11 research outputs found

    Fascioliasis prevalence in livestock from abattoirs in southern Chile

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    Fascioliasis is a widely distributed parasitic zoonosis caused by the trematode Fasciola hepatica that affects livestock production and generates high economic losses. In Chilean authorised abattoirs, the infected livestock livers are condemned during the veterinary inspection. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of fascioliasis in Chile from 2014 to 2016 and also monthly from 2002 to 2015 in livestock (cattle, pig, sheep, horse and goat) slaughtered in abattoirs of La Araucanía region, southern Chile. To do this, the available records on abattoirs provided by the sanitary authority were analysed. A descriptive statistics and trend analysis of the data by jointpoint regression was carried out. The Biobío and La Araucanía regions registered the highest levels of parasitosis in the country recording levels of 59.18 and 44.74%, respectively, and presented 50.03% of the liver condemnation rate in cattle. During the study period, a total of 2,239,164 animals were slaughtered and 40.59% infected livers with F. hepatica were condemned in the 9 existing abattoirs of La Araucanía region. The abattoirs located in the cities of Temuco (51.43%) and Angol (65.09%) recorded the highest percentages of fascioliasis. The cattle species recorded the highest number of slaughtered animals and liver condemnation (54.52%). The presence of the parasite was recorded annually and monthly and it was possible to observe a slight increase in fascioliasis over the years. This study provides updated information on the fascioliasis prevalence in the country and the dynamics of condemnation in endemic areas such as La Araucanía region, which could contribute to the control and prevention of this zoonosis

    Aguas Profundas, un Efecto en la Temperatura para el Manejo de Caligidosis en el Salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar)

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    Salmon farming is one of the pillars of the Chilean economy but due the emerging of many diseases, including the ecto-parasitism caused by Caligus rogercresseyi, the salmon industry has decreased their production indices. Based on that, alternative rearing systems are being evaluated for salmon cultivation, one of them fish farming in deep water, where the temperature is lower than the temperature of the surface, as C. rogercresseyi is a parasite whose life cycle is water temperature dependent. This paper describes the biological behaviour of the parasite and the effect of deep water and culture temperature on the establishment of the parasite in the host.La salmonicultura constituye uno de los pilares de la economía chilena, pero debido al desarrollo de innumerables enfermedades, entre las que destaca la ectoparasitosis causada por Caligus rogercresseyi, los productores de salmón han disminuido sus índices productivos. Debido a esto, se están buscando sistemas alternos para cultivar salmones, siendo uno de ellos el cultivo de peces en aguas profundas, donde la temperatura es menor a la temperatura de la superficie, ya que C. rogercresseyi es un parásito cuyo ciclo de vida es dependiente de la temperatura del agua. El estudio detalla el comportamiento biológico del parásito y el efecto de la profundidad y temperatura de cultivo sobre el establecimiento del parásito en el hospedero


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    Nematodirus helvetianus May 1920 (Nematoda: Molineidae), es un nematodo parásito del intestino delgado de diversas especies de rumiantes en climas templados alrededor del mundo, siendo reconocido como el más patógeno del género en bovinos. El hallazgo de los nematodos fue realizado aplicado el protocolo de necropsia descrito por Withlock en 100 bovinos entre 0,5 y 2,5 años de edad, procedentes de diversas localidades de La Araucanía en el sur de Chile. Basándose en la morfología del aparato reproductor de los machos, fue identificada la presencia de N. helvetianus en 2% (2/100) de los bovinos, con un número estimado total de 165 (5 x 33) ejemplares del parásito. Los nematodos fueron aclarados en lactofenol y montados en glicerogelatina. Tanto los rangos de medición, como la morfología de las espículas fueron coincidentes con las características diferenciales propuestas para la discriminación e identificación de la especie, constituyendo el primer registro de N. helvetianus en bovinos de Chile, contribuyendo con nueva información sobre las helmintiasis de los rumiantes en esta localización geográfica

    Aditivos Mucogénicos para el Control de Caligus rogercresseyi en Salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar)

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    Mucus is one of the most important components of fish immunity, it contains components of innate immunity such as glycoproteins, lysozyme, complement proteins, proteolytic enzymes, antimicrobial peptides and immunoglobulins. Current information concerning the generation, physiology and effects of mucus in Atlantic salmon is reviewed, as well as possible mucogenic additives for the control of parasites that may be attractive for future use in the reduction of Caligus rogercresseyi. A full-text multidisciplinary data search was carried out. The topics included in the research process correspond to salmon, mucus, and mucogenic additives. It was found that the additive that generates a greater increase of the mucus components is the probiotic Bacillus sp. The findings suggest that more research is needed to unravel the implications of skin mucosal immunity on fish welfare and diseases of biological importanceEl mucus es uno de los componentes más importantes de la inmunidad del pescado, contiene componentes de la inmunidad innata como glicoproteínas, lisozima, proteínas del complemento, enzimas proteolíticas, péptidos antimicrobianos e inmunoglobulinas. Se revisa información actualizada concerniente a la generación, fisiología y efectos del mucus en el salmón del Atlántico, así como de posibles aditivos mucogénicos para el control de parásitos que puedan ser atractivos para ser utilizados a futuro en la disminución de Caligus rogercresseyi. En virtud del cometido se realizó una búsqueda de datos multidisciplinarios de texto completo. Los tópicos incluidos en el proceso de investigación corresponden al salmón, mucus y aditivos mucogénicos. Se encontró que el aditivo que genera un mayor aumento de los componentes del mucus es el probiótico Bacillus sp. Los hallazgos sugieren que se necesita más investigación para desentrañar las implicaciones de la inmunidad de la mucosa de la piel sobre el bienestar de los peces y las enfermedades de importancia biológica

