314 research outputs found

    Функциональные свойства гальванических сплавов Fe−Mo и Fe−Mo−W

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    The influence of the modes of electrodeposition on the morphology, topography, and structure of the galvanic alloys of iron with molybdenum and tungsten is discussed. It is shown that the increase in the corrosion resistance of Fe–Mo and Fe–Mo–W coatings in acid and neutral chloride-containing media is caused both by the elevation of their passivating ability caused by the process of alloying components and by the formation of globular surfaces with homogeneous chemical composition. The microhardnesses of Fe–Mo and Fe–Mo–W galvanic alloys prove to be 2–3 times higher than the microhardnesses of the substrates made of low-alloy steel, which can be explained by the formation of amorphous structures. The results of investigations and tribological tests show that it is reasonable to apply the coatings of double and triple iron alloys in order to reduce wear in friction couples and to increase the corrosion resistance and mechanical strength of the surfaces, which makes them promising for the repair and restoration technologies.Изучено влияние методов электроосаждения на морфологию, топографию и структуру гальванических сплавов железа с молибденом и вольфрамом. Показано, что рост коррозионной стойкости покрытий Fe–Mo и Fe–Mo–W в кислых и нейтральных хлоридсодержащих средах обусловлен увеличением их способности к пассивации в присутствии легирующих компонентов и формированием глобулярной равномерной по составу поверхности. Микротвердость гальванических сплавов Fe–Mo и Fe–Mo–W возрастает в 2-3 раза по сравнению с показателем подложки из низколегированной стали за счет формирования аморфной структуры. Результаты исследований и трибологических тестов показали целесообразность применения двойных и тройных сплавов железа для снижения износа в парах трения и увеличения коррозионного сопротивления и механической прочности поверхностей, что делает их привлекательными для технологий восстановления и упрочнения поверхностей


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    Visibility conditions in the assembly hall of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering are analysed. It was established that the mutual placement of seats for viewers and a stage does not ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements for visibility. The blinding value on cylindrical surface for real conditions in the assembly hall was shown. The cylindrical surface was created by moving focal line points upstairs along the generatrixes of this surface. Rows arrangement options on curved line of the least ascending gradient, on plane at an angle and on three planes at an angle were proposed. Measures for improvement of visibility conditions are offered. It was proposed to add additional stairs along the rows rising.Проанализированы условия видимости актового зала НУВХП. Установлено, что взаимное расположение мест для зрителей и эстрады не обеспечивают выполнения нормативных требований по видимости. Предложены меры по улучшению условий видимости.Проаналізовано умови видимості в актовій залі НУВГП. Встановлено, що взаємне розміщення місць для глядачів і естради не забезпечують виконання нормативних вимог щодо видимості. Запропоновано заходи для поліпшення умов видимості

    DANSSino: a pilot version of the DANSS neutrino detector

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    DANSSino is a reduced pilot version of a solid-state detector of reactor antineutrinos (to be created within the DANSS project and installed under the industrial 3 GW(th) reactor of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant -- KNPP). Numerous tests performed at a distance of 11 m from the reactor core demonstrate operability of the chosen design and reveal the main sources of the background. In spite of its small size (20x20x100 ccm), the pilot detector turned out to be quite sensitive to reactor antineutrinos, detecting about 70 IBD events per day with the signal-to-background ratio about unity.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.369

    Search for sterile neutrinos at the DANSS experiment

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    DANSS is a highly segmented 1~m3{}^3 plastic scintillator detector. Its 2500 one meter long scintillator strips have a Gd-loaded reflective cover. The DANSS detector is placed under an industrial 3.1~GWth\mathrm{GW_{th}} reactor of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant 350~km NW from Moscow. The distance to the core is varied on-line from 10.7~m to 12.7~m. The reactor building provides about 50~m water-equivalent shielding against the cosmic background. DANSS detects almost 5000 ν~e\widetilde\nu_e per day at the closest position with the cosmic background less than 3%\%. The inverse beta decay process is used to detect ν~e\widetilde\nu_e. Sterile neutrinos are searched for assuming the 4ν4\nu model (3 active and 1 sterile ν\nu). The exclusion area in the Δm142,sin22θ14\Delta m_{14}^2,\sin^22\theta_{14} plane is obtained using a ratio of positron energy spectra collected at different distances. Therefore results do not depend on the shape and normalization of the reactor ν~e\widetilde\nu_e spectrum, as well as on the detector efficiency. Results are based on 966 thousand antineutrino events collected at 3 distances from the reactor core. The excluded area covers a wide range of the sterile neutrino parameters up to sin22θ14<0.01\sin^22\theta_{14}<0.01 in the most sensitive region.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, version accepted for publicatio

