10,180 research outputs found

    Interpolative method for transport properties of quantum dots in the Kondo regime

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    We present an interpolative method for describing coherent transport through an interacting quantum dot. The idea of the method is to construct an approximate electron self-energy which becomes exact both in the limits of weak and strong coupling to the leads. The validity of the approximation is first checked for the case of a single (spin-degenerate) dot level. A generalization to the multilevel case is then discussed. We present results both for the density of states and the temperature dependent linear conductance showing the transition from the Kondo to the Coulomb blockade regime.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, includes lamuphys.sty, submitted to the Proceedings of the XVI Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanic

    Change in the North Atlantic circulation associated with the mid-Pleistocene transition

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    The southwestern Iberian margin is highly sensitive to changes in the distribution of North Atlantic currents and to the position of oceanic fronts. In this work, the evolution of oceanographic parameters from 812 to 530 ka (MIS20-MIS14) is studied based on the analysis of planktonic foraminifer assemblages from site IODP-U1385 (37 degrees 34.285' N, 10 degrees 7.562' W; 2585m b.s.l.). By comparing the obtained results with published records from other North Atlantic sites between 41 and 55 degrees N, basin-wide paleoceano-graphic conditions are reconstructed. Variations of assemblages dwelling in different water masses indicate a major change in the general North Atlantic circulation during MIS16, coinciding with the definite establishment of the 100 ky cyclicity associated with the mid-Pleistocene transition. At the surface, this change consisted in the redistribution of water masses, with the subsequent thermal variation, and occurred linked to the northwestward migration of the Arctic Front (AF), and the increase in the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation with respect to previous glacials. During glacials prior to MIS16, the NADW formation was very weak, which drastically slowed down the surface circulation; the AF was at a southerly position and the North Atlantic Current (NAC) diverted southeastwards, developing steep south-north, and east-west, thermal gradients and blocking the arrival of warm water, with associated moisture, to high latitudes. During MIS16, the increase in the meridional overturning circulation, in combination with the northwestward AF shift, allowed the arrival of the NAC to subpolar latitudes, multiplying the moisture availability for ice-sheet growth, which could have worked as a positive feedback to prolong the glacials towards 100 ky cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vacuum energies due to delta-like currents: simulating classical objects along branes with arbitrary codimensions

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    In this paper we investigate the vacuum energies of several models of quantum fields interacting with static external currents (linear couplings) concentrated along parallel branes with an arbitrary number of codimensions. We show that we can simulate the presence of static charges distributions as well as the presence of classical static dipoles in any dimension for massive and massless fields. We also show that we can produce confining potentials with massless self interacting scalar fields as well as long range anisotropic potentials.Comment: 18 latex page

    Analysis of ASTEC-Na capabilities for simulating a loss of flow CABRI experiment

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    Abstract This paper presents simulation results of the CABRI BI1 test using the code ASTEC-Na, currently under development, as well as a comparison of the results with available experimental data. The EU-JASMIN project (7th FP of EURATOM) centres on the development and validation of the new severe accident analysis code ASTEC-Na (Accident Source Term Evaluation Code) for sodium-cooled fast reactors whose owner and developer is IRSN. A series of experiments performed in the past (CABRI/SCARABEE experiments) and new experiments to be conducted in the new experimental sodium facility KASOLA have been chosen to validate the developed ASTEC-Na code. One of the in-pile experiments considered for the validation of ASTEC-Na thermal–hydraulic models is the CABRI BI1 test, a pure loss-of-flow transient using a low burnup MOX fuel pin. The experiment resulted in a channel voiding as a result of the flow coast-down leading to clad melting. Only some fuel melting took place. Results from the analysis of this test using SIMMER and SAS-SFR codes are also presented in this work to check their suitability for further code benchmarking purposes

    Thermal and mechanical properties of recycled poly(Lactic acid)

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    Biodegradable polymers have experienced increased attention in recent years because of their wide range of applications in biomedical, packaging and agriculture fields. PLA, poly(lactic acid), is a linear aliphatic biodegradable thermoplastic polyester, with good mechanical properties, thermal stability, processability and low environmental impact, widely used as an alternative to conventional polymers. PLA products can be recycled after use either by remelting and reprocessing the material, or by hydrolysis to basic lactic acid [1]. The object of this communication is the study of the possible variation in physical properties induced by sub sequent reprocessing cycles of PLA

