17 research outputs found


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    This paper is titled roles of library services to prison inmates’ rehabilitation in selected prisons of south western Nigeria. This study sought to examine the roles of public libraries in rehabilitation of prison inmates’ in Ekiti and Osun State Prison facilities through the provision of valuable information. the paper exposes Services rendered by Prison Libraries in Osun and Ekiti States, Nigeria, it examined the information needs of the prisoners in Osun and Ekiti States, Nigeria, extent to which the prison libraries are meeting the information needs of the prisoners in Osun and Ekiti States, Nigeria and commonly observed obstacles inmates face daily in sourcing for and utilising of information resources in Nigerian prisons, prison library infrastructure, and services are outdated, not human-friendly and inadequate. It was recommended in the paper that for lasting reformation and rehabilitation to take place, unequivocal access to relevant library information resources through reading is undisputable in their struggle for survival, reconstruction, corrections and final reintegration into Nigerian society

    Quality assessment of some bottled water produced in Okitipupa, Ondo state, Nigeria

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    The aim of this study was to assess the safety level of some bottled water produced in Okitipupa, Ondo State Nigeria. Several packs of bottled water were obtained from three different manufacturers. Some physicochemical parameters and heavy metals were investigated to assess the quality of the bottle water using standard methods. The results from the physicochemical parameters and heavy metals were in with World Health Organization (WHO) standard for drinking water when compared. This study confirmed that the analyzed bottled water has good quality. Therefore, these bottled water are said to be safe for drinking

    Integrated Geophysical and Geochemical Methods for Environmental Assessment of Municipal Dumpsite System

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    Leachate originating from open refuse dumpsite systems can be delineated through an integration of qualitative and quantitative methods. This study was designed to examine extent of leachate and pollution from one of the numerous open refuse dumpsites in Lagos metropolis. Qualitative assessment was determined using electrical resistivity tomo- graphy (ERT), vertical electrical sounding (VES) and induced polarization geophysical methods. Both ERT and VES methods revealed persistent low resistivity (1 - 20 Ωm) of leachate to the depth above 35 m. The two methods were projected to produce 3-D view of the site which shows a NW-SE flow pattern of the leachate and possibly, the ground- water. IP values observed over the polluted zone was −2.9 - 8 ms, indicating a sandy layer. Quantitative assessment was achieved by analysis of geochemical substances in the water samples taken from wells and boreholes in the precinct of the dumpsite. Here, we examine the macroelements, salts (sulphates, nitrates and chlorides), heavy metals, radioactive metals contents and physical parameters of the water samples. The analyses reveal the presence of these substances in the water and their strong correlations justified the provenance as the same. As part of the quantitative evaluation, physical parameters (pH, TDS, DO, salinity, total hardness, turbidity, electrical conductivity EC and temperature) of the water samples were also determined. The samples pH plotted in the acidic domain unsuitable for human consumption. Leachate flow direction was generated from the decreasing concentration of measured parameters (geochemical ele- ments and physicals properties) in NW-SE direction which agrees with similar flow pattern deduced from ERT results

    Groundwater Quality and Identification of Hydrogeochemical Processes within University of Lagos, Nigeria

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    Water samples from twenty one boreholes were col lected within University of Lagos and analyzed for physical properties. trace elements and cations using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Physical analysis of the samples shows slight acidity and alkalinity with 78% of the samples exceeded recommended standards. They can be classified as fresh water based on TDS and EC. Chloride concentrations fall within water standards in most s<1mples while AI, Na, Pb and Br exceeded·recommended standards in most samples. Gibbs plot, rel ationship between total c<1tions. Na + K . Ca .,. Mg and Cl showed that all the groundwater samples fall in the water-rock interaction field which suggests that the weathering of rocks and influence of sea water primarily controls the major chemistry of groundwater in the area. Sodium Absorpti on Ratio (SAR) for all the water samples was less than 10 and excel lent for irrigntion purpose. Only 33% of water samples were su itable for irrigation based on Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP) and Magnesium A dsorption Ratio (MAR), whereas based on Kellys Ratios (KR) all the water samples were not good for irri.gation purpose having KR greater than I. Fifty percent of the water samples showed pollution index (PI) above I with highest contribution (37.8%) from lead (Pb). Mn, AI, N i, Fe and As contributed 29.3%, 19.13%, 8.66%, 4.25% and 0.8:2% respectivel

