724 research outputs found

    Use of force by private contractors against Somali pirates

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    Dealing With Deans and Academic Medical Center Leadership: Advice From Leaders.

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    The 2017 Association of Pathology Chairs Annual Meeting included a session for department chairs and other department leaders on how to deal with deans and academic medical center leadership. The session was focused on discussing ways to foster positive relationships with university, medical school, and health system leaders, and productively address issues and opportunities with them. Presentations and a panel discussion were provided by 4 former pathology chairs who subsequently have served as medical deans and in other leadership positions including university provost, medical center CEO, and health system board chair. There was a strong consensus among the participants on how best to deal with superiors about problems, conflicts, and requests for additional resources and authority. The importance of teamwork and accountability in developing a constructive and collaborative relationship with leaders and peers was discussed in detail. Effectiveness in communication, negotiation, and departmental advocacy were highlighted as important skills. As limited resources and increased regulations have become growing problems for universities and health systems, internal stress and competition have increased. In this rapidly changing environment, advice on how chairs can interact most productively with institutional leaders is becoming increasingly important

    Pre-dispute Arbitration Clauses-Can They All Be Right?

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    CALIFORNIA IS IN the eye of the storm over the enforcement of pre-dispute arbitration clauses in consumer and employment cases. These non-negotiated agreements to arbitrate all future disputes, imbedded in contracts that are offered on a take it or leave it basis, curtail any meaningful opportunity to pursue a claim in court and limit the right to be part of a class action lawsuit

    Aware of What? The structure and meaning of Gender Aware and Blind Ideologies Across Gender and Race

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    Aware and blind ideologies concerning race (i.e., multiculturalism and colorblindness) have received considerable attention. However, few studies have assessed parallel ideologies about gender, gender awareness (GA) and gender blindness (GB). We examined the relationships of GA/GB to benevolent (BS) and hostile (HS) sexism and assessed the factor structure and measurement invariance of GA and GB across gender and race. Evaluation of the GA/GB measure indicated the presence of two factors (GA and GB) that were invariant across gender and race. Further analyses indicated that greater GA was associated with HS but not GB, whereas greater GB was positively associated with greater HS but not BS, suggesting that unlike inter-ethnic ideologies, neither aware nor blind gender ideologies are associated with reduced prejudice

    Not so traditional after all: The role of traditionalism in workplace choices among Jewish and Arab Israeli women

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    We investigated two factors that may affect Arab and Jewish Israeli women’s labor force participation: relationship- versus status-focused workplaces and traditionalism. Arab Israelis exhibited greater traditionalism than did Jewish Israelis. Consistent with stereotypic gender roles women preferred relationship-focused to status-focused workplaces, although this effect was weaker among those who strongly (vs. weakly) endorsed traditionalism. These results suggest that, consistent with some ethnographic research on Arab women, traditionalism may facilitate non-traditional workplace choices

    Arbitration Ethics–Is California the Future?

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    Published in cooperation with the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolutio

    Em torno da dialética dos discursos de pais e filhos adolescentes : um estudo hermenêutico

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    Este estudo buscou a compreensão da dialética que se pode chegar a destacar nos discursos de pais e filhos adolescentes. Para tanto, partiu-se de uma pluri-conceituação de discurso, recorrendo às fontes estruturalistas da antroplogia, nas investigações de Lévi-Strauss; da lingüística, nos estudos de Saussure e Greimas; da psicanálise, nas interpretações de Lacan sobre os escritos de Freud. Foram analisados 17 textos de entrevistas de adolescentes e 17 textos de entrevistas com seus respectivos pais. A caracterização de pais e filhos adolescentes, produtores dos discursos analisados, permitiu o entendimento das próprias dimensões de Identidade e Relacionamento tanto no discurso como no sujeito. E neste enfoque, as técnicas de análise da estrutura lógico-semântica do conteúdo e sua leitura hermenêutica conduziram o investigador a níveis mais profundos de significação desses discursos. A partir daí, a conclusão tentou abranger questionamentos pertinentes, particularmente para quem se preocupa com a Educação e as relações pais-filhos.This study looked for the understanding of the dialectics one can make conspicuous in the discourses of parents and adolescent sons. Therefore, it is developed starting from a muitiple conceptualization of the discourses, refered to the structural resources of anthropology, as in Lévi-Strauss research; linguistically anchored on the studies of Saussure and Greimas; and based psychoanalitically in Lacan's interpretation of Freud's work. Seventeen interviews with adolescent boys and seventeen interviews with thein parents were analyzed. The characterization of the parents and the adolescent sons, producers of the discourses, allowed to understand Identify and Relationship as dimensions of the subjectives discourse. For that, the technique of content-analysus of the logical-semanthical structure and its hermeneutic reading led the researcher to deeper levels of meaning. From there on, the conclusion tried to get pertaining questions, particularly for those who are involved in Education and parent-children relationship

