53 research outputs found

    Minimally Invasive Surgery for Treatment of Patients with Advanced Cancer and Thoraco-lumbar Spine Metastases

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    Spinal metastases are common in patients with cancer. Spinal cord compression is the initial symptom of 5–10% of patients with diffuse cancer, and about 70% of lesions are found in the thoracic vertebrae. Patients with advanced cancer are generally excluded from major spine surgery, to reduce postoperative morbidity and mortality. Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) has recently been advocated as a useful approach for spinal metastases, especially in advanced cancer patients, seeking to decrease the morbidity of more traditional open spine surgery; furthermore, reducing the recovery time, MISS permits the post-operative chemotherapy and radiotherapy to begin sooner

    Percutaneous instrumentation with cement augmentation for traumatic hyperextension thoracic and lumbar fractures in ankylosing spondylitis: a single-institution experience

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    The typical traumatic thoracolumbar (TL) fracture in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a hyperextension injury involving all three spinal columns, which is associated with unfavorable outcomes. Although a consensus on the management of these highly unstable injuries is missing, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has been progressively accepted as a treatment option, since it is related to lower morbidity and mortality rates. This study aimed to evaluate clinical and radiological outcomes after percutaneous instrumentation with cement augmentation for hyperextension TL fractures in patients with AS at a single institution

    Aggressive Vertebral Hemangioma Causing Acute Spinal Cord Compression

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    A 46-year-old woman presented to our emergency department with sudden onset of lower extremity weakness after physical activity. She referred only dorsal back pain before these symptoms. Neurologic examination revealed weakness 2/5 of lower limbs, hyperreflexia of deep tendon reflex of lower limbs, hypoesthesia under D7 level, and no sphincteric dysfunction. A computed tomography scan showed an accentuation of trabecular markings within the vertebral body and areas of lysis ([Figs. 1A] [F]). Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images show diffuse abnormal marrow signal throughout the T6 vertebral body with epidural components with spinal cord compression ([Fig. 1B] [H]

    Adult Spinal Deformity in the Elderly. Preliminary Clinical and Radiological Results in 22 Patients Treated by a Two Times Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

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    IntroductionThe adult spinal deformity (ASD) seems, in the last years, in a progressive increment. It should be in relation to the aging of the population. This trend leads to a progression of the ..

    Stand-alone oblique lumbar interbody fusion (OLIF) for the treatment of adjacent segment disease (ASD) after previous posterior lumbar fusion: clinical and radiological outcomes and comparison with posterior revision surgery

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    Background: Radiological evidence of adjacent segment disease (ASD) has been reported to have a prevalence of more than 30% and several risk factors have been reported. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical and radiological outcomes of patients with symptomatic ASD treated with stand-alone OLIF and compare results with a posterior revision surgery cohort. Methods: This is a retrospective case-control study. Clinical-patient-reported outcomes were obtained at preoperative, postoperative and final follow-up visits using the Short Form (SF-36) scale, the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and the visual analog scale (VAS). Radiological measures include lumbar lordosis (LL), segmental lordosis (SL), pelvic incidence-lumbar lordosis (PI-LL) mismatch, segmental coronal Cobb angle and intervertebral disc height (DH). The data are compared with a retrospective series of patients that underwent a posterior revision surgery for ASD. Results: Twenty-eight patients in the OLIF group and 25 patients in the posterior group meet inclusion criteria. The mean ages at the time of the surgery are 65.1 years and 67.5, respectively. The mean follow-up time is 36.1 months (range of 14-56). The clinical outcomes significantly improve from preoperative values from the surgery in both groups. The radiological parameters are significantly improved postoperatively and were maintained at the last follow-up in both groups. A statistically significant difference is observed between the two groups for minor complication rate, length of surgery, blood loss and DH restoration. Conclusions: Stand-alone OLIF is an effective and safe technique with low morbidity and complication rates for the treatment of selected patients with symptomatic ASD following a previous lumbar fusion

    MRF4 negatively regulates adult skeletal muscle growth by repressing MEF2 activity

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    The myogenic regulatory factor MRF4 is highly expressed in adult skeletal muscle but its function is unknown. Here we show that Mrf4 knockdown in adult muscle induces hypertrophy and prevents denervation-induced atrophy. This effect is accompanied by increased protein synthesis and widespread activation of muscle-specific genes, many of which are targets of MEF2 transcription factors. MEF2-dependent genes represent the top-ranking gene set enriched after Mrf4 RNAi and a MEF2 reporter is inhibited by co-transfected MRF4 and activated by Mrf4 RNAi. The Mrf4 RNAi-dependent increase in fibre size is prevented by dominant negative MEF2, while constitutively active MEF2 is able to induce myofibre hypertrophy. The nuclear localization of the MEF2 corepressor HDAC4 is impaired by Mrf4 knockdown, suggesting that MRF4 acts by stabilizing a repressor complex that controls MEF2 activity. These findings open new perspectives in the search for therapeutic targets to prevent muscle wasting, in particular sarcopenia and cachexia

