38 research outputs found

    Controlling the switching field in nanomagnets by means of domain-engineered antiferromagnets

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    Using soft x-ray spectromicroscopy, we investigate the magnetic domain structure in embedded nanomagnets defined in La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 thin films and LaFeO3_3/La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 bilayers. We find that shape-controlled antiferromagnetic domain states give rise to a significant reduction of the switching field of the rectangular nanomagnets. This is discussed in the framework of competition between an intrinsic spin-flop coupling and shape anisotropy. The data demonstrates that shape effects in antiferromagnets may be used to control the magnetic properties in nanomagnets

    Spin-Flop Coupling and Exchange Bias in Embedded Complex Oxide Micromagnets

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    The magnetic domains of embedded micromagnets with 2  μm×2  μm dimensions defined in epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films and LaFeO3/LSMO bilayers were investigated using soft x-ray magnetic microscopy. Square micromagnets aligned with their edges parallel to the easy axes of LSMO provide an ideal experimental geometry for probing the influence of interface exchange coupling on the magnetic domain patterns. The observation of unique domain patterns not reported for ferromagnetic metal microstructures, namely divergent antiferromagnetic vortex domains and "Z"-type domains, suggests the simultaneous presence of spin-flop coupling and local exchange bias in this system

    Exchange explosions of topological edge defects in a square micromagnet

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    ) with a flux-closure magnetic ground state were investigated by micromagnetic simulations. The system was excited with an applied magnetic field, displacing the vortex core sufficiently far from its equilibrium position to result in a nonlinear relaxation upon removal of the field. We find that creation of edge topological defects leads to exchange explosions and periodic emission of short-wavelength spin waves emanating from these defects. The exchange explosions of the edge topological defects are investigated and explained in terms of vortex/antivortex creation and the formation of a Bloch point. This finding could prove useful to the development of nanoscale devices for periodic generation of high-frequency microwave radiation

    Direct observation of temperature dependent vortex dynamics in a La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 micromagnet

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    Although it is well documented that the vortex core in a micromagnet can switch polarization in response to magnetic field pulses, the temperature dependence of this process has not yet been addressed by experiments. Using scanning transmission x-ray microscopy, we investigate the magnetic vortex dynamics in a La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 microplatelet at temperatures ranging from 150K up to TC at 350K. The time-resolved images reveal qualitatively different dynamic regimes as a function of temperature and applied field, as the relative strengths of the micromagnetic energy terms strongly vary over this temperature range. By explicitly accounting for the temperature dependence of the magnetic parameters in our micromagnetic simulations, we found excellent agreement with the experiments over the full measurement range. In line with previous models, the simulations reveal that the vortex core switches polarization when it reaches a critical velocity that mainly depends on the strength of the exchange interaction. It is therefore strongly temperature dependent, thus explaining our observation of the different dynamical regimes

    Tailoring the magnetic order in a supermagnetic metamaterial

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    The emergent magnetism in close-packed assemblies of interacting superparamagnetic particles is commonly referred to as supermagnetism. The magnetic characteristics of such systems are determined by the dipolar coupling between the nanomagnets, rather than the exchange interaction responsible for ferro- and antiferromagnetism in continuous material. The dipolar coupling facilitates tuning of the magnetism, which renders supermagnetic ensembles suitable model systems for exploration of new physics. In this work, we discuss micromagnetic simulations of regular arrays of thin film nanomagnets, with magnetic material parameters typical of the ferromagnetic oxide La0.7Sr0.3MnO3. The ground state supermagnetic order in these systems is primarily determined by the lattice configuration, in that a square lattice results in antiferromagnetic order, whereas a triangular lattice shows ferromagnetic order. We found that a square lattice of circular nanomagnets may be switched from superferromagnetic to superantiferromagnetic order by a small external field applied in the appropriate directio

    Coexisting spin-flop coupling and exchange bias in LaFeO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures

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    Exchange bias occurs in field-cooled antiferromagnet/ferromagnet systems and can most often be explained in terms of uncompensated magnetic moments at the interface that are pinned in their orientation during field cooling. The presence of spin-flop coupling is often associated with spin-compensated interfaces. Here, we report exchange bias in complex oxide heterostructures of antiferromagnetic LaFeO3 and thin layers of ferromagnetic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 with several intriguing features. The exchange bias does not require field cooling but can also be obtained by applying a setting field at elevated temperature. Furthermore, the exchange bias is positive for setting fields up to 3 T, and its magnitude is strongly dependent on the setting-field strength. X-ray magnetic linear dichroism measurements show a predominantly perpendicular spin configuration at the interface. We discuss the possibility of the exchange bias being driven by a net moment from spin canting in the antiferromagnet due to Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interactions

    Magnetic domain configuration of (111)-oriented LaFeO3 epitaxial thin films

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    In antiferromagnetic spintronics control of the domains and corresponding spin axis orientation is crucial for devices. Here we investigate the antiferromagnetic axis in (111)-oriented LaFeO3/SrTiO3, which is coupled to structural twin domains. The structural domains have either the orthorhombic a- or b-axis along the in-plane ⟨11⎯⎯⎯0⟩ cubic directions of the substrate, and the corresponding magnetic domains have the antiferromagnetic axis in the sample plane. Six degenerate antiferromagnetic axes are found corresponding to the ⟨11⎯⎯⎯0⟩ and ⟨112⎯⎯⎯⟩ in-plane directions. This is in contrast to the biaxial anisotropy in (001)-oriented films and reflects how crystal orientation can be used to control magnetic anisotropy in antiferromagnets.publishedVersio