1,682 research outputs found

    Density-Temperature-Softness Scaling of the Dynamics of Glass-forming Soft-sphere Liquids

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    The principle of dynamic equivalence between soft-sphere and hard-sphere fluids [Phys. Rev. E \textbf{68}, 011405 (2003)] is employed to describe the interplay of the effects of varying the density n, the temperature T, and the softness (characterized by a softness parameter {\nu}^{-1}) on the dynamics of glass-forming soft-sphere liquids in terms of simple scaling rules. The main prediction is that the dynamic parameters of these systems, such as the {\alpha}-relaxation time and the long-time self-diffusion coefficient, depend on n, T, and {\nu} only through the reduced density n^\ast \equiv n{\sigma}^{3}_{HS}(T, {\nu}),where the effective hard-sphere diameter {\sigma}_{HS}(T, {\nu}) is determined, for example, by the Andersen-Weeks-Chandler condition for soft-sphere-hard-sphere structural equivalence. A number of scaling properties observed in recent simulations involving glass-forming fluids with repulsive short range interactions are found to be a direct manifestation of this general dynamic equivalence principle. The self-consistent generalized Langevin equation (SCGLE) theory of colloid dynamics is shown to accurately capture these scaling rule

    Light induces oxidative damage and protein stability in the fungal photoreceptor Vivid

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    "Flavin-binding photoreceptor proteins sense blue-light (BL) in diverse organisms and have become core elements in recent optogenetic applications. The light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) protein Vivid (VVD) from the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa is a classic BL photoreceptor, characterized by effecting a photocycle based on light-driven formation and subsequent spontaneous decay of a flavin-cysteinyl adduct. Here we report that VVD presents alternative outcomes to light exposure that result in protein self-oxidation and, unexpectedly, rise of stability through kinetic control. Using optical absorbance and mass spectrometry we show that purified VVD develops amorphous aggregates with the presence of oxidized residues located at the cofactor binding pocket. Light exposure increases oxidative levels in VVD and specific probe analysis identifies singlet oxygen production by the flavin. These results indicate that VVD acts alternatively as a photosensitizer, inducing self-oxidative damage and subsequent aggregation. Surprisingly, BL illumination has an additional, opposite effect in VVD. We show that light-induced adduct formation establishes a stable state, delaying protein aggregation until photoadduct decay occurs. In accordance, repeated BL illumination suppresses VVD aggregation altogether. Furthermore, photoadduct formation confers VVD stability against chemical denaturation. Analysis of the aggregation kinetics and testing of stabilizers against aggregation reveal that aggregation in VVD proceeds through light-dependent kinetic control and dimer formation. These results uncover the aggregation pathway of a photosensor, where light induces a remarkable interplay between protein damage and stability.

    Gestión eficiente de las economías locales a través de estrategias administrativas/Efficient management of local economies through administrative strategies

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    La gestión de la economía local plantea retos al integrarse al sector productivo como uno de sus ejes de crecimiento, este estudio plantea un análisis de la dinámica de estrategias administrativas aplicadas en las microempresas de la ciudad de Macas y su incidencia en la eficiencia para promover el desarrollo del espacio, convirtiéndose éstas en las dos variables de estudio: la gestión de las economías locales y las estrategias administrativas, la metodología de trabajo a utilizar comienza definiendo una investigación de tipo cuantitativa y cualitativa, no experimental, denostándose su independencia a través del método Chi cuadrado determinándose que menos del 50% de negocios aplica algún tipo de estrategia administrativa con una incidencia directa en la gestión de la economía local que trabaja de manera aislada del sector productivo creándose una herramienta a través de la cual se pueda crear una sinergia para lograr el objetivo común que permita eficiencia en el mercado y la gestión pública. Efficient management of local economies through administrative strategies is a stady of the management of the local economy poses challenges when integrating into the productive sector as one of its growth axes, this study proposes an analysis of the dynamics of administrative strategies applied in the micro enterprises of the city of Macas and its impact on efficiency to promote the development of space, these becoming the two variables of study: the management of local economies and administrative strategies, the work methodology to be used begins defining a quantitative and qualitative research, not experimental, denoting its independence through the method Chi square determining that less than 50% of businesses apply some kind of administrative strategy with a direct impact on the management of the local economy that works in isolation from the productive sector, creating a tool through which synergy can be created to achieve the common goal that allows efi science in the market and public management. Palabras clave: Administración, Economía, desarrollo, negocios, gestión, estrategias. Keywords: Administration, Economy, development, business, management, strategies

