1,227 research outputs found


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    The pancreas reduced to 4 or 10 gm. weeks or months previously by partial resection, is able to maintain a normal glycemic level in dogs of about 10 kilos in good condition. When the pancreas is reduced to 4 gm. the capacity for secreting insulin under certain conditions of strain is diminished whereas a pancreas reduced to 10 gm. may have a normal or decreased capacity. This decreased functional capacity is shown: (1) by a longer hyperglycemic curve after the intravenous injection of 1 gm. of glucose per kilo; (2) by the requirement of smaller doses of extract of anterior hypophysis to produce diabetes; and (3) by the longer time required to correct the diabetic hyperglycemia if reduced pancreas is grafted in the neck of pancreatectomized animals. The time to recover is in inverse ratio to the weight of the transplanted pancreatic tissue

    Testimonio y autoficción en Chicas muertas

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    In the 80s, along with the return to democracy in Argentina, news of some femicides began to be heard. Sometime later, writer Selva Almada will investigate these murders and publish Dead Girls, in 2014, a story that deals not only with violence against women, but also about of social deafness, indifference, and trivialization of these crimes. However, despite this highly controversial theme, whether due to the representation of violence or its naturalization, the writing used manifests a moderate tone. That is, it remains outside of a rhetoric of denunciation or accusation. In light of this, the present study analyzes this meek tone of the work, as a resource and strategy to approach a space from which a solution against gender aggressions could emerge. In other words, an approach to women. For this purpose, reflections from the field of testimonial literature will be used, according to cultural studies (Sklodowska), autofiction (Colonna, Arfuch), and violence against women (Segato).En los años 80, junto con la vuelta a la democracia en Argentina, se empieza a tener noticias de algunos femicidios. Tiempo después, la escritora Selva Almada investiga estos asesinatos y publica, en 2014, Chicas muertas, un relato que trata no solo sobre violencia contra las mujeres, sino que también, abarca el tema de la sordera social, y banalización o indiferencia ante estos crímenes. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta temática tan polémica, ya sea por la representación de la violencia o su naturalización, la escritura que se utiliza manifiesta un tono moderado. Es decir, se mantiene al margen de una retórica de denuncia o acusación. En atención a lo cual, el presente estudio analiza este tono manso de la obra, como un recurso y estrategia de acercamiento a un espacio propicio para la búsqueda de posibles soluciones ante estas agresiones. En otras palabras, una aproximación a las mujeres. Para este efecto, se utilizarán reflexiones del campo de la literatura de testimonio, según los estudios culturales (Sklodowska), de autoficción (Colonna, Arfuch), y sobre violencia contra mujeres (Segato)

    Multimodal confined water dynamics in reverse osmosis polyamide membranes

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    While polyamide (PA) membranes are widespread in water purification and desalination by reverse osmosis, a molecular-level understanding of the dynamics of both confined water and polymer matrix remains elusive. Despite the dense hierarchical structure of PA membranes formed by interfacial polymerization, previous studies suggest that water diffusion remains largely unchanged with respect to bulk water. Here, we employ neutron spectroscopy to investigate PA membranes under precise hydration conditions, and a series of isotopic contrasts, to elucidate water transport and polymer relaxation, spanning ps-ns timescales, and Å-nm lengthscales. We experimentally resolve, for the first time, the multimodal diffusive nature of water in PA membranes: in addition to (slowed down) translational jump-diffusion, we observe a long-range and a localized mode, whose geometry and timescales we quantify. The PA matrix is also found to exhibit rotational relaxations commensurate with the nanoscale confinement observed in water diffusion. This comprehensive ‘diffusion map’ can anchor molecular and nanoscale simulations, and enable the predictive design of PA membranes with tuneable performance


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    Of all the anterior hypophyses tested, those of the human produced the most marked diabetogenic action in the dog with its pancreatic tissue reduced to 4 gm., and in the hypophysectomized and pancreatectomized toad. The human hypophysis also produced diabetogenic action in the normal dog on daily doses of 1.26 mg. per kilo per day for 2 days. The hypophysectomized dog with its pancreas reduced to 4 gm. is very sensitive to the anterior hypophyseal diabetogenic action and is the best test animal for demonstrating such action in mammals. The anterior hypophysis of man, toad, rat, and chicken produces in such animals a diabetogenic action with doses of from 10 to 15 mg. per kilo per day. The bovine anterior hypophysis has identical action in 20 mg. doses. That of canine origin was much less active in a few though inconclusive experiments. It was impossible to demonstrate a diabetogenic action with either guinea pig hypophysis or with that of fish probably because insufficient doses were injected. The diabetogenic action was not obtained by the injection of other organ extracts of toads, dogs and oxen, of corticosterone (30, 40, and 60 mg. in 4 days) or of desoxycorticosterone (80 mg. and 200 mg. in 4 days). The toad (Bufo arenarum Hensel), deprived of its hypophysis and pancreas is the most sensitive biological reactor for testing the diabetogenic action. In this animal the diabetogenic action of anterior hypophyses from varied sources decreased in the following order: man, dog, toad (Bufo arenarum Hensel), white rat, guinea pig, chicken (whole hypophysis), ox, serpent (Constrictor constrictor (L.)), the fish "corvina" Micropogon opercularis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824), and "merluza" Merlucius hubbsi (Marini, 1933)

    Analytical Evaluation of Surface-Mounted PMSG Performances Connected to a Diode Rectifier

