344 research outputs found

    Testing Logselfsimilarity of Soil Particle Size Distribution: Simulation with Minimum Inputs

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    Particle size distribution (PSD) greatly influences other soil physical properties. A detailed textural analysis is time-consuming and expensive. Soil texture is commonly reported in terms of mass percentages of a small number of size fractions (typically, clay, silt and sand). A method to simulate the PSD from such a poor description or even from the poorest description, consisting in the mass percentages of only two soil size fractions, would be extremly useful for prediction purposes. The goal of this paper is to simulate soil PSDs from the minimum number of inputs, i.e., two and three textural fraction contents, by using a logselfsimilar model and an iterated function system constructed with these data. High quality data on 171 soils are used. Additionally, the characterization of soil texture by entropy-based parameters provided by the model is tested. Results indicate that the logselfsimilar model may be a useful tool to simulate PSD for the construction of pedotransfer functions related to other soil properties when textural information is limited to moderate textural data

    Mineralogical Transformations and Soil Development in Shale Across a Latitudinal Climosequence

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    To investigate factors controlling soil formation, we established a climosequence as part of the Susquehanna-Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHCZO) in central Pennsylvania, USA. Sites were located on organic matter-poor, iron-rich Silurian-aged shale in Wales, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Puerto Rico, although this last site is underlain by a younger shale. Across the climosequence, mean annual temperature (MAT) increases from 7 to 24°C and mean annual precipitation (MAP) ranges from 100 to 250 cm. Variations in soil characteristics along the climosequence, including depth, morphology, particle-size distribution, geochemistry, and bulk and clay mineralogy, were characterized to investigate the role of climate in controlling mineral transformations and soil formation. Overall, soil horizonation, depth, clay content, and chemical depletion increase with increasing temperature and precipitation, consistent with enhanced soil development and weathering processes in warmer and wetter locations. Secondary minerals are present at higher concentrations at the warmest sites of the climosequence; kaolinite increases from \u3c5% at northern sites in Wales and Pennsylvania to 30% in Puerto Rico. The deepest observed weathering reaction is plagioclase feldspar dissolution followed by the transformation of chlorite and illite to vermiculite and hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite. Plagioclase, although constituting \u3c12% of the initial shale mineralogy, may be the profile initiating reaction that begins shale bedrock transformation to weathered regolith. Weathering of the more abundant chlorite and illite minerals (∼70% of initial mineralogy), however, are more likely controlling regolith thickness. Climate appears to play a central role in driving soil formation and mineral weathering reactions across the climosequence

    Echinoderms from Todos os Santos Bay and Aratu Bay (Bahia, Brazil)

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    Neste trabalho são registrados os equinodermos (exceto Holothuroidea) obtidos durante a execução do projeto "Marine Environmental Evaluation of the Todos os Santos Bay-MAREMBA" em julho/agosto de 1996 e durante o projeto "Geoecologia das comunidades bentônicas infralitorais da Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS), BA, Brasil: diversidade biótica e sedimentológica", (1997). Um total de 33 espécies pertencentes a 15 famílias foram registradas e re-descritas. A distribuição de Ophiactis brasiliensis Manso, 1988 e Amphiodia trychna H.L. Clark, 1918 é estendida para a região nordeste do Brasil. A classe Ophiuroidea foi dominante nas amostragens em termos de abundância e freqüência de ocorrência, em particular as espécies Amphiodia atra Stimpson, 1852, Amphipholis subtilis (Ljungman, 1867), Ophiactislymani Ljungman, 1871 e Ophiostigma isocanthum (Say, 1825). O asteróide Oreaster reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) é considerado vulnerável à exploração humana e foi escasso durante as coletas. Outras espécies encontradas na BTS, tais como os asteroides Luidia clathrata (Say, 1825) e L. senegalensis (Lamarck, 1816) e o equinóide Eucidaristribuloides (Lamarck, 1816) figuram na lista nacional de espécies de invertebrados aquáticos ameaçados de extinção._______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: We present the results of the studies on biodiversity of Echinodermata (except Holothuroidea) from the Projects "Marine Environmental Evaluation of the Todos os Santos Bay - MAREMBA" (July/August 1996) and "Geoecology of the Benthic Infralitoral Communities of Todos os Santos Bay (BTS), Bahia, Brazil" (1997). A total of 33 species from 15 families were registered and re-described. The distribution of Ophiactis brasiliensis Manso, 1988 and Amphiodia trychna H.L. Clark, 1918 is extended to northwestern Brazil. The class Ophiuroidea was dominant in samples in terms of abundance and frequency of occurrence, in particular Amphiodia atra Stimpson, 1852, Amphipholis subtilis (Ljungman, 1867), Ophiactislymani Ljungman, 1871and Ophiostigma isocanthum (Say, 1825). The asteroid Oreaster reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) is considered vulnerable to human exploration and was scarce during the surveys. Other species found at BTS, such the asteroids Luidia clathrata (Say, 1825) and L. senegalensis (Lamarck, 1816) and the echinoid Eucidaristribuloides (Lamarck, 1816)are included in the national list of threatened invertebrate species

    Response of a Lake Michigan coastal lake to anthropogenic catchment disturbance

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    A paleolimnological investigation of post-European sediments in a Lake Michigan coastal lake was used to examine the response of Lower Herring Lake to anthropogenic impacts and its role as a processor of watershed inputs. We also compare the timing of this response with that of Lake Michigan to examine the role of marginal lakes as ‘early warning’ indicators of potential changes in the larger connected system and their role in buffering Lake Michigan against anthropogenic changes through biotic interactions and material trapping. Sediment geochemistry, siliceous microfossils and nutrient-related morphological changes in diatoms, identified three major trophic periods in the recent history of the lake. During deforestation and early settlement (pre-1845–1920), lake response to catchment disturbances results in localized increases in diatom abundances with minor changes in existing communities. In this early phase of disturbance, Lower Herring Lake acts as a sediment sink and a biological processor of nutrient inputs. During low-lake levels of the 1930s, the lake goes through a transitional period characterized by increased primary productivity and a major shift in diatom communities. Post-World War II (late 1940s–1989) anthropogenic disturbances push Lower Herring Lake to a new state and a permanent change in diatom community structure dominated by Cyclotella comensis . The dominance of planktonic summer diatom species associated with the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) is attributed to epilimnetic nutrient depletion. Declining Si:P ratios are inferred from increased sediment storage of biogenic silica and morphological changes in the silica content of Aulacoseira ambigua and Stephanodiscus niagarae . Beginning in the late 1940s, Lower Herring Lake functions as a biogeochemical processor of catchment inputs and a carbon, nutrient and silica sink. Microfossil response to increased nutrients and increased storage of biogenic silica in Lower Herring Lake and other regional embayments occur approximately 20–25 years earlier than in a nearby Lake Michigan site. Results from this study provide evidence for the role of marginal lakes and bays as nutrient buffering systems, delaying the impact of anthropogenic activities on the larger Lake Michigan system.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43091/1/10933_2004_Article_1688.pd
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