137 research outputs found

    A review of current biological and recent environmental research on Lake Baikal from a British perspective

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    Lake Baikal is possibly the world's most remarkable freshwater lake (Figs1-3). It is certainly the largest in volume (23,000 km³), the deepest(maximum depth is 1632 m) and probably the most ancient.Nevertheless, from a biological point of view its most interesting aspect isthe endemic flora and fauna. Many of the species of animals and plantsoccurring in Lake Baikal today are found nowhere else in the world.Especially remarkable is the unique and diverse deep-water fauna whichis maintained by the circulation of oxygen-rich water to the greatestdepths in the lake. This water mixing is the prime feature that sets LakeBaikal apart from other deep freshwater lakes; for example, lakesTanganyika and Malawi in the African rift system possess anoxic deepwater(Beadle 1974). Despite the fascination of Lake Baikal's biota, itsisolated location in southeastern Siberia, combined with restricted accesscaused by political tensions, has until recently largely preventedinternational research on the lake

    Silent summers: The decline of cicadas

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    Diatom preservation: differential preservation of sedimentary diatoms in two saline lakes

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    The integrity of all sedimentary diatom assemblages is influenced to some degree by taphonomic processes. Recognising these processes with regard to preservation pathways for diatom assemblages and for individual species can be instructive for interpreting sediment core diatom records. Diatoms deposited in saline lakes are usually particularly exposed to both chemical and physical processes that promote poor preservation. Aspects of diatom preservation are explored in two markedly different saline lakes (one in North America and one in Egypt) and observations are used to make some initial inferences about diatom preservation. By applying dissolution indices to evaluate differences in valve preservation states between assemblages and between species in an objective manner, sedimentation processes and valve characteristics are indicated important implications for interpreting sedimentary diatom records. It is further argued that, by taking account of diatom dissolution states, both qualitative and quantitative inferences about past environments can be extended

    Procjena stanja okoliŔa u odnosu na prostornu rasprostranjenost zooplanktonske zajednice u egipatskom jezeru Manzalah

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    Lake Manzalah is the largest of the four Nile Delta lakes in Egypt. It provides more than 50% of the total inland fisheries of the country. During the last two decades the Lake has been exposed to multiple changes mainly due to local human activities. Monthly zooplankton samples were collected during an integrated environmental monitoring program within the MELMARINA Project that extended from July 2003 to September 2004 to study the distribution and occurrence of zooplankton community in Lake Manzalah. Results showed that, the average zooplankton standing crop was 1277 x 103 individuals m-3 . Spring was the most productive season (2127 x 103 individuals m-3 ) representing 41.65% to the total zooplankton counts. Five groups dominated zooplankton community; Rotifera, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Protozoa and Cladocera. The meroplanktonic larvae of Polychaeta, Cirripedia, Mysidacea and Gastropoda as well as free living nematods were rarely recorded. Rotifera contributed 81.89% to the total zooplankton community. They were represented by 38 species belonging to 19 genera dominated by genus Brachionus (86.65% of the total Rotifera) followed by genus Keratella (8.68%). Keratella species has been indicated as an indicator of pollution. Copepoda (including their larval stages) was the second group in order of abundance forming about 14.28% of the total zooplankton counts and represented by seven species. Acanthocyclops americanus was the dominant species. The productivity of Lake Manzalah decreased from 1979 to become highly eutrophic lake during the present study, but with higher production than the other Egyptian lakes. Management is needed to stabilize the Manzalah lake ecosystem in a way that promotes the sustainability of the system.Jezero Manzalah najveće je od četiri jezera u egipatskom dijelu delte rijeke Nil. Iz njega se izlovljava viÅ”e od 50% ukupnog ribarstva kopnenih voda u zemlji. Tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća jezero je bilo izloženo brojnim promjenama uglavnom zbog antropogenih lokalnih aktivnosti. Mjesečni uzorci zooplanktona sakupljani su za vrijeme integriranog programa praćenja stanja okoliÅ”a u sklopu projekta MELMARINA kojim se od srpnja 2003. do rujna 2004. proučavala raspodjela i učestalost zooplanktonske zajednice u jezeru Manzalah. Rezultati su pokazali da je prosječna gustoća populacije zooplanktona iznosila 1277 jedinki m-3 . Tijekom proljeća je zabilježena najveća produktivnost (2127Ɨ103 jedinki m-3 ) koja predstavlja 41.65% od ukupnog broja zooplanktona. U zooplanktonskoj zajednici prevladavalo je pet skupina: Rotifera, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Protozoa i Cladocera, dok su meroplanktonske larve Polychaeta, Cirripedia, Mysidacea i Gastropoda kao i slobodne živuće nematode rijetko zabilježene. Skupina Rotifera doprinosila je 81.89% od ukupnog broja zooplanktona. Zastupljeno je 38 vrsta koje spadaju u 19 rodova kojima dominira rod Brachionus (86.65% od ukupnog broja Rotifera). Slijedi genus Keratella (8.68%) koji se smatra pokazateljem zagađenja. VeslonoÅ”ci (uključujući ličinačke stadije) su bili na drugom mjestu po zastupljenosti (14.28%), sa zabilježenih sedam vrsta, od kojih je dominantna bila Acanthocyclops americanus. Produktivnost jezera Manzalah je smanjena od 1979. godine i jezero je postalo vrlo eutrofično za vrijeme ove studije, no joÅ” uvijek je produktivnije od ostalih egipatskih jezera. Potrebno je ciljano upravljanje kako bi se stabilizirao ekosustav jezera Manzalah na način koji će unaprijediti održivost sistema

