241 research outputs found

    Deficits in plasma oestradiol measurement in studies and management of breast cancer

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    The determination of plasma oestradiol has numerous applications in epidemiology, reproductive medicine and breast cancer management. Commercially available analytical methods, which measure the hormone levels without prior purification, have been successfully developed for measuring oestradiol in premenopausal women. The application of these methodologies to the quantification of the very low levels of oestradiol in postmenopausal women is more problematic in terms of accuracy and interpretation. The importance of using appropriate methodology is discussed and illustrated with data demonstrating the disparity in the results obtained when low levels of oestradiol were quantified using direct and indirect methods

    Corporate Culture and Empathy and Excitement Labor of Service Employees inService Company, Mainly at Tokyo Disneyland

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    Menstrual cycle associated changes in hormone-related gene expression in oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer.

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    The major changes in hormone levels that occur through the menstrual cycle have been postulated to affect the expression of hormone-regulated and proliferation-associated genes (PAGs) in premenopausal ER+ breast cancer. Whilst previous studies have demonstrated differences in gene expression, here, we investigated if there are within patient changes in the expression of oestrogen- and progesterone-regulated genes (ERGs and PRGs) and PAGs in ER+ breast cancer during the menstrual cycle. Samples from 96 patients in two independent prospective studies of the effect of menstrual cycle on ER+ breast cancer were used. Plasma hormone measurements were used to assign tumours to one of three pre-defined menstrual cycle windows: W1 (days 27-35 and 1-6; low oestradiol and low progesterone), W2 (days 7-16; high oestradiol and low progesterone) and W3 (days 17-26; intermediate oestradiol and high progesterone). RNA expression of 50 genes, including 27 ERGs, 11 putative PRGs and seven PAGs was measured. The AvERG (geomean of PGR, GREB1, TFF1 and PDZK1) was used as a composite measure of ERG expression and showed significant changes between the three windows of the menstrual cycle increasing over 2.2-fold between W1 and W2 and decreasing between W2 and W3 and between W3 and W1. Proliferation gene expression also varied significantly, following the same pattern of changes as ERG expression, but the changes were of lower magnitude (1.4-fold increase between W1 and W2). Significant changes in the expression of eight individual ERGs, including GREB1, PGR and TFF1, and two PAGs were observed between W1 and either W2 or W3 with all genes showing higher levels in W2 or W3 (1.3-2.4-fold; FDR 0.016-0.05). The AvProg, a composite measure of PRG expression, increased significantly (1.5-fold) in W3 compared to W1 or W2 but no significant changes were observed for individual PRGs. In conclusion, we observed significant changes in ERG, PRG and PAG expression in ER+ breast tumours during the menstrual cycle that may affect the assessment and interpretation of prominent biomarkers (e.g. PgR) and commonly used multigene prognostic signatures in premenopausal ER+ breast cancer

    Abiraterone shows alternate activity in models of endocrine resistant and sensitive disease.

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    Background Resistance to endocrine therapy remains a major clinical problem in the treatment of oestrogen-receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer. Studies show androgen-receptor (AR) remains present in 80-90% of metastatic breast cancers providing support for blockade of AR-signalling. However, clinical studies with abiraterone, which blocks cytochrome P450 17A1 (CYP17A1) showed limited benefit.Methods In order to address this, we assessed the impact of abiraterone on cell-viability, cell-death, ER-mediated transactivation and recruitment to target promoters. together with ligand-binding assays in a panel of ER+ breast cancer cell lines that were either oestrogen-dependent, modelling endocrine-sensitive disease, or oestrogen-independent modelling relapse on an aromatase inhibitor. The latter, harboured wild-type (wt) or naturally occurring ESR1 mutations.Results Similar to oestrogen, abiraterone showed paradoxical impact on proliferation by stimulating cell growth or death, depending on whether the cells are hormone-dependent or have undergone prolonged oestrogen-deprivation, respectively. Abiraterone increased ER-turnover, induced ER-mediated transactivation and ER-degradation via the proteasome.Conclusions Our study confirms the oestrogenic activity of abiraterone and highlights its differential impact on cells dependent on oestrogen for their proliferation vs. those that are ligand-independent and harbour wt or mutant ESR1. These properties could impact the clinical efficacy of abiraterone in breast cancer

    Molecular changes in premenopausal oestrogen receptor-positive primary breast cancer in Vietnamese women after oophorectomy.

