10 research outputs found

    Risk and pharmacoeconomic analyses of the injectable medication process in the paediatric and neonatal intensive care units

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse safety risks in injectable medications. To assess the potential impact and pharmacoeconomic aspects of safety tools. DESIGN: The injectable drug process was prospectively assessed using a failure modes, effects and criticality analysis. Criticality indexes were estimated based on their likelihood of occurrence, detection probability and potential severity. The impact of 10 safety tools on the criticality index was calculated and extrapolated to all drugs injected daily. Yearly costs for a reduction in criticality by 1 point (=1 quali) per day were estimated. SETTING: Paediatric and neonatal intensive care units in a University Hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Two paediatric nurses, a neonatologist, three hospital pharmacists. INTERVENTIONS: Qualitative and quantitative risk assessment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Failure modes, criticality indexes, cost-efficacy ratios. RESULTS: Thirty-one failure modes identified, with the mean of their entire criticality indexes totalling 4540. The most critical failure mode was microbial contamination. The following gains were predicted: 1292 quali (46 500 per day by extrapolation) from ready-to-use syringes, 1201 (72 060) by employing a clinical pharmacist, 996 (59 780) from double check by nurses and 984 (59 040) with computerized physician order entry. The best cost-efficacy ratios were obtained for a clinical pharmacist (1 quali = 0.54 euros), double check (1 quali = 0.71 euros) and ready-to-use syringes (1 quali = 0.72 euros). Computerized physician order entry showed the worst cost-efficacy ratio due to a very high investment costs (1 quali = 22.47 euros). CONCLUSION: Based on our risk and pharmacoeconomic analyses, clinical pharmacy and ready-to-use syringes appear as the most promising safety tools

    Use of a systematic risk analysis method to improve safety in the production of paediatric parenteral nutrition solutions

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    Background: Until recently, the preparation of paediatric parenteral nutrition formulations in our institution included re-transcription and manual compounding of the mixture. Although no significant clinical problems have occurred, re-engineering of this high risk activity was undertaken to improve its safety. Several changes have been implemented including new prescription software, direct recording on a server, automatic printing of the labels, and creation of a file used to pilot a BAXA MM 12 automatic compounder. The objectives of this study were to compare the risks associated with the old and new processes, to quantify the improved safety with the new process, and to identify the major residual risks. Methods: A failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) was performed by a multidisciplinary team. A cause-effect diagram was built, the failure modes were defined, and the criticality index (CI) was determined for each of them on the basis of the likelihood of occurrence, the severity of the potential effect, and the detection probability. The CIs for each failure mode were compared for the old and new processes and the risk reduction was quantified. Results: The sum of the CIs of all 18 identified failure modes was 3415 for the old process and 1397 for the new (reduction of 59%). The new process reduced the CIs of the different failure modes by a mean factor of 7. The CI was smaller with the new process for 15 failure modes, unchanged for two, and slightly increased for one. The greatest reduction (by a factor of 36) concerned re-transcription errors, followed by readability problems (by a factor of 30) and chemical cross contamination (by a factor of 10). The most critical steps in the new process were labelling mistakes (CI 315, maximum 810), failure to detect a dosage or product mistake (CI 288), failure to detect a typing error during the prescription (CI 175), and microbial contamination (CI 126). Conclusions: Modification of the process resulted in a significant risk reduction as shown by risk analysis. Residual failure opportunities were also quantified, allowing additional actions to be taken to reduce the risk of labelling mistakes. This study illustrates the usefulness of prospective risk analysis methods in healthcare processes. More systematic use of risk analysis is needed to guide continuous safety improvement of high risk activities

    Decision-support tools to manage drug incompatibilities: evaluation by nurses

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    Introduction Preventing drug incompatibilities has a high impact onthe safety of drug therapy. Although there are no internationalguidelines to manage drug incompatibilities, different decision-supporttools such as handbooks, cross-tables and databases are available.In a previous study, two decision-support tools have been pre-selectedby pharmacists as fitting nurses' needs on the wards1. The objective ofthis study was to have these both tools evaluated by nurses todetermine which would be the most suitable for their daily practice.Materials & Methods Evaluated tools were:1. Cross-table of drug pairs (http://files.chuv.ch/internet-docs/pha/medicaments/pha_phatab_compatibilitessip.pdf)2. Colour-table (a colour for each drug according to the pH: red =acid; blue = basic; yellow = neutral; black = to be infused alone)2Tools were assessed by 48 nurses in 5 units (PICU, adult andgeriatric intensive care, surgery, onco-hematology) using a standardizedform1. The scientific accuracy of the tools was evaluated bydetermining the compatibility of five drugs pairs (rate of correctanswers according to the Trissel's Handbook on Injectable Drugs,chi-square test). Their ergonomics, design, reliability and applicabilitywere estimated using visual analogue scales (VAS 0-10; 0 =null, 10 = excellent). Results are expressed as the median and interquartilerange (IQR) for 25% and 75% (Wilcoxon rank sum test).Results The rate of correct answers was above 90% for both tools(cross-table 96.2% vs colour-table 92.5%, p[0.05).The ergonomics and the applicability were higher for the crosstable[7.1 (IQR25 4.0, IQR75 8.0) vs 5.0 (IQR25 2.7, IQR75 7.0), p =0.025 resp. 8.3 (IQR25 7.4, IQR75 9.2) vs 7.6 (IQR25 5.9, IQR75 8.8)p = 0.047].The design of the colour-table was judged better [4.6 (IQR25 2.9,IQR75 7.1) vs 7.1 (IQR25 5.4, IQR75 8.4) p = 0.002].No difference was observed in terms of reliability [7.3 (IQR25 6.5,IQR75 8.4) vs 6.7 (IQR25 5.0, IQR758.6) p[0.05].The cross-table was globally preferred by 65% of the nurses (27%colour-table, 8% undetermined) and 68% would like to have thisdecision-support tool available for their daily practice.Discussion & Conclusion Both tools showed the same accuracy toassess drug compatibility. In terms of ergonomics and applicabilitythe cross-table was better than the colour-table, and was preferred bythe nurses for their daily practice. The cross-table will be implementedin our hospital as decision-support tool to help nurses tomanage drug incompatibilities