    First Molecular Characterization of Trichostrongylus colubriformis Infection in Rural Patients from Chile

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    Purpose The aim was to characterize the infection by Trichostrongylus spp. in patients from Chile using a combination of molecular detection techniques and phylogenetic analysis relating the findings to clinical and epidemiological reports of the patients Methods Strongylid eggs were detected in seven patients by coproparasitological techniques. From each sample a fragment of the ITS-2 ribosomal gene was amplified by PCR, sequenced and analyzed by the Neighbor-Joining method. Results All the sequences and phylogenetic clusters corresponded to T. colubriformis. Two samples presented a single nucleotide polymorphism showing two possible haplotypes. Six patients presented gastrointestinal symptoms. All of them lived on farms and used sheep manure as fertilizer. Conclusion T. colubriformis was the strongylid involved in the infections of these Chilean patients associated with the presence of livestock and agricultural practices that favor infection by this type of nematode

    Molecular Study of <i>Pneumocystis jirovecii</i> in Respiratory Samples of HIV Patients in Chile

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    Pneumocystis is an opportunistic fungus that causes potentially fatal pneumonia (PCP) in immunocompromised patients. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of P. jirovecii in HIV patients through phenotypic and molecular study, to investigate the genetic polymorphisms of P. jirovecii at the mitochondrial gene mtLSU and at the nuclear dihydropteroate synthase gene (DHPS), and by analysis of molecular docking to study the effect of DHPS mutations on the enzymatic affinity for sulfamethoxazole. A PCP prevalence of 28.3% was detected, with mtLSU rRNA genotypes 3 (33.3%) and 2 (26.6%) being the most common. A prevalence of 6.7% (1/15) mutations in the DHPS gene was detected, specifically at codon 55 of the amino acid sequence of dihydropteroate synthase. Molecular docking analysis showed that the combination of mutations at 55 and 98 codons is required to significantly reduce the affinity of the enzyme for sulfamethoxazole. We observed a low rate of mutations in the DHPS gene, and molecular docking analysis showed that at least two mutations in the DHPS gene are required to significantly reduce the affinity of dihydropteroate synthase for sulfamethoxazole

    High Presence of NETotic Cells and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Vaginal Discharges of Women with Vaginitis: An Exploratory Study

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    Infectious vaginitis is a microbiological syndrome of great importance in public health that affects millions of women worldwide. However, no studies have explored the phenomenon of the production of the neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that are released into the female reproductive tract in these pathologies. This study aimed to determine the presence of NETosis in vaginal discharges of women with bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, and trichomoniasis by characterizing NETs. Extracellular DNA with neutrophil elastase and citrullinated histones was identified to confirm the NET components (n = 10). The concentration, phenotypes of NETs, and number of NETotic cells were determined. The results showed an increase in NETotic cells in women with Candida albicans (CA) and Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) and an increase in NETs in TV-induced vaginitis. Samples of CA- and TV-infected women showed different NET phenotypes (diffNETs, sprNETs, and aggNETs); diffNETs were found in high concentrations in samples with CA and were increased in three types of NETs in TV infections. Samples with intermediate microbiota and bacterial vaginosis showed increased NETotic cells while the intermediate microbiota presented a higher concentration of NETs. Therefore, alterations in the microbiota and the presence of fungal and parasitic infections are important stimuli for the activation and induction of NETosis, and their cytotoxic effects could enhance tissue damage

    Penicillium digitatum, First Clinical Report in Chile: Fungal Co-Infection in COVID-19 Patient

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    Penicillium digitatum is one of the most important phytopathogens. It causes deterioration and rotting of citrus fruits, generating significant economic losses worldwide. As a human pathogen, it is extremely rare. We present a case of pulmonary co-infection in a patient diagnosed with pneumonia due to SARS-CoV-2. A 20-year-old female patient, primigravid, 36 weeks of gestation, without comorbidities, and diagnosed with severe pneumonia due to the SARS-CoV-2, showed rapid lung deterioration for which their pregnancy was interrupted by surgery. The patient was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), connected to mechanical ventilation and receiving corticosteroids and antibiotics. The diagnosis of pulmonary fungal infection was made through bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) culture, and the species identification was performed by sequencing of &beta;-tubulin. Phylogenetic analysis with related species was performed for the confirmation of species identification. Antifungal susceptibility tests were performed for itraconazole (4 &micro;g/mL), voriconazole (2 &micro;g/mL), and amphotericin B (2 &micro;g/mL). The patient was successfully treated with itraconazole. This is the second worldwide report of pulmonary infection by P. digitatum and the first in Chile. Although it is a fungus that rarely infects humans, it could represent an emerging opportunistic fungal pathogen, with associated risk factors that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of Penicillium species isolated from infections in humans