513 research outputs found

    Decoder of the 48 kbps Audio Coder based on Segmental Sinusoidal Model

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    The recent technology of the television is implementation the digital system over transmitter, transmission channel and receiver. Therefore, television system in Indonesia is dominated by analog system, that less flexible for system development and communication on digital communication system. So that, it need actions to develop the digital broadcasting system to replace the analog broadcasting system. Audio signal information with high quality would help the television audience to increase the perception of the information displayed. Transmission channel capacity will become limited, while the need of channel communication is increased. The limited channel capacity endorse to save all aspect on the telecommunication system. There are some research on audio signal coding to obtain the lower bit rate for transmission channel usage saving. The audio signal is processed, so that the redundant component can be decreased, then we obtain the simple size of information that reliable to be transmitted. The research aim is coding the audio signal on the low bit rate for saving the channel communication usage for digital television broadcasting. The research will be done is develop an audio signal coder on the low bit rate with the suitable decoder. The decoder consists of the parameters detector, signal synthesizer, and the periodic signal generator. The encoder and the decoder development is implemented using C++ software. The hardware for the simulation process consists of microphone, digital signal processor and the personal computer equiped with sound card for audio signal acquisition

    A Low Bit Rate Audio Coder based on Segmental Sinusoidal Model

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    Audio signal information with high quality would help the television audience to increase the perception of the information displayed. Transmission channel capacity will become limited, while the need of channel communication is increased. The research aim is coding the audio signal on the low bit rate for saving the channel communication usage for digital television broadcasting. The research will be done is develop an audio signal coder on the low bit rate with the suitable decoder. The proposed audio signal coder consists of signal existention detector, period width detector, average amplitude counter, separation of the vibrating and the nonvibrating signal, determination of the period signal and parameters coding. One period signal is coded using sinusoidal model. The decoder consists of the parameters detector, signal synthesizer, and the periodic signal generator. The research results contribution for digital broadcasting is the method developing for decreasing the audio signal rate. So that the communication channel usage can be saved

    Meta Analisi Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Numbered Head Together Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model in improving elementary mathematics learning outcomes. The method used in this study is a meta-analysis method. This research begins with formulating a research topic, then from that research topic it is developed again into a research problem formulation, and at the final stage is tracing relevant articles for data collection. The data collection technique in this study is by searching for articles contained in online journals that have been indexed in Google Scholar, and. From the results of further searches, 10 articles were then taken published in online journals that will be used as the basis for this research with the search keywords "Numbered Heads Together (NHT)", "mathematical learning outcomes", and "Mathematics Learning for Grade V Elementary School". Based on the results of the analysis, it turns out that the Numbered Head Together Model can improve student learning outcomes, from the previous 49.91%, to 64.24%

    Evaluasi Penerapan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan di Obyek Wisata Pantai Parangtritis, Bantul

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    Dalam konsep Gold-Gospel-Glory (3G) terkandung gagasan mengenai semangat yang diusung orang-orang Portugal selama kurun waktu “abad penemuan benua-benua” sejak akhir abad ke-15. Semangat untuk menyebarkan agama Kristiani itu secara lebih spesifik terlembagakan dalam sistem Padroado Real (Hak Perlindungan Kerajaan) di mana Kerajaan Portugal mengatur organisasi misi dan penataan Gereja di seberang lautan yang berada di bawah yurisdiksinya. Tulisan ini bermaksud menelusuri jejak-jejak terbentuknya Padroado dengan menggunakan metode pustaka yang mengedepankan sumber-sumber Portugis dan dokumen kepausan. Kedatangan bangsa Portugis di Asia, termasuk Nusantara, tidak bisa dilepaskan dari semangat Perang Salib masih tersisa, yang bagi bangsa Portugal terekspresikan secara eksplisit dalam gerakan reconquista (penaklukan kembali Semenanjung Iberia) yang bergeser ke conquista (penaklukan bangsa-bangsa). Padroado bisa menjadi salah satu kunci untuk memahami kekatolikan di perairan Nusantara pada abad ke-16 dan ke-17, mulai dari kehadirannya, pasang surutnya dan berakhirnya misi Katolik setelah kemenangan VOC atas armada Portugis. Kata Kunci: Padroado, misi Katolik, reconquista, penakluka


