51 research outputs found

    Rethinking sports history to include sportswomen in 1900s France

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    In the history of French sport, the practice of physical activities by women is essentially considered non-existent before the 1920s, with the exception of a few aristocratic women. Although this idea persists, it has been challenged by recent research on early sportswomen. These studies raise the question of the scope of sports history, and indeed the very definition of sports itself. These are usually defined in the social sciences as physical activities that are organized, codified and institutionalized, structured by clubs and federations. While at the beginning of the 20th century these clubs and federations were most often closed to women, this does not mean that women were not practicing sports. Physical activities were gaining increasing popularity among women even before this time, and not only among the upper class. There is evidence of women swimming, cycling, racewalking, and even wrestling or boxing in the United States, Canada and Britain, as well as in France. These practices necessarily developed outside institutions, with women taking them up as individual pastimes. As demand grew, some sought to profit from this, and sports promoters organized the first competitions. Journalists then reported on these events in the press, sometimes with amusement, sometimes with disapproval.Yet the first women walkers, runners, cyclists and other athletes are only now beginning to appear in historical studies. This paper seeks to contribute to the rehabilitation of these sportswomen, who include working-class boxers and wrestlers, all of whom have long been subject to a double exclusion—institutional and historical. It presents the history of the first competitions of sportswomen—professional or amateur—in France at the turn of the century, a first foundation stone in writing a new and more inclusive history of sport

    Marie-Thérèse Eyquem. Du sport à la politique. Parcours d’une féministe

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    International audiencePréface d'Yvette ROUDY, ancienne ministre des Droits de la femme avant-propos de Michel DREYFUS, directeur de recherches au CNRS.D'origine modeste, Marie-Thérèse Eyquem (1913-1978) a su atteindre les plus hautes sphères de milieux aussi distincts que le sport et la politique : présidente de la Fédération internationale d'éducation physique et sportive, présidente du Mouvement démocratique féminin, secrétaire nationale du Parti socialiste. Auteure de nombreux ouvrages, romans, pièces de théâtre, elle est aussi la première biographe de Pierre de Coubertin. Ses premiers combats, elle les mène pour populariser et valoriser l'exercice de l'éducation physique et du sport pour les femmes. À partir des années 1960, elle affirme de fortes revendications féministes : lutte pour la contraception, pour le travail des femmes. Elle évolue alors vers le socialisme, entre en politique, dans le sillage de François Mitterrand, de la Convention des institutions républicaines au Parti socialiste. Elle y mène de nouveaux combats, soutenant l'instauration de quotas pour la représentation des femmes dans le PS, première étape vers la parité. Cet ouvrage, nourri de nombreux témoignages et d'archives inédites, fait revivre une personnalité hors du commun. Florys CASTAN-VICENTE, historienne, est lauréate du prix Jean Maitron 2008

    Identyfikacja z zawodem pracowników socjalnych

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    The article presents the research whose aim was to diagnose the level and factors influencing the development of professional identification of social workers. Professional identification is understood as acceptance and internalization of values and norms held by individuals or social groups. Development of professional identification of social workers is influenced by such factors as: motivation for work, commitment to work, job satisfaction, success at work, and general attitude towards the profession. Data was collected from 109 social workers employed in social welfare centres in Lubelskie and Świętokrzyskie voivodeships. The results demonstrate a high level of professional identification among the surveyed social workers. However, the respondents differ in terms of selected elements shaping their sense of professional identity.Artykuł prezentuje badanie, którego celem było zdiagnozowanie poziomu poczucia oraz czynników mających wpływ na rozwój identyfikacji zawodowej pracowników socjalnych. Identyfikacja zawodowa jest rozumiana jako przyjmowanie i uwewnętrznianie wartości i norm obowiązujących jednostki czy grupy społeczne. Na rozwój identyfikacji zawodowej pracowników socjalnych mają wpływ takie czynniki, jak motywacja do pracy, zaangażowanie w pracę, satysfakcja i sukces zawodowy, ogólne nastawienie wobec zawodu. Dane zostały zebrane od 109 pracowników socjalnych pracujących w ośrodkach pomocy społecznej na terenie województwa lubelskiego i świętokrzyskiego. Wyniki pokazały, że badanych pracowników socjalnych cechuje wysoki poziom identyfikacji zawodowej. Ponadto różnią się oni pod względem wybranych elementów kształtujących ich poczucie tożsamości zawodowej

    Hemodialysis Removes Uremic Toxins That Alter the Biological Actions of Endothelial Cells

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    Chronic kidney disease is linked to systemic inflammation and to an increased risk of ischemic heart disease and atherosclerosis. Endothelial dysfunction associates with hypertension and vascular disease in the presence of chronic kidney disease but the mechanisms that regulate the activation of the endothelium at the early stages of the disease, before systemic inflammation is established remain obscure. In the present study we investigated the effect of serum derived from patients with chronic kidney disease either before or after hemodialysis on the activation of human endothelial cells in vitro, as an attempt to define the overall effect of uremic toxins at the early stages of endothelial dysfunction. Our results argue that uremic toxins alter the biological actions of endothelial cells and the remodelling of the extracellular matrix before signs of systemic inflammatory responses are observed. This study further elucidates the early events of endothelial dysfunction during toxic uremia conditions allowing more complete understanding of the molecular events as well as their sequence during progressive renal failure

    Increased Systemic Th17 Cytokines Are Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents with Diabetic Ketoacidosis

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    Diastolic dysfunction suggestive of diabetic cardiomyopathy is established in children with T1DM, but its pathogenesis is not well understood. We studied the relationships of systemic inflammatory cytokines/chemokines and cardiac function in 17 children with T1DM during and after correction of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Twenty seven of the 39 measured cytokines/chemokines were elevated at 6–12 hours into treatment of DKA compared to values after DKA resolution. Eight patients displayed at least one parameter of diastolic abnormality (DA) during acute DKA. Significant associations were present between nine of the cytokine/chemokine levels and the DA over time. Interestingly, four of these nine interactive cytokines (GM-CSF, G-CSF, IL-12p40, IL-17) are associated with a Th17 mediated cell response. Both the DA and CCL7 and IL-12p40, had independent associations with African American patients. Thus, we report occurrence of a systemic inflammatory response and the presence of cardiac diastolic dysfunction in a subset of young T1DM patients during acute DKA

    Virginia Woolf, Suis-je snob ? et autres textes baths, Introduction et traduction Maxime Rovere, Payot & Rivages, Paris, 2012, 173 p., 7,50 €

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    Castan-Vicente Florys. Virginia Woolf, Suis-je snob ? et autres textes baths, Introduction et traduction Maxime Rovere, Payot & Rivages, Paris, 2012, 173 p., 7,50 €. In: Diplômées, n°242, 2012. Femmes créatrices d'entreprise. pp. 79-80

    Travail à temps partiel et études universitaires : Interview anonyme d'une sociologue

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    Castan-Vicente Florys. Travail à temps partiel et études universitaires : Interview anonyme d'une sociologue. In: Diplômées, n°238, 2011. Femmes diplômées de l’enseignement supérieur et temps partiel. pp. 146-148
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