16 research outputs found

    Germination responses of Cola acuminata (Pal. De Beauv.) seeds to different substrates, photoperiods and dehydration

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    Cola acuminata (Pal. De Beauv.), one of the many forest tree species which are of socio-economic importance in Western and Central Africa, is still exploited in the wild by subsistence farmers because it has not been domesticated yet. As a contribution to its domestication, the present study aimed at determining germination requirements and desiccation tolerance of seeds. Three substrates (forest topsoil, river sand and mixture of forest top soil and river sand), two photoperiods (12 hours/day and continuous darkness) and dehydration were investigated for their effects on seeds germination percentage. To evaluate the seeds’ tolerance to desiccation, fresh seeds were dried at laboratory temperature for 16 days during which seeds moisture content, seeds germination percentage and electrical conductivity of seeds leachate were monitored at two-day intervals. Results showed that the mean germination percentage recorded on the mixture of forest top soil and river sand (97.2 ± 1.0%) was significantly higher than that recorded on forest topsoil (85.5 ± 4.0%), which was in turn higher than that obtained on river sand (70 ± 1.5%). The effect of photoperiod on germination percentage was not significant (p = 0.112). As response to seeds drying, the mean germination percentage slightly decreased as moisture got lost, then drastically dropped when moisture content was below 45.95 ± 4.2%. Seeds failed to germinate when their moisture content fell below 27.1 ± 2.1%. Electrical conductivity of seed leachate exhibited a highly significant negative correlation with both germination percentage (p ˂ 0.01, r = -0.926) and moisture content (p ˂ 0.01, r = -0.931). It is concluded that the best substrate for C. acuminata seeds’ germination is the mixture of forest top soil and river sand in a 1/1 (v/v) ratio. Cola acuminata seeds are desiccation-sensitive and their storage behavior is recalcitrant. This is a significant constraint for conservation that should be addressed in further researches.Keywords: Cola acuminate, seed germination, photoperiod, desiccation tolerance, moisture content, storage behavior

    Assemblages d’algues et relations avec quelques paramètres environnementaux dans deux sites marécageux de l’Ouest-Cameroun

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    Les échantillons destinés à l’étude des algues ont été prélevés par grattage sur différents types de substrats et par expression de macrophytes immergées dans deux sites marécageux situés dans la région Ouest du Cameroun. Les observations au microscope optique ont permis d’observer les organismes encore vivants dans leur déplacement et de noter des détails qui pourraient disparaître du fait de la fixation. Les comptages ont été faits suivant des transects verticaux choisis au hasard sur la lame jusqu’à obtention de 200 individus au moins. Les données floristiques ont été ensuite soumises à une Analyse Factorielle des Correspondances (AFC). Les résultats obtenus montrent que la répartition des espèces dans l’espace semble être contrôlée, principalement, par la pollution organique. La variabilité spatiale de cette pollution organique pourrait être expliquée par la direction privilégiée des polluants organiques due aux courants d’eau, ou par une inégale distribution dans l’espace des différentes espèces de macrophytes. Le mélange des espèces de préférences écologiques différentes dans le même échantillon, de même que la contradiction entre l’écologie de certaines espèces connues de la littérature et celle déduite des paramètres chimiques mesurés, pourraient être attribués à la variabilité à courte échelle de temps des conditions physico-chimiques, en relation avec les caractéristiques du climat local.Samples for algal analysis were obtained through scraping or squeezing plant parts or other objects collected in the waters of two wetland sites in western Cameroon. Microscopic observations were made to identify living organisms, and to note their movement and other details that could disappear with fixation. Counts of at least 200 individuals per sample were then made on fixed samples following vertical transects randomly chosen on the slide. Identifications were made using published keys in reference documents. Floristic data obtained were submitted to Factorial Analysis. Results obtained showed that the spatial distribution of species is primarily controlled by organic pollution. The spatial variability of the organic pollution could be explained by favoured directions of water movement transporting organic pollutants, or by an irregular spatial distribution of different species of macrophytes. Occurrence in given samples of species with different ecological preferences, and the incompatibility between the species ecology known from the literature and that deduced from our field parameters, could be attributed to the short-term variability of physicochemical parameters, in relation to the local climate

    An Alternative Tissue Culture Media for Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Micro Propagation