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    The presence of the 0.4 industrial revolution is a challenge for the education world. The education world must prepare professional teachers in accordance with their competencies so that they not only can produce students who excellent scientifically but also have a good character in accordance with national character. Provision of professional allowances is the choice of the government to improve teacher competence and the character of students. Unfortunately, there are still any contradiction regarding how big the role of professional allowance is increasing teacher competency. To answer this problem, researcher conducted in-depth observations through cross-site studies about improving teacher and student competency through the provision of professional allowances by using the technique of data analysis from Miles and Huberman. This study was conducted on teachers receiving professional allowance at the Mardi Wiayata education foundation in the city of Kediri which has two institutional sites, SMPK Mardi Wiyata and SDK Frateran 1. The results of this study illustrate that the Professional Allowance qualitatively can improve teacher competency so that it can also improve the character of student

    Pengaruh Brand Awareness, Brand Association dan Perceived Quality terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Kecap Manis Merek ABC (Studi Konsumen Swalayan ADA Siliwangi Semarang)

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of brand awareness, brand Association and perceived quality on customer loyalty ABC soy sauce brand in ADA Siliwangi SemarangThe population is consumers who buy soy sauce at ABC Sports brand ADA Siliwangi Semarang where the amount is not known for certain. The number of samples taken will be rounded to 100 respondents by the method of sample collection is nonprobality sampling. The analysis tool used is multiple regression and hypothesis testing.Based on this study concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between brand awareness to brand loyaltyABC sweet soy sauce (1) There is a positive and significant relationship between brand loyalty Association for ABC sweet soy sauce brand(2) there is positive and significant relationship between Perceived Quality on customer loyalty ABC sweet soy sauce brand (3

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Keamanan, Kualitas Pelayanan, dan Persepsi Akan Risiko terhadap Keputusan Pembelian melalui Situs Jejaring Sosial

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the significance of the effect of trust, security, quality of service and the perception of risk on purchasing decisions through social networking sites. In conclusion: There was a significant effect of trust on purchase decisions through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta. There was a significant influence on the purchase decision security through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta. There was a significant effect of service quality on purchasing decisions through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta. There is a significant effect on the perception of the risk of purchasing decisions through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta. F test analysis results it is concluded that the model used to test the effect of the independent variables are trust, security, quality of service, and the perception of risk to the dependent variable is the purchase decision through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta is right. The results of the analysis of the value of the coefficient of determination obtained Adjusted R Square = 0,535 means known that the influence exerted by the independent variables are trust, security, quality of service, and the perception of risk to the dependent variable, namely purchasing decisions through social networking sites on college students in Surakarta for while the remaining 53,5 percent

    Kausalitas Perkembangan Pariwisata dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the causal relationship between tourism development and economic growth in Indonesia. The data analysis method used is Granger causality analysis. The results of the study indicate variations in the causal relationship between economic growth and tourism development. The variation here refers to the fact that the causal relationship between the two variables can be significant or not depending on the selected indicator variables and the number of lags used in the analysis. For significant relationships, the results indicate that the relationship between the two variables can be either one-way or two-way. One-way relationship means that one variable affects the other variable. Two-way relationship means that both variables influence each other. This research is expected to benefit tourism industry practitioners and government as important input in evaluating the relationship between tourism development and economic growth in Indonesia, for the academic community as an additional empirical study on the relationship between tourism development and economic growth in Indonesia, and for the researchers themselves as an effort to contribute in the field of tourism and specifically related to the relationship between tourism development and economic growth in Indonesia. Keywords: tourism development, economic growth, Granger causality, Indonesi

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kriminalitas di Indonesia dari Pendekatan Ekonomi

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    Economic model assumes that an individual committing crimes is rational because the income which is generated through illegal occupations has greater expected utility than the legal. The expected utility which is the result of cost-benefit analysis will be weighted whether if illegal or legal occupations committed or not. Therefore, some experts developed supply of offense function as economic model, which indicates the factors affecting the total number of crimes as empirical study. The application of supply of offense function supported with multiple linear regression function, the factors affecting the total number of crimes in Indonesia have following results: wage rate variables indicated a negative and significant result and government expenditure variables indicated positive and significant result, but the imprisonment rate variables did not have significant result with the total number of crimes in Indonesia
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