7,158 research outputs found

    Bulk and integrated acousto-optic spectrometers for radio astronomy

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    The development of sensitive heterodyne receivers (front end) in the centimeter and millimeter range, and the construction of sensitive RF spectrometers (back end) enable the spectral lines of interstellar molecules to be detected and identified. A technique was developed which combines acoustic bending of a collimated coherent light beam by a Bragg cell followed by detection by a sensitive array of photodetectors (thus forming an RF acousto-optic spectrometer (AOS). An AOS has wide bandwidth, large number of channels, and high resolution, and is compact, lightweight, and energy efficient. The thrust of receiver development is towards high frequency heterodyne systems, particularly in the millimeter, submillimeter, far infrared, and 10 micron spectral ranges

    Acousto-optic spectrometer for radio astronomy

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    A prototype acousto-optic spectrometer which uses a discrete bulk acoustic wave Itek Bragg cell, 5 mW Helium Neon laser, and a 1024 element Reticon charge coupled photodiode array is described. The analog signals from the photodiode array are digitized, added, and stored in a very high speed custom built multiplexer board which allows synchronous detection of weak signals to be performed. The experiment is controlled and the data are displayed and stored with an LSI-2 microcomputer system with dual floppy discs. The performance of the prototype acousto-optic spectrometer obtained from initial tests is reported

    Effects of rf Current on Spin Transfer Torque Induced Dynamics

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    The impact of radiofrequency (rf) currents on the direct current (dc) driven switching dynamics in current-perpendicular-to-plane nanoscale spin valves is demonstrated. The rf currents dramatically alter the dc driven free layer magnetization reversal dynamics as well as the dc switching level. This occurs when the frequency of the rf current is tuned to a frequency range around the dc driven magnetization precession frequencies. For these frequencies, interactions between the dc driven precession and the injected rf induce frequency locking and frequency pulling effects that lead to a measurable dependence of the critical switching current on the frequency of the injected rf. Based on macrospin simulations, including dc as well as rf spin torque currents, we explain the origin of the observed effects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Relaci?n entre el modelo pedag?gico pr?ctico reflexivo y la pr?ctica docente de los estudiantes del programa de formaci?n complementaria grado 12? de la escuela normal superior de Ibagu?