    Estudo morfologico do ramo superficial do nervo radial

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    Orientador: Heitor Jose Rizzardo UlsonDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: O autor apresenta um estudo anatômico-histológico do Ramo Superficial do Nervo Radial (RSNR) no terço distal do antebraço e punho através de dissecções anatômicas em vinte e três cadáveres humanos. O ponto de emergência do RSNR entre os tendões do braquiorradial e extensor radial longo do carpo foi encontrado, em média, a 8,65cm da apófise estilóide do rádio (AER). Em seis casos (26%) foi identificado um tendão acessório do braquiorradial, com RSNR emergindo entre este e o tendão principal. A primeira ramificação teve origem, em média, a 4,58cm da AER. Em 30% dos casos notou-se a presença de um ramo cruzando o punho diretamente sobre a AER. A média de ramos cruzando o punho à altura da AER foi de 3,4. Cortes histológicos do nervo e suas ramificações cruzando o punho à altura da AER foram realizados em vinte dissecções para a contagem do número de fascículos. O número médio de fascículos do RSNR no seu ponto de emergência foi de 6,6. Na sua primeira ramificação, observou-se a média de 4 fascículos. A literatura disponível parece não indicar relato semelhante, o qual pode nos auxiliar nos casos de uso do RSNR para enxerto de nervo. Os achados anatômicos apresentam resultados semelhantes aos da literatura específica sobre o tema. Estes achados vêm a somar para um melhor conhecimento do RSNR e reforçam a necessidade de extremo cuidado em procedimentos cirúrgicos no terço distal do antebraço e punho, principalmente nos procedimentos percutâneosAbstract: The author presents a study on the morphology of the Superficial Branch of the Radial Nerve (SBRN), at the distal one-third of the forearm and wrist. Anatomical dissections were performed on the upper limbs of twenty-three cadaver specimens. The SBRN emerged between the brachioradialis (BR) and extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) tendons, at an average distance of 8.65cm proximal to radial styloid apophysis (RSA). In six cases (26%) there was an acessory tendon of the BR, and the SBRN emerged between that point and the main BR tendon. The first branch of the SBRN arose at an average of 4.58cm proximal to the RSA. A branch, running directly across the RSA, was found in 30% of the cases. At the level of the RSA, the average number of branches crossing the wrist was 3.4. A fascicle count was peformed in twenty anatomical dissections of the nerve and its branches crossing the wrist at the level of the RSA. There was an average of 6.6 fascicles in the SBRN, at its point of entry between the tendons of the BR and of the ECRL. The first branch of the SBRN at the level of the RSA, had an average number of 4 fascicles. There are no similar histological studies in the literature available and thus, the results may be of help when using the SBRN for nerve grafting. The results of the anatomical findings of this study are very similar to those in the literature. The findings in the present study can contribute to a better knowledge of the SBRN, as required during such surgical procedures as the percutaneous bone fixation of the distal one-third of the forearm and of the wristMestradoCirurgiaMestre em Cirurgi

    Etnometodologia : um método para estudo das características culturais

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    O artigo busca esclarecer o conceito de etnometodologia embasado no conceito de antropologia, fenomenologia e, principalmente, aproveitando as idéias desenvolvidas na obra de GARFINKEL, Harold. Studies in Ethomethodology.This article seeks to clarify the concept of Ethomethodology that is based on the ideas of Anthopology. Phenomenology and mainly using the ideas devoloped in the book by GARFINKEL, Harold. Sludies in lhe Ethomelhodology