231 research outputs found

    Osculating spaces to secant varieties

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    We generalize the classical Terracini's Lemma to higher order osculating spaces to secant varieties. As an application, we address with the so-called Horace method the case of the dd-Veronese embedding of the projective 3-space

    Comportamento a fatica di strutture meccaniche in piena scala: risultati sperimentali e previsioni

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    Il lavoro si propone di presentare le principali attività di ricerca svolte, negli ultimi anni, presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Nucleare e della Produzione (DIMNP) dell’Università di Pisa, anche in collaborazione con l’Università di Trento, nel campo della resistenza a fatica delle strutture meccaniche, in particolare per quanto riguarda la conduzione di “test” su componenti in piena scala e la loro interpretazione. Viene quindi condotta un’illustrazione di alcune recenti campagne sperimentali (Es.: giunzioni filettate in acciaio, elementi di sospensione in alluminio, ingranaggi ad elevate prestazioni), alla quale segue una descrizione delle attività di caratterizzazione di base e di modellazione condotte al fine di costituire una adeguata base di conoscenze per la interpretazione. Infine, vengono analizzati i risultati ottenuti, evidenziando alcuni problemi aperti, sia sul piano concettuale che su quello applicativo

    Statistical mechanics of the multi-constraint continuous knapsack problem

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    We apply the replica analysis established by Gardner to the multi-constraint continuous knapsack problem,which is one of the linear programming problems and a most fundamental problem in the field of operations research (OR). For a large problem size, we analyse the space of solution and its volume, and estimate the optimal number of items to go into the knapsack as a function of the number of constraints. We study the stability of the replica symmetric (RS) solution and find that the RS calculation cannot estimate the optimal number of items in knapsack correctly if many constraints are required.In order to obtain a consistent solution in the RS region,we try the zero entropy approximation for this continuous solution space and get a stable solution within the RS ansatz.On the other hand, in replica symmetry breaking (RSB) region, the one step RSB solution is found by Parisi's scheme. It turns out that this problem is closely related to the problem of optimal storage capacity and of generalization by maximum stability rule of a spherical perceptron.Comment: Latex 13 pages using IOP style file, 5 figure

    Lampedusa in Berlin : (Im)Mobilität innerhalb des europäischen Grenzregimes

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    This paper analyses the mobility practices offorced migrants within the European border regime. It investigates the relation between the control and management mechanisms of migration and the attempts of forced migrants to move freely, crisscrossing territorial and juridical borders in Europe. The paper focuses on the experiences of a group of forced migrants, who, after escaping the war in Libya, obtained humanitarian protection in Italy, but because of the current precarious socio-economic conditions in Southern Europe, decided to leave for North European countries. A group settled in Berlin, which gave rise to a protest claiming the right to stay and work against what is foreseen by European Union law. This paper draws on ethnographic work to show the tension between individual desires and practices of free mobility and the structural and juridical constraints implemented by institutions in order to control it and contain it. Focusing on this (im)mobility highlights the internal borders of Europe and how they are continuously challenged by migrant subjects. Three different kinds of mobility emerge across the European space: mobility within national territory, infra-national mobility, and \u201ccommuting-mobility\u201d. In this way, migrant subjects create new geographies and experience the whole European territory as one place: living in Berlin, renewing documents in Milan, attending education courses in Turin, and working seasonally in Sicily or Apulia. Such mobilities are supported by networks of migrants, who continuously move, and their supporters. This suggests a process of \u201cEuropeanisation from below\u201d that continuously challenges EU internal borders

    Storage of correlated patterns in a perceptron

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    We calculate the storage capacity of a perceptron for correlated gaussian patterns. We find that the storage capacity αc\alpha_c can be less than 2 if similar patterns are mapped onto different outputs and vice versa. As long as the patterns are in general position we obtain, in contrast to previous works, that αc≄1\alpha_c \geq 1 in agreement with Cover's theorem. Numerical simulations confirm the results.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX ioplppt style, figures included using eps

    Humanitarian Crisis

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    Mean-field analysis of the majority-vote model broken-ergodicity steady state

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    We study analytically a variant of the one-dimensional majority-vote model in which the individual retains its opinion in case there is a tie among the neighbors' opinions. The individuals are fixed in the sites of a ring of size LL and can interact with their nearest neighbors only. The interesting feature of this model is that it exhibits an infinity of spatially heterogeneous absorbing configurations for L→∞L \to \infty whose statistical properties we probe analytically using a mean-field framework based on the decomposition of the LL-site joint probability distribution into the nn-contiguous-site joint distributions, the so-called nn-site approximation. To describe the broken-ergodicity steady state of the model we solve analytically the mean-field dynamic equations for arbitrary time tt in the cases n=3 and 4. The asymptotic limit t→∞t \to \infty reveals the mapping between the statistical properties of the random initial configurations and those of the final absorbing configurations. For the pair approximation (n=2n=2) we derive that mapping using a trick that avoids solving the full dynamics. Most remarkably, we find that the predictions of the 4-site approximation reduce to those of the 3-site in the case of expectations involving three contiguous sites. In addition, those expectations fit the Monte Carlo data perfectly and so we conjecture that they are in fact the exact expectations for the one-dimensional majority-vote model

    Random replicators with high-order interactions

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    We use tools of the equilibrium statistical mechanics of disordered systems to study analytically the statistical properties of an ecosystem composed of N species interacting via random, Gaussian interactions of order p >= 2, and deterministic self-interactions u <= 0. We show that for nonzero u the effect of increasing the order of the interactions is to make the system more cooperative, in the sense that the fraction of extinct species is greatly reduced. Furthermore, we find that for p > 2 there is a threshold value which gives a lower bound to the concentration of the surviving species, preventing then the existence of rare species and, consequently, increasing the robustness of the ecosystem to external perturbations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Optimal static and dynamic recycling of defective binary devices

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    The binary Defect Combination Problem consists in finding a fully working subset from a given ensemble of imperfect binary components. We determine the typical properties of the model using methods of statistical mechanics, in particular, the region in the parameter space where there is almost surely at least one fully-working subset. Dynamic recycling of a flux of imperfect binary components leads to zero wastage.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Instance Space of the Number Partitioning Problem

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    Within the replica framework we study analytically the instance space of the number partitioning problem. This classic integer programming problem consists of partitioning a sequence of N positive real numbers \{a_1, a_2,..., a_N} (the instance) into two sets such that the absolute value of the difference of the sums of aja_j over the two sets is minimized. We show that there is an upper bound αcN\alpha_c N to the number of perfect partitions (i.e. partitions for which that difference is zero) and characterize the statistical properties of the instances for which those partitions exist. In particular, in the case that the two sets have the same cardinality (balanced partitions) we find αc=1/2\alpha_c=1/2. Moreover, we show that the disordered model resulting from hte instance space approach can be viewed as a model of replicators where the random interactions are given by the Hebb rule.Comment: 7 page
