72 research outputs found

    Students' communicative behaviour in a foreign language classroom

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    The purpose of this paper is to give a description of the communicativity in a foreign language classroom and also of students’ communicative behaviour. Since the beginning of the 80s communication has been widely discussed as one of the main features in instructed language learning. The focus on form, that traditionally has been dominant in the language classroom, was combined or even replaced by focus on meaning and situations similar to authentic learning settings. Immersion classrooms were created to fulfil this need for natural communication and students learned the new language by using it as a means to communicate other subjects. After some time, however, several studies in the immersion classrooms showed that although the students’ communicative competence was highly developed, their grammatical skills did not measure up to those of a native speaker (Harley & Swain 1984). The traditional methods, however, did not provide students with the communicative skills that are necessary for the use of their second language outside the classroom. It is therefore necessary to find a balance between authentic communication and instruction in the classroom for the students to reach the highest possible level of L2 proficiency. Typical behaviours in traditional instruction are error correction, simplified input and a limited range of language discourse types while in more communicative settings, meaning is emphasized over form with a limited amount of error correction as a result, input is simplified by the use of contextual cues and a larger variety of discourse types is used (Lightbown & Spada 1993). The teaching situation in Swedish upper secondary schools (senior high school, Swedish gymnasium), as far as foreign languages are concerned, is still quite traditional in many places and there is generally a lack of authentic communication, even though the curriculum emphasizes the importance of communicative competence and intercultural understanding (Skolverket 1996). The purpose of this study is, therefore, to describe communication in these classrooms and establish the students’ communicative behaviour. In the classroom, several different kinds of activities occur where communication varies considerably. Typical activities will, therefore, be categorised with the intention to describe the students’ communication as distinctly as possible. It is also relevant to compare the communicative level in these different groups of activities as it will be of importance in future studies of the role of communication in the acquisition of a foreign language. The method that has been used for this purpose is an observation scheme referred to as COLT. The scheme has been adjusted for the present study as its original intention did not include the categorisation and comparison of different classroom activities

    OmvÄrdnad efter spontant missfall vid önskad graviditet

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    Av antalet kÀnda graviditeter leder ungefÀr hÀlften till missfall. Missfall Àr för kvinnan en livsomvÀlvande hÀndelse med sÄvÀl fysiska som psykiska inslag. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser och omvÄrdnadsbehov efter spontana missfall vid önskad graviditet. Resultatet visade att kvinnor uttryckte att omvÄrdnaden var bristfÀllig i samband med missfall. Det fanns ett generellt behov bland kvinnorna av att fÄ samtala om hÀndelsen och att fÄ svar pÄ sina frÄgor och funderingar, uppföljning efter missfallet önskades. Studien kan med sitt resultat ge ökad kunskap och förstÄelse frÄn kvinnornas perspektiv av ett missfall

    Addressing constraints in promoting wild edible plants’ utilization in household nutrition: case of the Congo Basin forest area

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    It is worth raising the question, why are wild edible plants (WEPs) which are rich in diverse nutrients and widely abundant underutilized despite the increasing rate of undernourishment in poor regions? One reason is that their culinary uses are not quantified and standardized in nutrition surveys, and therefore, they are not properly included in household diet intensification and diversification across regions and cultures. Active steps are needed to bridge this gap. This paper outlines the constraints to including WEPs in nutritional surveys as the lack of standard ways of food identification of diverse WEPs, lack of specific food categorization and therefore difficult dissemination across regions and cultures. As a way forward, a functional categorization of 11 subgroups for WEPs is introduced and discussed. In labeling these sub-food groups, the paper advocates that more WEPs food items and culinary uses should be enlisted during household nutrition surveys. Food researchers could then capitalize these enlisted species and disseminate them to promote diverse food use of WEPs in other regions where they exist but are not utilized as food

