335 research outputs found

    Free energy of formation of clusters of sulphuric acid and water molecules determined by guided disassembly

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    We evaluate the grand potential of a cluster of two molecular species, equivalent to its free energy of formation from a binary vapour phase, using a nonequilibrium molecular dynamics technique where guide particles, each tethered to a molecule by a harmonic force, move apart to disassemble a cluster into its components. The mechanical work performed in an ensemble of trajectories is analysed using the Jarzynski equality to obtain a free energy of disassembly, a contribution to the cluster grand potential. We study clusters of sulphuric acid and water at 300 K, using a classical interaction scheme, and contrast two modes of guided disassembly. In one, the cluster is broken apart through simple pulling by the guide particles, but we find the trajectories tend to be mechanically irreversible. In the second approach, the guide motion and strength of tethering are modified in a way that prises the cluster apart, a procedure that seems more reversible. We construct a surface representing the cluster grand potential, and identify a critical cluster for droplet nucleation under given vapour conditions. We compare the equilibrium populations of clusters with calculations reported by Henschel et al. [J. Phys. Chem. A 118, 2599 (2014)] based on optimised quantum chemical structures

    The "unknown territory" of goal-setting: Negotiating a novel interactional activity within primary care doctor-patient consultations for patients with multiple chronic conditions.

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    Goal-setting is widely recommended for supporting patients with multiple long-term conditions. It involves a proactive approach to a clinical consultation, requiring doctors and patients to work together to identify patient’s priorities, values and desired outcomes as a basis for setting goals for the patient to work towards. Importantly it comprises a set of activities that, for many doctors and patients, represents a distinct departure from a conventional consultation, including goal elicitation, goal-setting and action planning. This indicates that goal-setting is an uncertain interactional space subject to inequalities in understanding and expectations about what type of conversation is taking place, the roles of patient and doctor, and how patient priorities may be configured as goals. Analysing such spaces therefore has the potential for revealing how the principles of goal-setting are realised in practice. In this paper, we draw on Goffman’s concept of ‘frames’ to present an examination of how doctors’ and patients’ sense making of goal-setting was consequential for the interactions that followed. Informed by Interactional Sociolinguistics, we used conversation analysis methods to analyse 22 video-recorded goal-setting consultations with patients with multiple long-term conditions. Data were collected between 2016 and 2018 in three UK general practices as part of a feasibility study. We analysed verbal and non-verbal actions for evidence of GP and patient framings of consultation activities and how this was consequential for setting goals. We identified three interactional patterns: GPs checking and reframing patients’ understanding of the goal-setting consultation, GPs actively aligning with patients’ framing of their goal, and patients passively and actively resisting GP framing of the patient goals. These reframing practices provided “telling cases” of goal-setting interactions, where doctors and patients need to negotiate each other’s perspectives but also conflicting discourses of patient-centredness, population-based evidence for treating different chronic illnesses and conventional doctor-patient relations

    Fabricating Three-Dimensional Polymeric Photonic Structures by Multi-Beam Interference Lithography

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    The fabrication of true three-dimensional (3D) microstructures both rapidly and economically over a large area with negligible defects is attractive for a wide range of applications. In particular, multi-beam interference lithography is one of the promising techniques that can mass-produce polymeric 3D photonic crystals defect-free over a large area. This review discusses the relationship between beam geometry and the symmetry of the interference patterns, the lithographic process, and various types of photoresist systems, including thick films of negative-tone and positive-tone photoresists, organic-inorganic hybrids, hydrogels, and holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals

    Towards a conceptual framework for the prevention of gambling-related harms: Findings from a scoping review

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    The global gambling sector has grown significantly over recent years due to liberal deregulation and digital transformation. Likewise, concerns around gambling-related harms—experienced by individuals, their families, their local communities or societies—have also developed, with growing calls that they should be addressed by a public health approach. A public health approach towards gambling-related harms requires a multifaceted strategy, comprising initiatives promoting health protection, harm minimization and health surveillance across different strata of society. However, there is little research exploring how a public health approach to gambling-related harms can learn from similar approaches to other potentially harmful but legal sectors such as the alcohol sector, the tobacco sector, and the high in fat, salt and sugar product sector. Therefore, this paper presents a conceptual framework that was developed following a scoping review of public health approaches towards the above sectors. Specifically, we synthesize strategies from each sector to develop an overarching set of public health goals and strategies which—when interlinked and incorporated with a socio-ecological model—can be deployed by a range of stakeholders, including academics and treatment providers, to minimise gambling-related harms. We demonstrate the significance of the conceptual framework by highlighting its use in mapping initiatives as well as unifying stakeholders towards the minimization of gambling-related harms, and the protection of communities and societies alike

    Perceptions of Multicultural Training in Predoctoral Internship Programs: A Survey of Interns and Training Directors

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    Multicultural training at internship sites is a critical component in the preparation of doctoral-level psychologists, so the quality of this training is of the utmost importance. In the following study, the authors examine multicultural training from the perspective of predoctoral interns and training directors at counseling center sites that offer a major or minor rotation in multicultural therapy. Results suggest that perspectives vary between interns and training directors and that there is a great difference in the type of criteria used by each site as evidence of a major or minor rotation. The need for more standardized criteria to define major and minor rotations and suggestions for the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers, internship training directors, and prospective interns are discussed

    The Effects of Self-Regulation Strategies on Middle School Students\u27 Calibration Accuracy and Achievement

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    This study investigated the impact that self-regulation strategies have on metacognitive judgements (calibration) and mathematics achievement of typical and advanced achieving 7th grade mathematics students over a period of seven weeks. Self-regulation strategies, four square graphic organizers and vocabulary games were implemented with the treatment condition while online games were implemented with the control condition. The results revealed that participants in the treatment condition were more accurate in their calibrations than participants in the control condition, more specifically for postdiction accuracy. Although the participants in the treatment condition scored higher on their achievement tests than the participants in the control condition, there were no significant differences between the conditions

    Synthesis of photoacid crosslinkable hydrogels for the fabrication of soft, biomimetic microlens arrays

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    Soft, biomimetic microlens arrays were fabricated by interference lithography from the copolymers of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), whose hydroxyl groups were crosslinked by photoacids and external crosslinkers

    The Engagement Model of Person-Environment Interaction

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    This article focuses on growth-promoting aspects in the environment, and the authors propose a strength-based, dynamic model of person-environment interaction. The authors begin by briefly discussing the typical recognition of contextual variables in models that rely on the concept of person-environment fit. This is followed by a review of recent approaches to incorporating positive environmental factors in conceptualizations of human functioning. These approaches lead to an alternative model of person-environment interaction in which the engagement construct (i.e., the quality of a person-environment relationship determined by the extent to which negotiation, participation, and evaluation processes occur during the interaction) replaces the static notion of fit. Finally, the authors outline recommendations for overcoming environmental neglect in research, practice, and training
