125 research outputs found

    Interpreting the possible break in the Black Hole - Bulge mass relation

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    Recent inspections of local available data suggest that the almost linear relation between the stellar mass of spheroids (MsphM_{\rm sph}) and the mass of the super massive Black Holes (BHs) residing at their centres, shows a break below Msph1010 MM_{\rm sph} \sim 10^{10}\ {\rm M}_\odot, with a steeper, about quadratic relation at smaller masses. We investigate the physical mechanisms responsible for the change in slope of this relation, by comparing data with the results of the semi-analytic model of galaxy formation MORGANA, which already predicted such a break in its original formulation. We find that the change of slope is mostly induced by effective stellar feedback in star-forming bulges. The shape of the relation is instead quite insensitive to other physical mechanisms connected to BH accretion such as disc instabilities, galaxy mergers, Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) feedback, or even the exact modelling of accretion onto the BH, direct or through a reservoir of low angular momentum gas. Our results support a scenario where most stars form in the disc component of galaxies and are carried to bulges through mergers and disc instabilities, while accretion onto BHs is connected to star formation in the spheroidal component. Therefore, a model of stellar feedback that produces stronger outflows in star-forming bulges than in discs will naturally produce a break in the scaling relation. Our results point to a form of co-evolution especially at lower masses, below the putative break, mainly driven by stellar feedback rather than AGN feedback.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Strong stellar-driven outflows shape the evolution of galaxies at cosmic dawn

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    We study galaxy mass assembly and cosmic star formation rate (SFR) at high-redshift (z>\gt4), by comparing data from multiwavelength surveys with predictions from the GAlaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA) model. GAEA implements a stellar feedback scheme partially based on cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, that features strong stellar driven outflows and mass-dependent timescale for the re-accretion of ejected gas. In previous work, we have shown that this scheme is able to correctly reproduce the evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) up to z3z\sim3. We contrast model predictions with both rest-frame Ultra-Violet (UV) and optical luminosity functions (LF), which are mostly sensible to the SFR and stellar mass, respectively. We show that GAEA is able to reproduce the shape and redshift evolution of both sets of LFs. We study the impact of dust on the predicted LFs and we find that the required level of dust attenuation is in qualitative agreement with recent estimates based on the UV continuum slope. The consistency between data and model predictions holds for the redshift evolution of the physical quantities well beyond the redshift range considered for the calibration of the original model. In particular, we show that GAEA is able to recover the evolution of the GSMF up to z\sim7 and the cosmic SFR density up to z\sim10.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted on ApJ Letter

    Galaxy assembly, stellar feedback and metal enrichment: the view from the GAEA model

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    One major problem of current theoretical models of galaxy formation is given by their inability to reproduce the apparently `anti-hierarchical' evolution of galaxy assembly: massive galaxies appear to be in place since z3z\sim 3, while a significant increase of the number densities of low mass galaxies is measured with decreasing redshift. In this work, we perform a systematic analysis of the influence of different stellar feedback schemes, carried out in the framework of GAEA, a new semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. It includes a self-consistent treatment for the timings of gas, metal and energy recycling, and for the chemical yields. We show this to be crucial to use observational measurements of the metallicity as independent and powerful constraints for the adopted feedback schemes. The observed trends can be reproduced in the framework of either a strong ejective or preventive feedback model. In the former case, the gas ejection rate must decrease significantly with cosmic time (as suggested by parametrizations of the cosmological `FIRE' simulations). Irrespective of the feedback scheme used, our successful models always imply that up to 60-70 per cent of the baryons reside in an `ejected' reservoir and are unavailable for cooling at high redshift. The same schemes predict physical properties of model galaxies (e.g. gas content, colour, age, and metallicity) that are in much better agreement with observational data than our fiducial model. The overall fraction of passive galaxies is found to be primarily determined by internal physical processes, with environment playing a secondary role.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication by MNRAS; note that corresponding new galaxy catalogues (FIRE model) will soon be made publicly available at http://gavo.mpa-garching.mpg.de/Millennium

    Nature versus nurture: what regulates star formation in satellite galaxies?