    AndrasprÄket i utveckling

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    En av utmaningarna för lĂ€rare Ă€r att kĂ€nna igen sprĂ„kfel som en del av sprĂ„kutvecklingen. Eftersom normen i klassrummet ofta Ă€r sprĂ„klig korrekthet kan det vara svĂ„rt att urskilja utvecklingen. Synen pĂ„ inlĂ€rarsprĂ„ket som ett eget sprĂ„k snarare Ă€n en sĂ€mre variant av mĂ„lsprĂ„ket samt kunskap om typiska drag i inlĂ€rarsprĂ„ket ökar möjligheterna att se den utveckling som faktiskt sker hos eleverna, vilket kan pĂ„verka sĂ„vĂ€l elev som lĂ€rare positivt. Olika delar av sprĂ„ket utvecklas ocksĂ„ pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Ibland mĂ„ste man dĂ€rför plocka isĂ€r sprĂ„ket för att kunna identifiera förutsĂ€ttningarna för utveckling. Grammatiken följer till exempel ”inbyggda” stadier medan uttalet pĂ„verkas ganska mycket av moders-mĂ„let, och ordförrĂ„det Ă€r beroende av stora mĂ€ngder inflöde. Det hĂ€r kapitlet beskriver inlĂ€rarsprĂ„ket och utvecklingen av morfosyntax, lexikon och fonologi för att skapa en förstĂ„else för inlĂ€rares andrasprĂ„ksutveckling

    Communication strategies in French as a foreign language

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    This paper examines the role communication strategies play in the maintenance of communication in a classroom. The effect these strategies may have on the acquisition of a language is also discussed. There is often a lack of communication in a Swedish foreign language classroom which leads to the inability to communicate in a native-like way even after several years of learning the language. This lack of communication training is partly due to the great number of students that a teacher is responsible for. It is not an easy task for a teacher to allow twenty students to communicate freely in a situation which is strictly limited in time. Even a classroom can give opportunities for communication though. One method is to be discussed in this paper and involves students working in pairs. Porter 1986:202 mentions earlier research which shows that learners do not necessarily copy the errors that are made by their conversational partner. Exercises carried out by two learners therefore constitute a method to increase communication and is worth a closer examination. This paper will also deal with the proposition that different kinds of classroom exercises can give rise to variation in the practicing of a language. The pilot study that is the basis of this paper, was carried out in a Swedish classroom with learners of French as a foreign language. The subjects are in their fourth year of French studies and have no or little experience of French in ‘natural’ situations. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of communication strategies in communication between two learners in three different tasks. The tasks differed in that they involved varied degrees of control, i.e. the extent to which the subject was free to choose his own utterances. To create an authentic classroom setting, the tasks were designed in order to be able to be used as a means of communication training in a classroom

    Samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och sömn hos hundÀgare samt nattvila hos hund

