694 research outputs found

    Simulation of Livestock Breeding Economics in Conditions of the EU

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    In the paper there are described mathematical principles of biological, technological and economic model relations and connections in animal breeding on which the mathematical model AGRO-ZV is based. With the model it is possible to simulate impacts of the agricultural policy on livestock breeding economics and commodity economics in dependence on different agricultural policy variants. In the article there is illustrated a usage of the model for simulation of dairy cattle economics before (2003) and after (2004) the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU.mathematical modeling, livestock breeding, dairy cattle econmics, model AGRO-ZV, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Analyse of effectivity relocation of technology BUCYRUS 15/31

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    Import 26/06/2013Bakalářská práce porovnává dva možné způsoby překlizu technologie BUCYRUS 15/31 a to způsobem bezdemontážním, který spočívá v převozu kompletní mechanizované výztuže z likvidovaného porubu 238 501 do nově vybavovaného porubu 239 500. Druhý způsob je klasický demontážní, kdy výše uvedená výztuž bude v montážní komoře likvidovaného porubu demontována na základní části a ty pak budou jednotlivě překlizeny do nově vybavovaného porubu. V obou případech budou veškerá zařízení dopravována po ZD – 24.Bachelor thesis compares two possible ways of relocation BUCYRUS 15/31 technology. The first is a non-disassembly way, which is to transfer a complete mechanical support from longwall 238 501 being diasposed to new longwall 239 500 being equipped. The second method is a classical dismounting where the mechanical support is dismounted to elementary parts in the assembly chamber of longwall being disposed. Those parts are individually rellocated to the new longwall being equipped. In both cases, all the equipment is transported using ZD - 24.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostidobř

    Charging Station Control with Mobile Devices

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce se zabývá implementací aplikace pro ovládání nabíjecího stojanu pomocí mobilních technologií jako tabletů či chytrých telefonů. Cílem práce je spojit bezdrátové komunikační technologie se stávajícími nabíjecími stojany pro jejich jednoduché ovládání, vizualizaci a offline správu dat, včetně zabezpečení přístupu. Pro komunikaci je použito bezdrátové technologie Bluetooth k vyhledání a následné komunikaci s nabíjecím stojanem. Po připojení je prováděna výměna dat s možností zapnutí nabíjení. Uživatelský účet zaregistrován na serveru nabíjecích stojanů zabezpečen číselným heslem s přístupem pomocí nabíjecího stojanu, ke kterému je připojeno mobilní zařízení. Aplikace pro mobilní zařízení s operačním systémem Android psána v jazyce Java s možností vyhledání a správou nabíjení v grafickém zobrazení jednotlivých zásuvek a informacemi o připojeném uživateli. Kompatibilní se všemi mobilními zařízeními, které mají operační systém Android a disponují bezdrátovým Bluetooth modulem. Funkce čtení QR kódů pro získání adresy nabíjecího stojanu. Rešerše dalších možností a rozšíření aplikace s použitím modulů GPS či magnetického senzoru a použití nových technologií. Distribuce v online obchodu Google play ke stažení.The bachelor thesis deals with implementation of applications to control charging stand using mobile technologies such as tablets and smartphones. The aim is to combine wireless communication technology existing charging stand for their simple control, visualization and offline data management, including access security. For communication using Bluetooth wireless technology to locate and subsequent communication with a charging station. Once connected, data is exchanged with the possibility of switching charge. The user account is registered on the server charging stands with numeric password protected access using the charging stand is connected to the mobile device. Applications for mobile devices running Android is written in Java can look up a management charge in a graphical display of outlets and connection information to the user. Compatible with all mobile devices that have Android operating system and has a wireless Bluetooth module. The read QR codes to obtain the addresses of the charging stand. Searches of other options and enhancements to modules, using GPS or magnetic sensor and application of new technologies. Distribution online store Google Play for download.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    The trouble with Halbousi: the rise of, and resistance to, Iraq’s Sunni strongman

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    The paper examines the rise of and the recent opposition to Iraqi parliament speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi in his home province Anbar and, more broadly, within Iraq’s Sunni political scene. Halbousi is a young, ambitious politician who has served as member of parliament, governor of Anbar province and has recently been re-elected for a second term as the speaker of parliament, the most powerful Sunni position in Shiʿa-majority Iraq, where senior government positions are apportioned on an ethnic and sectarian basis. But his striking ascent has been overshadowed by his reputation of a cunning and ruthless politician who has used ‘money and force’ to consolidate his grip on power. This paper sheds light on Halbousi’s extraordinary trajectory, examining the reasons for mounting discontent and the implications for stability and representation in Sunni areas


