha descrito la enfermedad de Dent, una patolog铆a ligada al cromosoma X. Esta enfermedad se manifiesta principalmente en varones, pero las mujeres pueden ser portadoras y tener manifestaciones cl铆nicas leves de la enfermedad. La primera descripci贸n de esta enfermedad fue hecha por Dent y Friedman en 1964. La mayor铆a de los casos recientemente reportados han sido en China y Alemania. Objetivo: realizar una revisi贸n general de la enfermedad de Dent y del enfoque diagn贸stico de la proteinuria en la infancia con base en nuestro caso, para as铆, sospechar de esta enfermedad. Descripci贸n del caso: se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino sin antecedentes prenatales ni personales de importancia, quien presenta proteinuria persistente desde los primeros meses de vida y a quien, a los 7 a帽os de edad, se le documenta la presencia de una variante ya conocida en el gen CLCN5, causante de la enfermedad de Dent tipo 1. Discusi贸n: la proteinuria persistente patol贸gica en la infancia debe ser estudiada debido a su posible relaci贸n con patolog铆as que pueden afectar la funci贸n renal. Adem谩s de la diferenciaci贸n de la proteinuria persistente, de origen glomerular y tubular, la evaluaci贸n de alteraciones en la excreci贸n de electrolitos, puede guiarnos hacia la realizaci贸n de estudios gen茅ticos y, por ende, al diagn贸stico de patolog铆as infrecuentes como la enfermedad de Dent. Conclusi贸n: el enfoque diagn贸stico de causas poco frecuentes de proteinuria tubular en la infancia, como la enfermedad de Dent, requiere de la valoraci贸n conjunta entre nefrolog铆a pedi谩trica y gen茅tica cl铆nica.Background: In pediatric patients, proteinuria is a relatively frequent entity that can be physiological or pathological. The second one, due to an alteration at the glomerular level with the loss of large proteins or at the tubular level, characterized mainly by the loss of low molecular weight proteins and changes in the excretion of ions. Among the hereditary diseases that present with tubular proteinuria, Dent disease is a disease linked to the X chromosome. Therefore, it manifests essentially in males, but women can be carriers and have minor clinical manifestations of the disease. Dent and Friedman made the first description of this disease in 1964. Recently, most of the cases have been reported in China and Germany. Objective: To perform a revision of Dent disease, as well as the diagnostic approach of childhood proteinuria based in our case in order to suspect this disease.聽 Case description: This is the case of a masculine patient, without relevant prenatal and personal antecedents, the son of a father with polycystic renal disease, who presents persistent proteinuria from the first months of life, and who, at seven years old, the presence of a variant in the CLCN5 gene -causing of type 1 Dent disease- was documented. Discussion: The persistent pathological proteinuria in childhood must be studied due to its possible relation with pathologies that could affect renal function. Moreover, the differentiation among glomerular and tubular proteinuria can guide us to perform additional studies, including genetic tests to diagnose infrequent pathologies like Dent disease. Conclusion: The diagnostic approach to rare causes of tubular proteinuria in childhood, such as Dent's disease, requires joint assessment between pediatric nephrology and clinical genetics

    Nefropat铆a por Ig A en pediatr铆a, desenlaces cl铆nicos con diferentes esquemas de manejo.

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    Introduction: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common glomerular disease in the world, in Colombia belongs to 11-22% of primary glomerulonephritis in pediatric patients. Of these, 30% progress to chronic kidney disease.   Materials and methods: It is a retrospective descriptive study. We used median and IRQ for continuous variables, and proportions for categorical variables, Fisher test to compare clinical outcomes.   Results: Between 1996 to 2013 58 patients were diagnosed. The mean age at symptoms onset was 7.5 years (SD卤4.2) and at the time of renal biopsy was 10 years (SD卤3.8). At diagnosis, 77.6% of the patients showed microscopic hematuria, 27.6% gross hematuria and 81% proteinuria, classified as severe in 29%. Three patients required dialysis and two needed kidney transplant. Three groups with different therapeutic regimens were evaluated: first group only prednisone 34.5% (n = 20), second group prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) 22.4% (n = 13) and third group without prednisone neither MMF 43.1% (n = 25). The difference in the presence of hematuria among the groups was significant (p> 0.001), being more frequent in the group without prednisone neither MMF (68%). There were no significant differences in proteinuria, hypertension or creatinine among the groups. The median of years between the renal biopsy and the last control was 4 years RI 1-7. At five years, the renal fuction survival probability (GFR >90 ml/min/1.73m2) was 89.1%.   Conclusion: IgAN needs early recognition and strict follow-up, since it may have ominous outcomes. The results of the present work constitute up to now the most extensive experience described in the Colombian pediatric population.Introducci贸n: La nefropat铆a IgA (NIgA) es la enfermedad glomerular m谩s com煤n del mundo, en Colombia corresponde 11- 22% de las glomerulonefritis primarias en ni帽os. De ellos, 30% progresa a enfermedad renal terminal. Objetivo: Describir caracter铆sticas paracl铆nicas e histopatol贸gicas y resultados cl铆nicos de acuerdo con tres tipos de tratamiento de pacientes pedi谩tricos con NIgA en un hospital de alta complejidad en el suroccidente Colombiano. Materiales y m茅todos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo con alcance comparativo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 58 pacientes desde 1996  hasta 2013. La media de edad al inicio de s铆ntomas fue 7.5 a帽os (DE 卤4.2) y al momento de la biopsia renal 10 a帽os (DE 卤3.8). Al diagn贸stico, el 77.6% present贸 hematuria microsc贸pica y 27.6% macrosc贸pica. El 81% proteinuria, severa en el 29%. Histol贸gicamente (OMS), 10% se clasificaron como grado I, 62% grado II, 21% grado III y 7% grado IV. Tres pacientes requirieron di谩lisis y dos trasplante renal. Se evaluaron diferentes esquemas terap茅uticos: solo prednisona 34.5 % (n=20), prednisona y MMF 22.4 % (n=13) y sin prednisona ni MMF 43.1% (n=25). La diferencia en la presencia de hematuria entre los grupos fue significativa (p>0.001), siendo m谩s frecuente en el grupo sin prednisona ni MMF (68%). No hubo diferencia entre los grupos de proteinuria, hipertensi贸n arterial y valor de creatinina. A 5 a帽os la supervivencia de la funci贸n renal fue 89.1%. Conclusi贸n: La NIgA amerita reconocimiento temprano y seguimiento estricto, ya que puede tener desenlaces ominosos. Los resultados del presente trabajo constituyen hasta hoy la m谩s amplia experiencia descrita en la poblaci贸n pedi谩trica colombiana