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    The cumbersome nature of tissue culture technique contributes to the low adoption of the technique. This work aims at developing an accessible alternative tissue culture medium for potato micro propagation. The inorganic components of the conventional MS medium were replaced with a common source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) to regenerate in vitro plantlets of six improved Cameroonian potato varieties selected from meristem-derived plantlets. These varieties included: Cipira, Mafo, Bambui wonder, Irad 2005, Jacob 2005 and Tubira. Five (5) nodes each per replicate per variety were cultured on both media and allowed to grow at a temperature of 21 ºC and 16hrs/day photoperiod for 28 days.Number of nodes sprouting, number of nodes rooting, plant height, and number of nodes per plantlet were recorded weekly in 4 weeks. Results shows that both media regenerated vigorous plantlets with shoots and roots. Using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), analysis of variance revealed slight significant differences (p≤0.05) between varieties and media in terms of sprouting and rooting Height of plantlets on NPK medium ranged from 29.85 mm (Cipira) to 45.25 mm (Irad 2005) meanwhile, on MS medium it ranged from 47.93 mm (Bambui Wonder) to 65.70 mm (Jacob 2005). Average number of nodes ranged from 2.59 (Tubira) to 3.63 (Mafo) on fertilizer medium while on MS medium it ranged from 2.70 (Irad 2005) to 4.20 (No significant difference at p≤0.05). in conclusion; the developing countries can replace the inorganic components of MS medium with inorganic fertilizer (NPK) for in vitro multiplication of potato

    Perceptions paysannes sur les services écosystémiques d’approvisionnement, la vulnérabilité et les stratégies de conservation de Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst en zone soudanienne du Tchad

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    Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. est une espèce d’arbre Ă  usage multiple des forĂŞts tropicales sèches qui est encore exploitĂ©e Ă  l’état sauvage et dont les pratiques sylviculturales ne sont pas documentĂ©es. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude avait pour but d’apprĂ©hender les perceptions paysannes sur l’importance socio-Ă©conomique, le niveau de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et la pratique de la culture de cette espèce dans la zone soudanienne du Tchad. L’approche mĂ©thodologique a consistĂ© en des enquĂŞtes rĂ©alisĂ©es auprès de 350 personnes rĂ©parties dans 10 villages, ainsi que des observations de terrain. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que D. mespiliformis est bien connu des populations locales (100 % des enquĂŞtĂ©s) qui en font usage dans six catĂ©gories d’usage, avec un large consensus au niveau des utilisations mĂ©dicinales (Cs = 0,96), alimentaires (Cs = 0,33), dans les constructions (Cs = 0,26) et comme bois d’énergie (Cs = 0,24). Par contre le consensus est restĂ© faible pour l’utilisation dans l’artisanat (Cs = - 0,76) et comme bois d’œuvre (Cs = - 0,83). Selon 80,2 % des rĂ©pondants, les revenus tirĂ©s de l’exploitation de cette ressource contribuent significativement Ă  l’amĂ©lioration du bien-ĂŞtre des mĂ©nages. En dehors de la cueillette et du ramassage des fruits, toutes les autres mĂ©thodes de rĂ©colte citĂ©es par les rĂ©pondants (Ă©corçage, prĂ©lèvement des racines, effeuillage et abatage) sont destructives, mais seulement 17,7 % des rĂ©pondants en sont conscients. Une tendance rĂ©gressive de la dynamique du peuplement de l’espèce est perçue par la majoritĂ© (52 %) des rĂ©pondants. Selon 83,5 % des enquĂŞtĂ©s, les habitudes en matière de culture de cette espèce sont rares voire inexistantes, Ă  cause des difficultĂ©s de germination des graines, de la raretĂ© des graines et des conditions climatiques dĂ©favorables Ă  la rĂ©ussite du drageonnage. Les rĂ©pondants dans la quasi-totalitĂ© (99 %) se sont dĂ©clarĂ©s prĂŞts Ă  adopter la pratique de la culture de la plante si les contraintes de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration sont levĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude indiquent clairement que D. mespiliformis serait une espèce propice Ă  la domestication participative pour l’intensification du système agroforestier dans la zone soudanienne du Tchad.   Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. is a multipurpose tree species from tropical dry forests that is still exploited in the wild and whose silvicultural practices are not documented. The aim of this study was to understand the peasants’ perceptions on the socio-economic importance, the level of vulnerability and the cultivation practice of this species in the Sudanese zone of Chad. The methodological approach consisted of surveys carried out among 350 people in 10 villages, as well as field observations. The results showed that D. mespiliformis is well known to local populations (100% of respondents) who use it in six categories of use, with a broad consensus for use in medicine (Cs = 0.96), food (Cs = 0.33), constructions (Cs = 0.26) and as fuelwood (Cs = 0.24). On the other hand, the consensus remained weak for use in crafts (Cs = - 0.76) and as lumber (Cs = - 0.83). According to 80.2 % of respondents, income from the exploitation of this resource significantly contributes to improving household well-being. Apart from picking and collecting fruit, all other harvesting methods cited by respondents (debarking, root picking, leaf stripping and felling) are destructive, but only 17.7 % of respondents are aware of this. A regressive trend in the population dynamics of the species is perceived by the majority (52 %) of respondents. According to 83.5 % of respondents, the cultivation habits of this species are rare or even non-existent, because of poor seed germination, the scarcity of seeds and climatic conditions unfavorable to the success of suckering. Almost all respondents (99 %) declared themselves ready to adopt the practice of growing the plant if the regeneration constraints are lifted. The results of this study clearly indicate that D. mespiliformis would be an interesting species for participatory domestication for the intensification of the agro-forestry system in the Sudanese zone of Chad

