75 research outputs found

    Zwischen Ver-hĂŒllung und Ent-hĂŒllung

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    Ihren Ursprung fand vorliegende Arbeit in der Aussage Michel Foucaults, SexualitĂ€t habe im 18. Jahrhunderts eine diskursive Explosion erfahren. Es galt zu untersuchen, inwiefern diese Entwicklung auch in der Literatur festzustellen sei. Im ersten Teil der Diplomarbeit werden sozialgeschichtliche UmstĂ€nde beleuchtet, SexualitĂ€t etwa im medizinischen Kontext untersucht. Dabei geht es vor allem um die Beschreibung einer sich entfaltenden Form der bĂŒrgerlichen SexualitĂ€t: Ein erstarkendes BĂŒrgertum, das sich von der Aristokratie und dem einfachen Volk abzugrenzen versucht, entwickelt sein eigenes Konzept der Liebe und der SexualitĂ€t. Vor allem dient dieser erste Teil der Arbeit auch der PrĂ€sentation zweier ideengeschichtlicher EntwĂŒrfe, die als gegensĂ€tzliche Pole die Darstellung von SexualitĂ€t beeinflussen werden: Einerseits der französische Materialismus, der einer libertinĂ€ren Lebensphilosophie Vorschub leistet, andererseits die Bewegung der Empfindsamkeit, die durch ihren Freundschaftskult eine Desexualisierung zur Folge hat. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Spannungsfeldes soll im zweiten Teil die Analyse von literarischen Werken erfolgen: Als Untersuchungsgegenstand werden primĂ€r bĂŒrgerliche Romane aus Frankreich, England und Deutschland herangezogen. Dabei wird auf zwei Ebenen gearbeitet: Erstens wird die sprachliche Darstellung betrachtet. Wie bereits der Titel vorliegender Diplomarbeit verrĂ€t, wird die Darstellbarkeit analysiert. Es wird die Frage gestellt, bis zu welchem Grad sich eine Benennung des Geschlechtlichen mit dem Begriff der Tugendhaftigkeit als vereinbar erweist. Auf zweiter Ebene werden bĂŒrgerliche Motive untersucht, besonders in Hinblick auf deren ReprĂ€sentation eines genuin bĂŒrgerlichen Sexualkonzepts. Das Ergebnis der Textanalysen ist schließlich die BestĂ€tigung der Ansicht Foucaults: SexualitĂ€t scheint im Roman des 18. Jahrhunderts allgegenwĂ€rtig. Die Wiedergabe einer entsexualisierten Welt erweist sich als unmöglich, da selbst die Tugendhaftigkeit ihre Unschuld verloren hat (Richardson, Gellert). Das Wissen um die SexualitĂ€t ist bereits zu sehr ausgebildet, als dass eine tugendhafte Reinheit unhinterfragt bleiben kann. Dieses Wissen spiegelt sich auch auf lexikaler Ebene: Das 18. Jahrhundert ist das Jahrhundert des double entendre. Autoren wie Laurence Sterne, Denis Diderot oder Henry Fielding arbeiten mit Doppeldeutigkeiten und dehnen somit den bĂŒrgerlichen Moralkodex der WohlanstĂ€ndigkeit. Eine dichotome GegenĂŒberstellung von sexuell impliziter und sexuell expliziter Darstellung erweist sich als irrelevant: WĂ€hrend der pornographische Roman eines John Cleland durch seine exzessive Metaphorik den Blick verstellt, verweisen die Romane Wielands oder auch Richardsons durch geschickte Aussparungen auf einen sexuellen Sachverhalt und spielen mit der Macht der Einbildungskraft. Dadurch sind sie wohl nicht unschuldiger als der sexuell explizite Roman

    Urban green infrastructure planning as a contribution to the smart ‘green’ city

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    The urban green infrastructure is getting due to the strong growth of the City of Vienna under increasing pressure. A foresighted planning of green and open spaces is necessary to obtain the different "Ecosytem Services" - provision-related services, regulatory services, cultural services and support services (MEA 2005). Additionally an increase in the number of hot days and thus an increase of the heat load in the city is predicted for Vienna (ZAMG 2012). Again, making a foresighted planning of green and open spaces is a significant contribution to meet these climatic challenges (Kuffner A. 2012, Hagen et al. 2010). Based on the concept of "green infrastructure" (Pauleit et al. 2011) and the ecosystem services of these, it is shown which contribution - in particular to reduce the heating of the city - they can make to the Smart City concept

    Time and phenotype-dependent transcriptome analysis in AAV-TGFÎČ1 and Bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis models