    Electrochemical properties and catalytic activity in the ethylene polymerization processes of nickel complexes with 2,2′-bipyridine in the presence of ortho-phosphinophenol derivatives

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Electrochemical properties of the [NiBr2(bpy)2] complex, where bpy = 2,2′-bipyridyl, have been studied in the presence of derivatives of ortho-phosphine phenol: 2-diphenyl phosphanyl-4-methyl phenol CH3C6H3(PPh2)OH (1), 2-diphenyl phosphanyl-4-methylphenyldiphenyl phosphinate CH3C6H3(PPh2)OP(O)Ph2 (2), and 2-diphenylphosphoryl-4-methyl phenol CH3C6H3(P(O)Ph2)OH (3). It is found that interaction of products of electrochemical reduction of complex [NiBr2(bpy)2] with 1 and 2 results in formation of active catalysts of the process of homogeneous oligomerization/polymerization of ethylene


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    The aim of the work – to highlight the experience of M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University in the field of stimulation medicine and conduct an objective structured clinical examination. The main body. Structured simulation programs are extremely useful in those areas of medicine where many very dangerous manipulations – obstetrics, anesthesiology, urgent and intensive care, surgery or pediatrics, for training personnel, work on improving existing clinical protocols and practical algorithms and/or approbation of organizational factors in dealing with urgent situations. The leading healthcare organizations have recommended the following standards of medical care that make simulation training Employees of the symulation center of M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University used for simulation training in medicine: an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE/OSCE’s) designed to test competencies and implement practical skills such as communication, clinical examination, medical manipulation/appointment, appointment of exercises, etc. It consists of real or “false” patients (patient actors), passing through several points, each of which has its examiner and allocated a certain time. Before and after conducting such an examination, we held a briefing and debriefing Conclusions. The training of specialists who in future are called to be responsible for the life and health of people, in particular in critical situations, is impossible without training skills in stimulation centers. Recently, the interest in simulation medical training in Ukraine has increased significantly. Equipment appears, new training centers open. In order to fully utilize the potential of simulation training, it is important to adhere to an effective methodology, to establish cooperation between the simulation centers and to provide appropriate training for teachers capable of organizing the learning process in the light of modern European experience.Мета роботи – висвітлити досвід Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. І. Пирогова в галузі симуляційної медицини та проведенні об’єктивного структурованого клінічного іспиту. Основна частина. Структуровані програми симуляційного навчання надзвичайно корисні в тих галузях медицини, де виконується багато дуже небезпечних маніпуляцій – в акушерстві, анестезіології, ургентній та інтенсивній терапії, хірургії або педіатрії, для навчання персоналу, роботи з удосконалення чинних клінічних протоколів та практичних алгоритмів та/або апробації організаційних чинників у веденні ургентних ситуацій. Провідні організації охорони здоров’я порекомендували такі стандарти медичної допомоги, які змушують запроваджувати симуляційне навчання. Співробітники симуляційного центру ВНМУ ім. М. І. Пирогова&nbsp; використовують для симуляційного навчання в медицині: проведення об’єктивного структурованого клінічного іспиту (ОСКІ/OSCE’s), призначеного для перевірки компетенції та виконання практичних навичок, таких, як комунікація, клінічне обстеження, медичні маніпуляції/призначення, призначення вправ тощо. Його складають з реальними або «удаваними» пацієнтами (пацієнтами-акторами), проходячи через декілька пунктів, на кожному з яких є свій екзаменатор та виділено певний час. До та після проведення такого іспиту ми проводили брифінг та дебрифінг. Висновки. Підготовка фахівців, які у майбутньому покликані відповідати за життя та здоров’я людей, зокрема у критичних ситуаціях, не можлива без відпрацювання навичок у симуляційних центрах.&nbsp; Останнім часом зацікавленість щодо симуляційного медичного навчання в Україні значно зростає. З’являється обладнання, відкриваються нові навчальні центри. Щоб повною мірою використати потенціал симуляційного навчання, важливо дотримуватися ефективної методології, налагодити співпрацю між симуляційними центрами та&nbsp;належну підготовку викладачів, здатних організувати навчальний процес з&nbsp;урахуванням сучасного європейського досвіду

    Changes in the T and B lymphocyte subset profiles upon treatment of patients with Graves’ disease with radioactive iodine

