9 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic evidence of the intercontinental circulation of a Canine distemper virus lineage in the Americas

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    Canine distemper virus (CDV) is the cause of a multisystem disease in domestic dogs and wild animals, infecting more than 20 carnivore and non-carnivore families and even infecting human cell lines in in vitro conditions. Phylogenetic classification based on the hemagglutinin gene shows 17 lineages with a phylogeographic distribution pattern. In Medellín (Colombia), the lineage South America-3 is considered endemic. Phylogenetic studies conducted in Ecuador using fragment coding for the fusion protein signal peptide (Fsp) characterized a new strain belonging to a different lineage. For understanding the distribution of the South America-3 lineage in the north of the South American continent, we characterized CDV from three Colombian cities (Medellín, Bucaramanga, and Bogotá). Using phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin gene and the Fsp region, we confirmed the circulation of CDV South America-3 in different areas of Colombia. We also described, for the first time to our knowledge, the circulation of a new lineage in Medellín that presents a group monophyletic with strains previously characterized in dogs in Ecuador and in wildlife and domestic dogs in the United States, for which we propose the name “South America/North America-4” due its intercontinental distribution. In conclusion, our results indicated that there are at least four different CDV lineages circulating in domestic dogs in South America: the Europe/South America-1 lineage circulating in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina; the South America-2 lineage restricted to Argentina; the South America-3 lineage, which has only been reported in Colombia; and lastly an intercontinental lineage present in Colombia, Ecuador, and the United States, referred to here as the “South America/North America-4” lineage.http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000153095https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o3Y7mZwAAAAJ&hl=eshttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1447-145

    Recolectando Sueños S.A.S

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    Este proyecto Recolectando Sueños S.A.S es elaborado tras el análisis de la realidad ambiental que viven actualmente los laboyanos y que en aras de transformar la problemática en oportunidad, se emprende la creación de la empresa Biomas una empresa comprometida con el cuidado y preservación ambiental, además de generar desarrollo y progreso en la ciudad de Pitalito Huila, para promover la economía en la región con responsabilidad social y ambiental. para este proyecto también de introdujo la producción de Bolsas Biodegradables a base de yuca es una alternativa para minimizar la contaminación ambiental producto del uso masivo de plásticos en la ciudad de Pitalito Huila y con este desarrollar de manera más coherente el proyecto .This project Recolectando Sueños S.A.S is elaborated after the analysis of the environmental reality that the Laboyanos currently live and that in order to transform the problem into opportunity, the creation of the company Biomas is undertaken, a company committed to environmental care and preservation, in addition to generating development and progress in the city of Pitalito Huila, to promote the economy in the region with social and environmental responsibility. For this project also introduced the production of Biodegradable Bags based on cassava is an alternative to minimize environmental pollution product of the massive use of plastics in the city of Pitalito Huila and with this develop the project in a more coherent way

    Mismatch between IUCN range maps and species interactions data illustrated using the Serengeti food web

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    Background Range maps are a useful tool to describe the spatial distribution of species. However, they need to be used with caution, as they essentially represent a rough approximation of a species’ suitable habitats. When stacked together, the resulting communities in each grid cell may not always be realistic, especially when species interactions are taken into account. Here we show the extent of the mismatch between range maps, provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and species interactions data. More precisely, we show that local networks built from those stacked range maps often yield unrealistic communities, where species of higher trophic levels are completely disconnected from primary producers. Methodology We used the well-described Serengeti food web of mammals and plants as our case study, and identify areas of data mismatch within predators’ range maps by taking into account food web structure. We then used occurrence data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) to investigate where data is most lacking. Results We found that most predator ranges comprised large areas without any overlapping distribution of their prey. However, many of these areas contained GBIF occurrences of the predator. Conclusions Our results suggest that the mismatch between both data sources could be due either to the lack of information about ecological interactions or the geographical occurrence of prey. We finally discuss general guidelines to help identify defective data among distributions and interactions data, and we recommend this method as a valuable way to assess whether the occurrence data that are being used, even if incomplete, are ecologically accurate

    Transmission model of Trypanosoma cruzi between bats and Rhodnius prolixus

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    El orden Quiróptera se considera un importante reservorio de patógenos de importancia para la salud pública, como TTrypanosoma cruzi, pero también varios autores destacan su papel como control insectos plaga de cultivos. Con esta dualidad, nuestra hipotesis es que pesar del riesgo de transmisión oral, la depredación de vectores ejercido por los murcielagos resulta en un mecanismo de control de transmisión de Trypanosoma cruzi. Por consiguiente, obtuvimos parametros de un área endémica en Colombia y posteriormente los utilizamos en un modelo de ecuaciones diferenciales. Nuestros resultados son evidencia de que los murciélagos ejercen depredación sobre los insectos y esta interacción disminuye la transmisión del parásitoChiroptera order is considered an important reservoir of pathogens of public health importance, such as Trypanosoma cruzi, but also their role as control of crop pests is highlighted at several studies. With this duality, our study hypothesis is that Despite the risk of oral transmission, the predation of vectors by Chiroptera exerts a mechanism of control of T. cruzi transmission. Accordingly, we take data from an endemic area in Colombia and perform a model of differential equations. We found evidence that bats exert predation on insects and this interaction decrease the transmission of the parasite.Magíster en Ingeniería BiomédicaMaestrí

    Caracterización molecular de genotipos vacúnales y de campo del virus del distemper canino en Bogotá D.C. – Colombia