    Genome-wide association between YAP/TAZ/TEAD and AP-1 at enhancers drives oncogenic growth

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    YAP/TAZ are nuclear effectors of the Hippo pathway regulating organ growth and tumorigenesis. Yet, their function as transcriptional regulators remains underinvestigated. By ChIP-seq analyses in breast cancer cells, we discovered that the YAP/TAZ transcriptional response is pervasively mediated by a dual element: TEAD factors, through which YAP/TAZ bind to DNA, co-occupying chromatin with activator protein-1 (AP-1, dimer of JUN and FOS proteins) at composite cis-regulatory elements harbouring both TEAD and AP-1 motifs. YAP/TAZ/TEAD and AP-1 form a complex that synergistically activates target genes directly involved in the control of S-phase entry and mitosis. This control occurs almost exclusively from distal enhancers that contact target promoters through chromatin looping. YAP/TAZ-induced oncogenic growth is strongly enhanced by gain of AP-1 and severely blunted by its loss. Conversely, AP-1-promoted skin tumorigenesis is prevented in YAP/TAZ conditional knockout mice. This work highlights a new layer of signalling integration, feeding on YAP/TAZ function at the chromatin level

    The calcineurin-NFAT pathway controls activity-dependent circadian gene expression in slow skeletal muscle

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    OBJECTIVE: Physical activity and circadian rhythms are well-established determinants of human health and disease, but the relationship between muscle activity and the circadian regulation of muscle genes is a relatively new area of research. It is unknown whether muscle activity and muscle clock rhythms are coupled together, nor whether activity rhythms can drive circadian gene expression in skeletal muscle. METHODS: We compared the circadian transcriptomes of two mouse hindlimb muscles with vastly different circadian activity patterns, the continuously active slow soleus and the sporadically active fast tibialis anterior, in the presence or absence of a functional skeletal muscle clock (skeletal muscle-specific Bmal1 KO). In addition, we compared the effect of denervation on muscle circadian gene expression. RESULTS:We found that different skeletal muscles exhibit major differences in their circadian transcriptomes, yet core clock gene oscillations were essentially identical in fast and slow muscles. Furthermore, denervation caused relatively minor changes in circadian expression of most core clock genes, yet major differences in expression level, phase and amplitude of many muscle circadian genes. CONCLUSIONS: We report that activity controls the oscillation of around 15% of skeletal muscle circadian genes independently of the core muscle clock, and we have identified the Ca2+-dependent calcineurin-NFAT pathway as an important mediator of activity-dependent circadian gene expression, showing that circadian locomotor activity rhythms drive circadian rhythms of NFAT nuclear translocation and target gene expression

    ETV7 regulates breast cancer stem-like cell features by repressing IFN-response genes

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    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent a population of cells within the tumor able to drive tumorigenesis and known to be highly resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In this work, we show a new role for ETV7, a transcriptional repressor member of the ETS family, in promoting breast cancer stem-like cells plasticity and resistance to chemo- and radiotherapy in breast cancer (BC) cells. We observed that MCF7 and T47D BC-derived cells stably over-expressing ETV7 showed reduced sensitivity to the chemotherapeutic drug 5-fluorouracil and to radiotherapy, accompanied by an adaptive proliferative behavior observed in different culture conditions. We further noticed that alteration of ETV7 expression could significantly affect the population of breast CSCs, measured by CD44+/CD24low cell population and mammosphere formation efficiency. By transcriptome profiling, we identified a signature of Interferon-responsive genes significantly repressed in cells over-expressing ETV7, which could be responsible for the increase in the breast CSCs population, as this could be partially reverted by the treatment with IFN-β. Lastly, we show that the expression of the IFN-responsive genes repressed by ETV7 could have prognostic value in breast cancer, as low expression of these genes was associated with a worse prognosis. Therefore, we propose a novel role for ETV7 in breast cancer stem cells' plasticity and associated resistance to conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which involves the repression of a group of IFN-responsive genes, potentially reversible upon IFN-β treatment. We, therefore, suggest that an in-depth investigation of this mechanism could lead to novel breast CSCs targeted therapies and to the improvement of combinatorial regimens, possibly involving the therapeutic use of IFN-β, with the aim of avoiding resistance development and relapse in breast cancer
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