18 research outputs found

    O olhar da enfermagem sobre as práticas de cuidado de famílias rurais à pessoa com câncer

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as práticas de cuidados das famílias rurais que vivenciam o cuidar da pessoa com câncer. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, que utilizou como referencial teórico-metodológico o Modelo Bioecológico de Urie Bronfenbrenner e o método da inserção ecológica. Participaram três famílias da área rural, que tinham um de seus membros em tratamento quimioterápico no Serviço de Oncologia de um Hospital Escola da região Sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre fevereiro e julho de 2009. Constatou-se que a família rural cuida a partir das práticas de cuidado que foram construídas com base nas interações entre as pessoas da família ao longo das gerações e em outras práticas da comunidade. O carinho, o amor, a proteção, a união familiar, a fé, o estar junto, a preocupação com a alimentação descrevem o cuidar e constituem-se como práticas de cuidado das famílias rurais à pessoa com câncer

    Using HEP experiment workflows for the benchmarking and accounting of WLCG computing resources

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    Benchmarking of CPU resources in WLCG has been based on the HEP-SPEC06 (HS06) suite for over a decade. It has recently become clear that HS06, which is based on real applications from non-HEP domains, no longer describes typical HEP workloads. The aim of the HEP-Benchmarks project is to develop a new benchmark suite for WLCG compute resources, based on real applications from the LHC experiments. By construction, these new benchmarks are thus guaranteed to have a score highly correlated to the throughputs of HEP applications, and a CPU usage pattern similar to theirs. Linux containers and the CernVM-FS filesystem are the two main technologies enabling this approach, which had been considered impossible in the past. In this paper, we review the motivation, implementation and outlook of the new benchmark suite

    Using HEP experiment workflows for the benchmarking and accounting of WLCG computing resources

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    International audienceBenchmarking of CPU resources in WLCG has been based on the HEP-SPEC06 (HS06) suite for over a decade. It has recently become clear that HS06, which is based on real applications from non-HEP domains, no longer describes typical HEP workloads. The aim of the HEP-Benchmarks project is to develop a new benchmark suite for WLCG compute resources, based on real applications from the LHC experiments. By construction, these new benchmarks are thus guaranteed to have a score highly correlated to the throughputs of HEP applications, and a CPU usage pattern similar to theirs. Linux containers and the CernVM-FS filesystem are the two main technologies enabling this approach, which had been considered impossible in the past. In this paper, we review the motivation, implementation and outlook of the new benchmark suite