14,053 research outputs found

    Renormalized coordinate approach to the thermalization process

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    We consider a particle in the harmonic approximation coupled linearly to an environment. modeled by an infinite set of harmonic oscillators. The system (particle--environment) is considered in a cavity at thermal equilibrium. We employ the recently introduced notion of renormalized coordinates to investigate the time evolution of the particle occupation number. For comparison we first present this study in bare coordinates. For a long ellapsed time, in both approaches, the occupation number of the particle becomes independent of its initial value. The value of ocupation number of the particle is the physically expected one at the given temperature. So we have a Markovian process, describing the particle thermalization with the environment. With renormalized coordinates no renormalization procedure is required, leading directly to a finite result.Comment: 16 pages, LATEX, 2 figure

    Phase resolved X-ray spectroscopy of HDE228766: Probing the wind of an extreme Of+/WNLha star

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    HDE228766 is a very massive binary system hosting a secondary component, which is probably in an intermediate evolutionary stage between an Of supergiant and an WN star. The wind of this star collides with the wind of its O8 II companion, leading to relatively strong X-ray emission. Measuring the orbital variations of the line-of-sight absorption toward the X-ray emission from the wind-wind interaction zone yields information on the wind densities of both stars. X-ray spectra have been collected at three key orbital phases to probe the winds of both stars. Optical photometry has been gathered to set constraints on the orbital inclination of the system. The X-ray spectra reveal prominent variations of the intervening column density toward the X-ray emission zone, which are in line with the expectations for a wind-wind collision. We use a toy model to set constraints on the stellar wind parameters by attempting to reproduce the observed variations of the relative fluxes and wind optical depths at 1 keV. The lack of strong optical eclipses sets an upper limit of about 68 degrees on the orbital inclination. The analysis of the variations of the X-ray spectra suggests an inclination in the range 54 - 61 degrees and indicates that the secondary wind momentum ratio exceeds that of the primary by at least a factor 5. Our models further suggest that the bulk of the X-ray emission arises from the innermost region of the wind interaction zone, which is from a region whose outer radius, as measured from the secondary star, lies between 0.5 and 1.5 times the orbital separation

    Quantum capacitor with discrete charge-anticharge: spectrum and forces

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    The quantum capacitor with discrete charge is modeled by a Hamiltonian containing an inductive intrinsic term (tunnel effect between plates). The spectrum is obtained using a double Hilbert space. Fluctuations in the charge-anticharge pairs (zero total charge) give rise to an elementary attraction which is compared to the Casimir force. In this case, the field-fluctuations force could be also interpreted as charge-fluctuations force

    Comparing the Host Galaxies of Type Ia, Type II and Type Ibc Supernovae

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    We compare the host galaxies of 902 supernovae, including SNe Ia, SNe II and SNe Ibc, which are selected by cross-matching the Asiago Supernova Catalog with the SDSS Data Release 7. We further selected 213 galaxies by requiring the light fraction of spectral observations >>15%, which could represent well the global properties of the galaxies. Among them, 135 galaxies appear on the Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich diagram, which allows us to compare the hosts in terms of star-forming, AGNs (including composites, LINERs and Seyfert 2s) and "Absorp" (their related emission-lines are weak or non-existence) galaxies. The diagrams related to parameters Dn_n(4000), HδA\delta_A, stellar masses, SFRs and specific SFRs for the SNe hosts show that almost all SNe II and most of SNe Ibc occur in SF galaxies, which have a wide range of stellar mass and low Dn_n(4000). The SNe Ia hosts as SF galaxies follow similar trends. A significant fraction of SNe Ia occurs in AGNs and Absorp galaxies, which are massive and have high Dn_n(4000). The stellar population analysis from spectral synthesis fitting shows that the hosts of SNe II have a younger stellar population than hosts of SNe Ia. These results are compared with those of the 689 comparison galaxies where the SDSS fiber captures less than 15% of the total light. These comparison galaxies appear biased towards higher 12+log(O/H) (\sim0.1dex) at a given stellar mass. Therefore, we believe the aperture effect should be kept in mind when the properties of the hosts for different types of SNe are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Multiwavelength Observations of one Galaxy in Marano Field

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    We report the multiwavelength observations of one intermediate redshift (z=0.3884) galaxy in the Marano Field. These data include ISOCAM middle infrared, VLT/FORS2 spectroscopic and photometric data, associated with the ATCA 1.4 GHz radio and ROSAT PSPC X-ray observations from literature. The Spectral Energy Distribution obtained by VLT spectroscopy exhibits its early-type galaxy property, while, in the same time, it has obvious [OIII]5007 emission line. The diagnostic diagram from the optical emission line ratios shows its Seyfert galaxy property. Its infrared-radio relation follows the correlation of sources detected at 15 \mu and radio. It has a high X-ray luminosity of 1.26*10^{43} ergs/s, which is much higher than the general elliptical galaxies s with the similar B band luminosity, and is about 2 orders of magnitude higher than the derived value from the star forming tracer, the FIR luminosity. This means that the X-ray sources of this galaxy are not stellar components, but the AGN is the dominant component.Comment: 6 pages, 1 PS figure and 4 tables. Publication in ChJAA, Suppl., the Special Issue for The Fifth Microquasar Workshop 2004: http://chjaa.bao.ac.cn/, 2005, Vol.5, 335-34

    Bilateral variation of the venous corona mortis with a presentation previously undescribed

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    The corona mortis is an anatomic variant that involves anastomosis between obturator vessels, external iliac vessels and/or inferior epigastric vessels. It is clinically and surgically important because its section may lead to fatal consequences when pelvic procedures are performed. We report a case in which, during an anatomical dissection in a female cadaver, a bilateral corona mortis that involved obturator vessels and external iliac vessels was found, presenting differences on each side, an undescribed type of corona mortis was found and a classification modification was proposed

    Star formation rates of distant luminous infrared galaxies derived from Halpha and IR luminosities

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    We present a study of the star formation rate (SFR) for a sample of 16 distant galaxies detected by ISOCAM at 15um in the CFRS0300+00 and CFRS1400+52 fields. Their high quality and intermediate resolution VLT/FORS spectra have allowed a proper correction of the Balmer emission lines from the underlying absorption. Extinction estimates using the Hbeta/Hgamma and the Halpha/Hbeta Balmer decrement are in excellent agreement, providing a robust measurement of the instantaneous SFR based on the extinction-corrected Halpha luminosity. Star formation has also been estimated exploiting the correlations between IR luminosity and those at MIR and radio wavelengths. Our study shows that the relationship between the two SFR estimates follow two distinct regimes: (1) for galaxies with SFRIR below ~ 100Msolar/yr, the SFR deduced from Halpha measurements is a good approximation of the global SFR and (2) for galaxies near of ULIRGs regime, corrected Halpha SFR understimated the SFR by a factor of 1.5 to 2. Our analyses suggest that heavily extincted regions completely hidden in optical bands (such as those found in Arp 220) contribute to less than 20% of the global budget of star formation history up to z=1.Comment: (1) GEPI, Obs. Meudon, France ;(2) CEA-Saclay, France ;(3) ESO, Gemany ;(4) IAC, Spain. To appear in A&

    Acculturation, community climate, and social capital among Latino newcomers in three rural communities in the Midwest

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    Overall goal of the project is to examine the strategies newcomers use to accumulate assets, minimize vulnerabilities, and to integrate in their communities.Includes bibliographical references