26 research outputs found

    Exploring metropolitan governance: context vs practices in Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona and Paris

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    A governação de territórios metropolitanos. Contexto institucional e de planeamento nas regiões de Madrid, Barcelona, Paris e Lisboa / The regional metropolitan governance. Institutional mark and planning in Madrid, Barcelona, Paris and Lisbon

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    Resumo Em resposta aos desafios atuais de muitas grandes cidades, o contexto institucional e o planeamento territorial formam dimensões para melhorar a governação metropolitana. No quadro das regiões capitais do sudoeste europeu, quais poderão ser as inovações e diferenças nos seus modelos e processos em curso? Este artigo propõe uma investigação aplicada para apresentar a análise da governação metropolitana. Através do método de estudos de caso em perspectiva comparada, vários elementos e entrevistas são ponderados qualitativamente nas regiões de Madrid, Barcelona, Paris e Lisboa. As conclusões encontram uma tendência para o equilíbrio entre os esforços dessas duas dimensões da governação territorial metropolitana, não impedindo registrar os seus diferentes percursos: por exemplo Ile-de-France desenvolveu boas iniciativas em matéria de planeamento, que então pedem alguns ajustamentos no quadro político, enquanto Madrid teve “menos actividade” nos últimos anos, em resultado da sua grande estabilidade institucional. A região de Lisboa permanece talvez numa “posição intermédia”, com uma dinâmica de evolução pouco previsível. Mas de acordo com este argumento, admite-se que os seus processos podem levar a melhorias graduais no sistema de governação, com o seu próprio percurso, implementando acções que devem respeitar, em particular, a geografia do território. Abstract Addressing the running challenges of several greater cities, the institutional mark and regional planning are dimensions for improving metropolitan governance. Regarding the southwest European capital regions, what can be the innovations and differences in their currently processes and models? This paper proposes an applied framework to present the metropolitan governance analysis. Through a comparative case study methodology, various elements and interviews are qualitatively measured in the regions of Madrid, Barcelona, Paris and Lisbon. The conclusions find a tendency to balance between the efforts on those two regional metropolitan governance dimensions, which does not prevent to register their different paths: for example Ile-de-France has developed good initiatives in terms of planning, which then require some adjustments in the political mark, while Madrid had in recent years “less activity”, in result of his institutional stability. The Lisbon region maybe stays in an “intermediate position” with a dynamic evolution that is difficult to predict. But according to that argument, it’s possible to admit that his processes can gradually lead to small improvements in his governance system, with his own path, implementing actions that must respect, in particularly, the geography of the territory

    Lisboa y las regiones metropolitanas del Sur de Europa a inicios de siglo XXI

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    La evolución territorial de las regiones metropolitanas se puede medir mediante un número contrastado de indicadores. Algunos de ellos se utilizan para estudiar el desarrollo regional (por ejemplo para movilidad, medioambiente o crecimiento económico), mientras otros permiten analizar los resultados de la implantación de políticas urbanas. Desde una previa separación de tres áreas funcionales – la ciudad central, la primera corona y la periferia regional – este artículo interpreta el caso de Lisboa a inicios del siglo XXI, comparando-lo con las regiones capitales más cercanas: Madrid, Barcelona y París (Ile-de-France). El trabajo tiene el interés de conseguir relacionar fácilmente los datos básicos de población, vivienda y empleo, lo que permite entender las dinámicas de crecimiento en ese momento. Y si la relación se percibe directamente en el “ámbito interno” de cada región, lo más relevante es poder comparar los indicadores desde la “misma área funcional”, entre los diferentes casos. Este es sin duda un análisis a nivel macro, sin entrar en la complejidad de la realidad social, política y de planeamiento de cada área metropolitana, pero nota la importancia de una lectura contrastada de indicadores cuantitativos.Lisbon and the South European metropolitan regions at the beginning of the century. The metropolitan regions territorial evolution can be measured with a number of contrasted indicators. Some of them are used to study the regional development (whether in mobility, environment or economic growth), while others allow us to analyse the results of the urban policies implementation. By the previous separation of three functional areas – the central city, the first metropolitan belt and the peripheral region – this paper presents the case of Lisbon at the beginning of the 21st century, comparing him to the three closest capital regions: Madrid, Barcelona and Paris (Ile-de-France). The research has the interest of easily relate the basis data of population, housing and employment, which allows to understand their growth dynamics at that moment. And if these relations can be seen directly in the “domestic sphere” of each region, the most important is to compare the indicators from the same functional area, between the different cases. It’s without any doubt a macro analysis, which does not reach the complexity of the planning, political and social realities, in each metropolitan area. Although, it remarks the importance of the quantitative indicators contrasted lecture.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La ordenación del territorio en Portugal: El caso del área metropolitana de Lisboa

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    Regional planning is a growing subject that has not yet reached maturity in Portugal. This article presents a brief reflection concerning his problems, from the capital region case study. After an introduction to the country's administrative framework and his planning practices, it summarizes some of the current spatial dynamics and identifies the key issues to improve the governance of the Lisbon metropolitan area. From this perspective, it argues for a larger partnership between the technical and political dimensions of regional planning, which requires not only institutional reforms, but also progresses in the operational issues, participation, strategy and cooperation.La ordenación del territorio es una disciplina en construcción, que en Portugal no ha alcanzado todavía un grado de madurez. En este artículo se presenta una breve reflexión sobre los problemas que enfrenta esta disciplina, mediante el análisis del caso de la región capital. Después de una introducción al marco administrativo del país, que condiciona las prácticas de planeamiento, se resumen algunas dinámicas territoriales en curso e identifican cuestiones clave para mejorar la gobernanza del área metropolitana de Lisboa. Desde esta perspectiva, se defiende una mayor alianza entre las dimensiones técnicas y políticas de la ordenación del territorio, que no solamente requieren cambios institucionales, sino también avances en los procesos operativos de participación, estrategia y cooperación

