6 research outputs found

    3D video quality of experience - influence of scale and crosstalk

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    This paper gives an overview of three recent studies by the authors on the topic of 3D video Quality of Experience (QoE). Two of studies [1,2] investigated different psychological dimension that may be needed for describing 3D video QoE and the third the visibility and annoyance of crosstalk[3]. The results shows that the video quality scale could be sufficient for evaluating S3D video experience for coding and spatial resolution reduction distortions. It was also confirmed that with a more complex mixture of degradations more than one scale should be used to capture the QoE in these cases. The study found a linear relationship between the perceived crosstalk and the amount of crosstalk

    Challenges Building a Data Value Chain to Enable Data-Driven Decisions: A Predictive Maintenance Case in 5G-Enabled Manufacturing

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    Improvements in data storage and processing technologies have led many managers to change how they make decisions, relying less on intuition and more on data. This trend is especially notable for the manufacturing industry where Big Data applications, i.e. data analytics, are mentioned as an important enabler of value creation with the event of the fourth industrial revolution. Designing and building the entire data value chain that enables Big Data applications in manufacturing requires new knowledge about digital technologies combined with already established knowledge about the specific manufacturing processes. This paper focuses on the convergence of these different knowledge spaces applied to a specific case of implementing a Big Data application for predictive maintenance. Every step of building the data value chain from data acquisition to system feedback is presented and discussed in terms of the major challenges that were observed during the project. Results show that, just as the literature suggests, the knowledge gaps between different domains is a key component to manage for succeeding when building Big Data applications in the context of future manufacturing and maintenance

    Bevarandeprogram för odlingslandskapet i Hallands lÀn

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    LÀnsstyrelsen har sammanstÀllet ett bevarandeprogram för natur- och kulturmiljövÄrdens bevarandeintressen i odlingslandskapet. Programmet Àr en sammanstÀllning av befintligt inventeringsunderlag, kompletterat med riktlinjer för odlingslandskapet bevarande. Syftet med programmet Àr bl.a. att utgöra underlag för följande ÄtgÀrder:- Samordning och styrning av samhÀllets olika former av ekonomisk ersÀttning till odlingslandskapet- SÀkerstÀllande med stöd av naturvÄrdslagen av de vÀrdefullaste delarna av odlingslandskapet- Fysisk planering pÄ olika nivÄer- Information till markÀgare och allmÀnhet om odlingslandskapets bevarandevÀrdenI programmet tecknas odlingslandskapets karaktÀr i lÀnet samt de styrmedel samhÀllet förfogar över för att uppfylla mÄlen med bevarandet av odlingslandskapet. De odlingslandskap som bedömts ha de högsta bevarandevÀrdena redovisas separat. 369 omrÄden har kortfattat beskrivits och avgrÀnsats pÄ en översiktlig lÀnskarta. För att sÀrskilja graden av bevarandevÀrde har omrÄdena delats upp i klasser. NaturvÄrdens intresseomrÄden har fördelats pÄ tre klasser, kulturmiljövÄrdens pÄ tvÄ klasser. Programmet avslutas med kommunvisa förteckningar över omrÄdena samt sammanstÀllningar dÀr omrÄdena fördelats pÄ kommuner, vÀrdeklasser och markslag.Bevarandeprogrammet ligger till grund för ett kortsiktigt ÄtgÀrdsprogram, som preciserar vilka ÄtgÀrder som bör initieras och genomföras under de nÀrmaste tre Ären.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frÄn MDP 2015-05</p

    Real life testing of a hybrid PEM fuel cell bus

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    Fuel cells produce low quantities of local emissions, if any, and are therefore one of the most promising alternatives to internal combustion engines as the main power source in future vehicles. It is likely that urban buses will be among the first commercial applications for fuel cells in vehicles. This is due to the fact that urban buses are highly visible for the public, they contribute significantly to air pollution in urban areas, they have small limitations in weight and volume and fuelling is handled via a centralised infrastructure. Results and experiences from real life measurements of energy flows in a Scania Hybrid PEM Fuel Cell Concept Bus are presented in this paper. The tests consist of measurements during several standard duty cycles. The efficiency of the fuel cell system and of the complete vehicle are presented and discussed. The net efficiency of the fuel cell system was approximately 40% and the fuel consumption of the concept bus is between 42 and 48% lower compared to a standard Scania bus. Energy recovery by regenerative braking saves up 28% energy. Bus subsystems such as the pneumatic system for door opening, suspension and brakes, the hydraulic power steering, the 24 V grid, the water pump and the cooling fans consume approximately 7% of the energy in the fuel input or 17% of the net power output from the fuel cell system. The bus was built by a number of companies in a project partly financed by the European Commission’s Joule programme. The comprehensive testing is partly financed by the Swedish programme “Den Gröna Bilen” (The Green Car). A 50 kWel fuel cell system is the power source and a high voltage battery pack works as an energy buffer and power booster. The fuel, compressed hydrogen, is stored in two high-pressure stainless steel vessels mounted on the roof of the bus. The bus has a series hybrid electric driveline with wheel hub motors with a maximum power of 100 kW. Hybrid Fuel Cell Buses have a big potential, but there are still many issues to consider prior to full-scale commercialisation of the technology. These are related to durability, lifetime, costs, vehicle and system optimisation and subsystem design. A very important factor is to implement an automotive design policy in the design and construction of all components, both in the propulsion system as well as in the subsystems