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    This research paper intends to examine the issue of CLIL's metacognitive dimension and its probable positive influence on receptive language skills among 51 teenagers in Polish lower secondary school in Bielsko-Biala. Peculiarly, it attempted at addressing the question whether there is a significant difference in receptive skills absorption and ones' use of metacognitive strategies between the two following experimental conditions, (CLIL-based approach applied in English classrom), compared to control condition (traditional EFL exposure to English). In order to investigate that, quasi-experimental design was applied. Having collected the data through administration of reading and listening pre-tests and post-tests and questionnaires, I was able to draw a conclusion that the experimental group (CLIL students) outperformed their non-CLIL peers and was more aware of metacognitive receptive strategies. It must be admitted that CLIL-based lesson has superiority over traditional approach in terms of raising students' awareness of their own learning and general receptive performance. Nevertheless, carrying out the experiment and analyzing the data from the statistical point of view also demonstrated that the progress made by the EFL group appeared to have been more recognizable.  Article visualizations

    Topographic Mapping Pulse Wave

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    Import 05/08/2014Měření rychlosti šíření pulsní vlny (PWV) je neinvazivní metoda, sloužící k posuzování arteriální tuhosti. Slouží především k prevenci onemocnění kardiovaskulárního systému. Tato práce popisuje vývoj a funkci zařízení pro měření PWV. Zařízení se skládá z dvoukanálového hardwaru pro úpravu signálů z fotopletysmografů, USB měřící karty pro kontinuální převod měřených dat do PC a softwaru v programu LabView, zpracovávajícího naměřená data. Výstupem softwaru je uživatelské rozhraní, na kterém jsou v reálném čase graficky zobrazovány naměřené signály a vypočtené hodnoty PWV.Pulse wave velocity measurement (PWV) is non-invasive method to assess arterial stiffness. It is useful as a prevention of cardiovascular system diseases. This project describes developement and function of device for PWV measurement. Device consists of dual channel hardware for pletysmograph signal preprocessing, USB workstation for continuous conversion of measured data and data analysing LabView software. Output of the software is user interface, which displays measured signals and calculated values of pulse wave velocity.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Electric Drives in the Modernized Power Plant Tusimice II

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    In the paper it is presented a brief descriptionof the technology of electricity production in the condensingpower plant Tusimice II and mentioned replacement ofmain electric drives implemented by ŠKODA PRAHAInvest. The focus is placed on the modernization of electricdrives as motors for fan mills, air and smoke fans in theboiler room, circulation pumps on absorber ofdesulfurization, generator and supply pumps in the machinehall, drives for the coal handling conveyors and drives inwater management. It focuses also on backup resources –diesel-generators. There is also included practicalexperience of the implementation

    The imperative of development and condition of strategie thinking about the Polish higher education (and science) in an era of system transformation

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    Proponowana w tekście próba zdiagnozowania polityki rozwoju w Polsce, w tym polityki rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego, oraz - niezbędnej w kierowaniu rozwojem - myśli strategicznej, zostata ujęta w szerszym kontekście problematyki socjologii i ekonomii rozwoju. Z uwagi na doświadczenia transformacyjne Polski, w rozważaniach tych przywołano koncepcję rozwoju „doganiającego” i modernizacji „imitacyjnej”. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na dostrzegane na świecie (i empirycznie dowiedzione) znaczenie edukacji i nauki dla rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, rozwoju cywilizacyjnego. Zważywszy na opóźnione w czasie korzyści z inwestowania państwa w edukację i naukę, podkreślona została nieodzowność formułowania długofalowej i zintegrowanej z innymi politykami rozwoju polityki edukacyjnej. Główna teza artykułu dotyczy niedoceniania przez ponad dwie dekady przez decydentów w Polsce szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki jako czynników modernizacyjnych, czynników prorozwojowych. W tym kontekście istotne jest, czy Polska potrafi dokonać skoku cywilizacyjnego, co jest jednoznaczne z tym, czy dostrzega rolę tych sektorów w nadrabianiu przez Polskę zacofania i w „doganianiu Europy”.The proposed in the text attempt to diagnose the policy of development in Poland, including the policy of development of higher education, and the - indispensable for managing the development - strategie thought, has been included in a wider context of issues of sociology and economics of development. Due to the transformational experience of Poland, the concept of the development of the “catching up” and “imitation” modernization was invoked in this consideration. The purpose of article is to draw attention to the perceived in the world threat (and empirically proven) importance of education and science for the sociology-economic and  civilization development. Given the late in time benefits of State investment in education and learning, the indispensability of formulating an educational policy, long-term and integrated with other development policies, was stressed. The main thesis of the article concerns the over two decades non-appreciation by decision-makers of higher education and science as modernization and pro-development factors. In this context, it is important that Poland is able to make the civilization leap, what is unambiguous with whether it recognizes the role of these sectors in the Poland’s making up for its backwardness and “catching up with Europę”