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    138 P?ginasLa presente investigaci?n tiene como objetivo principal establecer la relaci?n entre el modelo pedag?gico pr?ctico reflexivo de la Normal Superior de Ibagu? (ENSI) y la pr?ctica desarrollada por los estudiantes del grado 12, en las escuelas en donde se realizan las pr?cticas docentes. Este estudio se enmarca dentro de las investigaciones de corte cualitativo, al permitir, por medio del an?lisis y la observaci?n, la descripci?n de categor?as emergentes, lo cual posibilit? la comprensi?n de una realidad educativa. Los datos que sostienen esta investigaci?n vienen de los resultados obtenidos del an?lisis de texto a partir de los protocolos, diarios de campo y cartas escritas por los estudiantes. Tambi?n se tuvieron en cuenta, los conversatorios de clase desarrollados en encuentros semanales de grupo, la observaci?n participante y no participante, y las entrevistas al grupo focal. Los resultados muestran la existencia de una relaci?n parcial entre la formaci?n te?rica que se fundamenta en un constructo institucional (panorama normalista) y la pr?ctica desarrollada por los estudiantes en los campos educativos adscritos a la ENSI. La relaci?n entre las intenciones del modelo pedag?gico pr?ctico reflexivo y la pr?ctica docente se han establecido a trav?s de tres (3) categor?as emergentes. La primera atiende a las relaciones pedag?gicas, en esta categor?a se analizan la convivencia, la comunicaci?n, el manejo de poder y la disciplina. La segunda categor?a obedece a la identidad docente y en ella se examin? su origen y el compromiso con la profesi?n; finalmente, se relaciona el proceso de la clase propuesto por el modelo, y la implementaci?n que hacen los practicantes. Por ?ltimo, concluimos que aunque la relaci?n teor?a practica no es total, s? se develan elementos de gran relevancia, desde el sentido humanista que la instituci?n pretende formar en sus estudiantes, evidenciadas en las relaciones pedag?gicas que los estudiantes imprimen en sus pr?cticas docentes, as? como una marcada identidad docente, que caracteriza al practicante, a pesar de las adversidades que los contextos escolares vivencian en su cotidianidad.ABSTRACT. This research aims at establishing the relationship between the practical reflexive pedagogical model of the Normal Superior de Ibague (ENSI) and the practice developed by the students of grade 12, in schools where teaching practices are performed. This study is part of a qualitative research, to allow, through analysis and observation, the description of emerging categories, which made possible the understanding of an educational reality. The data supporting this research come from the results obtained from the analysis of text from the protocols, field diaries and letters written by students. Were also taken into account, the class conversations developed in weekly group meetings, participating and nonparticipating observation and interviews to the investigated. The results show the existence of a partial relationship between the theoretical formation is based on an institutional construct and the practice developed by students in the educational fields assigned to the ENSI. The relationship between the intentions of practical reflexive pedagogical model and teaching practice has been established through three (3) categories emerging. The first attends to the pedagogical relationships; in this category are analyzed connivance, communication, power management and discipline. The second category obeys teachers' identity and it is considered its origin and commitment to the profession, and finally relates the process of the class proposed by the model, and implementation made by practitioners. Finally, we conclude that although the relation between theory and practice is not total, it does reveal elements of great importance, from the humanist sense that the institution aims to educate their students, as evidenced in teaching relationships that students print in their teaching practices and as a strong teacher identity that characterizes the practitioner, despite the adversities that school contexts experience in everyday life.INTRODUCCI?N 13 1. DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 14 2. OBJETIVOS 16 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 16 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 16 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 17 4. METODOL?GIA 19 4.1 PARTICIPANTES 21 4.2 PROCEDIMIENTO 21 5. MARCO TE?RICO 23 5.1 REFERENTES DE LA POL?TICA EDUCATIVA 23 5.1.1 La Escuela Normal Superior de Ibagu? 24 5.1.2 El Modelo Pr?ctico Reflexivo en el marco de la Escuela Normal Superior de Ibagu?. 25 5.1.3 Hacia una dimensi?n te?rico ? pr?ctica 27 5.2 LOS MODELOS PEDAG?GICOS 34 5.3 ANTECEDENTES 38 6. RESULTADOS 41 6.1 CAP?TULO I. RELACIONES PEDAG?GICAS QUE SURGEN DE LA PR?CTICA DOCENTE 41 6.1.1 La convivencia en el marco de las relaciones pedag?gicas 42 6.2 LA COMUNICACI?N 45 6.2.1 La educaci?n con ?nfasis en los contenidos 50 6.2.2 En la educaci?n con ?nfasis en el proceso. 50 6.3 EL MANEJO DEL PODER EN EL AULA DE CLASE 50 6.3.1 Poder coercitivo 52 6.3.2 Poder utilitario 53 6.3.3 Poder centrado en principios 54 6.4 TIPOS DE PROFESORES 55 6.4.1 El profesor autocr?tico 55 6.4.2 El profesor burocr?tico 55 6.4.3 El profesor paternalista 55 6.4.4 El profesor libertario 55 6.4.5 El profesor negociador 56 6.5 LA DISCIPLINA 61 6.5.1 Enfoque psicodin?mico 63 6.5.2 El Enfoque humanista 63 6.5.3 Enfoque centrado en el paradigma operante 63 6.5.4 Enfoque cognitivo 63 6.5.5 Modelo ecol?gico de Bronfenbrenner 63 7. CAP?TULO II. LA IDENTIDAD EN LA FORMACI?N DOCENTE DE LA ESCUELA NORMAL SUPERIOR DE IBAGU? 72 7.1. EL ORIGEN DE LA IDENTIDAD DOCENTE EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL PROGRAMA DE FORMACI?N COMPLEMENTARIA. 73 7.2 EL COMPROMISO, VALOR Y PRINCIPIO INSTITUCIONAL QUE ORIENTA LA FORMACI?N DEL DOCENTE EN LA ENSI 83 8. CAP?TULO III. PROCESO DE CLASE 90 9. CONCLUSIONES 101 10. RECOMENDACIONES 104 REFERENCIAS 106 ANEXOS 11

