506 research outputs found

    Anatomy of Topological Surface States: Exact Solutions from Destructive Interference on Frustrated Lattices

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    The hallmark of topological phases is their robust boundary signature whose intriguing properties---such as the one-way transport on the chiral edge of a Chern insulator and the sudden disappearance of surface states forming open Fermi arcs on the surfaces of Weyl semimetals---are impossible to realize on the surface alone. Yet, despite the glaring simplicity of non-interacting topological bulk Hamiltonians and their concomitant energy spectrum, the detailed study of the corresponding surface states has essentially been restricted to numerical simulation. In this work, however, we show that exact analytical solutions of both topological and trivial surface states can be obtained for generic tight-binding models on a large class of geometrically frustrated lattices in any dimension without the need for fine-tuning of hopping amplitudes. Our solutions derive from local constraints tantamount to destructive interference between neighboring layer lattices perpendicular to the surface and provide microscopic insights into the structure of the surface states that enable analytical calculation of many desired properties. We illustrate our general findings on a large number of examples in two and three spatial dimensions. Notably, we derive exact chiral Chern insulator edge states on the spin orbit-coupled kagome lattice, and Fermi arcs relevant for various recently synthesized pyrochlore iridate slabs. Remarkably, each of the pyrochlore slabs exhibit Fermi arcs although only the ones with a magnetic one-in-three-out configuration feature bulk Weyl nodes in realistic parameter regimes. Our approach furthermore signal the absence of topological surface states, which we illustrate for a class of models akin to the trivial surface of Hourglass materials KHgXX.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figure

    Extended Bloch theorem for topological lattice models with open boundaries

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    While the Bloch spectrum of translationally invariant noninteracting lattice models is trivially obtained by a Fourier transformation, diagonalizing the same problem in the presence of open boundary conditions is typically only possible numerically or in idealized limits. Here we present exact analytic solutions for the boundary states in a number of lattice models of current interest, including nodal-line semimetals on a hyperhoneycomb lattice, spin-orbit coupled graphene, and three-dimensional topological insulators on a diamond lattice, for which no previous exact finite-size solutions are available in the literature. Furthermore, we identify spectral mirror symmetry as the key criterium for analytically obtaining the entire (bulk and boundary) spectrum as well as the concomitant eigenstates, and exemplify this for Chern and Z2\mathcal Z_2 insulators with open boundaries of co-dimension one. In the case of the two-dimensional Lieb lattice, we extend this further and show how to analytically obtain the entire spectrum in the presence of open boundaries in both directions, where it has a clear interpretation in terms of bulk, edge, and corner states

    Boundaries of boundaries: a systematic approach to lattice models with solvable boundary states of arbitrary codimension

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    We present a generic and systematic approach for constructing D-dimensional lattice models with exactly solvable d-dimensional boundary states localized to corners, edges, hinges and surfaces. These solvable models represent a class of "sweet spots" in the space of possible tight-binding models---the exact solutions remain valid for any tight-binding parameters as long as they obey simple locality conditions that are manifest in the underlying lattice structure. Consequently, our models capture the physics of both (higher-order) topological and non-topological phases as well as the transitions between them in a particularly illuminating and transparent manner.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Symmetry-protected nodal phases in non-Hermitian systems

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    Non-Hermitian (NH) Hamiltonians have become an important asset for the effective description of various physical systems that are subject to dissipation. Motivated by recent experimental progress on realizing the NH counterparts of gapless phases such as Weyl semimetals, here we investigate how NH symmetries affect the occurrence of exceptional points (EPs), that generalize the notion of nodal points in the spectrum beyond the Hermitian realm. Remarkably, we find that the dimension of the manifold of EPs is generically increased by one as compared to the case without symmetry. This leads to nodal surfaces formed by EPs that are stable as long as a protecting symmetry is preserved, and that are connected by open Fermi volumes. We illustrate our findings with analytically solvable two-band lattice models in one and two spatial dimensions, and show how they are readily generalized to generic NH crystalline systems.Comment: Editors' Suggestio

