46 research outputs found

    Lydfesting av Tor Egil Langnes sine viser: En del av NordmĂžres kulturarv

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    Denne masteroppgaven beskriver et mÞte mellom to generasjoner, som finner sammen om felles interesser. Her redegjÞr forfatteren for hvordan han og Tor Egil Langnes har jobbet med Ä lydfeste visene hans. Dette er et kunstnerisk forskningsprosjekt og dermed en todelt studie. Den kunstneriske delen bestÄr av tre innspillinger; «Thamshavnbanen», «KjÞlvassroinna» og «Mamma si hand», mens den skriftlige delen inneholder beskrivelser og refleksjoner rundt arbeidet. Dette er praksisbasert forskning hvor den kunstneriske aktiviteten stÄr i sentrum. Det kommenteres ogsÄ hvordan framveksten av ny digital teknologi, har fÞrt til en evolusjon i den kreative prosessen og en naturlig utvidelse av steder og rom hvor musikk kan bli innspilt og presentert. Dermed er denne studien med pÄ Ä dokumentere bredden i feltet, ved Ä vÊre et eksempel pÄ nÄvÊrende praksis innen musikkskaping

    Presisjonsmedisin i behandling av akutt myelogen leukemi - status i dag, utfordringer og rolle i fremtidens kreftterapi

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    Bakgrunn: Akutt myelogen leukemi (AML) er en kompleks og heterogen sykdom karakterisert av ukontrollert vekst og proliferasjon av myeloide forlÞperceller. Siden standardbehandling av AML med cytarabin og antrasyklin ble introdusert for rundt 50 Är siden, har dette regimet blitt brukt i behandlingen av stort sett alle AML-pasienter. Sykdommen er preget av dÄrlig prognose, hÞy behandlingsrelatert dÞdelighet og lav overlevelse, spesielt hos eldre. Behovet for nye behandlingsmetoder er derfor stort. Metode: Litteraturen er funnet ved hjelp av ett hovedsÞk og flere mer spesifikke sÞk i PubMed. Artiklene ble selektert gjennom en trinnvis prosess med lesing av titler, sammendrag og fulltekst for Ä vurdere om de kunne bidra til Ä besvare oppgavens problemstilling. I tillegg ble referanselistene til artiklene studert, og relevante artikler inkludert i oppgaven. Resultater: Denne litteraturstudien legger frem en oppdatert oversikt over mutasjonslandskapet ved AML, de ulike mutasjonenes prognostiske verdi og de mest sentrale presisjonslegemidlene rettet mot disse. Oppgaven omtaler elleve presisjonslegemidler som de siste Ärene har blitt godkjent av FDA for behandling av AML, i tillegg til Ä diskutere ulike utfordringer ved de nye behandlingsmetodene og deres rolle i fremtiden. Konklusjon: Den raske utviklingen av presisjonslegemidler de to siste tiÄrene har gitt et bedre behandlingstilbud og bedret overlevelsen for mange AML-pasienter. De nye behandlingsmetodene medfÞrer imidlertid flere utfordringer, blant annet knyttet til resistensutvikling, kostnader og logistikk. Videre forskning pÄ leukemisk stamcellebiologi og legemiddelresistens, samt standardisering av bÄde utredning, behandlingsregimer og studier er derfor nÞdvendig. Til tross for dette er det mye som tyder pÄ at presisjonsmedisin vil spille en avgjÞrende rolle for Ä kunne tilby trygg og effektiv behandling av AML i fremtiden

    Dual frequency master oscillator generation and distribution for ALS and ALS-U

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    The ongoing work to upgrade ALS to ALS-U demands strict RF requirements such as low jitter and low spurs frequency reference to meet its accelerator and science goals. A low phase noise dual frequency Master Oscillator (MO), where the two frequencies are related by a fractional ratio of 608/609 and flexible divide by four frequency outputs has been consolidated into a single chassis. Optical fiber clock distribution system has been selected over the old coax system used in ALS to distribute these signals to various clients across the facility, providing high electrical isolation between outputs and therefore lower phase errors. A Xilinx FPGA ties the MO chassis together by providing a RS-485 interface to monitor and control the system. The new system aims to deliver phase-continuous frequencies with a phase noise (integrated RMS jitter) from 1 Hz to 1 MHz of less than 200 femtosecond per output. This paper will discuss the design, implementation, performance and installation of the new MO generation and distribution system.Comment: Poster presented at LLRF Workshop 2023 (LLRF2023, arXiv: 2310.03199

