32 research outputs found

    Anthropology and GIS: Temporal and Spatial Distribution of the Philippine Negrito Groups

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    The Philippine negrito groups comprise a diverse group of populations speaking over 30 different languages, who are spread all over the archipelago, mostly in marginal areas of Luzon Island in the north, the central Visayas islands, and Mindanao in the south. They exhibit physical characteristics that are different from more than 100 Philippine ethnolinguistic groups that are categorized as non-negritos. Given their numbers, it is not surprising that Philippine negritos make up a major category in a number of general ethnographic maps produced since the nineteenth century. Reports from various ethnological surveys during this period, however, have further enriched our understanding regarding the extent and distribution of negrito populations. Using the data contained in these reports, it is possible to plot and create a map showing the historical locations and distribution of negrito groups. Using geographic information systems (GIS), the location and distribution of negrito groups at any given time can be overlaid on historical or current maps. In the present study, a GIS layer was compiled and extracted from the 2000 Philippine Census of population at the village level and overlaid on existing maps of the Philippines. The maps that were generated from this project will complement ongoing anthropological and genetic studies of negrito groups that inhabit different locations within the Philippine archipelago

    Loss of susceptibility as a novel breeding strategy for durable and broad-spectrum resistance

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    Recent studies on plant immunity have suggested that a pathogen should suppress induced plant defense in order to infect a plant species, which otherwise would have been a nonhost to the pathogen. For this purpose, pathogens exploit effector molecules to interfere with different layers of plant defense responses. In this review, we summarize the latest findings on plant factors that are activated by pathogen effectors to suppress plant immunity. By looking from a different point of view into host and nonhost resistance, we propose a novel breeding strategy: disabling plant disease susceptibility genes (S-genes) to achieve durable and broad-spectrum resistance

    Genomics-assisted breeding in four major pulse crops of developing countries: present status and prospects

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    The global population is continuously increasing and is expected to reach nine billion by 2050. This huge population pressure will lead to severe shortage of food, natural resources and arable land. Such an alarming situation is most likely to arise in developing countries due to increase in the proportion of people suffering from protein and micronutrient malnutrition. Pulses being a primary and affordable source of proteins and minerals play a key role in alleviating the protein calorie malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and other undernourishment-related issues. Additionally, pulses are a vital source of livelihood generation for millions of resource-poor farmers practising agriculture in the semi-arid and sub-tropical regions. Limited success achieved through conventional breeding so far in most of the pulse crops will not be enough to feed the ever increasing population. In this context, genomics-assisted breeding (GAB) holds promise in enhancing the genetic gains. Though pulses have long been considered as orphan crops, recent advances in the area of pulse genomics are noteworthy, e.g. discovery of genome-wide genetic markers, high-throughput genotyping and sequencing platforms, high-density genetic linkage/QTL maps and, more importantly, the availability of whole-genome sequence. With genome sequence in hand, there is a great scope to apply genome-wide methods for trait mapping using association studies and to choose desirable genotypes via genomic selection. It is anticipated that GAB will speed up the progress of genetic improvement of pulses, leading to the rapid development of cultivars with higher yield, enhanced stress tolerance and wider adaptability

    Estudio epidemiológico observacional prospectivo del manejo del dolor en pacientes oncológicos en tratamiento radioterápico: estudio GORVAMUR