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    We have previously established a novel mouse model of lung fibrosis based on Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated pulmonary overexpression of TGFÎČ1. Here, we provide an in-depth characterization of phenotypic and transcriptomic changes (mRNA and miRNA) in a head-to-head comparison with Bleomycin-induced lung injury over a 4-week disease course. The analyses delineate the temporal state of model-specific and commonly altered pathways, thereby providing detailed insights into the processes underlying disease development. They further guide appropriate model selection as well as interventional study design. Overall, Bleomycin-induced fibrosis resembles a biphasic process of acute inflammation and subsequent transition into fibrosis (with partial resolution), whereas the TGFÎČ1-driven model is characterized by pronounced and persistent fibrosis with concomitant inflammation and an equally complex disease phenotype as observed upon Bleomycin instillation. Finally, based on an integrative approach combining lung function data, mRNA/miRNA profiles, their correlation and miRNA target predictions, we identify putative drug targets and miRNAs to be explored as therapeutic candidates for fibrotic diseases. Taken together, we provide a comprehensive analysis and rich data resource based on RNA-sequencing, along with a strategy for transcriptome-phenotype coupling. The results will be of value for TGFÎČ research, drug discovery and biomarker identification in progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases

    A laboratory pilot study on voids in flowable bulk-fill composite restorations in bovine Class-II and endodontic access cavities after sonic vibration

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    This pilot study investigated whether sonic-powered application of a bulk-fill resin-based composite (RBC) in Class-II or endodontic access cavities reduces void formation. The crowns and roots of 60 bovine teeth with Class-II cavities (C) and endodontic access cavities (E) respectively, were assigned to ten groups (C1–C5, E1–E5). Cavities were filled with RBC (SDR flow + , one increment) using different application techniques: no adaptation (C1 + E1), spreading of RBC on the cavity surfaces with a dental explorer tip (C2 + E2), low (C3 + E3) or high frequency (C4 + E4) direct activation by inserting a sonic-powered tip into RBC and high frequency indirect activation with an ultrasonic insertion tip (C5 + E5). The restorations were light-cured and investigated for voids using microtomography. The number of voids and percentage of voids related to the volume were statistically analysed (α  0.05). The percentage of voids showed no differences in E1-E5 (p > 0.05). C4 showed a significantly higher percentage of voids compared to C2 (p < 0.001). There is no benefit in applying sonic vibration when filling Class-II or endodontic access cavities

    Inducible stem cell-derived embryos capture mouse morphogenetic events in vitro

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    The development of mouse embryos can be partially recapitulated by combining embryonic (ES), trophoblast (TS) and extra-embryonic endoderm (XEN) stem cells to generate ETX-embryos. Although ETX-embryos transcriptionally capture the mouse gastrula, their ability to recapitulate complex morphogenic events such as gastrulation is limited, possibly due to the limited potential of XEN cells. To address this, we generated ES cells transiently expressing transcription factor Gata4 that drives the extra-embryonic endoderm fate and combined them together with ES cells and TS cells to generate induced ETX-embryos (iETX-embryos). We show that iETX-embryos establish a robust anterior signalling centre that migrates unilaterally to break embryo symmetry. Furthermore, iETX-embryos gastrulate generating embryonic and extra-embryonic mesoderm, and definitive endoderm. Our findings reveal that replacement of XEN cells with ES cells transiently expressing Gata4 endows iETX-embryos with greater developmental potential, thus enabling the study of the establishment of anterior-posterior patterning and gastrulation in an in vitro system.This work was supported by a European Research Council Grant (RG77946)Wellcome Trust (207415/Z/17/Z), Open Philanthropy, Shurl and Kay Curci, and Weston Havens Foundations grants awarded to M.Z.G.; K.Y.C.L. is supported by the Croucher Foundation and Cambridge Trust. F.H. is supported by a European Research Council Grant (695669) and Wellcome Trust (WT108438/C/15/Z). J.D.J. is supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

    Phenocopy – A Strategy to Qualify Chemical Compounds during Hit-to-Lead and/or Lead Optimization

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    A phenocopy is defined as an environmentally induced phenotype of one individual which is identical to the genotype-determined phenotype of another individual. The phenocopy phenomenon has been translated to the drug discovery process as phenotypes produced by the treatment of biological systems with new chemical entities (NCE) may resemble environmentally induced phenotypic modifications. Various new chemical entities exerting inhibition of the kinase activity of Transforming Growth Factor ÎČ Receptor I (TGF-ÎČR1) were qualified by high-throughput RNA expression profiling. This chemical genomics approach resulted in a precise time-dependent insight to the TGF-ÎČ biology and allowed furthermore a comprehensive analysis of each NCE's off-target effects. The evaluation of off-target effects by the phenocopy approach allows a more accurate and integrated view on optimized compounds, supplementing classical biological evaluation parameters such as potency and selectivity. It has therefore the potential to become a novel method for ranking compounds during various drug discovery phases