    C4d como factor pron贸stico en una cohorte de pacientes pedi谩tricos con nefropat铆a IgA en una instituci贸n en Cali, Colombia

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    Background: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common glomerular disease in the world. In pediatrics, the frequency of this disease is not well established, and it can lead to end-stage renal failure at 20 years in between 20-30% of cases. A relationship among positive histological C4d staining, and clinical and histological variables of worse renal prognosis has been described. Purpose: The aim of the present study is to correlate the diagnostic presence of C4d in renal biopsies with clinical and histological variables in patients with IgAN. Methods: Observational and retrospective study. Between 2011 and 2018, all pediatric patients with a histopathological diagnosis of IgAN, who had adequate renal biopsy material for C4d staining, were included. The main outcome variable was the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at the time of diagnosis and at the last follow-up. Results: Fourteen patients were included in the study. Two (14.2%) had positive staining for C4d in the diagnostic biopsy, of which none presented impaired renal function by GFR or moderate-severe proteinuria during the study. No relationship was found between positive C4d staining and histopathological variables of worse prognosis (including mesangial hypercellularity and interstitial fibrosis-tubular atrophy), according to the Oxford classification. Conclusion: Given the small sample size, our findings were not consistent with the literature regarding the relationship between positive staining for C4d and clinical and histopathological variables of worse renal prognosis.Introducci贸n: la nefropat铆a por IgA (NIgA) es la enfermedad glomerular m谩s com煤n del mundo. En pediatr铆a, la frecuencia de la enfermedad no est谩 bien establecida y puede llevar a falla renal terminal a los 20 a帽os entre el 20-30 % de los casos. Se ha descrito relaci贸n entre una tinci贸n histol贸gica C4d positiva y variables cl铆nicas e histol贸gicas de peor pron贸stico renal. Objetivo: el objetivo del presente estudio es correlacionar la presencia diagn贸stica de C4d en biopsias renales con variables cl铆nicas e histol贸gicas en pacientes con NIgA. M茅todos: estudio observacional y retrospectivo. Se incluyeron entre los a帽os 2011-2018 todos los pacientes pedi谩tricos con diagn贸stico histopatol贸gico de NIgA que contaran con material de biopsia renal adecuado para la tinci贸n de C4d. La variable resultado principal fue la tasa de filtraci贸n glomerular (TFG) al momento del diagn贸stico y al 煤ltimo seguimiento. Resultados: catorce pacientes fueron incluidos en el estudio. Dos (14.2 %) tuvieron tinci贸n positiva para C4d en la biopsia de diagn贸stico, de los cuales, ninguno present贸 deterioro de la funci贸n renal por TFG ni proteinuria moderada-severa durante el estudio. No se encontr贸 relaci贸n entre una tinci贸n para C4d positiva y variables histopatol贸gicas de peor pron贸stico (incluyendo hipercelularidad mesangial y fibrosis intersticial-atrofia tubular), de la clasificaci贸n de Oxford. Conclusi贸n: dado el escaso tama帽o de la muestra, nuestros hallazgos no fueron concordantes con la literatura en cuanto a la relaci贸n entre una tinci贸n positiva para C4d y variables cl铆nicas e histopatol贸gicas de peor pron贸stico renal

    Acute renal failure in children. Multicenter prospective cohort study in medium-complexity intensive care units from the Colombian southeast.

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    BackgroundAcute kidney injury is frequent in critically ill children; however, it varies in causality and epidemiology according to the level of patient care complexity. A multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted in four medium-complexity pediatric intensive care units from the Colombian southeast aimed to estimate the clinical prognosis of patients with diagnosis of acute kidney injury.MethodsWe included children >28 days and ResultsPrevalence at admission of acute kidney injury was 5.2% (95%CI 4.3% to 6.2%). It was found that 71% of the patients had their maximum KDIGO on day one; an increment in the maximum stage of acute kidney injury increased the pediatric intensive care unit stay. Patients with maximum KDIGO 3 were associated with greater use of mechanical ventilation (47%), compared with maximum KDIGO 2 (37%) and maximum KDIGO 1 (16%). Eight patients with maximum KDIGO 2 and 14 with maximum KDIGO 3 required renal replacement therapy. Mortality was at 11.8% (95%CI 6.4% to 19.4%).ConclusionAcute kidney injury, established and classified according to KDIGO as severe and its maximum stage, was associated with worse clinical outcomes; early therapeutic efforts should focus on preventing the progression to severe stages