    Rivaroxaban for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Abdominoplasty: A Multicenter Experience

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    BACKGROUND: Abdominoplasty, a commonly performed aesthetic procedure, is considered to have an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) events. At present, routine VTE chemoprophylaxis following abdominoplasty remains controversial. OBJECTIVES: This study evaluates the authors' experience with rivaroxaban, an oral Factor Xa inhibitor, for VTE prophylaxis in abdominoplasty patients. METHODS: A retrospective case series was conducted. All patients who underwent abdominoplasty and received rivaroxaban were included. The prophylactic dose was 10 mg daily for 7 days, beginning 12 hours postoperatively. Patient demographics, comorbidities, and type of surgery were recorded. The primary outcome measured was hematologic complication, including VTE, hematoma requiring operative evacuation, and need for blood transfusion. RESULTS: From September 2012 until July 2014, 132 patients (122 women and 10 men) underwent abdominoplasty surgery and received rivaroxaban postoperatively. Mean patient age was 43.7 years, and mean body mass index was 27.1. One hundred twenty-five patients also underwent abdominal muscle plication. Eleven patients underwent a fleur de lis vertical skin resection component. One hundred patients underwent concomitant abdominal liposuction, while 79 patients also had back liposuction. Only 1 patient had a symptomatic VTE event. Three patients had a hematoma requiring operative evacuation, and all went on to heal without sequelae. Two patients received a blood transfusion for anemia during their course of rivaroxaban. CONCLUSIONS: Oral rivaroxaban administration for chemoprophylaxis in abdominoplasty patients is safe, with low rates of symptomatic VTE and hematoma formation. The authors continue routine use of the medication for patients at increased risk for VTE events. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 4: Risk

    Chest Wall Resection for Adult Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Chondrosarcomas: Analysis of Prognostic Factors

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    Background: Wide resection with tumor-free margins is necessary in soft-tissue sarcomas to minimize local recurrence and to contribute to long-term survival. Information about treatment outcome and prognostic factors of adult sarcoma requiring chest wall resection (CWR) is limited. Methods: Sixty consecutive patients were retrospectively studied for overall survival (OS), local recurrence-free survival (LRFS), and disease-free survival (DFS). Twenty-one prognostic factors regarding survival were analyzed by univariate analysis using the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test. Results: With a median survival of 2.5 years, the OS was 46% (33%) at 5 (10) years. The LRFS was 64% at 5 and 10 years, and the DFS was 30% and 25% at 5 and 10 years. At the end of the study period, 26 patients (43%) were alive, of which 20 patients (33%) had no evidence of disease and 40 patients (67%) had no chest wall recurrence. In the group of 9 patients with a radiation-induced soft-tissue sarcoma, the median survival was 8 months. Favorable outcome in univariate analysis in OS and LRFS applied for the low-grade sarcoma, bone invasion, and sternal resection. For OS only, age below 60 years and no radiotherapy were significant factors contributing to an improved survival. CWR was considered radical (R0) at the pathological examination in 43 patients. There were 52 patients with an uneventful recovery. There was one postoperative death. Conclusions: CWR for soft-tissue sarcoma is a safe surgical procedure with low morbidity and a mortality rate of less than 1%. With proper patient selection acceptable survival can be reached in a large group of patients. Care must be given to patients with radiation-induced soft-tissue sarcoma who have a significantly worse prognosis

    Wind power production and electricity price volatility : an empirical study of the effect of increased wind power production on electricity price volatility in Norway

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    As renewable energy sources are gaining increasing importance on the global electricity scene, the importance of understanding their implications increases accordingly. This thesis aims to increase electricity market participants’ understanding of how the introduction of intermittent renewables in the energy mix will affect electricity price dynamics. Specifically, we examine whether wind power production has an effect on electricity price volatility in Norway. By doing so, we provide research on an unexamined market, which is particularly interesting due to its hydro-reliance and wind power potential. In our analysis, based on electricity price data from 2013 to 2019, we have found that there is a significant positive relationship between wind power production and intraweekly electricity price volatility in Norway. This finding has implications for Norwegian electricity consumers and producers, as increased price volatility creates both challenges and opportunities. Increased price volatility encourages investment in flexible supply and consumption, and we argue that such an investment may offset the disadvantages of the uncertainty associated with price fluctuations. In the analysis of wind power’s effect on intra-daily volatility, however, we do not find an equivalent significance. Thus this finding provides interesting opportunities for future research as global investments in wind power continue to increase.nhhma