    The Rise of Accounting Administration and Its Impact on the Profitability of Microeconomic Management

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    Some taxes may limit microeconomic growth. A greater growth of SMEs that use RISE as part of their administration, especially grocery stores, has been identified in the commercial sector in the city of Macas, Morona canton, Morona Santiago province, Ecuador. This has led to a lack of knowledge about their profitability because the nature of the tax can lead to reduced use of accounting tools. Therefore, the objective of this research was to analyze the accounting administration of RISE and its impact on the profitability of these businesses, and to propose the design of a tool that could contribute to the development of efficient management of the local microeconomic businesses. A deductive quantitative approach was used and data were collected through a survey and interviews. The Chi square test was used to analyze the results. According to the findings, the limitations faced by businesses that use this tax included the generation of monthly income that does not cover the monthly basic basket. Based on the results, we proposed a strategy for the efficient management of the microeconomy that is made up of four tools: conscious strategic planning, administration without tax barriers, efficient accounting tools, and the sustainable development of the company. Keywords: administration, accounting, microeconomics, RISE, management, taxation. Resumen Algunos impuestos pueden limitar el crecimiento microeconómico, en la ciudad de Macas, cantón Morona, provincia de Morona Santiago, Ecuador se ha identificado un mayor crecimiento de PYMEs del sector comercial, de manera especial tiendas de abastos quienes utilizan el RISE como parte de su administración, lo que ha provocado un deficiente conocimiento real de su rentabilidad debido a la naturaleza misma del impuesto que lleva a un uso deficiente y casi nulo de los las herramientas contables, el trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la administración contable del RISE y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de estos negocios que permitan el diseño de una herramienta que aporte al desarrollo de la gestión eficiente de la microeconomía local, se analizan datos obtenidos a partir de un estudio de tipo deductivo de enfoque cuantitativo, metodología de tipo analítico, correlacional, de campo que aplica instrumentos la recolección de información como la encuesta y entrevista, determina la dependencia de las variables identificadas a través del Chi cuadrado, e identifica como parte de los resultados las limitaciones a las que los negocios que utilizan este impuesto tienen como es la generación de ingresos mensuales que no llegan a cubrir la canasta básica mensual; plantea como parte de la solución al problema la Estrategia para la gestión eficiente de la Microeconomía que se compone cuatro herramientas: la planificación estratégica consciente, administración sin barreras tributarias, herramientas contables eficientes, el desarrollo sustentable de la empresa. Palabras clave: administración, contabilidad, microeconomía, rise, gestión, tributación

    Materials Supply System Analysis Under Simulation Scenarios in a Lean Manufacturing Environment

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    AbstractIdentifying the most efficient supply system for a company working under Lean Manufacturing practices was possible with the support of this work. Promodel software was used to develop simulation model depicting a constant velocity joints (CVJ) production system, where two different supply methods were assessed. According to results herein obtained, better performance is achieved under random supply method in comparison with a clustering supply method. The company’s goal is to keep 1% losses due to lack of material. In the actual process, this essential parameter was reduced from 2.73% to 1.177%, if random supply method is properly implemented

    Probing the fuzzy sphere regularisation in simulations of the 3d \lambda \phi^4 model

