2,778 research outputs found
Clinical and social profile of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Reynosa, Tamaulipas
Background: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It generally causes pulmonary tuberculosis, with symptoms such as fever and expectoration. In 2020, the total number of tuberculosis cases worldwide was about 9.8 million, with a mortality of 1.5 million. In Mexico, pulmonary tuberculosis represents 79% of the total cases of tuberculosis, with an incidence of 24 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Tamaulipas ranks fifth nationally. This study seeks to determine the frequency in which social and risk factors associated with predisposition to tuberculosis occur in the population of Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
Methods: Through an observational and descriptive study, data were collected from patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis belonging to the Regional Center Against Tuberculosis in Reynosa, Tamaulipas. Data collection was carried out from February to May 2022 through the clinical history of the unit. Those patients in fully cured condition and those who presented negative smear microscopy during this period were excluded.
Results: In the February-May period, 50 records of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were included, where 58% were men, with a mean age of 38.4 years ± 16.6 DE, 56% of the participants were from the state of Tamaulipas, followed by Veracruz and San Luis Potosí with 22% and 4% respectively. The predominant level of education was middle school (23.5%), followed by complete elementary school, while the occupation that prevailed was unemployed (41.2%) followed by housewife (21.6%). Among the frequent symptoms were productive cough (89.8%) and fever (65.3%). Of the comorbidities present, diabetes mellitus stood out with 26%, while in the addictions we found alcoholism (25.7%) in the first place.
Conclusions: The importance of describing the social and clinical situation of patients with tuberculosis lies in the identification of risk factors that can be considered in the development of strategies focused on the clinical manifestations of our region
Factors affecting nectar sugar composition in chiropterophilic plants
AbstractMost pollinators prefer the sugars present in the nectar they consume, so it has been hypothesized that they have molded nectar trait evolution. However, nectar-feeding bats do not exhibit preferences for the sugars present in their diet. We analyzed the role that biochemical and ecological factors could play in shaping the nectar traits of chiropterophilic plants. We studied nectar traits and flower production in 49 plant species. We evaluated the relationship between nectar concentration and sugar composition using phylogenetically independent contrasts and if nectar traits were related to flower production using a Manova. We found that 42 species produced high hexoses nectars, and 7 species produced sucrose rich nectars. Phylogenetically independent contrasts showed that nectar concentration was negatively related to glucose content, positively related to fructose content, and was not related to sucrose content. A negative relationship was found from glucose and fructose contents to sucrose content, and glucose content was negatively related to fructose content. Finally, we did not found any relationship between nectar traits and the plants’ flowering strategies. We conclude that bat physiology and the relative low evolutionary time of the interaction between plants and bats may determine the lack of pattern in the nectar characteristics of chiropterophilic plants
Stimulated Raman Scattering for All Optical Switches
We theoretically and experimentally investigate an all optical switch based on stimulated Raman scattering in optical fibers. The experimental setup consists of a Raman circuit of two stages connected in series through a bandpass filter. In the first stage, we have a saturated amplifier, in this stage the pump pulses are saturated when pump and signal are launched to the input or the pump pulses remain without saturation when pump only is launched at the input. The second stage works as the Raman amplifier; for this stage amplification is directly dependent on the pump power entering from the first stage. For the case when pump pulse only is launched at the input pass to the second stage without saturation and amplifies the signal entering in the second stage, very intense signal pulses appear at the output of this stage. For the case when both pump and signal pulses are launched to the input, the pump pulse is saturated in the first stage and the filter rejected the amplified signal, so that only low power pump enters the second stage and consequently no signal pulses appear at the output. We show that the contrast can be improved when using fibers with normal and anomalous dispersion connected in series in the first stage. The best contrast (the ratio of energies) obtained was 15 dB at 6 W pump peak power
Preservation of Synchronization Using a Tracy‐Singh Product in the Transformation on Their Linear Matrix
Preservation is related to local asymptotic stability in nonlinear systems by using dynamical systems tools. It is known that a system, which is stable, asymptotically stable, or unstable at origin, through a transformation can remain stable, asymptotically stable, or unstable. Some systems permit partition of its nonlinear equation in a linear and nonlinear part. Some authors have stated that such systems preserve their local asymptotic stability through the transformations on their linear part. The preservation of synchronization is a typical application of these types of tools and it is considered an interesting topic by scientific community. This chapter is devoted to extend the methodology of the dynamical systems through a partition in the linear part and the nonlinear part, transforming the linear part using the Tracy-Singh product in the Jacobian matrix. This methodology preserves the structure of signs through the real part of eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the dynamical systems in their equilibrium points. The principal part of this methodology is that it permits to extend the fundamental theorems of the dynamical systems, given a linear transformation. The results allow us to infer the hyperbolicity, the stability and the synchronization of transformed systems of higher dimension
