24 research outputs found

    Position of freelance jobs in the marketplace of Slovak Republic

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    The special mission professions of freelance jobs in economics of SR. A basic character eristic of freelance jobs as subjects with individual unique performances. The definition of freelance jobs from European Council of Liberal Professions. Matrix regulation of Organization of freelance job. Measuring and management of freelance job performances.The special mission professions of freelance jobs in economics of SR. A basic character eristic of freelance jobs as subjects with individual unique performances. The definition of freelance jobs from European Council of Liberal Professions. Matrix regulation of Organization of freelance job. Measuring and management of freelance job performances

    Potential antimutagenic activity of berberine, a constituent of Mahonia aquifolium

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    BACKGROUND: As part of a study aimed at developing new pharmaceutical products from natural resources, the purpose of this research was twofold: (1) to fractionate crude extracts from the bark of Mahonia aquifolium and (2) to evaluate the strength of the antimutagenic activity of the separate components against one of the common direct-acting chemical mutagens. METHODS: The antimutagenic potency was evaluated against acridine orange (AO) by using Euglena gracilis as an eukaryotic test model, based on the ability of the test compound/fraction to prevent the mutagen-induced damage of chloroplast DNA. RESULTS: It was found that the antimutagenicity of the crude Mahonia extract resides in both bis-benzylisoquinoline (BBI) and protoberberine alkaloid fractions but only the protoberberine derivatives, jatrorrhizine and berberine, showed significant concentration-dependent inhibitory effect against the AO-induced chloroplast mutagenesis of E. gracilis. Especially berberine elicited, at a very low dose, remarkable suppression of the AO-induced mutagenicity, its antimutagenic potency being almost three orders of magnitude higher when compared to its close analogue, jatrorrhizine. Possible mechanisms of the antimutagenic action are discussed in terms of recent literature data. While the potent antimutagenic activity of the protoberberines most likely results from the inhibition of DNA topoisomerase I, the actual mechanism(s) for the BBI alkaloids is hard to be identified. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, the results indicate that berberine possesses promising antimutagenic/anticarcinogenic potential that is worth to be investigated further

    Unfair advertising

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    The subject of my doctoral thesis is the analysis of the judicial treatment of unfair advertising. The aim of the thesis is to offer a systematic outlook on the legal environment of advertising from a private and a public law perspective. The legal definition of advertising is given in the Advertising Regulation Act, which can be regarded as the most important public act governing unfair advertising and in the Act on the Operation of Radio and Television Broadcasting, which regulates advertising in television, radio and internet broadcasting. All these definitions belong to the public law area. On the other hand, the definition of unfairness can be found in a private law act, namely in the Commercial Code (Act No.513/1991 Coll.). The unfairness of competition (indirectly of unfair advertising as well) is defined with a general clause against unfair competition. As a result of these definitions, unfair advertising could be understood as the activity, which fulfils the legal definition of advertising and at the same time fulfils the general clause against unfair competition. The thesis consists of three extensive chapters. The first chapter describes the history of unfair advertising and the current legal regulation of this subject from an international, a European and a national perspective. This..

    Unfair advertising

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    The subject of my doctoral thesis is the analysis of the judicial treatment of unfair advertising. The aim of the thesis is to offer a systematic outlook on the legal environment of advertising from a private and a public law perspective. The legal definition of advertising is given in the Advertising Regulation Act, which can be regarded as the most important public act governing unfair advertising and in the Act on the Operation of Radio and Television Broadcasting, which regulates advertising in television, radio and internet broadcasting. All these definitions belong to the public law area. On the other hand, the definition of unfairness can be found in a private law act, namely in the Commercial Code (Act No.513/1991 Coll.). The unfairness of competition (indirectly of unfair advertising as well) is defined with a general clause against unfair competition. As a result of these definitions, unfair advertising could be understood as the activity, which fulfils the legal definition of advertising and at the same time fulfils the general clause against unfair competition. The thesis consists of three extensive chapters. The first chapter describes the history of unfair advertising and the current legal regulation of this subject from an international, a European and a national perspective. This..