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    Fysisk aktivitet Ă€r viktigt för att hund och hundĂ€gare ska mĂ„ bra. Flera studier gjorda pĂ„ mĂ€nniska och hund visar att en god fysisk aktivitet ger flera hĂ€lsofördelar. Inom humanstudier pĂ„visas Ă€ven att fysisk aktivitet ger en bĂ€ttre sömn som Ă€ven Ă€r en viktig del för mĂ„endet. GĂ€llande samsovning mellan hund och hundĂ€gare finns det studier som visar att hundĂ€garen kĂ€nner ett större psykiskt vĂ€lmĂ„ende nĂ€r man har sin hund nĂ€ra. Det finns idag relativt begrĂ€nsat med studier som undersöker sömn hos hund. Denna kandidatuppsats baseras pĂ„ en pilotstudie dĂ€r deltagande hundar och hundĂ€gare genomgick ett Ă„tta veckor lĂ„ngt gemensamt trĂ€ningsprogram, med syfte att undersöka fysisk aktivitet och sömn. Deltagarnas fysiska aktivitet och sömn mĂ€ttes med hjĂ€lp av aktivitetsmĂ€tare. Första datainsamlingen utfördes veckan innan trĂ€ningsprogrammets start och den andra under sista veckan av trĂ€ningsprogrammet. HundĂ€garna fick Ă€ven fylla i enkĂ€tfrĂ„gor gĂ€llande samsovning med sin hund. I studien inkluderades 16 par, ingen kontrollgrupp fanns. FrĂ„n aktivitetsmĂ€tarna för hundĂ€garnas fysiska aktivitet sĂ„gs ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan första och andra datainsamlingen för intensitetskategorierna stillasittande, lĂ„g-, medel- respektive högintensiv fysisk aktivitet. Kategorin “stillasittande” hade högst antal uppmĂ€tta minuter (medelvĂ€rde 623,5 ± 101,6 respektive 588,2 ± 80,4). Det fanns dock en numerĂ€r minskning av tiden i kategorin stillasittande. Trots ett högt uppmĂ€tt initialvĂ€rde för ”sömneffektivitet” (faktisk sovtid) vid första datainsamlingen sĂ„gs en numerisk ökning vid andra datainsamlingen. För sömnparametern ”uppvaknande” sĂ„gs en numerisk minskning. Ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad kunde dock ses vid jĂ€mförelse av sömnparametrar mellan första och andra datainsamlingen. I studien sĂ„gs heller inget statistiskt signifikant samband mellan tid i medel- och högintensiv fysisk aktivitet och sömneffektivitet, och ej heller mellan tid i stillasittande och sömneffektivitet. I hundarnas uppmĂ€tta fysiska aktivitet sĂ„gs ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad eller tydlig numerisk skillnad mellan första och andra datainsamlingen för nĂ„gon av intensitetskategorierna (vila, stillasittande, modifierat stillasittande, lĂ„g-, medel- respektive högintensiv fysisk aktivitet). Studien visade att Ă€ven hundarna tillbringade mest tid i ”stillasittande”, och dĂ„ huvudsakligen i den relativt oetablerade intensitetskategorin ”vila”, som innebĂ€r stillasittande/-liggande med enbart mycket smĂ„ rörelser. Enligt svaren frĂ„n enkĂ€ten vid första datainsamlingen var det 87 % som hade sin hund i samma rum nĂ€r de sov, men vid andra datainsamlingen var det 94 % vilket visar en liten ökning. EnkĂ€ten visade Ă€ven att 44 % av hundĂ€garna nĂ„gon gĂ„ng eller alltid sov med sin hund i sĂ€ngen vid den första datainsamlingen, och detta ökade sedan till 50 % vid den andra datainsamlingen. EnkĂ€tsvaren visade Ă€ven en numerĂ€r minskning av antalet uppvaknanden som orsakats av hunden. I studien sĂ„gs inget statistiskt signifikant samband mellan de hundĂ€gare som svarat att de aldrig sov med sin hund gentemot de hundĂ€gare som svarat att de alltid sov med sin hund och antal uppvaknanden pĂ„ natten. I denna studie pĂ„visades inga signifikanta samband mellan graden av fysisk aktivitet och nattsömn hos deltagande hundĂ€gare eller nattvila hos deras hundar, studiepopulationens mindre storlek kan vara en faktor. Studien visade inte nĂ„got statistiskt signifikant samband mellan samsovning med hunden och antalet uppvaknanden nattetid, vilket kan tyda pĂ„ att sömnen inte störs av att dela sĂ€ng med hunden. Fler studier med fler deltagare behövs inom detta omrĂ„de och Ă€ven studier för att fĂ„ fram en tillförlitlig algoritm för att kunna mĂ€ta hundarnas sömn med aktivitetsmĂ€tare.Physical activity is important for the health of dogs and dog owners. Several studies made on humans and dogs shows that an adequate physical activity has many potential benefits for their health and wellbeing. On the human-side, several studies show that physical activity can lead to better sleep which plays an important role for general wellbeing. Studies about co-sleeping between dogs and dog owners has shown that dog owners feel a greater psychological wellbeing when sleeping close to their dog. At this time, there are not many studies conducted about night-time rest in dogs. This bachelor’s thesis is based on a pilot study, where participating dogs and their owners went through an eight week-long training program, with the aim to study physical activity and sleep. The participants' physical activity and sleep were measured with an accelerometer. The first data collection was done the week before the start of the program, and the second data collection was done in the last week of the program. The participants were also required to answer a survey regarding co-sleeping with their dog during the measurement-weeks. There were a total of 16 pairs of dogs and dog owners included in this study. No control-group was included. The study found no statistical significance when comparing the data collected from the accelerometers in different categories from the dog owners regarding their physical activity sedentary, low-, moderate-, and vigorous physical activity. “Sedentary” was the category that contained the highest number of minutes (623,5 ± 101,6 respectively 588,2 ± 80,4). There was a numerical decrease in time spent in “sedentary”. Even though the high value in “sleep efficiency” (actual sleep time), there was a numerical increase in the second data collection. Results also show a small numerical decrease in the number of awakenings. No statistical significance could be seen when comparing categories in the dog owners’ sleep. Results show no statistical significance when comparing data from physical activity and sleep efficiency, and no statistical significance could be seen when comparing data from the category “sedentary” and “sleep efficiency”. Regarding the data collected from the dogs in different categories of physical activity (rest, sedentary, modified sedentary, low-, moderate-, respectively vigorous physical activity), no statistical significance was found. Results show that the dogs spent most time in “sedentary”, mainly in the non-established category “rest”, which consists of sedentary/laying down with only a small amount of movements. From the survey regarding co-sleeping, 87 % of the participants answered that their dog slept in the same room as them, always or occasionally during the first week of measure. During the second week of measure, this answer increased to 94 %. During the first week of measure, there were 44 % who answered that their dog always slept in the same bed as them, and during the second week of measure, this number increased to 50 %. Results show no correlations between the dog owners who answered that they never slept with their dog and the owners who answered they always slept with their dogs and the number of awakenings during the night. No statistically significant correlations between physical activity and sleep in dog owners respectively night-time rest in dogs were found in this study, the small study population might be one contributing factor. The study showed no statistically significant correlation between co-sleeping with the dog and the number of awakenings during night-time, which may indicate that the dog owner's sleep is not disturbed by co-sleeping with their dogs. More studies are needed to draw any conclusions regarding the subject and to come up with a reliable algorithm for measuring sleep in dogs with accelerometery