    Exact solutions from destructive interference on frustrated lattices

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    The hallmark of topological phases is their robust boundary signature whose intriguing properties—such as the one-way transport on the chiral edge of a Chern insulator and the sudden disappearance of surface states forming open Fermi arcs on the surfaces of Weyl semimetals—are impossible to realize on the surface alone. Yet, despite the glaring simplicity of noninteracting topological bulk Hamiltonians and their concomitant energy spectrum, the detailed study of the corresponding surface states has essentially been restricted to numerical simulation. In this work, however, we show that exact analytical solutions of both topological and trivial surface states can be obtained for generic tight-binding models on a large class of geometrically frustrated lattices in any dimension without the need for fine-tuning of hopping amplitudes. Our solutions derive from local constraints tantamount to destructive interference between neighboring layer lattices perpendicular to the surface and provide microscopic insights into the structure of the surface states that enable analytical calculation of many desired properties including correlation functions, surface dispersion, Berry curvature, and the system size dependent gap closing, which necessarily occurs when the spatial localization switches surface. This further provides a deepened understanding of the bulk-boundary correspondence. We illustrate our general findings on a large number of examples in two and three spatial dimensions. Notably, we derive exact chiral Chern insulator edge states on the spin-orbit-coupled kagome lattice, and Fermi arcs relevant for recently synthesized slabs of pyrochlore-based Eu2Ir2O7 and Nd2Ir2O7, which realize an all-in-all-out spin configuration, as well as for spin-ice-like two-in-two-out and one-in-three-out configurations, which are both relevant for Pr2Ir2O7. Remarkably, each of the pyrochlore examples exhibit clearly resolved Fermi arcs although only the one-in-three-out configuration features bulk Weyl nodes in realistic parameter regimes. Our approach generalizes to symmetry protected phases, e.g., quantum spin Hall systems and Dirac semimetals with time-reversal symmetry, and can furthermore signal the absence of topological surface states, which we illustrate for a class of models akin to the trivial surface of Hourglass materials KHgX where the exact solutions apply but, independently of Hamiltonian details, yield eigenstates delocalized over the entire sample

    Exceptional Topology of Non-Hermitian Systems

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    The current understanding of the role of topology in non-Hermitian (NH) systems and its far-reaching physical consequences observable in a range of dissipative settings are reviewed. In particular, how the paramount and genuinely NH concept of exceptional degeneracies, at which both eigenvalues and eigenvectors coalesce, leads to phenomena drastically distinct from the familiar Hermitian realm is discussed. An immediate consequence is the ubiquitous occurrence of nodal NH topological phases with concomitant open Fermi-Seifert surfaces, where conventional band-touching points are replaced by the aforementioned exceptional degeneracies. Furthermore, new notions of gapped phases including topological phases in single-band systems are detailed, and the manner in which a given physical context may affect the symmetry-based topological classification is clarified. A unique property of NH systems with relevance beyond the field of topological phases consists of the anomalous relation between bulk and boundary physics, stemming from the striking sensitivity of NH matrices to boundary conditions. Unifying several complementary insights recently reported in this context, a picture of intriguing phenomena such as the NH bulk-boundary correspondence and the NH skin effect is put together. Finally, applications of NH topology in both classical systems including optical setups with gain and loss, electric circuits,s and mechanical systems and genuine quantum systems such as electronic transport settings at material junctions and dissipative cold-atom setups are reviewed.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Influence of shoot number and crop load on potted Chambourcin grapevines. 2. Whole-vine vs. single-leaf photosynthesis

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    Two-year-old potted Chambourcin grapevines were trained to one shoot with 0 or 1 cluster (1/0 and 1/1 respectively) or four shoots with 0 or 4 clusters (4/0 and 4/4 respectively) to determine the effects of canopy development rate, canopy morphology, and crop load on whole-vine photosynthesis. Significant differences in canopy development rate, canopy morphology and dry matter partitioning occurred among treatments but whole-vine net photosynthesis (Pn) and dry matter production were not affected. Photosynthetic compensation by leaves of severely pruned vines enabled them to produce quantities of dry matter similar to vines with greater leaf area. Vines bearing crop supported the development of berries by partitioning carbohydrate to fruit at the expense of vegetative tissues so overall vine dry weight was not different among cropped and non-cropped treatments. Whole-vine Pn determinations were linearly related to vine dry mass. By contrast, single leaf measurements used to estimate whole-vine Pn were not related to dry mass. If a similar relationship can be demonstrated in field vines, it may be possible to quantify the influence of biotic and abiotic stresses on vine biomass production and subsequent yields
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