    Étude des modes d’approvisionnement en eau potable et des stratégies de réhabilitation des points d’eau modernes ruraux en zone tropicale humide : cas de la Commune de Mvangan au Cameroun

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    This article aims to provide local information on access to drinking water and service management models in the Mvangan Council (Southern-Cameroon). Specifically, the article provides an overview of access to safe drinking water in Mvangan Council, makes a critical analysis of the management model put in place and proposes solutions to improve water service. The data were collected from field visit, direct observations, interviews of water users and questionnaire administered to the water point management committee. The results revealed that in the Mvangan Council there are one hundred and twenty-seven (127) modern water points including eighty-four (84) wells, eleven (11) boreholes and thirty-two (32) springs. It was observed that about 62% of the water points were fully in service, 75% hand pumps were found in good conditions, and that yielded 74.34% of water point needs were covered. The maintenance of the water points was carried out by the Mvangan municipal management. The irregularity of monitoring, the weak functionality of the Committees of Water Points Management (CWPMs), the weak structuring of the maintenance chain, the low financial flows generated by the water commercialization, and the lack of culture of water sale in the community were the main constraints that affect the sustainability of water services in Mvangan Council. These inadequacies are the result of the incomplete implementation of the ongoing decentralization process in Cameroon and most countries in West and Central Africa. Also, the completion of the maintenance of the works under management and more generally the pooling of water services at the level of several municipalities is a promising avenue of action to improve the sustainability of services in Cameroon and West and Central Africa

    Allometric models to estimate the aboveground biomass of tropical highlands savannahs trees

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    The development of tree allometric equations is crucial to accurate savannah carbon assessment. In Africa, the absence of multi-species allometric equations for savannah ecosystems has led to broad use of pan moist tropical equations develop for forest to estimate tree biomass. The aim of this study was to develop accurate multi-species allometric regressions for estimation the aboveground biomass of trees in the Western Highlands savannahs of Cameroon. Data of aboveground woody biomass were obtained from destructive sampling of 103 trees belonging to 7 species across a range of diameter (5–38 cm). The dry aboveground biomass varied from 6.19 kg for the smallest tree to 669.45 kg for the largest tree. Proportional relationships between aboveground biomass and diameter breast height (DBH) are constructed derived from eight regression models (linear, growth, compound, exponential, quadratic, cubic, power and logarithmic). The best models were selected using coefficients of determination (R²) and relative error. The best local multi-species models using only diameter as input variable were quadratic and cubic regressions with respectively R² of 0.914 and 0.917. The quadratic model overestimates the biomass with a bias of 0.04 % while the cubic model underestimates it with a 0.012 % bias. In this study, the two multi-species allometric equation developed for savannahs can be used to produce accurate estimates of biomass and carbon stocks from diameter measurement in forest inventory data.Keywords: Aboveground biomass, Allometric equations, DBH, Highlands, savannah

    Potentiel fourrager d’Echinochloa crus-pavonis (Kunth) Schult utilisée en phytoépuration des eaux usées domestiques