    Hospitality and Hospital Management

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    A hospital is a health organization that is largely run by doctors and nurses. Hospitality is the operational facet that helps people feel welcome, relaxed and comfortable. Hospitals are indeed examples of forced hospitality, their patients need a bed, they need to eat, but the element of choice and positive desire is crucial here, making the way to a creative and responsible Hospitality and Hospital Management. At this point, an eye is cast on Social Media (SM) and Social Networking (SNet) and how they can have a say in order to achieve this goal. This work was carried out as a case study. A total of 56 physicians, nurses and patients participated in this study by answering questionnaires. The ages of the contributor’s range d from 25 to 56 years old (mean age 37 years old), with 60% women and 40% men. The questionnaire consists of two sections, where the former one contains general questions (e.g. age, gender, academic qualifications), while the second includes information on dimensions such as Information Acquisition, Innovative Culture, Financial Performance, Food Quality and Staff-Services Issues, which are in line with the objectives of this work. Mathematical Logical Programs are presented that take into account the awareness of physicians, nurses and patients about their level of satisfaction with Hospitality and Hospital Management, in terms of an accurate description of their peculiar entropic states, leading to speed of decision-making, strategic focus, the ability to pursue long-term goals, as well as closer proximity among physicians, nurses and patients. This work shows that it is possible to predict trends in Hospitality and Hospital Management, therefore enabling preventive/corrective actions that can help create the best conditions for the physicians and nurse’s professional development, leading to patient satisfaction. On the other hand, the classic framework in communication has developed into Theoretical and Model-based approaches to Problem Solving, owing the Theoretical one a clear advantage over the Model-based, once proof theory yields a precise framework in which to articulate the computational features of the Logic Programming language with the internal behavior of such systems, set in terms of their variables Entropic States and of an intetwining of SM with SNet

    Games and Follies at Urban Scale. Two examples in the education of Architects

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    Urban knowledge is mandatory in the Architecture syllabus. However, the subjects to understand the evolution of cities, their planning, design and governance, have particular complexity, especially the ones regarding technical issues, linked with Sustainable Development Goals, along with mobility, energy, economy and climate change. To solve this gap, different authors argue that a ludic approach can be useful for university lessons and even to improve professional practices. This paper discusses two cases of academic projects in Portuguese universities, with the common aim of designing urban solutions as follies connected to the regional environment. Despite the specific complexity, they both prove that these flexible tools, although not preventing the use of traditional methodologies in the learning processes of architectural education, can be especially relevant for the next generations in a context of digital university training.O conhecimento urbano é obrigatório nos cursos de Arquitetura. Contudo, as matérias para entender a evolução das cidades, o seu planeamento, projeto e gestão, têm a sua própria complexidade, especialmente quando relacionadas com aspetos técnicos, ligados aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, como mobilidade, energia, economia e alterações climáticas. Para preencher esta lacuna, diferentes autores consideram que uma aproximação lúdica pode ser útil no ensino universitário e até para melhorar as práticas profissionais. Este artigo comenta dois casos de projetos académicos em universidades portuguesas, que partilham o interesse por soluções urbanísticas através de follies vinculadas ao enquadramento regional. Para além da complexidade específica, ambos demonstram que instrumentos flexíveis, sem se prescindir do uso de metodologias mais tradicionais no processo de educação da arquitectura, poderão ser especialmente relevantes para as próximas gerações, num contexto digital de ensino universitário

    An Entropic Approach to Burnout in the Management of a Kitchen Staff Team

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    Job satisfaction is an important factor in hospitality industry, figuratively, its chimera. A concept has not a single cause; rather, it is the product of elements such as conditions and relationships that determine the workplace, the organizational system of employment, and social, cultural, and economic uncertainties. For example, and as its antonym, Maslach defined burnout “as a psychological syndrome involving motional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a diminished sense of personal accomplishment that occurred among various professionals who work with other people in challenging situations”. This multidimensional approach describes the plight of a three-dimensional concept that is derived empirically, has a similarity with stress, adds an important social dimension to emotional issues such as exhaustion, deper sonalization, and challenging situations, i.e., there is the perception that the entropic state that each kitchen staff team member conveys is relevant for an appropriate personnel management of the kitchen staff team, and mirrors the social dimension that is object of study in this work

    Parámetros de gobernabilidad territorial metropolitana

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    En el marco del objetivo de ordenación territorial, el concepto de gobernabilidad se viene destacando como el elemento de soporte y equilibrio institucional para lograr “políticas sostenibles”, que cumplan los requisitos de mejora medioambiental, social y económica, a largo plazo. Pero ¿en que consiste esta nueva “modalidad de gobierno”? ¿Qué parámetros pueden delimitar la gobernabilidad del territorio, en particular de las grandes aglomeraciones metropolitanas, que mezclan distintos niveles de decisión? El presente texto es una contribución para discutir estos temas y propone seis líneas de actuación – mejorar el gobierno y la ordenación de regiones metropolitanas es trabajar sobre los retos de competencias y marco jurídico, de recursos humanos, económicos y tecnológicos, de democracia y liderazgo, de participación y capital social, de estrategia territorial y de colaboración para la implantación de proyectos