14 research outputs found

    A luciferase-based quick potency assay to predict chondrogenic differentiation.

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    Chondrogenic differentiation of adipose derived stem cells (ASC) is challenging but highly promising for cartilage repair. Large donor variability of chondrogenic differentiation potential raises the risk for transplantation of cells with reduced efficacy and a low chondrogenic potential. Therefore quick potency assays are required in order to control the potency of the isolated cells before cell transplantation. Current in vitro methods to analyze the differentiation potential are time consuming and thus, a novel enhancer and tissue-specific promoter combination was employed for the detection of chondrogenic differentiation of ASC in a novel quick potency bioassay. Human primary ASC were co-transfected with the Metridia luciferase based collagen type II reporter gene pCMVE_ACDCII-MetLuc together with a Renilla control plasmid and analyzed for their chondrogenic potential. On day 3 after chondrogenic induction, the luciferase activity was induced in all tested donors under three dimensional (3D) culture conditions and in a second approach also under 2D culture conditions. With our newly developed quick potency bioassay we can determine chondrogenic potential already after 3 days of chondrogenic induction and under 2D culture conditions. This will enhance the efficiency of testing cell functionality, which should allow in the future to predict the suitability of cells derived from individual patients for cell therapies, in a very short time and at low costs

    Methylene Blue-Aided In Vivo Staining of Central Airways during Flexible Bronchoscopy

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    Background. The early diagnosis of malignant and premalignant changes of the bronchial mucosa remains a major challenge during bronchoscopy. Intravital staining techniques are not new. Previous small case series suggested that analysis of the bronchial mucosal surface using chromoendoscopy allows a prediction between neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesions. Objectives. The aim of the present study was to evaluate chromobronchoscopy as a method to identify malignant and premalignant lesions in the central airways in a prospective manner. Methods. In 26 patients we performed chromoendoscopy with 0.1% methylene blue during ongoing flexible white light bronchoscopy. Circumscribed lesions in central airways were further analyzed by biopsies and histopathologic examination. Results. In the majority of cases neither flat nor polypoid lesions in the central airways were stained by methylene blue. In particular, exophytic growth of lung cancer did not show any specific pattern in chromobronchoscopy. However, a specific dye staining was detected in one case where exophytic growth of metastatic colorectal cancer was present in the right upper lobe. In two other cases, a circumscribed staining was noted in unsuspicious mucosa. But histology revealed inflammation only. Conclusions. In contrast to previous studies, the present findings clearly indicate that chromobronchoscopy is not useful for early detection of malignant or premalignant lesions of the central airways

    Preparation and characterization of a decellularized cartilage scaffold for ear cartilage reconstruction

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    Scaffolds are widely used to reconstruct cartilage. Yet, the fabrication of a scaffold with a highly organized microenvironment that closely resembles native cartilage remains a major challenge. Scaffolds derived from acellular extracellular matrices are able to provide such a microenvironment. Currently, no report specifically on decellularization of full thickness ear cartilage has been published. In this study, decellularized ear cartilage scaffolds were prepared and extensively characterized. Cartilage decellularization was optimized to remove cells and cell remnants from elastic cartilage. Following removal of nuclear material, the obtained scaffolds retained their native collagen and elastin contents as well as their architecture and shape. High magnification scanning electron microscopy showed no obvious difference in matrix density after decellularization. However, glycosaminoglycan content was significantly reduced, resulting in a loss of viscoelastic properties. Additionally, in contact with the scaffolds, human bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells remained viable and are able to differentiate toward the chondrogenic lineage when cultured in vitro. These results, including the ability to decellularize whole human ears, highlight the clinical potential of decellularization as an improved cartilage reconstruction strategy

    Fluorescein-Aided Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy of the Lung

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    Background: There are only few reports about confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) for pulmonary imaging. In these studies, in contrast to gastrointestinal endoscopy, CLE was performed without fluorescein. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the value of fluorescein usage for CLE of the lung. Methods: Fluorescein-aided CLE was performed in 15 consecutively recruited patients and in 4 young healthy volunteers with a miniprobe during flexible bronchoscopy. Before and after intravenous administration of fluorescein, central airways and alveolar structures were evaluated. Results: Fluorescein administration did not permit imaging of epithelial cells in the central airways. In the lung periphery, alveolar walls and partially macrophages could be seen in native imaging, as expected. After administration of fluorescein, alveoli were almost filled with foam in areas with normal lung tissue. The origin of this foam was shown to be artificial. Furthermore, in patients with pathologies of the lung parenchyma, dark neoplastic and inflammatory cells adjacent to the alveolar walls were identified. No relevant side effects of fluorescein administration could be observed. Conclusions: Fluorescein-aided CLE of the lung appeared to be safe and well tolerated. While the lack of staining of cells in the central airways was a major limitation, it permitted analysis of the lung interstitium and alveolar space and thus emerges as a new approach for the in vivo analysis of interstitial lung diseases

    Human adipose-derived stem cells contribute to chondrogenesis in coculture with human articular chondrocytes.