    Concentration and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in some commercial herbal drugs used for cholera treatment in southwest Nigeria

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the cancer risk that could be incurred from the use of some anti-cholera herbal drugs sold in Southwest Nigeria. Three most popular anti-cholera herbal drugs were studied. The cancer risk estimation for the drugs at studied population ranges from 7.119 to 0.338 x 10-8 in children, 9.563 to 0.129 x 10-8 in preteen and 9.541 to 5.196 x 10-8 in adult. The cancer risk estimated values are below the USEPA set value 1 x 10-6. This established that the use of these herbal drugs might not lead to cancer if consumed at low dosage

    Genetic algorithm-based multi-objective optimization model for software bugs prediction

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    The accuracy and reliability of software are critical factors for consideration in the operation of any electronic or computing device.&nbsp; Although, there exist several conventional methods of software bugs prediction which depend solely on static code metrics without syntactic structures or semantic information of programs which are more appropriate for developing accurate predictive models.&nbsp; In this paper, software bugs are predicted using a Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based multi-objective optimization model implemented in MATLAB on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) dataset comprising thirty-eight distinct factors reduced to six (6) major factors via the use of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm with SPSS, after which a linear regression equation was derived. The developed GA- based multi-objective optimization model was well-tried and tested. The accuracy and sensitivity level were also analyzed for successful bug detection. The results for optimal values ranging from&nbsp;&nbsp; 95% to 97% were recorded at an average accuracy of 96.4% derived through MATLAB-implemented measures of critical similarities. The research findings reveal that the model hereto proposed will provide an effective solution to the problem of predicting buggy software in general circulation

    Mapping saline water intrusion into the coastal aquifer with geophysical and geochemical techniques: the University of Lagos campus case (Nigeria)

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    Saltwater Intrusion 1nto the coastal aqu1fer. a phenomenon brou9ht by the now of seawater into fre;hwJter aquifers onginally caused by groundwater extract1on near the coast, has long been recogn1~ed as a maJOr concern around the world In this study, we employed geophysical and geochemical techniques to map and provide ev1dences that the coastal aquifers 1n the study area have been Intruded bv saltwater from the adJilCPnt LaCJOS lagoon. The 1eSIStiv1ty dara were acqu1rcd With an electrode spacll)g (a) that va1y between 1.6 ro H m. ;md expans1on factor n of 30. The depth 1nverted ,models obt<Hned from mvers1on of the f1fteen res1St1v1ty dcltd obtJ1110d in the area revealed significant impact of the ragoon water on the aqu1fers 1nd1cated as low res1stiv1ty usually below 7 Om. A combination of four different electrode arrays - Schlumberger. Wenner. D1pole-d1pole and pole-dipole. with at least three deployeci at each site (except for three traverses- traverses 13, 14 and 15), y1e,d beuer horizontal and vertici:ll resolution. hav1ng depth range of 36-226 m with 1.6-8 m electrode spacing used. rhe delineated geoelectric layers were juxtaposed with logs from both boreholes located within the campus. Evidence from geochemical study of borehole and the lagoon water samples corroborateci the ERT resu lt rroqrrssive decrease in total d1ssolved solute (TOS) ancl electncal concJuclivily (LC) from the lagoon to the co.'lst.~l aqt11frr buttresses gradual encroachment o f the mland aquifers by the intrud1ng ldgoon water. In <JcldlliOn, Sll11rl,lr tre11d was observed in heavy metal distribution Pollution Index (PI)·plot suggesting possible underground flow of water from the lagoon to thE' aquifers. From th1s study, we deduced that' excesSIVe groundwater extraction and possrbly the reduction of groundwater graciients which allows saline-water to displace fresh watPr rn the ,1qrnfer of the Investigated area are responsible for the saline water rnnusion observe