    Transparentnosť verejnej správy SR

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    Podstata transparentnosti. Transparentnosť ex ante vo verejnej správe. Transformácia verejnej správy – posilnenie pozície transparentnosti. Fenomén good governance. Cieľ a kritéria transparentnosti vo verejnej správe. Súvisiace reformy. Dôležité legislatívne dokumenty – determinanty realizácie reformy verejnej správy. Výsledný efekt finalizujúcej reformy verejnej správy. Korupcia vo verejnej správe – pretrvávajúci problém. Negatívny dopad korupcie. Meranie korupcie. Korupčné správanie.Substance of transparency. Ex ante transparency of the public administration. Transformation of public administration – a invigorate of transparency position. Phenomenon of “good governance“. Aim and criteria of transparency in the public administration. The relating reforms. Important legislation documents – the determinants of reform realization of the public administration. Result effect of finishing reforms of public administration. Corruption in the public administration – stabile problem in SR. The negative impact of corruption. The corruption measuring. The corruption behaviour

    Systém controllingu zodpovedného podnikania na báze alternatívnych koncepcií zodpovedného podnikania

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    Corporate controlling system, tools of the corporate responsibility controlling, conceptions of the corporate responsibility controlling, GRI a G3, VeriSEAAR (Social and Ethical Accounting, Auditing and Reporting), Investors in People (certificate IIP), BPCB (Business Principles for Countering Bribery), Transparency International tools - TI Six Step Process and SEM (Self-Evaluation Module), ISO 14000 and EMAS, ISO 26000, AA 1000, SA8000, GoodCorporation Standard, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, system’s structure of the corporate responsibility controlling on the G3 basis

    Sustainable Development and its Impact on the Quality of Human Capital

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    The quality of human capital depends on the conditions in which people live, work and learn. Therefore, the issue of sustainable development as a prerequisite for ensuring the existence and development of human capital is at the center of attention of the governments of each country. The article describes sustainable development, presents its goals and strategies to be achieved at European and national level. The aim of the research is to assess the current state and development of selected indicators of sustainable development related to the quality of human capital in Slovakia and other V4 countries in the period from 2014 to 2018

    Financial Management and Controlling in the Sector of Agriculture after the EU Entry

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    The submitted paper deals with the finacial management characteristics in agriculture enterprises, as well as financial positions, financial results and controlling as an instrument ensuring planning, monitoring and adopting recovery measurements within financial management. Since the major function of management has been planning, the authors focus on research planning outputs in Slovak agriculture enterprises, having been dealt with in the Management Department of the University of Economics in Bratislava. The Slovak agriculture sector has been involved in the European Union for some years. That is the reason the contributed paper compares the results of the Slovak sector of agriculture with that one of other EU member states utilizing the methods of benchmarking. Its aim is to identify the rate of lagging behind in comparison to countries with efficient and high level agriculture. The final aim is to reveal the reasons for lower results in agriculture enterprises in the Slovak Republic as well as introduce some outstanding enterprises´ manageria solutions in financial area. Various Versions of Managerial Income StatementFinančný manažment, controlling, podnikové plány, kontrola, agrárny sektor, financial management

    Various Versions of Managerial Income Statement

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    The aim of this paper is to present a spectrum of approaches to managerial income statement assembling. In the preface, we explain the managerial income statement concept. We define it as a report processed for the needs of inter-business management, which intermediates various views on business results. In the next part, we devote to three basic approaches to managerial income statement structures recommended by the foreign literature. The first approach compares managerial income statement made up on the absorption calculation and on the variable calculation basis and different resulting effects on the trading income. The second approach presents the managerial income statement construction prepared for the budgeting needs and the needs to calculate the activity (sales volume) and consumption variances. In the third part, we describe managerial report structured according to the selected segments. At the end, we compare the already mentioned foreign authors' approaches with the managerial report made up in the majority of Slovak companies, and we describe its disadvantages in contrast to the Anglo-American approach.Manažérska výsledovka, Managerial Income Statement, Variantný rozpočet, Flexible Budget, Kalkulácia neúplných nákladov, Variable costing