    Auto-évaluation de la qualité d'un site Internet de pharmacie hospitalière

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    Introduction: L'unité d'Assistance Pharmaceutique de la Pharmacie des HUG fonctionne comme centre d'information sur les médicaments et gère des informations mises à disposition sur le web. Celles-ci sont destinées prioritairement au personnel soignant des HUG et accessibles sur le site intranet/Internet (http://www.hcuge.ch/Pharmacie), mis en service en 1998. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer la qualité de l'information du site intranet/Internet et d'y apporter les améliorations nécessaires. Méthode: Le site intranet/Internet de la pharmacie des HUG a été évalué en automne 2004 à l'aide de 2 outils : NetScoring : grille d'évaluation de la qualité de l'information de santé sur Internet (http://www.chu-rouen.fr/netscoring/). Elle comporte 49 critères répartis en 8 catégories. Chaque critère est noté sur une échelle de 5 occurrences puis pondéré selon son importance (multiplication par 3 si le critère est essentiel, par 2 s'il est important ou par 1 s'il est mineur). Analyse AMDEC : méthode permettant de séquencer un processus et d'en Analyser les Modes de Défaillance, leur Effet et leur Criticité (Qual Saf Health Care 2005 :14(2);93-98). Un score est attribué à chaque mode de défaillance identifié en terme de fréquence, de sévérité et de détectabilité. La multiplication des 3 scores fournit un résultat global de criticité (indice de criticité IC, max. 810), permettant de hiérarchiser les risques. Résultats: Etat des lieux NetScoring : La qualité globale du site intranet/Internet était bonne (202 pts/312). Les points forts concernaient la pertinence et l'utilité du site, la qualité du contenu, du moteur de recherche et du design, la rapidité de chargement du site, la sélection des liens externes proposés et le respect du secret médical. Les faiblesses résidaient dans l'absence de politique de mise à jour régulière, d'annotation systématique de l'état d'actualisation des documents, d'un comité éditorial et scientifique, de mots-clés en anglais et d'une liste permettant l'identification des auteurs. Analyse AMDEC : Quatre catégories (création du document, conversion, structure du site et publication du document) et 19 modes de défaillances ont été caractérisés. Trois modes de défaillance étaient associés à un IC important: erreurs lors de la création d'un document (IC 256), information inadéquate car pratique non validée ou recommandation non généralisable (IC 147) et absence de relecture après la conversion du document en format publiable (ex : PDF) (IC 144). Mesures correctives: Une procédure standard (SOP) a été élaborée pour la gestion du site intranet/Internet. Le format standard des informations (initiales de l'auteur, dates de création et de mise à jour, logo de la pharmacie), la validation et la politique de mise à jour des documents ainsi que la procédure d'archivage y sont clairement définis. Une fiche de suivi accompagnant chaque document a été créée pour la traçabilité de toutes les modifications effectuées et la fréquence de révision à respecter. Discussion et conclusion Cette étude a permis de déterminer et de quantifier les points critiques à améliorer sur le site intranet/Internet de la Pharmacie des HUG. Les mesures correctives entreprises doivent permettre d'améliorer les principales faiblesses et défaillances mises en évidence. La mise en place d'un comité éditorial et scientifique devra être évaluée à l'avenir. Le NetScoring et l'analyse AMDEC sont des outils utiles pour l'évaluation et l'amélioration continue de la qualité d'un site Internet, sous réserve d'une interprétation critique des résultats obtenus avant la mise en place de mesures correctives. Malgré une approche totalement différente, ces outils ont permis de mettre en évidence des lacunes similaires

    Immunosuppressant therapeutic drug monitoring and trough level stabilisation after paediatric liver or kidney transplantation.

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    Immunosuppressive therapy must be guided by therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in paediatric liver (LT) and kidney transplantation (KT) patients to prevent under- and overdosing, which have clinical consequences. The purpose of our study was to analyse TDM results in our institutions and evaluate factors associated with blood level stabilisation after LT and KT. Blood levels of immunosuppressants were measured by immunoassay analysis. We compared blood level stabilisation between LT and KT, and evaluated associated factors in a retrospective study in two Swiss university hospitals. Forty-six patients (27 LT [median age 1.0 y], 19 KT [15.1 y]) were included. During the first month after transplantation, 32.8% (LT) and 41.2% (KT) of tacrolimus, and 22.1% (KT) of ciclosporin trough levels (measured before the next dose) were within target. In KT, trough levels stabilised earlier for tacrolimus than for ciclosporin (p = 0.02). Intensive care and hospital discharge occurred earlier in KT patients (p <0.001). Living-donor LT was associated with an earlier intensive care discharge compared with deceased donor (5.5 vs 11 days, p = 0.02). Primary metabolic disease and graft/recipient weight-ratio ≥0.03 was associated with earlier tacrolimus level stabilisation (14 vs 18 days, p = 0.01 and 15 vs 22 days, p = 0.05, respectively). In KT, recipient age (≥15.1 years) and weight (≥39.4 kg) were associated with an earlier trough level stabilisation (both 13 days vs not reached, p <0.001), and age with earlier hospital discharge (10 vs 14 days, p = 0.02). Immunosuppressant trough levels were often outside the target range in the first month after LT and KT. Organ-specific factors were associated with trough stabilisation