    Influence of environmental and spatial variables on the distribution of surface sediment diatoms in an upland loch, Scotland

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    The spatial distribution of surface sediment diatoms was analyzed using ArcGIS in the Round Loch of Glenhead, an acid upland lake in south-west Scotland. The assemblages were composed almost entirely of benthic species. Tabellaria quadriseptata was fairly evenly distributed across the loch but some species (Navicula madumensis, Brachysira brebissonii, Aulacoseira perglabra and Eunotia vanheurckii var 1) showed rather patchy distributions. Ordination analysis was performed to assess the influence of environmental and spatial variables on the diatom composition of the samples. Loss of ignition was significantly negatively correlated with redundancy analysis species axis 1 (r = ā€“0.77), indicating the influence of substrate on the diatom assemblages. The positive relationship between theoretical bottom shear stress resulting from wind stress and redundancy analysis (r = 0.31) suggests wind stress also influences the spatial distribution of diatoms within the loch. Spatial variables [(principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM 1 and PCNM3) positively correlated with redundancy analysis axis 2], indicated that spatial variables, ignored in former studies, are a further influence on diatom distribution. Unique environmental and spatial variables explained 27.3% and 8.6% of diatom variability respectively. Environmental and spatial interactive variables combined explained 4.8% of variation. Although the pure contribution of spatial variables was only 8.6%, the study highlighted the importance of differences in the spatial distribution of different benthic diatom species in this upland lake

    Palaeolimnological assessment of lake acidification and environmental change in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta

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    13 pƔginas, 8 figuras, 4 tablas.Exploitation of the Athabasca Oil Sands has expanded hugely over the last 40 years. Regional emissions of oxidised sulphur and nitrogen compounds increased rapidly over this period and similar emissions have been linked to lake acidification in other parts of North America and Europe. To determine whether lakes in the region have undergone acidification, 12 lakes within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and the Caribou Mountains were selected to cover chemical and spatial gradients and sediment cores were obtained for palaeolimnological analyses including radiometric dating, diatom analysis, isotopic analysis of bulk sediment 13C and 15N, and spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs). All lake sediment cores show evidence of industrial contamination based on SCPs, but there is no clear industrial signal in stable isotopes. Most lakes showed changes in diatom assemblages and sediment C:N ratios consistent with nutrient enrichment over various timescales, with potential drivers including climatic change, forest fires and anthropogenic nitrogen deposition. Only one of the 12 lakes investigated showed strong evidence of acidification with a decline in diatom-inferred pH from 6.3 to 5.6 since 1970 linked to increasing relative abundances of the acidophilous diatom species Actinella punctata, Asterionella ralfsii and Fragilariforma polygonata. Analysis of mercury (Hg) in the acidified lake showed increasing sediment fluxes over the last 20 years, a possible indication of industrial contamination. The acidified lake is the smallest of those studied with the shortest residence time, suggesting a limited capacity for neutralisation of acid inputs in catchment soils or by inlake processes.This work was funded by the NOx SOx Management Working Group of the Cumulative Environmental Management Association.Peer reviewe
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