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: To assess breakthrough pain management in patients at radiation oncology and its impact on pain control in these patients, as well as the tolerability of the analgesic treatments used and the satisfaction and impact on the quality of life of patients. Material and methods: An epidemiological, observational, prospective, multicentre study carried out in patients diagnosed with cancer and with cancer pain treated with a 3rd step analgesic therapy who had begun radiotherapy treatment (RT) susceptible to modification by an oncologist, for pain control. Patients were recruited from 15 Radiation Oncology Services centres from the regions of Valencia and Murcia between May 2013 and December 2014. Patient data collected included: demographic data, basal cancer process characterization and baseline pain, and information on basal analgesic treatment and RT employed. Pain level was recorded at 1 and 3 months by assessing: the change in the dimension of Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) pain and the amount of pain caused by episodes of breakthrough pain, the level of satisfaction, the quality of life (EQ-5D), and the tolerability to analgesic treatment. Results: Patients included in the analysis (n = 49) were mainly males (72.3 %) and the mean age (± Standard Deviation) was 63.7 ± 11.5 years. In 26.5 % of patients the tumours were located in lungs and 28.6 % in head and neck. All but one of the patients reported pain during the baseline visit (20.8 % due to the primary tumour, 54.2 % to metastases, and 22.9 % to RT treatment). The median (Q1-Q3) number of breakthrough crises/day was 3.0 (2-4.5). Overall, 60.4 % were receiving treatment for breakthrough pain and Fentanyl was the most commonly used drug (70.4 %). Pain management strategies were: reinforcement/modification of long-term analgesics (30.4 %), reinforcement/modification of short-term analgesics (21.7 %), reinforcement/modification of long-term and short-term analgesics (21.7 %), and decrease/suppression of any fast- or long-term analgesics (26.1 %). Independently from the strategy, a decrease in the maximum pain and the total amount of pain were observed over time, and an improvement during the follow-up visits was observed in the quality of life, health gain, and overall treatment satisfaction. Only two adverse reactions were reported. Conclusions: Breakthrough pain in cancer patients, who underwent radiotherapy treatment, is a symptom of high prevalence. There is no predominant analgesic strategy in the management of these patients, but Fentanyl is the drug most frequently used. Patients are very satisfied with the pharmacologic treatment and the reduction in the breakthrough pain obtained has a favourable effect on the global health status and quality of life of patients.RESUMEN Objetivos: Estudiar el manejo del dolor irruptivo en pacientes de oncología radioterápica que lo experimentan, y su impacto en el control analgésico del mismo, la tolerabilidad de los tratamientos analgésicos utilizados, así como la satisfacción y el impacto en la calidad de vida del paciente. Material y métodos: Estudio epidemiológico, observacional, prospectivo, multicéntrico, en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer y dolor de origen oncológico tratado con una pauta analgésica de 3er escalón, que iniciaron un tratamiento con radioterapia (RT) susceptible de que el oncólogo modificara su control analgésico. Los pacientes se reclutaron de 15 servicios de Oncología Radioterápica procedentes de centros de las regiones de Valencia y Murcia entre mayo de 2013 y diciembre de 2014. Basalmente se recogieron: datos sociodemográficos, caracterización del proceso oncológico y del dolor, tratamiento analgésico y tipo, y dosis/intensidad de la RT empleada. Al mes y a los tres meses se caracterizó el dolor mediante la valoración del cambio en la dimensión del dolor del cuestionario breve de dolor (CBD) y de la cantidad de dolor producido por episodios de dolor irruptivo, el nivel de satisfacción, la calidad de vida (EuroQol-5D) y la tolerabilidad al tratamiento analgésico. Resultados: Los pacientes incluidos en el análisis (n = 49) fueron mayoritariamente hombres (72,3 %) y la edad media (± desviación estándar) 63,7 ± 11,5 años. En el 26,5 % de los pacientes el tumor se encontraba en pulmón y en el 28,6 % en cabeza y cuello. Todos, excepto uno, refirieron dolor en el momento de la visita basal (20,8 % debido al tumor primario, 54,2 % metástasis y en 22,9 % tratamiento con RT). La mediana (Q1-Q3) del número de crisis al día fue 3,0 (2-4,5). El 60,4 % estaban recibiendo tratamiento para el dolor irruptivo, siendo fentanilo el principio activo más frecuentemente utilizado (70,4 %). Las estrategias para manejar el dolor fueron: refuerzo/modificación de analgésicos de larga duración (30,4 %), corta duración (21,7 %), ambos (21,7 %) o disminución/supresión en analgésicos de acción rápida o de larga (26,1 %). Independientemente de la estrategia, se observa una disminución en cuanto al "máximo dolor", y la cantidad total de dolor entre las 3 visitas, y una mejoría en cuanto a la "calidad de vida", "ganancia de salud" y la "satisfacción global del tratamiento". Solo se reportaron dos reacciones adversas. Conclusiones: El dolor irruptivo en los pacientes oncológicos en tratamiento de radioterapia, constituye un síntoma de elevada prevalencia. No hay una estrategia analgésica predominante para el manejo de estos pacientes, pero el fentanilo es el fármaco más frecuentemente utilizado. Los pacientes están satisfechos con el tratamiento y la reducción del dolor irruptivo repercute favorablemente en el estado general y calidad de vida de los pacientes

    Impact of fungal and plant metabolites application on early development stages of pea powdery mildew

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    Pea powdery mildew incited by Erysiphe pisi represents a major constraint for pea crops worldwide. Crop protection is largely based on chemical control, although recently a renewed interest in the discovery of natural products as alternatives to synthetic fungicides application has emerged. Thus, 12 bioactive plant and fungal metabolites belonging to different class of natural compounds were evaluated, together with a commercial fungicide, at different concentrations on detached pea leaves for their potential to inhibit spore germination and subsequent stages of fungal growth. The most effective metabolites were tested at different concentrations in planta under controlled conditions to evaluate the level of control achieved by treatments before, concurrently and after pathogen inoculation. Pathogen development was macroscopically scored on whole plants as percentage of disease severity and area under the disease progress curve