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the subpopulation profile of T and B lymphocytes, and their relationships during therapy of the patients with Graves’ disease (GD) treated by means of radioactive iodine. We have examined 36 women with verified diagnosis of GD. The contents of thyroid hormones were determined by immunoradiometric analysis. The levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor autoantibodies (rTSH) were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. On the basis of comprehensive pre-therapeutic examination, all patients were exposed to the fixed-activity therapy with radioactive iodine-131 at a dose of 400 to 700 MBq administered orally in isotonic aqueous solution of sodium iodide. 56 practically healthy women were examined as a control group. The phenotype of T and B cells in whole blood was studied by flow cytometry using direct immunofluorescence. It was shown that the patients, prior to treatment with radioactive iodine, had high levels of cellular functional activity, as determined by expression of CD25 antigen on T cells and CD23-antigen on B lymphocytes. Higher functional activity of the cells responsive for adaptive immunity in the patients with GD manifests in the presence of increased levels of autoantibodies to rTSH. By means of correlation analysis, we found that the patients with GD examined before the therapy had the thyroid status may determine the functional stimulation of T and B cells, thus increasing the levels of autoimmune processes. One month after radioiodine therapy (RIT), the GD patients, along with transient hyperthyroidism with increased concentration of autoantibodies to rTSH, showed a reduction of activated T lymphocyte contents (including T helpers and cytotoxic T cells) to control values. However, the level of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the blood remained low, and the content of Treg cells was significantly increased in the patients. Decreased contents of B cells activated memory B cell to the control levels were found in patients with GD over 1 month after RIT when studying the phenotype of blood B lymphocytes. In this case, increased levels of naive B lymphocytes and B2 cells were detected, as well as decreased numbers of activated B1 lymphocytes. The observed changes in the subpopulation composition of T and B cells, and in their phenotype developed against the background of complete absence of relationships between the studied parameters, thus suggesting loss of thyroid control of immune processes and cooperative cell interaction during the development of the immune response. Generally, the phenotypic changes of T and B lymphocyte subsets in the blood of patients with GD through 1 month after treatment with radioactive iodine may reflect a trend for decreased functional activity of adaptive cellular immunity which may also account for inhibition of autoimmune processes

    Nomenclatural standards, voucher specimens and genetic passports of potato cultivars created in the Siberian and Ural breeding centers

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    The present paper discusses methodological approaches to the creation of nomenclatural standards and genetic passports for Russian cultivars, currently being developed at the N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) in collaboration with different breeding research centers. Plant material of potato cultivars bred in the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Cultivation and Breeding was collected by the cultivar creator A.D. Safonova in the experimental field of this institute and transferred to the VIR herbarium for preparation of their nomenclatural standards. Plant shoots and tubers of potato cultivars bred in other Siberian research centers in collaboration with the A.G. Lorkh All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Farming (VNIIKH) was collected by the representative of this institute in the experimental field of VNIIKH. As a result of joint research, nomenclatural standards were accomplished for 11 cultivars, namely ‘Аntonina’, ‘Zlatka’, ‘Lina’, ‘Lûbava’, ‘Nakra’, ‘Pamâti Rogačeva’, ‘Sarovskij’, ‘Safo’, ‘Solnečnyj’, ‘Tuleevskij’, ‘Ûna’** bred in five different Siberian breeding institutes including cultivars developed in collaboration with VNIIKH. Nomenclatural standards were prepared according to the ‘International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants’. DNA samples isolated from nomenclatural standards were used for preparation of genetic passports of these 11 cultivars. These genetic passports include information of the polymorphism of eight chromosome-specific microsatellites, data on the markers of 11 R-genes conferring resistance to various harmful organisms, as well as the information about cytoplasm types. Voucher specimens of additional three Siberian cultivars ‘Kemerovčanin’, ‘Kuznečanka’, ‘Tanaj’ and five Ural cultivars ‘Аlâska’, ‘Bravo’, ‘Irbitskij’, ‘Lûks’, ‘Terra’ from the Ural Research Institute for Agriculture were also registered in the VIR herbarium collection. For these eight cultivars, the genetic passports were not issued, but the results of SSR genotyping and molecular screening of voucher specimens performed with the same set of the DNA markers are presented in this report. A similar set of DNA markers was used for genotyping cultivar accessions from the in vitro and field collections of various institutes as well as cultivar specimens from eco-geographical tests performed within the framework of the Comprehensive Research Plan of the subprogram “Development of potato breeding and seed production in the Russian Federation”. The comparison of cultivar genetic passport data with genotyping results of specimens having the same name, but obtained from different sources made it possible to verify this plant material