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    For premenopausal women with primary ER + breast cancer, oophorectomy (OvX) is an evidence-based cost-effective option and is standard treatment in many countries. However, there is virtually no data describing the effects of OvX on breast tumour biology. We therefore, characterised the endocrine and genome-wide transcriptional impact of OvX in 56 premenopausal women with ER + breast cancer for 2 weeks prior to mastectomy. Plasma estradiol concentrations decreased from 406 ± 41 to 20.7 ± 2.6 pmol/l (mean ± sem) 24 h after OvX, and to 8.1 ± 0.8 pmol/l 2 weeks later at mastectomy. Ki67 decreased in 33/36 (91.7%) tumours. The expression of 655 genes changed significantly (FDR < 1%) with an absolute mean fold-change (FC) ≥ 1.25 (257 up, 398 down). Archetypal oestrogen-regulated genes (TFF1, GREB1, PGR and PDZK1) showed large decreases in expression (FC = 0.20-0.69; p < 1e-6-1e-7). Proliferation-associated genes (e.g. TOP2A, AURKA and UBE2C) were also strongly downregulated (FC = 0.38-0.56; p < 1e-7) along with putative progesterone-regulated genes (e.g. FKBP4, MYB; FC = 0.64-0.68; p < 1e-4-1e-7). The gene expression changes did not differ according to HER2 status and correlated strongly with the changes reported previously after aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment in postmenopausal women (rho = 0.55, p < 1e-04). However, after OvX the mean FC was significantly higher compared to AI (p < 1e-04). In conclusion, changes in tumoural gene expression after OvX were largely similar, but of a greater magnitude to those observed after AI in postmenopausal patients; however, OvX appeared to have a greater effect on progesterone-regulated genes than AI

    Urinary extracellular vesicle protein profiling and endogenous lithium clearance support excessive renal sodium wasting and water reabsorption in thiazide induced hyponatremia

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    IntroductionThiazide diuretics are amongst the most widely used anti-hypertensive medicines worldwide. Thiazide-Induced Hyponatremia (TIH) is one of their most clinically significant adverse effects. A priori TIH must result from excessive saliuresis and/or water reabsorption. We hypothesised that pathways regulating the thiazide-sensitive NCC and the water channel AQP2 may be involved. Our aim was to assess whether patients with TIH show evidence of altered NCC and AQP2 expression in urinary extracellular vesicles (UEVs), and also whether abnormalities of renal sodium reabsorption were evident using Endogenous Lithium Clearance (ELC).MethodsBlood and urine samples were donated by patients admitted to hospital with acute symptomatic TIH, after recovery to normonatremia, and also from normonatremic controls on and off thiazides. UEVs were isolated and target proteins evaluated by Western blotting and by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA). ELC was assessed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry.ResultsUEVs analysis by Western blotting showed that patients with acute TIH display reduced total NCC and increased phospho-NCC and AQP2 relative to appropriate control groups; smaller differences in NCC and AQP2 expression persisted after recovery from TIH. These findings were confirmed by NTA. Renal ELC was lower in acute TIH compared to controls and convalescent cases.ConclusionReduced NCC expression and increased AQP2 expression would be expected to result in saliuresis and water reabsorption in TIH patients. This study raises the possibility that UEV analysis may be of diagnostic utility in less clear cut cases of thiazide associated hyponatremia and may help identify those at risk of TIH before thiazide initiation