64 research outputs found

    State space collapse for critical multistage epidemics

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    We study a multistage epidemic model which generalizes the SIR model and where infected individuals go through K>0 stages of the epidemic before being removed. An infected individual in stage k=1,...,K may infect a susceptible individual, who directly goes to stage k of the epidemic; or it may go to the next stage k+1 of the epidemic. For this model, we identify the critical regime in which we establish diffusion approximations. Surprisingly, the limiting diffusion exhibits an unusual form of state space collapse which we analyze in detail.Comment: The exposition of the results has been significantly change

    Coupling limit order books and branching random walks

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    We consider a model for a one-sided limit order book proposed by Lakner et al. We show that it can be coupled with a branching random walk and use this coupling to answer a non-trivial question about the long-term behavior of the price. The coupling relies on a classical idea of enriching the state-space by artificially creating a filiation, in this context between orders of the book, that we believe has the potential of being useful for a broader class of models.Comment: Minor error in the proof of Theorem 1 corrected. Final version accepted for publication to Journal of Applied Probabilit

    Asymptotic behavior of local times of compound Poisson processes with drift in the infinite variance case

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    Consider compound Poisson processes with negative drift and no negative jumps, which converge to some spectrally positive L\'evy process with non-zero L\'evy measure. In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of the local time process, in the spatial variable, of these processes killed at two different random times: either at the time of the first visit of the L\'evy process to 0, in which case we prove results at the excursion level under suitable conditionings; or at the time when the local time at 0 exceeds some fixed level. We prove that finite-dimensional distributions converge under general assumptions, even if the limiting process is not c\`adl\`ag. Making an assumption on the distribution of the jumps of the compound Poisson processes, we strengthen this to get weak convergence. Our assumption allows for the limiting process to be a stable L\'evy process with drift. These results have implications on branching processes and in queueing theory, namely, on the scaling limit of binary, homogeneous Crump-Mode-Jagers processes and on the scaling limit of the Processor-Sharing queue length process.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    Scaling limit of a limit order book model via the regenerative characterization of L\'evy trees

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    We consider the following Markovian dynamic on point processes: at constant rate and with equal probability, either the rightmost atom of the current configuration is removed, or a new atom is added at a random distance from the rightmost atom. Interpreting atoms as limit buy orders, this process was introduced by Lakner et al. to model a one-sided limit order book. We consider this model in the regime where the total number of orders converges to a reflected Brownian motion, and complement the results of Lakner et al. by showing that, in the case where the mean displacement at which a new order is added is positive, the measure-valued process describing the whole limit order book converges to a simple functional of this reflected Brownian motion. Our results make it possible to derive useful and explicit approximations on various quantities of interest such as the depth or the total value of the book. Our approach leverages an unexpected connection with L\'evy trees. More precisely, the cornerstone of our approach is the regenerative characterization of L\'evy trees due to Weill, which provides an elegant proof strategy which we unfold.Comment: Accepted for publication in stochastic system

    Lingering Issues in Distributed Scheduling

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    Recent advances have resulted in queue-based algorithms for medium access control which operate in a distributed fashion, and yet achieve the optimal throughput performance of centralized scheduling algorithms. However, fundamental performance bounds reveal that the "cautious" activation rules involved in establishing throughput optimality tend to produce extremely large delays, typically growing exponentially in 1/(1-r), with r the load of the system, in contrast to the usual linear growth. Motivated by that issue, we explore to what extent more "aggressive" schemes can improve the delay performance. Our main finding is that aggressive activation rules induce a lingering effect, where individual nodes retain possession of a shared resource for excessive lengths of time even while a majority of other nodes idle. Using central limit theorem type arguments, we prove that the idleness induced by the lingering effect may cause the delays to grow with 1/(1-r) at a quadratic rate. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first mathematical results illuminating the lingering effect and quantifying the performance impact. In addition extensive simulation experiments are conducted to illustrate and validate the various analytical results

    Scaling limits via excursion theory: Interplay between Crump-Mode-Jagers branching processes and processor-sharing queues

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    We study the convergence of the M/G/1M/G/1 processor-sharing, queue length process in the heavy traffic regime, in the finite variance case. To do so, we combine results pertaining to L\'{e}vy processes, branching processes and queuing theory. These results yield the convergence of long excursions of the queue length processes, toward excursions obtained from those of some reflected Brownian motion with drift, after taking the image of their local time process by the Lamperti transformation. We also show, via excursion theoretic arguments, that this entails the convergence of the entire processes to some (other) reflected Brownian motion with drift. Along the way, we prove various invariance principles for homogeneous, binary Crump-Mode-Jagers processes. In the last section we discuss potential implications of the state space collapse property, well known in the queuing literature, to branching processes.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP904 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Height and contour processes of Crump-Mode-Jagers forests (I): general distribution and scaling limits in the case of short edges

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    Crump-Mode-Jagers (CMJ) trees generalize Galton-Watson trees by allowing individuals to live for an arbitrary duration and give birth at arbitrary times during their life-time. In this paper, we are interested in the height and contour processes encoding a general CMJ tree. We show that the one-dimensional distribution of the height process can be expressed in terms of a random transformation of the ladder height process associated with the underlying Lukasiewicz path. As an application of this result, when edges of the tree are "short" we show that, asymptotically, (1) the height process is obtained by stretching by a constant factor the height process of the associated genealogical Galton-Watson tree, (2) the contour process is obtained from the height process by a constant time change and (3) the CMJ trees converge in the sense of finite-dimensional distributions

    Occupancy Schemes Associated to Yule Processes

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    An occupancy problem with an infinite number of bins and a random probability vector for the locations of the balls is considered. The respective sizes of bins are related to the split times of a Yule process. The asymptotic behavior of the landscape of first empty bins, i.e., the set of corresponding indices represented by point processes, is analyzed and convergences in distribution to mixed Poisson processes are established. Additionally, the influence of the random environment, the random probability vector, is analyzed. It is represented by two main components: an i.i.d. sequence and a fixed random variable. Each of these components has a specific impact on the qualitative behavior of the stochastic model. It is shown in particular that for some values of the parameters, some rare events, which are identified, play an important role on average values of the number of empty bins in some regions

    On the scaling limits of Galton Watson processes in varying environment

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    We establish a general sufficient condition for a sequence of Galton Watson branching processes in varying environment to converge weakly. This condition extends previous results by allowing offspring distributions to have infinite variance, which leads to a new and subtle phenomena when the process goes through a bottleneck and also in terms of time scales. Our assumptions are stated in terms of pointwise convergence of a triplet of two real-valued functions and a measure. The limiting process is characterized by a backwards ordinary differential equation satisfied by its Laplace exponent, which generalizes the branching equation satisfied by continuous state branching processes. Several examples are discussed, namely branching processes in random environment, Feller diffusion in varying environment and branching processes with catastrophes.Comment: Tightness is now proved in a separate paper (arXiv 1409.5215
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