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    We regularise the 3d \lambda \phi^4 model by discretising the Euclidean time and representing the spatial part on a fuzzy sphere. The latter involves a truncated expansion of the field in spherical harmonics. This yields a numerically tractable formulation, which constitutes an unconventional alternative to the lattice. In contrast to the 2d version, the radius R plays an independent r\^{o}le. We explore the phase diagram in terms of R and the cutoff, as well as the parameters m^2 and \lambda. Thus we identify the phases of disorder, uniform order and non-uniform order. We compare the result to the phase diagrams of the 3d model on a non-commutative torus, and of the 2d model on a fuzzy sphere. Our data at strong coupling reproduce accurately the behaviour of a matrix chain, which corresponds to the c=1-model in string theory. This observation enables a conjecture about the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figure

    Downregulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPL1 alters cell cycle and upregulates invasion-related genes in prostate cancer cells

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comPTPL1, a non-receptor type protein tyrosine phosphatase, has been involved in the regulation of apoptosis and invasiveness of various tumour cell types, but its role in prostate cancer remained to be investigated. We report here that downregulation of PTPL1 by small interfering RNA in PC3 cells decreases cell proliferation and concomitantly reduces the expression of cell cycle-related proteins such as cyclins E and B1, PCNA, PTTG1 and phospho-histone H3. PTPL1 downregulation also increases the invasion ability of PC3 cells through Matrigel coated membranes. cDNA array of PTPL1-silenced PC3 cells versus control cells showed an upregulation of invasion-related genes such as uPA, uPAR, tPA, PAI-1, integrin α6 and osteopontin. This increased expression was also confirmed in PTPL1-silenced DU145 prostate cancer cells by quantitative real time PCR and western blot. These findings suggest that PTPL1 is an important mediator of central cellular processes such as proliferation and invasion. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.This work was supported by Grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (FIS PI10/02026 and SAF2008-05046-C02-02), ISCIIIRETIC-RD06/0020-FEDER, Consejería de Salud (PI-2009-0589, AI-2010-003 to M.A.J.), and Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa (CTS-6243), Junta de Andalucía (06/189, PI-2009-0589, and AI-2010-003 to M. A. J.). C. C. was supported by a pre-doctoral Grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación (F.P.I.: BES200612419) co-financiated by Fondo Social Europeo. C. S. was supported by a contract from Instituto de Salud Carlos III/FIS and Fundación Progreso y Salud, Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía, Miguel Servet Program.Peer Reviewe

    Noncommutative vector bundles over fuzzy CP^N and their covariant derivatives

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    We generalise the construction of fuzzy CP^N in a manner that allows us to access all noncommutative equivariant complex vector bundles over this space. We give a simplified construction of polarization tensors on S^2 that generalizes to complex projective space, identify Laplacians and natural noncommutative covariant derivative operators that map between the modules that describe noncommuative sections. In the process we find a natural generalization of the Schwinger-Jordan construction to su(n) and identify composite oscillators that obey a Heisenberg algebra on an appropriate Fock space.Comment: 34 pages, v2 contains minor corrections to the published versio

    Numerical simulations of a non-commutative theory: the scalar model on the fuzzy sphere

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    We address a detailed non-perturbative numerical study of the scalar theory on the fuzzy sphere. We use a novel algorithm which strongly reduces the correlation problems in the matrix update process, and allows the investigation of different regimes of the model in a precise and reliable way. We study the modes associated to different momenta and the role they play in the ``striped phase'', pointing out a consistent interpretation which is corroborated by our data, and which sheds further light on the results obtained in some previous works. Next, we test a quantitative, non-trivial theoretical prediction for this model, which has been formulated in the literature: The existence of an eigenvalue sector characterised by a precise probability density, and the emergence of the phase transition associated with the opening of a gap around the origin in the eigenvalue distribution. The theoretical predictions are confirmed by our numerical results. Finally, we propose a possible method to detect numerically the non-commutative anomaly predicted in a one-loop perturbative analysis of the model, which is expected to induce a distortion of the dispersion relation on the fuzzy sphere.Comment: 1+36 pages, 18 figures; v2: 1+55 pages, 38 figures: added the study of the eigenvalue distribution, added figures, tables and references, typos corrected; v3: 1+20 pages, 10 eps figures, new results, plots and references added, technical details about the tests at small matrix size skipped, version published in JHE