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    The serum level of lactate in the muscles of the horses varies as they move from arest condition to a condition of physical exertion or stress, and returns to its initial levelafter a certain time has elapsed since their status is restored rest (Arias, et al., 2006). If theanimal is subjected to excessive efforts, it may show acidosis and thus affect the horse\u27smuscular energy flow (Castejón, et al., 1997).On the other hand, the activity of bullfighting is practiced in some cities and townsof Colombia as well as in other countries. Given the adverse effects that this practice couldresult in horses, especially if subjected to excessive demands, it seeks through this workestablish the effect of the activity bullfight in the level of serum lactate horses used forbullfight.The development of the work it is carried out to measure serum lactate at differentlevels of physical demand for male integer horses. Specimens are taken ranging in age from5 to 12 years, which carry a non-consecutive regular fitness during the week in trainingconditions set by the trainer of horses.At the beginning of the experimental model and for the reference initial take ofserum lactate, horses rest for 5 days remain in the manger all the time, with water, hay andmineralized salt available, while the concentrated supplement is divided in three portionsduring the dayThe sample was divided into 4 times, as follows:1. Time sample number 1: take off the 5th (last day) at night. Then thestandardization of the training protocol is done, which starts the next day.2. Time Sample No. 2: a conditioning program arises 30 days, horses carriedconsecutive first step for 5 minutes, then trotted for 5 minutes, and finally galloped for 10minutes; this is done in the circular bullring where they are normally trained. Later itfollows with specific training exercises bullfighting, according to the requirements of eachhorse. At the end of the conditioning period, measurement is performed.3. Time Sample No. 3: a measurement immediately after the presentation time ofeach horse in the race is performed, determining the peak serum lactate.4. Time sample number 4: takes a measurement 15, 30 and 45 minutes after the timeof sample number 3, since, according to the published literature on the subject, shouldrecover 50% of baseline lactate.The results show that all horses show a similar behavior although within differentrange for each one.Key words: Muscle recovery, horses, serum lactate, bullfighting

    Phylogenetic evidence of the intercontinental circulation of a Canine distemper virus lineage in the Americas

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    Canine distemper virus (CDV) is the cause of a multisystem disease in domestic dogs and wild animals, infecting more than 20 carnivore and non-carnivore families and even infecting human cell lines in in vitro conditions. Phylogenetic classification based on the hemagglutinin gene shows 17 lineages with a phylogeographic distribution pattern. In Medellín (Colombia), the lineage South America-3 is considered endemic. Phylogenetic studies conducted in Ecuador using fragment coding for the fusion protein signal peptide (Fsp) characterized a new strain belonging to a different lineage. For understanding the distribution of the South America-3 lineage in the north of the South American continent, we characterized CDV from three Colombian cities (Medellín, Bucaramanga, and Bogotá). Using phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin gene and the Fsp region, we confirmed the circulation of CDV South America-3 in different areas of Colombia. We also described, for the first time to our knowledge, the circulation of a new lineage in Medellín that presents a group monophyletic with strains previously characterized in dogs in Ecuador and in wildlife and domestic dogs in the United States, for which we propose the name “South America/North America-4” due its intercontinental distribution. In conclusion, our results indicated that there are at least four different CDV lineages circulating in domestic dogs in South America: the Europe/South America-1 lineage circulating in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina; the South America-2 lineage restricted to Argentina; the South America-3 lineage, which has only been reported in Colombia; and lastly an intercontinental lineage present in Colombia, Ecuador, and the United States, referred to here as the “South America/North America-4” lineage.http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000153095https://orcid.org/[email protected]://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o3Y7mZwAAAAJ&hl=e

    Phylogenetic evidence of the intercontinental circulation of a Canine distemper virus lineage in the Americas

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    Canine distemper virus (CDV) is the cause of a multisystem disease in domestic dogs and wild animals, infecting more than 20 carnivore and non-carnivore families and even infecting human cell lines in in vitro [email protected]

    Risk of COVID-19 after natural infection or vaccinationResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: While vaccines have established utility against COVID-19, phase 3 efficacy studies have generally not comprehensively evaluated protection provided by previous infection or hybrid immunity (previous infection plus vaccination). Individual patient data from US government-supported harmonized vaccine trials provide an unprecedented sample population to address this issue. We characterized the protective efficacy of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and hybrid immunity against COVID-19 early in the pandemic over three-to six-month follow-up and compared with vaccine-associated protection. Methods: In this post-hoc cross-protocol analysis of the Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen, and Novavax COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, we allocated participants into four groups based on previous-infection status at enrolment and treatment: no previous infection/placebo; previous infection/placebo; no previous infection/vaccine; and previous infection/vaccine. The main outcome was RT-PCR-confirmed COVID-19 >7–15 days (per original protocols) after final study injection. We calculated crude and adjusted efficacy measures. Findings: Previous infection/placebo participants had a 92% decreased risk of future COVID-19 compared to no previous infection/placebo participants (overall hazard ratio [HR] ratio: 0.08; 95% CI: 0.05–0.13). Among single-dose Janssen participants, hybrid immunity conferred greater protection than vaccine alone (HR: 0.03; 95% CI: 0.01–0.10). Too few infections were observed to draw statistical inferences comparing hybrid immunity to vaccine alone for other trials. Vaccination, previous infection, and hybrid immunity all provided near-complete protection against severe disease. Interpretation: Previous infection, any hybrid immunity, and two-dose vaccination all provided substantial protection against symptomatic and severe COVID-19 through the early Delta period. Thus, as a surrogate for natural infection, vaccination remains the safest approach to protection. Funding: National Institutes of Health