    Effect of the Ozonization Degree of Emu Oil over Healing: An Emerging Oxidation Treatment

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    This chapter deals with the ozonization process of the emu oil, the objective of this study was to quantitatively determine the peroxide value (PV) to measure the degree of ozonation, the peroxide value measures the number of peroxide groups in the ozonized oil. The ozone oxidizes the unsaturated chemical functions present in the oil giving a high cure rate for epidermal wounds. The healing process is not completely understood and there are different approaches, therefore, it was determined qualitatively if it has healing and inflammation properties, but the results of our studies have shown that the length and width of the wounds were healing quickly thanks to the peroxidation rate of the oils. In addition, both tests were correlated to obtain a greater appreciation of their functions, the mechanism involves a decrease in the inflammation of the wounds and stimulates the process of scar formation

    Impact of N2 plasma power and duration on AlGaN/GaN HEMT

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    urface treatments have been recently shown to play an active role in electrical characteristics in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, in particular during the passivation processing [1-4]. However, the responsible mechanisms are partially unknown and further studies are demanding. The effects of power and time N2 plasma pre-treatment prior to SiN deposition using PE-CVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition) on GaN and AlGaN/GaN HEMT have been investigated. The low power (60 W) plasma pre-treatment was found to improve the electronic characteristics in GaN based HEMT devices, independently of the time duration up to 20 min. In contrast, high power (150 and 210 W) plasma pretreatment showed detrimental effects in the electronic properties (Fig. 1), increasing the sheet resistance of the 2DEG, decreasing the 2DEG charge density in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, transconductance reduction and decreasing the fT and fmax values up to 40% respect to the case using 60 W N2 plasma power. Although AFM (atomic force microscopy) results showed AlGaN and GaN surface roughness is not strongly affected by the N2-plasma, KFM (Kelvin force microscopy) surface analysis shows significant changes in the surface potential, trending to increase its values as the plasma power is higher. The whole results point at energetic ions inducing polarization-charge changes that affect dramatically to the 2-DEG charge density and the final characteristics of the HEMT devices. Therefore, we conclude that AlGaN surface is strongly sensitive to N2 plasma power conditions, which turn to be a key factor to achieve a good surface preparation prior to SiN passivation

    Exploring the Design Space for Body Transformation Wearables to Support Physical Activity through Sensitizing and Bodystorming

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    Negative or disturbed body perceptions are often interwoven with people's physical inactivity. While wearables can support body perception changes (body transformation), the design space of body transformation wearables supporting physical activity remains narrow. To expand this design space, we conducted an embodied co-design workshop with users. Using conceptual and tangible sensitizing tools, we explored/reflected on bodily sensations at three moments of movement execution (before/during/after). Conceptual tools were used to evoke/reflect/capture past lived experiences, while tangible tools were used as ideation probes for sensory bodystorming. Two design concepts emerged, reflecting diverging approaches to body transformation wearables: one focused on reminders and movement correction; the other on sensory augmentation and facilitation. We reflect on how each facilitates useful representations of body sensations during movement, and present methodological recommendations for designing technology for sensory augmentation in this area. Finally, we propose a preliminary prototype based on our design concepts and discuss future steps

    Wnt Signaling Through Nitric Oxide Synthase Promotes the Formation of Multi-Innervated Spines

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    Structural plasticity of synapses correlates with changes in synaptic strength. Dynamic modifications in dendritic spine number and size are crucial for long-term potentiation (LTP), the cellular correlate of learning and memory. Recent studies have suggested the generation of multi-innervated spines (MIS), in the form of several excitatory presynaptic inputs onto one spine, are crucial for hippocampal memory storage. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying MIS formation and their contribution to LTP. Using 3D enhanced resolution confocal images, we examined the contribution of Wnt synaptic modulators in MIS formation in the context of LTP. We show that blockage of endogenous Wnts with specific Wnt antagonists supresses the formation of MIS upon chemical LTP induction in cultured hippocampal neurons. Gain- and loss-of-function studies demonstrate that Wnt7a signaling promotes MIS formation through the postsynaptic Wnt scaffold protein Disheveled 1 (Dvl1) by stimulating neuronal nitric oxide (NO) synthase (nNOS). Subsequently, NO activates soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) to increase MIS formation. Consistently, we observed an enhanced frequency and amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic currents. Collectively, our findings identify a unique role for Wnt secreted proteins through nNOS/NO/sGC signaling to modulate MIS formation during LTP
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