    Svenska som andrasprÄk pÄ sprÄkvetenskaplig grund

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    För ett stort antal elever i ungdoms- och vuxenutbildning gĂ€ller det attta sig an den komplexa uppgiften att bĂ„de utveckla kunskaper i olikaĂ€mnen och att erövra ett helt nytt sprĂ„k: svenska. SprĂ„ktillĂ€gnandetbehöver understödjas pĂ„ allra bĂ€sta sĂ€tt för att nĂ„ en nivĂ„ som kan mötade höga sprĂ„kliga krav som stĂ€lls inom utbildning, yrkesliv och samhĂ€lle.Detta stĂ€ller i sin tur stora krav pĂ„ andrasprĂ„ksundervisningen. Att lĂ€rarehar gedigna kunskaper om hur det gĂ„r till att lĂ€ra sig ett nytt sprĂ„k Ă€rdĂ€rför viktigare Ă€n nĂ„gonsin. AndrasprĂ„ksfĂ€ltet Ă€r stort och kan vara svĂ„rt att navigera i nĂ€r tiden förkompetensutveckling och fördjupning Ă€r begrĂ€nsad. Den hĂ€r boken Ă€rtĂ€nkt att fungera som en brygga mellan andrasprĂ„ksforskning och lĂ€raresundervisning i svenska som ett andrasprĂ„k. Syftet Ă€r att ge möjlighettill en sprĂ„kvetenskapligt underbyggd undervisning: Hur inverkar tillexempel modersmĂ„let pĂ„ inlĂ€rningen av ett nytt sprĂ„k? PĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt kanlĂ€rare stĂ€rka sprĂ„kutvecklingen? Vad stöds egentligen av forskningen ochvad Ă€r myt?Författaren presenterar olika sprĂ„kinlĂ€rningsteorier utifrĂ„n ett svensktutbildningsperspektiv och diskuterar hur teorier och forskningsrön kankomma undervisningen till nytta – bĂ„de pĂ„ makronivĂ„ med organisationeni fokus och pĂ„ mikronivĂ„ utifrĂ„n det enskilda klassrummet ochlĂ€rares arbete dĂ€r.Svenska som andrasprĂ„k pĂ„ sprĂ„kvetenskaplig grund vĂ€nder sig frĂ€msttill sva-lĂ€rare, sfi-lĂ€rare och modersmĂ„lslĂ€rare

    SprÄklig progression i lÀromedel för Sfi

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