    Hydrogeophysical mapping of aquifer in new foursquare camp, ajebo, southwestern nigeria

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    Abstract: Groundwater mapping using vertical electrical resistivity sounding (VES) with Schlumberger electrode array in rugged basement terrain of the new site of Foursquare campground, Ajebo was carried out. The camp already has about five water boreholes with only one fully functioning and about three completely failed. This resulted to scarcity of the commodity within the camp largely patronized by mammoth crowd drawn from across and outside Nigeria. Twenty-seven (27) VES points were established, five out of which were located beside existing boreholes for post-drilling assessments and comparison. The result shows four geoelectric layers -top soil, clay/lateritic clay, weathered/fractured layers and fresh basement. The Dar-Zarrouk parameters evaluated are total longitudinal conductance (S), total transverse resistance (T), average longitudinal resistivity (ρ L ), average transverse resistivity (ρ t ), electric anisotropy (l), root mean square resistivity (ρ m ) with values ranging from 0.02 -0.46 -1 , 315 -15039 m 2 , 22 -439 m, 46 -655 m and 1.02 -1.63 dimensionless, 36 -356 m respectively. These gave clue to aquifer potential of the study area. In addition, combination of sounding results, borehole history and geoelectric parameters of five VES points beside the pre-existing drilled holes were also employed to achieve optimum result. These reveal that most of the failed pre-existing water boreholes in the area were located on clay/clayey sand or thin weathered layer horizons while the one sited beside the functioning borehole was located on fractured layer having resistivity of 290 m and 22.37m thickness. Thus, this was then used as reference point to recommend additional locations for siting water-supply wells in the area

    Independent Publishing: Making and Preserving Culture in a Global Literary Marketplace

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    First paragraph: This report results from a Programme of Enquiry funded and hosted by the Scottish Insight Universities Institute (Scottish Insight), on the theme of Independent Publishing: Making and Preserving Culture in a Global Literary Marketplace. A series of events was held from June-August 2011 in Scottish Insight's premises in Glasgow, with an additional event held at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in association with Publishing Scotland in August 2011. The events brought together publishers, authors, policy makers, government, librarians, academics from multidisciplinary backgrounds, publishing students, and others with an involvement in books and publishing from Scotland, the UK and beyond. The Programme was supplemented by a series of interviews with independent publishers

    Hydrogeochemical Study, Health Implications and Interpretation of Surface Water Analysis Around Rural Settlements of Ita sin and Oki-gbode, Southwestern, Nigeria

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    A total of twelve water sa mples were collected from two rivers in ltasin and Oki-Gbode nreas of lmobi, southwestern Nigeria, six (6) from each river and analyzed for chemical and physical quality parameters. The two water bodies serve the inhabilcHltS of these communities as source of drinking water, agricultural and domestic uses. The hydrochemical parameters deterlllinecl include major cntions and ani0ns using Induct ively Coupled Plnsrna Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICI'-OES) and the ion Chromnlogrnphy methods to evaluate the water type, qunlity and usnge. The physicnl analysis of the water samples were determined and the resu lts indicate that the pl-1 and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) values nmge from 4.4-5.5 and 2 1.00- 75.00 mg/L respectively, Electrica l Conductance (EC) ranges from 32.3 1- 1 15.39 mS/cm and Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) from 1.62-3.39. Results of the chemical and physical analysis obtained for the ri ver water samples were assessed and compared with World Health Organizntion (W II O) and Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) stan dards in order to deduce if the water satisfies all the· conditions for potability, irrigation and industrial use in low pressure boilers. 'Results obtained show that the Weller samples do not fit for drinking from the two standards c.mployed, but C<l ll fi nd uses in irrigation and for industri<~ l purposes in low pressure boilers. The health implications deriving from drinking of these water bodies could be very devastntin g. For example, eonsumption of water having low pH over a long period of time may lead to metabolic acidosis, respiration may become deep and rapid in severe cases. Using Piper Trilinear diagram, the water samples were cla~;sified as Alkal i/Earth Alkaline fCa - Na- Cl - S04 - I IC04] water type