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    L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer les possibilités de valorisation de la forte biomasse d’Echinochloa crus-pavonis produite en épuration des eaux usées domestiques. La composition chimique de cette plante a été estimée. Des échantillons destinés aux analyses ont été prélevés sur des spécimens mis en culture dans des bassins d’épuration à chaque stade phénologique (feuillu, montaison, floraison). Le pourcentage de la Matière Sèche (MS) et des cendres ainsi que le pourcentage par matière sèche de la Matière Organique (MO), la Digestibilité de la Matière Organique (DMO), l’Energie Métabolisable (EM), les teneurs en lipides et en fibres (NDF, ADF, ADL, hémicellulose et cellulose) ont été déterminés dans les échantillons par les méthodes décrites par AOAC (Association of Official Agricultural Chemists). La teneur en protéines a été déterminée par la méthode Kjeldhal. La composition chimique d’E. crus-pavonis varie significativement avec le stade phénologique. La MS, MO, NDF et ADF ont significativement augmenté entre les différents stades phénologiques (P< 0,05), elles sont passées respectivement de 90,4 9%, 89,62 %, 71.75 % et 40.81 % MS au stade feuillu à 95,13%, 94,09 %, 76,70 % et 48.09 % MS au stade floraison. Tandis que les cendres, les protéines et les lipides ont significativement baissé avec le stade de maturité de la plante (P>0,05) (respectivement de 10,37 %, 17,16 % et 4,92 % au stade feuillu à 5.90 %, 14,09 % et 3,43 % MS au stade floraison). Ces résultats obtenus indiquent qu’E. cruspavonis utilisée dans le traitement des eaux usées présente des potentialités fourragères et pourrait donc être utilisé pour la nutrition du bétail, si d’autres tests sanitaires sont menés.Mots clés: Eaux usées, E. crus-pavonis, stades phénologiques, biomasse, composition chimiqueEnglish AbstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate the possibilities of valorization of the high Echinochloa crus-pavonis biomass produced in an experimental wastewater treatment plant. The chemical composition of this plant was estimated. Samples for analyses were collected from specimens planted in the wetland beds at each phenological stages (leafy, bolting and the flowering stages). The percentage of dry matter (DM) and ash as well as the percentage of dry organic matter (OM), organic matter digestibility (OMD), Metabolizable energy (ME), lipid and fibre contents (NDF, ADF, ADL, hemicellulose and cellulose) were determined in samples by the methods described by AOAC (Agricultural Official Analysis Chemists Association). Protein content was determined by Kjeldhal method. The chemical composition of E. Crus-Pavonis varies significantly with the phenological stages. DM, OM, NDF and ADF significantly increased between the phenological stages (P <0.05), they increased from 90.49%, 89.62%, 71.75% and 40.81% DM respectively to 95.13%DM at the leafy stage and 94.09%, 76.70% and 48.09% DM at the flowering stage. However, ashes, proteins and lipids significantly decreased with plants at maturity (P> 0.05) (respectively 10.37% DM, 17.16% DM and 4.92% DM at leafy stage to 5.90% DM, 14.09% DM and 3.43% DM at flowering stage). These results indicate that E. crus-pavonis used in wastewater treatment has forage potential and could therefore be used for livestock nutrition if tested healthy.Keywords: Wastewater, E. crus-pavonis, phenological stages, biomass, chemical compositio

    Collecte et Ă©vacuation des boues de vidange dans la ville de Bafoussam, Cameroun (Afrique centrale)

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    L’objectif de ce travail est de décrire le système de collecte et d’évacuation des boues de vidange à Bafoussam, et d’en relever les insuffisances en vue de proposer une méthode pour une meilleure gestion. Les acteurs et leurs rôles dans la chaîne de gestion des boues de vidange ont été identifiés. Les boues ont été collectées, caractérisées et leurs effets potentiels sur les populations environnantes du site de la décharge ont été évalués. Les principaux résultats ont montré que les boues de vidange sont gérées de manière autonome dans deux types d’ouvrages : les fosses septiques (49 %) et les latrines (59 %). Les acteurs intervenant dans la collecte et l’évacuation des boues de vidange sont : la population, la communauté urbaine et une entreprise privée. Les caractéristiques physico-chimiques des boues sont très élevées par rapport aux normes de rejet exigées par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (DCO, 60 500 mg/l ; NH4+, 1472 mg/l ; PO43-, 1044 mg/l). Près de 1440 m3 de boues de vidange en moyenne sont pompés par an par des camions-citernes et déversées sans traitement au bord de la rivière Noun.The aim of this study is to describe the system of collection and evacuation of faecal sludge in Bafoussam (Cameroon), to raise the insufficiencies in order to propose a method for a better management. The actors and their roles in the chain of management of faecal sludge were identified. Faecal wastes were collected, characterized in the lab and their potential effects on the surrounding populations of the site of the discharge were evaluated. The principal results showed that faecal wastes are managed autonomously in the septic tanks (49 %) and the latrines (59 %). The actors involved in the collection and evacuation of faecal sludge are : population, urban community and a private company. The physicochemical characteristics of muds are very high compared to the norms of rejection required by the World Health Organization (DCO, 60 500 mg/l ; NH4+, 1472 mg/l ; PO4-3, 1044 mg/l). A volume of about 1440 m3 of faecal waste are pumped per year by tankers and are poured without treatment at the edge of the Noun river