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    This paper analyzes some operational issues of threephase surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) connected to a diode rectifier. This simple configuration coupled to a single-switch dc–dc converter is used in smallscale wind energy conversion systems, as well as in energy harvesting systems, to reduce costs. The diode rectifier causes an intrinsic limit for the maximum convertible power, which is related to the load impedance matching, and additional joule losses due to the distorted currents. By using an analytical steady-state model of the rectifier and of the PMSG, this paper discusses how to achieve two particularly meaningful operating conditions characterized respectively by the maximum power transfer and the maximum power per ampere. The theory is validated by simulation and test results on a prototype

    Retrospective Long-Term Evaluation of Miltefosine-Allopurinol Treatment in Canine Leishmaniosis

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    : Miltefosine-Allopurinol (MIL-AL) combination is reported to be one of the most effective treatments for canine leishmaniosis, thanks to its oral administration and MIL-documented low impact on renal function. However, MIL-AL is considered a second-choice treatment when compared to meglumine-antimoniate-allopurinol combination, mainly due to the risk of earlier relapses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the MIL-AL protocol during a long-term follow-up with an average duration of nine years. Dogs were living in Southern Italy (Puglia, Italy) in an area considered endemic for Canine leishmaniosis (CanL). Inclusion criteria were clinical and/or clinicopathological signs consistent with CanL; positive result to Leishmania quantitative ELISA; and negativity to the most frequent canine vector-borne infections. All dogs received 2 mg/kg MIL for 28 days, and 10 mg/kg AL, BID, for a period varying between 2 and 12 months. Ancillary treatments were allowed according to the clinical condition of the dog. A total clinical score and a total clinicopathological score were calculated at each time point by attributing one point to each sign or alteration present and then by adding all points. Improvement after each treatment was defined by the reduction of at least 50% of the total score. A survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier curve) was performed for quantifying the probability of the events occurring during the study follow-up. The following events were considered: decreased and negative ELISA results; improvement/recovery of the clinical and clinicopathological alterations; and relapse of leishmaniasis. One hundred seventy-three dogs (75f and 98m) were retrospectively included in the study by examining their clinical records since the first diagnosis of CanL. One hundred forty-three (83%) dogs were under five years of age. The mean duration of the follow-up period was 5.4 (±1.1) years with a minimum of 3.2 years and a maximum of 9 years. All dogs received a first treatment of MIL-AL at inclusion; then, during the follow-up course, 30 dogs required a second treatment, 2 dogs required a third treatment and 1 dog required a fourth and a fifth treatment. The mean time interval between the first and the second treatment was 27.2 (±18.3) months. After the first treatment, all dogs had decreased ELISA levels, in an average interval of 2.6 (±1.6) months. One hundred seventy dogs (98%) experienced a clinical improvement (mean time 3.0 ± 4.9 months); 152 (88%) dogs were considered clinically recovered after a mean time of 16.7 ± 13.5 months. A similar trend was observed for clinicopathological alterations; interestingly, proteinuria decreased in most dogs (p < 0.0001-Chi-square for trends). Thirty dogs experienced relapses, the earliest after 4.8 months. The mean time without relapse was 90.4 (±2.5) months. In relapsed dogs, the mean time for clinical improvement after the second treatment was 8.6 (±12.6) months, whereas it was 11.0 (±15.4) months for clinicopathological alterations. Five dogs had limited gastrointestinal side effects associated with MIL treatment. The present study confirms that the MIL-AL protocol can be considered one of the most effective treatments for CanL therapy, mainly for its capacity to provide a long-time clinical improvement in a large majority of treated dogs. As reported in the literature, the clinical stabilization of dogs does not occur immediately after treatment, probably due to the particular pharmacokinetic properties of MIL. The efficacy of MIL-AL decreases in dogs that need more than one treatment, suggesting the necessity to alternate anti-Leishmania drugs for the treatment of relapses. Side effects were transient and slight, even in dogs that required several treatments

    Periarticular histiocytic sarcoma with heart metastasis in a cat

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    A 4-year-old intact female domestic short-haired cat was referred for recommendations about adjuvant medical treatment 1&nbsp;month after left forelimb amputation due to periarticular histiocytic sarcoma (HS). At presentation, physical abnormalities were limited to enlarged ipsilateral superficial cervical and axillary lymph nodes. Routine blood analysis, abdominal ultrasound, and thoracic radiology were unremarkable. The cat initially received lomustine without any adverse events. Four weeks later, the cat developed severe acute respiratory distress. Results of thoracic radiographs and transthoracic echocardiographic analysis were suggestive of pulmonary and heart metastasis. Due to the cat's poor clinical condition and prognosis, the owner elected euthanasia, and a necropsy was performed. Based on gross pathology, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry, an HS with nodal, renal, pulmonary, and heart (right auricular and right ventricular) metastases was diagnosed. This case represents the first description of HS with a heart metastasis in a cat, providing further insight into the clinical course and metastatic behavior of this rare malignant neoplasm. Clinicians should be aware of this site of metastasis and consider HS in the list of differential diagnoses for secondary heart tumors in cats

    Hand grip support for rehabilitation and assistance: from patent to TRL5

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    In the last decades, the continuous increase in the number of the vast cohort of chronic patients that constantly need medical assistance and supervision, and the widespread lack of therapist has brought to an increased interest in the role of medical technologies in rehabilitative programs and assistive scenarios. Current clinical evidence in rehabilitation demonstrates that there is an important and increasing demand for innovative therapeutic solutions to recover the hand functions to prevent patients to need assistance in performing daily life activities. This works describes the pathway from patent to TRLS of a device to support hand grip actions and interaction with daily life objects. E-KIRO is based on the use of electromagnets, which are able to attach/detach interactive objects equipped with a ferromagnetic plate. Five end-users used the device and scored it with excellent usability based on the System Usability Scale