18 research outputs found

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 12

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    Area di ripopolamento di Palinurus Elephas: valutazioni sulla gestione della risorsa

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    The work aims to assess the effectiveness of the no take zones from a management point of view by comparing the population structure of the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787) along the Sardinian waters. Since 1998, the Region of Sardinia in cooperation with the University of Cagliari, is pursuing a restocking program (Regional Law n. 776/1998) that provides the establishment of some protected areas. During the 2011-2015 period, an extensive monitoring was carried out inside and outside of four specific protected areas: Su Pallosu (central-western Sardinia), Bosa (western Sardinia), Buggerru (south-west Sardinia) and Castelsardo (north Sardinia). A good number of biometric data (length, weight and sex) has been collected during this phase and then analyzed by the virtual population analysis (VPA). The results obtained have allowed us to detect significant differences between populations belonging to different zones. In particular, there was a trend to full recovery of the populations exploited inside the protected areas after only few years. Furthermore, especially for the area of Su Pallosu, they are recognized important spillover phenomena, known to improve the fisheries in the long term. However, in other areas was not observed these particular phenomena, probably due to the lower period of implementation of the management plan. The adult migration to the neighboring areas represents one of the main objectives of the project, as it is an important indicator of effectiveness of the no take areas. This kind of study represent a fundamental step for the development of integrated management plans and protection measures, taking into account both the production requirements, and the ecological factors related to these important resources

    Artificial dens for Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 in the Sardinian Sea

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    Monitoring on 244 artificial dens from 2011-2013 in the Sardinian Sea, showed that Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Octopoda) chose them as shelters (40.72%), staying inside (86.67%) or leaving only signs of its occupation (13.33%). The 58.97% of the dens with animals inside had spawning females, with their eggs completed the embryological development. These preliminary results suggest the use of artificial dens in fishing management to protect the octopus stock


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    A detailed Upper Cretaceous/Paleocene stratigraphic section was measured from the Spanboth Chu Valley, High Himalaya Nappes. Placement Of the Cretaceous—Tertiary boundary was refined, but some uncertitudes still remain because of poor exposure in this portion of the sequence. The Maastrichtian is characterized by floral and faunal assemblages consisting of Cymopolia, Ornphalocyclus, Siderolites and Odon togryphaea. The Lower Paleocene seems to be missing, whilst the Middle to Upper Paleocene is characterized by Rotalia, Daviesina, Lockhartia and Furcoporella assemblages. Sandstone petrography and carbonate microfacies were analyzed for environmental interpretation. Moreover, a reconsideration of the recent published data on the Upper Cretaceous/ Paleocene from the Zanskar mountains allows us to delineate a tentative depositional history of this part of the Indian continental margin during the considered time

    CNAP To Predict Functional Cochlear Nerve Preservation in NF-2: Cochlear Implant or Auditory Brainstem Implant

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    The ideal management of bilateral vestibular schwannomas (VSs) involves complete tumor resection with preservation of hearing in at least one ear. While auditory brainstem implants (ABIs) have represented a significant advance in the management of neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF-2) patients, hearing rehabilitation is far from ideal. More recently, cochlear implantation has been used in selected cases of NF-2, following tumor removal, where the patient is left with bilateral profound hearing loss but with anatomical continuity of the cochlear nerve. In selected cases, cochlear implant (CI) has given superior results to ABI. The Gruppo Otologico experience in managing NF-2 patients consists of 29 patients treated between December 1996 and December 2007 out of a total of 1723 VSs. Thirty-nine tumors have been removed, with 10 patients having had bilateral tumor removed. Ten ABIs have been implanted and 5 CIs placed. We present a case that illustrates some of the difficulties encountered in the management of NF-2 VS and provides a basis for discussion of a technique to assist intraoperative decision-making to achieve optimal hearing rehabilitation. In the setting of a negative fast auditory brainstem response (ABR), but preserved cochlear nerve action potential (CNAP), the option of a CI can be considered. However, where the fast ABR and the morphology and amplitude of the CNAP are significantly degraded at the brainstem, the placement of an ABI should be strongly considered at the time of tumor removal. This technique must be further evaluated, but it represents an adjunct in this difficult area for the neurotologist. To this end we propose that a multicenter trial be undertaken to further elucidate the role of intraoperative monitoring to determine the functional preservation of the cochlear nerve


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    The preliminary results of the 1984 Italian Geological Expedition to Zanskar are given as a general account of the stratigraphy of the Tethys Himalaya succession. The sedimentary sequence has been subdivided in three parts, from Late Precambrian to Eocene

    European spiny lobster recovery from overfishing enhanced through active restocking in Fully Protected Areas

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    Fully protected areas (FPAs) help preserving biodiversity and reversing the global decline of fishery resources. Stocks of the European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas (Fabr. 1787), among the most precious gourmet seafood worldwide, are currently facing a dramatic decline. Previous attempts of recovery based on fishery restrictions or active post-larval restocking in marine reserves provided unsuccessful outcomes. Here we present results of a 5-year restocking program carried through a Collaborative Fishery Research (CFR) project, in three ad-hoc established FPAs replenished using below-legal size wild juveniles. Results showed that Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) in terms of both density and biomass burst (by ca. 300-700%) just 2 years since FPAs establishment, regardless of location. We also report tangible spillover effects (ca. 30-50% increase in density and biomass CPUE outside the FPAs) by the end of the program. Data from a 15-years lasting monitoring of a pilot FPA established in 1998, where the restocking protocol was conducted and protection kept in force once restocking ceased, demonstrated the persistence in time of restocking' benefits. We foster that creation of FPAs assisted with local restocking under oriented CFR programs can represent an option for the recovery of European spiny lobster stocks from overfishing