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    Adipose tissue is easily available and contains high numbers of stem cells that are capable for chondrogenic differentiation. We hypothesize that a partial substitution of chondrocytes with autologous adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) might be a possible strategy to reduce the number of chondrocytes needed in matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation. To lay the ground, in vitro coculture experiments were performed using human chondrocytes and human ASC. Chondrocytes were obtained from donors undergoing matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation. ASC were isolated from liposuction material. Chondrocytes and ASC were seeded either in fibrin (Tisseel; Baxter, Vienna, Austria) or collagen matrix (Tissue Fleece; Baxter, Unterschleissheim, Germany). RNA for quantitative reverse transcriptase (RT)-polymerase chain reaction was isolated after 2 weeks of culture in chondrogenic medium, and after 4 weeks samples were processed for histology. Related to the number of chondrocytes used, coculture with ASC led to strong increase in collagen type IX mRNA expression, which is an indicator for long-term stability of cartilage. Moderate upregulation was shown for SOX9, aggrecan, melanoma inhibitory activity, cartilage link protein 1, and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein mRNA. However, expression of collagen I and collagen II indicates the synthesis of fibrous tissue, which might be due to the use of dedifferentiated chondrocytes. Tisseel provided slightly better chondrogenic conditions than Tissue Fleece. These data support the possibility to take advantage of ASC in cartilage regeneration in conjunction with autologous chondrocytes

    MicroRNA-26 family is required for human adipogenesis and drives characteristics of brown adipocytes.

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    International audience: Adipose tissue contains thermogenic adipocytes (i.e., brown and brite/beige) that oxidize nutrients at exceptionally high rates via non-shivering thermogenesis. Its recent discovery in adult humans has opened up new avenues to fight obesity and related disorders such as diabetes. Here we identified miR-26a and miR-26b as key regulators of human white and brite adipocyte differentiation. Both microRNAs are upregulated in early adipogenesis, and their inhibition prevented lipid accumulation while their overexpression accelerated it. Intriguingly, miR-26a significantly induced pathways related to energy dissipation, shifted mitochondrial morphology towards that seen in brown adipocytes, and promoted uncoupled respiration by markedly increasing the hallmark protein of brown fat, uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1). By combining in silico target prediction, transcriptomics, and an RNA interference screen, we identified the sheddase ADAM metallopeptidase domain 17 (ADAM17) as a direct target of miR-26 that mediated the observed effects on white and brite adipogenesis. These results point to a novel, critical role for the miR-26 family and its downstream effector ADAM17 in human adipocyte differentiation by promoting characteristics of energy-dissipating thermogenic adipocytes. Stem Cells 2013

    Visualizing and controlling vibrational wave packets of single molecules

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    The active steering of the pathways taken by chemical reactions and the optimization of energy conversion processes provide striking examples of the coherent control of quantum interference through the use of shaped laser pulses. Experimentally, coherence is usually established by synchronizing a subset of molecules in an ensemble with ultra-short laser pulses. But in complex systems where even chemically identical molecules exist with different conformations and in diverse environments, the synchronized subset will have an intrinsic inhomogeneity that limits the degree of coherent control that can be achieved. A naturaland, indeed, the ultimatesolution to overcoming intrinsic inhomogeneities is the investigation of the behaviour of one molecule at a time. The single-molecule approach has provided useful insights into phenomena as diverse as biomolecular interactions, cellular processes and the dynamics of supercooled liquids and conjugated polymers. Coherent state preparation of single molecules has so far been restricted to cryogenic conditions, whereas at room temperature only incoherent vibrational relaxation pathways have been probed. Here we report the observation and manipulation of vibrational wave-packet interference in individual molecules at ambient conditions. We show that adapting the time and phase distribution of the optical excitation field to the dynamics of each molecule results in a high degree of control, and expect that the approach can be extended to achieve single-molecule coherent control in other complex inhomogeneous systems.Fil: Brinks, Daan. Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques; EspañaFil: Stefani, Fernando Daniel. Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Kulzer, Florian. Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques; EspañaFil: Hildner, Richard. Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques; EspañaFil: Taminiau, Tim H.. Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques; EspañaFil: Avlasevich, Yuri. Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research; AlemaniaFil: Müllen, Klaus. Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research; AlemaniaFil: Van Hulst, Niek F.. Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques; España. Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats; Españ