987 research outputs found

    Quantum RLCRLC circuits: charge discreteness and resonance

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    In a recent article, we have advanced a semiclassical theory of quantum circuits with discrete charge and electrical resistance. In this work, we present a few elementary applications of this theory. For the zero resistance, inductive circuit, we obtain the Stark ladder energies in yet another way; and generalize earlier results by Chandia et. al, for the circuit driven by a combination d.c. plus a.c. electromotive force (emf). As a second application, we investigate the effect of electrical resistance, together with charge discreteness, in the current amplitude, and resonance conditions of a general RLCRLC quantum circuit, including nonlinear effects up to third order on the external sinusoidal emf

    Simple approach to the mesoscopic open electron resonator: Quantum current oscillations

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    The open electron resonator, described by Duncan et.al, is a mesoscopic device that has attracted considerable attention due to its remarkable behaviour (conductance oscillations), which has been explained by detailed theories based on the behaviour of electrons at the top of the Fermi sea. In this work, we study the resonator using the simple quantum quantum electrical circuit approach, developed recently by Li and Chen. With this approach, and considering a very simple capacitor-like model of the system, we are able to theoretically reproduce the observed conductance oscillations. A very remarkable feature of the simple theory developed here is the fact that the predictions depend mostly on very general facts, namely, the discrete nature of electric charge and quantum mechanics; other detailed features of the systems described enter as parameters of the system, such as capacities and inductances

    Anomalous optical absorption in a random system with scale-free disorder

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    We report on an anomalous behavior of the absorption spectrum in a one-dimensional lattice with long-range-correlated diagonal disorder with a power-like spectrum in the form S(k) ~ 1/k^A. These type of correlations give rise to a phase of extended states at the band center, provided A is larger than a critical value A_c. We show that for A < A_c the absorption spectrum is single-peaked, while an additional peak arises when A > A_c, signalling the occurrence of the Anderson transition. The peak is located slightly below the low-energy mobility edge, providing a unique spectroscopic tool to monitor the latter. We present qualitative arguments explaining this anomaly.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures, uses revtex

    Near Field Communication with Amazon Web Services

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has become the trending topic of collaborative applications by connecting many kinds of devices together via internet, and thus, allowing flexible solutions for remote control devices. These applications can work together with communication protocols like Near Filed Communication (NFC) to complement secure intended approaches. One concern of embedded IoT devices development is the customized developments which limit portability. The present work aims to show a secure NFC embedded IoT device using the LPC54018_IoT development board working together with AWS, specifically using AWS services Lambda and IoT Core. By working with these elements there is the advantage of using an existing framework for connection, data exchange and cloud code execution. The outcome of the project displays a solution that can authenticate NFC tag devices dynamically using data generated from the cloud service and then, synchronize with the embedded development board. Future improvements can be considered for this project in regards of increased cloud server security and device mobility by migrating to a cellular network based connection

    Discrete monotone method for space-fractional nonlinear reaction–diffusion equations

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    A discrete monotone iterative method is reported here to solve a space-fractional nonlinear diffusion–reaction equation. More precisely, we propose a Crank–Nicolson discretization of a reaction–diffusion system with fractional spatial derivative of the Riesz type. The finite-difference scheme is based on the use of fractional-order centered differences, and it is solved using a monotone iterative technique. The existence and uniqueness of solutions of the numerical model are analyzed using this approach, along with the technique of upper and lower solutions. This methodology is employed also to prove the main numerical properties of the technique, namely, the consistency, stability, and convergence. As an application, the particular case of the space-fractional Fisher’s equation is theoretically analyzed in full detail. In that case, the monotone iterative method guarantees the preservation of the positivity and the boundedness of the numerical approximations. Various numerical examples are provided to illustrate the validity of the numerical approximations. More precisely, we provide an extensive series of comparisons against other numerical methods available in the literature, we show detailed numerical analyses of convergence in time and in space against fractional and integer-order models, and we provide studies on the robustness and the numerical performance of the discrete monotone method. © 2019, The Author(s).Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-01-00019Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT: A1-S-45928The first author would like to acknowledge the financial support of the National Council for Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT). The second (and corresponding) author acknowledges financial support from CONACYT through grant A1-S-45928. ASH is financed by RFBR Grant 19-01-00019

    Características Histológicas del Menisco de la rodilla durante el Desarrollo Intrauterino de la rata

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    Con el objetivo de profundizar en el conocimiento del desarrollo embriológico del esbozo meniscal de la rodilla, los autores realizan un estudio en embriones de rata de 16 y 20 días de gestación. Se comprueba como este esbozo meniscal, que en su inicio esta formado por una masa de células mesenquinales, adopta una configuración triangular al corte frontal, situada entre las dos superficies articulares. Posteriormente su vértice experimenta diferenciación cartilaginosa (futuro menisco), mientras que la región periférica sigue siendo altamente vascular y se continúa con tejido conjuntivo fibroso (zona parameniscal).An study in embryos of rat betwen 16-20 days of pregnancy was made to show the meniscus development. The meniscus sketch in the first time was made by mesenchyme cells, later takes a triangular configution. An at past his vertex became to be a cartilage (future meniscus), while the peripheral placer is highly vascular and is followed by a fibrous connective tissue (parameniscal zone)

    Sustitución del Menisco por Pericondrio Auricular: estudio experimental

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    Los autores realizan un estudio experimental en la rat a sustituyendo el menisco por pericondrio auricular, unas veces en forma plana y otras plegado en U. Ello provoca una respuesta reparativa con formación de verdadero cartílago. Cuando el pericondrio se injerta plegado en U de forma que la superficie de ruptura de las cápsulas condrocitarias se enfrenten entre sí, se asiste a la neoformación de dos clases de cartílago, una que aparece en la capa más interna del pericondrio y otro en las zonas de repliegue de éste último. Se discute el posible origen de estos dos tipos de neocartílago.The authors carry out an experimental study to evaluat e the replacement of the medial meniscus in the rat kne e by auricular perichondrial grafts (simple or plicated).This bring about a reparative replay with formation of cartilage tissue. When the perichondrial graft was used at the plicated form, it could keep out two kinds of neoformated cartilage; the first appeared in the most internal stratum of the perichondrium; the second type was found in the withdrawal zone of it. The possible origen of the neocartilage form is discussed

    Estudio histológico de la respuesta reparativa tras extirpación del menisco y parcial del Paramenisco: estudio experimental

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    Los autores efectúan un estudio en la rat a utilizando un modelo experimental de meniscectomía completa y extirpación parcial del paramenisco, comprobándose como se origina un proceso de regeneración que conduce a la formación de una nueva estructura, de aspecto meniscal, de menor tamaño que el primitivo menisco y formado por tejido fibroso con focos condroides.An experimental study was made in the rat with total meniscus extirpation. This study show a regeneration process that take us to a new structure formation like meniscus, with fibrous tissue formation with condroid points