    Effects of salinity on growth, water content and distribution of Na+ and K+ in the organs of Avicennia germinans L. seedlings

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    Effects of 4 different concentrations of NaCl on plant height, on water content and on the distribution of monovalent cations (Na + and K +) in organs of Avicennia germinans seedlings in semi-controlled conditions were investigated. After 4 weeks of cultivation, results showed that 200 mmoles sodium chloride reduced the height of leaves, but roots and stems growth was stimulated at 100 mmoles of NaCl. A high retention rate of sodium was noted in seedling epicotyl axes, contributing to delay the invasion of young leaves, thereby preventing toxic effects of the ion. Adaptation of mature leaves to the salt stress was found to be associated with succulence, which was achieved by the absorption of large quantities of water and K +. In leaves, uptake of K + was not affected by the NaCl concentration in the medium. As a result, absorption of Na + and K+ reduces the water potential, and consequently increases the water content in the studied organs. The high concentrations of Na + and K + in the leaves suggested that these ions might be the principal mineral elements responsible for the osmotic adjustment in the resistance of A. germinans to salinity stress. Keywords: mineral nutrition salinity, ionic transport, Avicennia germinans Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 1(1) 2005: 21-2

    Macrophyte diversity in polluted and non-polluted wetlands in Cameroon

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    Inventory of macrophyte species in four wetlands in the Olezoa drainage basin in Yaoundé, two wetlands in the Bamenda central town, and two wetlands in the rural areas in the Menoua Division, was carried out from October 2003 to June 2004. The belt transect method was used for sampling and collecting plant specimens. In the four polluted wetlands studied in Yaoundé, 13 species belonging to 13 genera and 12 families were recorded. The families Cyperaceae and Poaceae were the most abundant, with the later being the only family represented by more than one species. A total of 43 species in 40 genera and 20 families were recorded in Bamenda wetlands, which were also polluted, as evidenced by some physicochemical analysis of wastewater. The family Poaceae appeared the most represented, having a total of 12 species in these wetlands. In the wetlands of the rural areas, a total of 67 macrophyte species in 55 genera and 27 families were identified. The family Cyperaceae was the most represented, with 16 species, followed by the Poaceae with 9 species. The macrophyte species identified were both terrestrial, aquatic and wetland species, some of which have already been tested in other countries in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. The number of macrophyte species recorded in the polluted wetlands was low compared with that of the wetlands in the rural areas. The species that grow well in polluted wetlands represent potential candidates for tests in artificial wetlands for phytopurification of wastewater in the studied area. Keywords: Macrophytes, wetlands, diversity, phytopurification, wastewater, tropics. RESUME L'inventaire des macrophytes de quatre marécages dans le bassin versant Olezoa à Yaoundé, deux marécages dans la ville de Bamenda, et deux marécages des zones rurales dans les hautes terres de l'Ouest du Cameroun, a été conduite d'octobre 2003 à juin 2004. La méthode de transect a été utilisée pour recenser et récolter les espèces macrophytiques présentes dans chaque marécage. Dans les quatre marécages pollués de Yaoundé, 13 espèces appartenant à 13 genres distribués dans 12 familles ont été identifiées. Les familles des Cyperacées et des Poacées sont les plus abondantes, la dernière famille étant la seule représentée par plus d'une espèce. Un total de 43 espèces distribuées dans 40 genres et 20 familles a été enregistré dans les marécages de Bamenda dont le caractère pollué a été prouvé par des analyses physicochimiques. La famille des Poacées est la plus représentée avec un total de 12 espèces dans ces marécages. Dans les marécages des zones rurales, un total de 67 espèces appartenant à 55 genres et 27 familles ont été identifiées. La famille des Cyperacées était la plus représentée, avec 16 espèces, suivie par celle des Poacées avec 9 espèces. Les macrophytes identifiés dans ces milieux sont terrestres ou aquatiques et certaines ont été testées en marécages artificiels pour l'épuration des eaux usées. Le nombre d'espèces de macrophytes recensées dans les marécages recevant les eaux usées est faible comparée à celui des marécages des zones rurales. Les espèces qui prolifèrent dans les marécages pollués pourraient servir dans les essais de phytoépuration d'eaux usées par marécages artificiels dans la zone d'étude. Mots clés: macrophytes, marécages, diversité, phytoépuration, eaux usées, régions tropicales Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 1(1) 2005: 26-3