31 research outputs found
Atendiendo las necesidades de estudiantes talentosos con trastornos del espectro autismo: Aproximaciones diagnósticas, terapéuticas y psicoeducativas
Los estudiantes dotados y talentosos que son diagnosticados con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) tienen múltiples necesidades. Sus perfiles académicos y cognitivos son gene- ralmente muy diferentes a los de su desarrollo social, a sus perfiles de comunicación, de comportamiento y de funcionamiento adaptativo, lo que puede ser un desafío para los profesores y profesionales que trabajan con esta población de estudiantes. El propósito de este artículo es resumir los actuales planteamientos diagnósticos, terapéuticos y edu- cativos basados en la evidencia empírica, para trabajar con estudiantes dotados con TEA. Las intervenciones terapéuticas que parecen más prometedoras para los estudiantes con TEA incluyen intervenciones cognitivo-conductuales, a pesar de que la revisión de su eficacia en estudiantes dotados con TEA es inexistente. Las intervenciones psicoeducati- vas efectivas adoptan un enfoque multi-nivel, donde se programa en base a las fortale- zas cognitivas y académicas, al mismo tiempo que se considera la constelación de dificul- tades de la persona a nivel comunicacional, social, y conductual
Social interaction style of children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
Qualitative differences in social interaction style exist within the autism spectrum. In this study we examined whether these differences are associated with (1) the severity of autistic symptoms and comorbid disruptive behavior problems, (2) the child's psycho-social health, and (3) executive functioning and perspective taking skills. The social interaction style of 156 children and adolescents (6-19 years) with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD) was determined with the Wing Subgroups Questionnaire. An active-but-odd social interaction style was positively associated with symptoms of autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity. Furthermore, an active-but-odd social interaction style was negatively associated with children's psycho-social health and positively with executive functioning problems. Social interaction style explains part of the heterogeneity among children with HFASD
Atendiendo las necesidades de estudiantes talentosos con trastornos del espectro autismo: Aproximaciones diagnósticas, terapéuticas y psicoeducativas
Los estudiantes dotados y talentosos que son diagnosticados con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) tienen múltiples necesidades. Sus perfiles académicos y cognitivos son gene- ralmente muy diferentes a los de su desarrollo social, a sus perfiles de comunicación, de comportamiento y de funcionamiento adaptativo, lo que puede ser un desafío para los profesores y profesionales que trabajan con esta población de estudiantes. El propósito de este artículo es resumir los actuales planteamientos diagnósticos, terapéuticos y edu- cativos basados en la evidencia empírica, para trabajar con estudiantes dotados con TEA. Las intervenciones terapéuticas que parecen más prometedoras para los estudiantes con TEA incluyen intervenciones cognitivo-conductuales, a pesar de que la revisión de su eficacia en estudiantes dotados con TEA es inexistente. Las intervenciones psicoeducati- vas efectivas adoptan un enfoque multi-nivel, donde se programa en base a las fortale- zas cognitivas y académicas, al mismo tiempo que se considera la constelación de dificul- tades de la persona a nivel comunicacional, social, y conductual
APA Handbook of Giftedness and Talent
This handbook incorporates the most recent thinking and cutting-edge research from a wide range of fields related to gifted education, including developmental and social psychology, the neurosciences, cognitive science, and education. It consists of six sections: History and global perspectives on the gifted field and talent development; Theories and conceptions of giftedness and talent development; Gifted identification and assessment; Gifted education; Psychological considerations in understanding the gifted (e.g., the family, social and emotional considerations, friendships and peer relations); and Special issues facing the gifted (e.g., policy and legal issues; the twice exceptional learner; underachievement and the gifted; ADHD and the gifted; suicide; perfectionism; bullying)
An enigma: Barriers to the identification of students who are gifted with a learning disability
This chapter discusses research that sought to understand the barriers to the identification of students who are gifted with a learning disability (GLD). These students are an enigma within schools and are under-represented in programmes for gifted students. A mixed method of research was used for this research, consisting of two phases that ran concurrently. In Phase 1, teachers from a Sydney Education area were surveyed. In addition, eight of the teachers were interviewed. For Phase 2, multiple case studies were undertaken. The participants were students who were identified as GLD, their families and the professionals they had consulted. The results showed that an identification protocol is needed, as well as teacher training and support from decision makers across all sectors of education. The teachers demonstrated some knowledge with regard to these students but also confusion and conflict with respect to their educational needs