Hydrothermal–microwave processing for starch extraction from mexican avocado seeds: operational conditions and characterization
Avocado seeds are an agroindustrial residue widely produced in Mexico that are causing various environmental problems due to their accumulation. The evaluation of avocado residues to recover biopolymers by microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and the characterization of avocado starch properties were studied in the present work. A central-composite design was used to optimize the MAE process. Moreover, a comparison was performed between MAE non-isothermal mode (NO–ISO) and conventional extraction. Starch optimization by MAE was obtained at 161.09 °C for 56.23 min with an extraction yield of 49.52% ± 0.69%, while with NO–ISO at 161 °C was obtained 45.75% ± 2.18%. Conventional extraction was 39.04% ± 2.22%. Compared with conventional starch, MAE starch showed similar proprieties and molecular spectra. In contrast, MAE starch showed high solubility, low water absorption capacity, a non-granular structure with small particle size (<2 μm) and polydispersity of fragments at different sizes of polymers. Therefore, MAE is a viable technology to extract the starch, and avocado seed can be considered an excellent starch source for the development of novel functional foods, contributing to promoting sustainability
across the food chain.N/Ainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Wavelength-tunable picosecond pulses from a passively mode-locked figure-eight Erbium-doped fiber laser with a Sagnac fiber filter
We experimentally demonstrated a wavelength-tunable passively mode-locked Erbium-doped figure-eight fiber laser. Wide tunability is achieved using a high-birefringence (hi-bi) fiber Sagnac loop. The filter transmission function is controlled by selecting the hi-bi fiber loop length. The output pulses are wavelength tunable over a range from 1525 nm to 1555 nm. The FWHM of the autocorrelation trace is about 3.1 ps and the pulse spectrum has a FWHM of 1.5 nm. The pulse temporal and spectral widths remain constant over the tunable range
Diagnóstico de producción en ganado lechero en pastoreo de un grupo ganadero de validación y transferencia de tecnología
The regionalization of framing issues for producers Livestock Group of Validation and Technology Transfer (GGAVATT) from San Jose Miahuatlán Veracruz, Mexico, under the current production of native grass prairie with mainly during the months of higher temperature have a poor performance and thus milk production declines which promotes a great use of concentrated feeds which causes an increase in production cost and less use to them. For this purpose we made a diagnosis of current conditions GGAVATT production, yielding information that helps us source and compared to determine precisely what the effect of applying the proposed alternative. We propose an alternative implementation of pastures with improved pastures needed to produce a greater amount of forage per unit area especially in the colder months.La regionalización de la problemática encuadrando a los productores del Grupo Ganadero de Validación y Transferencia de Tecnología (GGAVATT) de San José Miahuatlán Veracruz, México, bajo la actual situación de producción de praderas básicamente con gramas nativas que durante los meses de menor frío tienen un pobre desempeño y por ende la producción de leche se deteriora lo cual promueve una gran utilización de alimentos concentrados lo que provoca un incremento en el costo de producción y una menor utilidad para estos. Para dicho propósito se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones actuales de producción del GGAVATT, arrojando información que nos sirve de partida y de comparación para determinar con precisión cuál es el efecto de aplicar la alternativa propuesta. Se plantea como alternativa la implantación de praderas con pastos mejorados que permitan producir una mayor cantidad de forrajes por unidad de superficie sobre todo en los meses de menor temperatura
Interaction of HLA Class II rs9272219 and TMPO rs17028450 (Arg690Cys) Variants Affects Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder Susceptibility in an Admixed Mexican Population
Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD) is a demyelinating autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, more prevalent in individuals of non-European ancestry. Few studies have analyzed genetic risk factors in NMOSD, and HLA class II gene variation has been associated NMOSD risk in various populations including Mexicans. Thymopoietin (TMPO) has not been tested as a candidate gene for NMOSD or other autoimmune disease, however, experimental evidence suggests this gene may be involved in negative selection of autoreactive T cells and autoimmunity. We thus investigated whether the missense TMPO variant rs17028450 (Arg630Cys, frequent in Latin America) is associated with NMOSD, and whether this variant shows an interaction with HLA-class II rs9272219, previously associated with NMOSD risk. A total of 119 Mexican NMOSD patients, 1208 controls and 357 Native Mexican individuals were included. The HLA rs9272219 "T" risk allele frequency ranged from 21 to 68%, while the rs17028450 "T" minor allele frequency was as high as 18% in Native Mexican groups. Both rs9272219 and rs17028450 were significantly associated with NMOSD risk under additive models (OR = 2.48; p = 8 × 10(-10) and OR = 1.59; p = 0.0075, respectively), and a significant interaction between both variants was identified with logistic regression models (p = 0.048). Individuals bearing both risk alleles had an estimated 3.9-fold increased risk of NMOSD. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting an association of TMPO gene variation with an autoimmune disorder and the interaction of specific susceptibility gene variants, that may contribute to the genetic architecture of NMOSD in admixed Latin American populations
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