549 research outputs found

    Specializations and Extensions of the quantum MacMahon Master Theorem

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    We study some specializations and extensions of the quantum version of the MacMahon Master Theorem derived by Garoufalidis, Le and Zeilberger. In particular, we obtain a (t,q)-analogue for the Cartier-Foata noncommutative version and a semi-strong (t,q)-analogue for the contextual algebra.Comment: 12 page

    The symmetric and unimodal expansion of Eulerian polynomials via continued fractions

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    This paper was motivated by a conjecture of Br\"{a}nd\'{e}n (European J. Combin. \textbf{29} (2008), no.~2, 514--531) about the divisibility of the coefficients in an expansion of generalized Eulerian polynomials, which implies the symmetric and unimodal property of the Eulerian numbers. We show that such a formula with the conjectured property can be derived from the combinatorial theory of continued fractions. We also discuss an analogous expansion for the corresponding formula for derangements and prove a (p,q)(p,q)-analogue of the fact that the (-1)-evaluation of the enumerator polynomials of permutations (resp. derangements) by the number of excedances gives rise to tangent numbers (resp. secant numbers). The (p,q)(p,q)-analogue unifies and generalizes our recent results (European J. Combin. \textbf{31} (2010), no.~7, 1689--1705.) and that of Josuat-Verg\`es (European J. Combin. \textbf{31} (2010), no.~7, 1892--1906).Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Fix-Mahonian Calculus, I: two transformations

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    We construct two bijections of the symmetric group S_n onto itself that enable us to show that three new three-variable statistics are equidistributed with classical statistics involving the number of fixed points. The first one is equidistributed with the triplet (fix,des,maj), the last two with (fix,exc,maj), where "fix," "des," "exc" and "maj" denote the number of fixed points, the number of descents, the number of excedances and the major index, respectively

    Fix-Mahonian Calculus, II: further statistics

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    Using classical transformations on the symmetric group and two transformations constructed in Fix-Mahonian Calculus I, we show that several multivariable statistics are equidistributed either with the triplet (fix,des,maj), or the pair (fix,maj), where "fix," "des" and "maj" denote the number of fixed points, the number of descents and the major index, respectively
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