267 research outputs found

    The Early Universe as a Source of Gravitational Waves

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    In this chapter we consider the issues of the origin and evolution of relic gravitational waves (GW), which appear as a result of quantum fluctuations of the scalar field and the corresponding perturbations of the space-time metric at the early inflationary stage of the evolution of the universe. The main provisions of the inflationary paradigm and the methods of the construction of current cosmological models on its basis are considered. The influence of relic gravitational waves on the anisotropy and polarization of the relic radiation and the importance of estimating such an effect on the verification of cosmological models are discussed as well

    Photoluminescence of tetrahedral quantum-dot quantum wells

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    Taking into account the tetrahedral shape of a quantum dot quantum well (QDQW) when describing excitonic states, phonon modes and the exciton-phonon interaction in the structure, we obtain within a non-adiabatic approach a quantitative interpretation of the photoluminescence spectrum of a single CdS/HgS/CdS QDQW. We find that the exciton ground state in a tetrahedral QDQW is bright, in contrast to the dark ground state for a spherical QDQW. The position of the phonon peaks in the photoluminescence spectrum is attributed to interface optical phonons. We also show that the experimental value of the Huang-Rhys parameter can be obtained only within the nonadiabatic theory of phonon-assisted transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], to be published in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Phonon Spectrum Engineering in Rolled-up Nano- and Micro-Architectures

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    We report on a possibility of efficient engineering of the acoustic phonon energy spectrum in multishell tubular structures produced by a novel high-tech method of self-organization of nano- and micro-architectures. The strain-driven roll-up procedure paved the way for novel classes of metamaterials such as single semiconductor radial micro- and nano-crystals and multi-layer spiral micro- and nano-superlattices. The acoustic phonon dispersion is determined by solving the equations of elastodynamics for InAs and GaAs material systems. It is shown that the number of shells is an important control parameter of the phonon dispersion together with the structure dimensions and acoustic impedance mismatch between the superlattice layers. The obtained results suggest that rolled up nano-architectures have potential for thermoelectric applications owing to a possibility of significant reduction of the thermal conductivity without degradation of the electronic transport.Comment: 17 pages; 8 figure

    Заклади суспільної опіки дітей та молоді в Україні (ХІХ – початок ХХ століття)

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    The paper considers the issues of organization of the activities of institutions of social care for children and youth in 19th and early 20th century, where the orphanages took a special place. The value of the state, public organizations, charitable organizations and private initiatives in matters concerning problems of child neglect, abandonment and crime, and also in finding solutions of particular assistance to the needy were identified based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, encyclopedic materials, archival documents. The historical, theoretical and practical experience of organization of orphanages for children and youth which can promote the creative use of the achievements of the past in modern conditions in particular in solving the problems of child homelessness, vagrancy, neglect and protection of children from the negative influence of the street, preventing the commission of immoral acts was introduced in the articleРозглядаються питання організації діяльності закладів суспільної опіки дітей та молоді у ХІХ – початку ХХ століття, де дитячі притулки займали особливе місце. На основі аналізу психолого-педагогічної літератури, енциклопедичних матеріалів, архівних документів виявлено роль держави, щодо поліпшення справи опіки та піклування підростаючого покоління, визначено значимість громадських об’єднань, благодійних організацій та приватних ініціатив стосовно вирішення проблем дитячої безпритульності, сирітства, злочинності через організацію різних типів закладів суспільної опіки та оновлення змісту їх навчально-виховного процесу з акцентом на морально-духовний аспект і профорієнтаці

    Topological transitions in ac/dc-driven superconductor nanotubes

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    Extending of nanostructures into the third dimension has become a major research avenue in condensed-matter physics, because of geometry- and topology-induced phenomena. In this regard, superconductor 3D nanoarchitectures feature magnetic field inhomogeneity, non-trivial topology of Meissner currents and complex dynamics of topological defects. Here, we investigate theoretically topological transitions in the dynamics of vortices and slips of the phase of the order parameter in open superconductor nanotubes under a modulated transport current. Relying upon the time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau equation, we reveal two distinct voltage regimes when (i) a dominant part of the tube is in either the normal or superconducting state and (ii) a complex interplay between vortices, phase-slip regions and screening currents determines a rich FFT voltage spectrum. Our findings unveil novel dynamical states in superconductor open nanotubes, such as paraxial and azimuthal phase-slip regions, their branching and coexistence with vortices, and allow for control of these states by superimposed dc and ac current stimuli