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    We use our state-of-the-art Galaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA) semi-analytic model to study how and on which time-scales star formation is suppressed in satellite galaxies. Our fiducial stellar feedback model, implementing strong stellar driven outflows, reproduces relatively well the variations of passive fractions as a function of galaxy stellar mass and halo mass measured in the local Universe, as well as the `quenching' time-scales inferred from the data. We show that the same level of agreement can be obtained by using an alternative stellar feedback scheme featuring lower ejection rates at high redshift, and modifying the treatment for hot gas stripping. This scheme over-predicts the number densities of low to intermediate mass galaxies. In addition, a good agreement with the observed passive fractions can be obtained only by assuming that cooling can continue on satellites, at the rate predicted considering halo properties at infall, even after their parent dark matter substructure is stripped below the resolution of the simulation. For our fiducial model, the better agreement with the observed passive fractions can be ascribed to: (i) a larger cold gas fraction of satellites at the time of accretion, and (ii) a lower rate of gas reheating by supernovae explosions and stellar winds with respect to previous versions of our model. Our results suggest that the abundance of passive galaxies with stellar mass larger than ~10^10 Msun is primarily determined by the self-regulation between star formation and stellar feedback, with environmental processes playing a more marginal role.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 appendix. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Reproducing the assembly of massive galaxies within the hierarchical cosmogony

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    In order to gain insight into the physical mechanisms leading to the formation of stars and their assembly in galaxies, we compare the predictions of the MOdel for the Rise of GAlaxies aNd Active nuclei (MORGANA) to the properties of K- and 850 micron-selected galaxies (such as number counts, redshift distributions and luminosity functions) by combining MORGANA with the spectrophotometric model GRASIL. We find that it is possible to reproduce the K- and 850 micron-band datasets at the same time and with a standard Salpeter IMF, and ascribe this success to our improved modeling of cooling in DM halos. We then predict that massively star-forming discs are common at z~2 and dominate the star-formation rate, but most of them merge with other galaxies within ~100 Myr. Our preferred model produces an overabundance of bright galaxies at z<1; this overabundance might be connected to the build-up of the diffuse stellar component in galaxy clusters, as suggested by Monaco et al. (2006), but a naive implementation of the mechanism suggested in that paper does not produce a sufficient slow-down of the evolution of these objects. Moreover, our model over-predicts the number of 10^{10}-10^{11} M_sun galaxies at z~1; this is a common behavior of theoretical models as shown by Fontana et al. (2006). These findings show that, while the overall build-up of the stellar mass is correctly reproduced by galaxy formation models, the ``downsizing'' trend of galaxies is not fully reproduced yet. This hints to some missing feedback mechanism in order to reproduce at the same time the formation of both the massive and the small galaxies.Comment: 14 pages; 11 figures; accepted for publication by MNRA

    Semi-analytic galaxy formation in coupled dark energy cosmologies

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    Among the possible alternatives to the standard cosmological model (Λ\LambdaCDM), coupled Dark Energy models postulate that Dark Energy (DE), seen as a dynamical scalar field, may interact with Dark Matter (DM), giving rise to a "fifth-force", felt by DM particles only. In this paper, we study the impact of these cosmologies on the statistical properties of galaxy populations by combining high-resolution numerical simulations with semi-analytic models (SAM) of galaxy formation and evolution. New features have been implemented in the reference SAM in order to have it run self-consistently and calibrated on these cosmological simulations. They include an appropriate modification of the mass temperature relation and of the baryon fraction in DM haloes, due to the different virial scalings and to the gravitational bias, respectively. Our results show that the predictions of our coupled-DE SAM do not differ significantly from theoretical predictions obtained with standard SAMs applied to a reference Λ\LambdaCDM simulation, implying that the statistical properties of galaxies provide only a weak probe for these alternative cosmological models. On the other hand, we show that both galaxy bias and the galaxy pairwise velocity distribution are sensitive to coupled DE models: this implies that these probes might be successfully applied to disentangle among quintessence, f(R)f(R)-Gravity and coupled DE models.Comment: 8 pages, 1 Table, 5 Figures, MNRAS submitte