3,851 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study of School Staff Perceptions of Lasting Effects after Implementation of GEAR UP in Five Rural East Tennessee Counties

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    This study analyzed the perceptions of 13 school staff and their experiences with the implementation of GEAR UP TN. The primary purpose of this study was to examine how program activities and services are being sustained after funding for GEAR UP TN ceased. Qualitative methodology guided this study. This approach allowed for the perspectives and lived experiences of the school staff to be voiced and heard. Data collected included their stories based on semistructured interviews and observations. Findings are presented in 4 themes that pertain directly to the research questions regarding key elements that contributed to program continuation, procedures that initiated program continuation, organizations in a collaborative that were sustained after funding, and program services not continued. In this specific case there continues to be school district support, community support, parental support, and a level of financial and technical support from other funding sources. Recommendations based on the results of the study are (1) implement college visits, ACT workshops, dual enrollment classes, and parent FAFSA workshops to create a college going culture; (2) gain support from the school board, parents, and the community; (3) maintain sufficient financial and human resources for precollege access programs and services; and (4) build partnerships with local colleges and universities

    'It is not the state's fault that we have a person like this': relations and institutions in the meaning of ‘rights’ to carers of people with psychosocial disabilities in Chile

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    Background: The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has been adopted by national governments to advance the interests and wellbeing of people with psychosocial disabilities (PPSD). It is often assumed that the adoption of a ‘rights’ framework will advance the dignity and autonomy of PPSD. However, little is known about how families and communities understand ‘rights’. The present paper, based on research conducted in Santiago, Chile, takes a contextual approach to rights, asking: How do family carers of PPSD understand and use the idea of ‘rights’? How does the context of caregiving shape families’ understanding of rights? Methods: Four focus groups were conducted with a total of 25 family carers (predominantly mothers) of people diagnosed with schizophrenia and other severe neuropsychiatric conditions. Thematic analysis was conducted. Results: Carers’ experience of caregiving was marked by isolation, stigmatization, a lack of support and mistreatment by public services. Their family networks did not provide sustained help and support, and the public services they had used were characterized by scarce resources and inadequate support. Carers did not refer to rights of dignity or autonomy. Given an unsupportive context, and worries about who would care for their child after the carer’s death, their primary interest in ‘rights’ was a right to guaranteed, long-term care. While carers endorsed the idea of universal, state-supported rights, appeals to compassion and the exchange of favours were spoken of as the most effective strategies for gaining a minimum level of services and support. Conclusions: Carers’ understandings, framed against a background of unmet needs and shaped by a history of interactions with unsatisfactory services and institutions, do not resonate with the principles of the CRPD. We suggest an expanded, relational struggle for rights that acknowledges the critical and contextually defined role of families

    Development of weight and cost estimates for lifting surfaces with active controls

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    Equations and methodology were developed for estimating the weight and cost incrementals due to active controls added to the wing and horizontal tail of a subsonic transport airplane. The methods are sufficiently generalized to be suitable for preliminary design. Supporting methodology and input specifications for the weight and cost equations are provided. The weight and cost equations are structured to be flexible in terms of the active control technology (ACT) flight control system specification. In order to present a self-contained package, methodology is also presented for generating ACT flight control system characteristics for the weight and cost equations. Use of the methodology is illustrated

    Adiponectin in Cardiovascular Inflammation and Obesity

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    Inflammation is widely known to play a key role in the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases. It is becoming increasingly evident that obesity is linked to many proinflammatory and obesity-associated cardiovascular conditions (e.g., metabolic syndrome, acute coronary syndrome, and congestive heart failure). It has been observed that adipokines play an increasingly large role in systemic and local inflammation. Therefore, adipose tissue may have a more important role than previously thought in the pathogenesis of several disease types. This review explores the recently described role of adiponectin as an immunomodulatory factor and how it intersects with the inflammation associated with both cardiovascular and autoimmune pathologies

    Hubungan antara Brand Image dengan Pengambilan Keputusan Memilih Prodi Psikologi Ust YOGYAKARTA

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between brand image and making the decision of choosing Departement. Subjects in this study were students Departement UST Psychology Yogyakarta. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The method of analysis used in this study is from Karl Pearson Product Moment.The results of the analysis of decision-making variable data with variable pick Faculty brand image in showing the value of r = 0,619 with significant level p = 0,000 ( p < 0,05). Based on the results of correlation can be stated that there is a significant positive relationship between brand image by selecting the decision-making department of psychology UST Yogyakarta. Correlation test test results showed that the variables of brand image to decision choosing faculty has determinant coefficient of 0,383. Means variable brand image in contributing effectively to decision making choosing Departement by 38,3 %, while the remaining 61,7 % is influenced by other factors such as external factors which consist of prince and promotion or marketing and internal factors consist of motivation to decision making and attitudes towards decision making

    Initial beam-profiling tests with the NML prototype station at the Fermilab A0 Photoinjector

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    The beam-profile diagnostics station prototype for the superconducting rf electron linac being constructed at Fermilab at the New Muon Lab has been tested. The station uses intercepting radiation converter screens for the low-power beam mode: either a 100-\mu m thick YAG:Ce single crystal scintillator or a 1-\mu m thin Al optical transition radiation (OTR) foil. The screens are oriented with the surface perpendicular to the beam direction. A downstream mirror with its surface at 45 degrees to the beam direction is used to direct the radiation into the optical transport. The optical system has better than 20 (10) \mu m rms spatial resolution when covering a vertical field of view of 18 (5) mm. The initial tests were performed at the A0 Photoinjector at a beam energy of ~15 MeV and with micropulse charges from 25 to 500 pC for beam sizes of 45 to 250 microns. Example results will be presented.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 2011. 28 Mar - 1 Apr 2011. New York, US