    TALISMAN+: Intelligent System for Follow-Up and Promotion of Personal Autonomy

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    The TALISMAN+ project, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, aims to research and demonstrate innovative solutions transferable to society which offer services and products based on information and communication technologies in order to promote personal autonomy in prevention and monitoring scenarios. It will solve critical interoperability problems among systems and emerging technologies in a context where heterogeneity brings about accessibility barriers not yet overcome and demanded by the scientific, technological or social-health settings

    Co-Inoculation of Plant-Growth-Promoting Bacteria Modulates Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Perennial Ryegrass to Water Deficit

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    Perennial ryegrass is a forage commonly used in temperate regions for livestock feeding; however, its yield is affected by reduced biomass production under water deficit. In a previous study, three co-inoculations of beneficial bacteria were selected based on their ability to promote plant growth under reduced water availability. The aim of this work was to elucidate some mechanisms by which the selected bacteria can help improve the response of perennial ryegrass to water deficit. Ryegrass plants were inoculated with each of the co-inoculations (Herbaspirillum sp. AP02 Herbaspirillum sp. AP21; Herbaspirillum sp. AP02–Pseudomonas sp. N7; Herbaspirillum sp. AP21–Azospirillum brasilense D7) and subjected to water deficit for 10 days. Physiological and biochemical measurements were taken 10 days after stress and shortly after rehydration. The results showed that bacteria had a positive effect on shoot biomass production, dissipation of excess energy, and proline and chlorophyll pigments during the days of water deficit (p < 0.05). The leaf water status of the inoculated plants was 12% higher than that of the uninoculated control after rehydration. Two Herbaspirillum strains showed greater potential for use as biofertilizers that help ameliorate the effects of water deficit

    The Science Behind the Springs: Using Biomechanics and Finite Element Modeling to Predict Outcomes in Spring-Assisted Sagittal Synostosis Surgery

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    Spring-assisted surgery for the correction of scaphocephaly has gained popularity over the past 2 decades. Our unit utilizes standardized torsional springs with a central helix for spring-assisted surgery. This design allows a high degree of accuracy and reproducibility of the force vectors and force distance curves. In this manuscript, we expand on the biomechanical testing and properties of these springs. Standardization of design has enabled us to study the springs on bench and in vivo and a comprehensive repository of calvarial remodeling and spring dynamics has been acquired and analyzed. Finite element modeling is a technique utilized to predict the outcomes of spring-assisted surgery. We have found this to be a useful tool, in planning our surgical strategy and improving outcomes. This technique has also contributed significantly to the process of informed consent preoperatively. In this article, we expand on our spring design and dynamics as well as the finite element modeling used to predict and improve outcomes. In our unit, this practice has led to a significant improvement in patient outcomes and parental satisfaction and we hope to make our techniques available to a wider audience

    Pseudoescorpiones de Colombia (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones): lista actualizada de especies

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    The present contribution shows an updated list of registered species listing available geographical distributions. As a result, 23 pseudoscorpions species belonging to l8genera and six families were recorded. Nevertheless, the number of records is unsatisfactory considering the number of species housed in the Colombian forests and taking into account Colombian biodiversity. En la actual contribución se presenta un listado de las especies registradas a la fecha, consignando las distribuciones geográficas disponibles. Como resultado de ello se obtuvieron 23 especies de pseudoescorpiones, pertenecientes a 18 géneros y seis familias. Sin embargo, se debe considerar que esta cifra se encuentra subvalorada en relación con el número de especies que deben existir en los bosques colombianos, si se tiene en cuenta los altos valores de diversidad biótica existentes en Colombia; esto se percibe, a partir del material indeterminado que reposa en las colecciones zoológicas colombianas.

    Computation of Voltage Sag Initiation with Fourier based Algorithm, Kalman Filter and Wavelets

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    Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR) have been successfully applied for voltage dip mitigation in the last years. Especially in systems with nonlinear loads and wind turbine generation DVR units support the Power Quality enhancement. The reliability and quality of DVR operation depends mostly on fast and accurate voltage dip detection. Detection methodologies must be able to detect a voltage dip as fast as possible and be immune to other types of perturbations. In this paper we address the problem of voltage dip estimation using carefully selected advanced signal processing methods such as Fourier based algorithm, Kalman filtering and Wavelets. Additionally, the traditional and common technique of RMS value tracking has been mentioned. The algorithms have been tested under different conditions: voltage dip with phase jump, noise, frequency variations